Sen. Duckworth: I won’t be lectured on military needs by a ‘five-deferment draft dodger’

Has ANY president in recent history enjoyed the overwhelming support of the military, veterans, and law enforcement like Trump has?
trump's support is not high at all among Americans capable of thinking for themselves.
Really?! But then again, we were talking about Trump's support among veterans and the military.
This veteran thinks he sucks.
Overwhelming majority think he doesn't, and rightly so. So fuck this veteran hack.
Has ANY president in recent history enjoyed the overwhelming support of the military, veterans, and law enforcement like Trump has?
trump's support is not high at all among Americans capable of thinking for themselves.
Really?! But then again, we were talking about Trump's support among veterans and the military.
And that's what I replied to. Among thinking military members, I doubt trump has much support.

"Thinking" is the operative word.
Has ANY president in recent history enjoyed the overwhelming support of the military, veterans, and law enforcement like Trump has?
trump's support is not high at all among Americans capable of thinking for themselves.
Really?! But then again, we were talking about Trump's support among veterans and the military.
And that's what I replied to. Among thinking military members, I doubt trump has much support.

"Thinking" is the operative word.
Right, the small minority you call "thinking" the rest call fucking crazy.
Has ANY president in recent history enjoyed the overwhelming support of the military, veterans, and law enforcement like Trump has?
trump's support is not high at all among Americans capable of thinking for themselves.
Really?! But then again, we were talking about Trump's support among veterans and the military.
And that's what I replied to. Among thinking military members, I doubt trump has much support.

"Thinking" is the operative word.
Right, the small minority you call "thinking" the rest call fucking crazy.
So, you're saying trump supporters consider "thinking" a bad thing.

That helps explain why you would support trump.
Oh but we DO know what would NOT have happened. ISIS would not have happened (in Iraq). The troops presence would have kept them out, instead of the vacuum of power that their removal created.

The problem was, they weren't "outside" of Iraq. They were inside the "Sunni Triangle", which the US had largely abandoned before the withdrawl and the peace was only being kept because Petreaus was bribing the Sunni Tribes to play nice.

They were not going to deterred by a token force of 24,000 troops.

Followed up by Obama's collusion with al Baghdadi to allow his convoys to travel into Iraq, minus the airstrikes that without Obama's collusion, they would have been sitting ducks for.

And now you went into crazy land.
They were not going to deterred by a token force of 24,000 troops.

And now you went into crazy land.
1. They already were deterred, and would have continued to be so.

2. There is no way to conclude that Obama did not collude with al Baghdadi. They colluded. No other scenario is possible. Do you think Baghdadi would have sent ISIS convoys out onto open, desert roads, sitting ducks for airstrikes, without the green light from Obama ? Baghdadi might be crazy, but he's not stupid. Are you ?
1. They already were deterred, and would have continued to be so.

2. There is no way to conclude that Obama did not collude with al Baghdadi. They colluded. No other scenario is possible. Do you think Baghdadi would have sent ISIS convoys out onto open, desert roads, sitting ducks for airstrikes, without the green light from Obama ? Baghdadi might be crazy, but he's not stupid. Are you ?

Um, the Sunnis were fighting us when we had 165K troops there. 24K weren't going to deter them.

You see, what you like to forget was that what bought us peace during the Surge was that Petreaus was handing out big bags of cash during it, and during the period when we were withdrawing.

When Maliki stopped paying the cash, and threw the Sunnis out of his government, that's when ISIS rebelled.
Has ANY president in recent history enjoyed the overwhelming support of the military, veterans, and law enforcement like Trump has?
trump's support is not high at all among Americans capable of thinking for themselves.
Really?! But then again, we were talking about Trump's support among veterans and the military.
And that's what I replied to. Among thinking military members, I doubt trump has much support.

"Thinking" is the operative word.
Another leftist piece of garbage calling the majority of our military stupid.

Throw these craphats in prison. Im sure he has done something illegal. Or have them committed and institutionalized. They don't deserve to breathe free air.
More and more Americans are getting sick of the incompetence and lack of leadership shown by trump. Thankfully more of them are beginning to speak out about it. Even cowardly GOP congressmen are beginning to grow a spine, starting to take a stance in favor of America, and pointing out some of trump’s massive deficiencies.

