Sen. Duckworth: I won’t be lectured on military needs by a ‘five-deferment draft dodger’

The Status of Forces agreement is the excuse that Obama used to bail, Joey. Anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that despite what he was saying publicly, the President of Iraq didn't want all of the US combat troops withdrawn. If Obama had insisted on a new Status of Forces deal...then Maliki would have given it to him. Barry never sought that out though because he'd already decided that he was going to pull all combat troops no matter what!

well, first, Maliki wasn't the president, he was the prime minister.

Second, he was saying he wanted us out publicly.

Third, we didn't want to keep troops in and they didn't want us to stay, so by your argument, Obama should have fought really hard for an agreement neither side wanted to do the opposite of what he promised the American people he would do if elected.....

This make sense to you? Well, I guess it does as long as no one you care about will be the one coming home in a body bag.

Can't bring yourself to admit that drilling and fracking works...can you? Nothing like a liberal who refuses to admit when they are wrong! The truth is...we're closer to energy independence now because of advances in fossil fuel collection than because of our "investments" in alternative energy...something that Barack Obama actively fought against...not for!

Oh, I'm sure it works "just fine" if your goal is to make the Oil Companies richer and fuck up the environment. But here's the thing... eventually, that shit runs out and you are back where you started with a fucked up environment.

Oh. Damn, we were going to grow some corn to produce ethanol, but we fucked up the aquifer and we can't.
. BTW: He is NOT my president
Yep he is. Get used to it.
ABSOLUTELY NOT! Your whore is not my whore. Your filth is not mine. I do not accept whores and traitors and will not honor them in any way, legitimate sex workers prompted by financial woes aside excepted. You can't shove your shit down my throat. I have values. Apparently you do not. Go screw your beloved donald. Maybe the first "lady" will join in.
Cash in your 401k, reject any bonus you're offered and use the tax rate tables of the Obama era. Fact is, you won't do any of these three material benefits brought about OUR great president, Donald J Trump.
Cash in your 401k, reject any bonus you're offered and use the tax rate tables of the Obama era. Fact is, you won't do any of these three material benefits brought about OUR great president, Donald J Trump.

Trump has nothing to do with the economic growth that began in 2009.
The Status of Forces agreement is the excuse that Obama used to bail, Joey. Anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that despite what he was saying publicly, the President of Iraq didn't want all of the US combat troops withdrawn. If Obama had insisted on a new Status of Forces deal...then Maliki would have given it to him. Barry never sought that out though because he'd already decided that he was going to pull all combat troops no matter what!

well, first, Maliki wasn't the president, he was the prime minister.

Second, he was saying he wanted us out publicly.

Third, we didn't want to keep troops in and they didn't want us to stay, so by your argument, Obama should have fought really hard for an agreement neither side wanted to do the opposite of what he promised the American people he would do if elected.....

This make sense to you? Well, I guess it does as long as no one you care about will be the one coming home in a body bag.

Can't bring yourself to admit that drilling and fracking works...can you? Nothing like a liberal who refuses to admit when they are wrong! The truth is...we're closer to energy independence now because of advances in fossil fuel collection than because of our "investments" in alternative energy...something that Barack Obama actively fought against...not for!

Oh, I'm sure it works "just fine" if your goal is to make the Oil Companies richer and fuck up the environment. But here's the thing... eventually, that shit runs out and you are back where you started with a fucked up environment.

Oh. Damn, we were going to grow some corn to produce ethanol, but we fucked up the aquifer and we can't.

"We" didn't want to keep troops in? No...that was "Barry" that didn't want to keep troops in. His military advisors wanted to keep a force of about 24,000 combat troops in Iraq to stabilize the country.

Maliki "publicly" called for a total troop withdrawal? Of course he did! "Privately" he would have been happy with some US combat troops staying. From a political standpoint he would have been an idiot to take an unpopular position that he KNEW Barack Obama had zero intention of complying with!

The bottom line is this...if Barack Obama had WANTED a Status of Forces Agreement...then he would have gotten one! He never made the effort...because he had already made up his mind that he would be running for reelection as the President who "brought the troops home"! So what happened after that? That's on Barack Obama! The millions of people in the Middle East that ISIS terrorized with it's Caliphate? The mass migration out of the Middle East to escape that? Obama OWNS that!
Cash in your 401k, reject any bonus you're offered and use the tax rate tables of the Obama era. Fact is, you won't do any of these three material benefits brought about OUR great president, Donald J Trump.

Trump has nothing to do with the economic growth that began in 2009.

You're right for a change, Joey! Trump had nothing to do with the economic growth that began in 2009! Then again...Barack Obama had little to do with it either! His policies actually retarded economic growth. His proposed policies would have done even more damage if the Democrats hadn't lost the House in the 2010 midterms!

Trump does however have a lot to do with the present economy that we're experiencing because he's cut regulations, made it harder to impose new ones, lowered the corporate tax rate, allowed companies to bring money made outside of the US back into the US at a lower tax rate and given tax cuts to most Americans. What's happening right now? Trump OWNS that!
3 Kennedys gave their lives for this country
The third Kennedy took a life not gave one for this country.