Senator Duckworth is a veteran who obviously has no fear of the boy in the Oval Office, and in this article she tells it like it is.

“I spent my entire adult life looking out for the well-being, the training, the equipping of the troops for whom I was responsible,” she continued. “Sadly, this is something that the current occupant of the Oval Office does not seem to care to do — and I will not be lectured about what our military needs by a five-deferment draft dodger.”

“And I have a message for cadet bone spurs: If you cared about our military, you’d stop baiting Kim Jong Un into a war that could put 85,000 American troops, and millions of innocent civilians, in danger.”
Duckworth, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, lost both of her legs when a rocket-propelled grenade shot down the helicopter she was piloting over Iraq in 2004.

For trump supporters who don’t want to remember who Senator Tammy DUckworth is, here’s a short reminder:

Duckworth, is a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, who lost both of her legs when a rocket-propelled grenade shot down the helicopter she was piloting over Iraq in 2004.

Eh, she imposed herself and she's grandstanding for politics, Trump didn't insult her personally as far as I know..

It's more of a cheap shot (Trump can't politically respond) by her, Trump haters and Democrat/parasite news than anything else...
Eh, she imposed herself and she's grandstanding for politics, Trump didn't insult her personally as far as I know..

It's more of a cheap shot (Trump can't politically respond) by her, Trump haters and Democrat/parasite news than anything else...

Yes, it would be hard for a decent person to attack an Asian-American, double amputee war veteran who also happens to be a woman.

But we are talking about Trump here, so I'm surprised he hasn't started calling her "Stumpy Duckworth". I'm sure he'll get around to it.
Eh, she imposed herself and she's grandstanding for politics, Trump didn't insult her personally as far as I know..

It's more of a cheap shot (Trump can't politically respond) by her, Trump haters and Democrat/parasite news than anything else...

Yes, it would be hard for a decent person to attack an Asian-American, double amputee war veteran who also happens to be a woman.

But we are talking about Trump here, so I'm surprised he hasn't started calling her "Stumpy Duckworth". I'm sure he'll get around to it.

:puhleeze:.. My guess is that he doesn't think the way you do and your crystal ball is on the fritz...
My guess is that he doesn't think the way you do and your crystal ball is on the fritz...

Yes, Trump would never mock a disabled person


Or a war vet.

Because that would be totally unprecedented.
Has ANY president in recent history enjoyed the overwhelming support of the military, veterans, and law enforcement like Trump has?
trump's support is not high at all among Americans capable of thinking for themselves.
Really?! But then again, we were talking about Trump's support among veterans and the military.
And that's what I replied to. Among thinking military members, I doubt trump has much support.

"Thinking" is the operative word.
Right, the small minority you call "thinking" the rest call fucking crazy.
So, you're saying trump supporters consider "thinking" a bad thing.

That helps explain why you would support trump.
I'm saying that a overwhelming majority of veterans and those currently serving in the military support Trump. Now you go ahead and insult them and call them whatever you feel like, if that will make you feel better. The only thing that accomplishes is that it proves just how mentally ill Trump haters are.
Has ANY president in recent history enjoyed the overwhelming support of the military, veterans, and law enforcement like Trump has?
trump's support is not high at all among Americans capable of thinking for themselves.
Really?! But then again, we were talking about Trump's support among veterans and the military.
And that's what I replied to. Among thinking military members, I doubt trump has much support.

"Thinking" is the operative word.
Another leftist piece of garbage calling the majority of our military stupid.

Throw these craphats in prison. Im sure he has done something illegal. Or have them committed and institutionalized. They don't deserve to breathe free air.
They say the same insulting things about the 60 million Americans who voted for Trump. And they wonder why they keep losing elections.
How can you or anyone presume to speak for people in the military or who have served in it? This is impossible.

BTW: Clinton got the higher vote total.
Has ANY president in recent history enjoyed the overwhelming support of the military, veterans, and law enforcement like Trump has?
trump's support is not high at all among Americans capable of thinking for themselves.
Really?! But then again, we were talking about Trump's support among veterans and the military.
This veteran thinks he sucks.
Overwhelming majority think he doesn't, and rightly so. So fuck this veteran hack.
You have the statistics to back that up?

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