Intentionally? In an auto accident? He then served decades supporting causes that helped the American people.

Got news for you...if you kill someone driving a car while you're drunk...then you "took" a life!
If your passenger dies and you weren`t drunk you didn`t take a life? There`s no evidence that he was drunk but if you and Rush Limbaugh say so it must be true.
The Status of Forces agreement is the excuse that Obama used to bail, Joey. Anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that despite what he was saying publicly, the President of Iraq didn't want all of the US combat troops withdrawn. If Obama had insisted on a new Status of Forces deal...then Maliki would have given it to him. Barry never sought that out though because he'd already decided that he was going to pull all combat troops no matter what!

well, first, Maliki wasn't the president, he was the prime minister.

Second, he was saying he wanted us out publicly.

Third, we didn't want to keep troops in and they didn't want us to stay, so by your argument, Obama should have fought really hard for an agreement neither side wanted to do the opposite of what he promised the American people he would do if elected.....

This make sense to you? Well, I guess it does as long as no one you care about will be the one coming home in a body bag.

Can't bring yourself to admit that drilling and fracking works...can you? Nothing like a liberal who refuses to admit when they are wrong! The truth is...we're closer to energy independence now because of advances in fossil fuel collection than because of our "investments" in alternative energy...something that Barack Obama actively fought against...not for!

Oh, I'm sure it works "just fine" if your goal is to make the Oil Companies richer and fuck up the environment. But here's the thing... eventually, that shit runs out and you are back where you started with a fucked up environment.

Oh. Damn, we were going to grow some corn to produce ethanol, but we fucked up the aquifer and we can't.

"We" didn't want to keep troops in? No...that was "Barry" that didn't want to keep troops in. His military advisors wanted to keep a force of about 24,000 combat troops in Iraq to stabilize the country.

Maliki "publicly" called for a total troop withdrawal? Of course he did! "Privately" he would have been happy with some US combat troops staying. From a political standpoint he would have been an idiot to take an unpopular position that he KNEW Barack Obama had zero intention of complying with!

The bottom line is this...if Barack Obama had WANTED a Status of Forces Agreement...then he would have gotten one! He never made the effort...because he had already made up his mind that he would be running for reelection as the President who "brought the troops home"! So what happened after that? That's on Barack Obama! The millions of people in the Middle East that ISIS terrorized with it's Caliphate? The mass migration out of the Middle East to escape that? Obama OWNS that!

You are all into the later details. Obama has no blame in this. The bottom line is this: Why the F##K did Cheney and his little sex toy Dubya invade in the first place? Cheney was/is a traitor with PNAC, along with Rumsfeld and several of the other traitors.

Several original PNAC members, including Cheney, Khalilzad and the Bush family, have ties to the oil industry. Many other members have been long-time fixtures in the U.S. military establishment or Cold War "strategic studies," including Elliott Abrams, Dick Cheney, Paula Dobriansky, Aaron Friedberg, Frank Gaffney, Fred C. Ikle, Peter W. Rodman, Stephen P. Rosen, Henry S. Rowen, Donald H. Rumsfeld, John R. Bolton, Vin Weber, and Paul Dundes Wolfowitz.
Project for the New American Century - SourceWatch

Remember that Cheney and his boy toy told us that the invasion of Iraq was necessary because he had WMDs, that this had nothing to do with oil, and that the invasion would pay for itself? Remember Rummy with his bible verse bullets manufactured by some trash "Christian" company? Obama inherited the mess of what these whores and traitors did. How many deaths have Cheney, Rumsfeld, and their despicable cabal been responsible for, both American and Iraqi? Don't forget the past, and who got us into this mess. The people who would have been executed in other countries, but who are walking around free today. None have been brought to justice.

Go give Sen. Duckworth back her legs now. She needs them. She's about to have a child. And Khizr and Ghazala Khan called. They need their son back.
3 Kennedys gave their lives for this country
The third Kennedy took a life not gave one for this country.

Intentionally? In an auto accident? He then served decades supporting causes that helped the American people.

Got news for you...if you kill someone driving a car while you're drunk...then you "took" a life!
If your passenger dies and you weren`t drunk you didn`t take a life? There`s no evidence that he was drunk but if you and Rush Limbaugh say so it must be true.

LOL...anyone that knows Teddy Kennedy's long history of alcohol abuse would be hard pressed to make the claim that at a party where everyone else was drinking...Teddy wasn't! There's a reason he didn't report that accident to the Police for ten hours, August...he needed time to sober up!
The Status of Forces agreement is the excuse that Obama used to bail, Joey. Anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that despite what he was saying publicly, the President of Iraq didn't want all of the US combat troops withdrawn. If Obama had insisted on a new Status of Forces deal...then Maliki would have given it to him. Barry never sought that out though because he'd already decided that he was going to pull all combat troops no matter what!

well, first, Maliki wasn't the president, he was the prime minister.

Second, he was saying he wanted us out publicly.

Third, we didn't want to keep troops in and they didn't want us to stay, so by your argument, Obama should have fought really hard for an agreement neither side wanted to do the opposite of what he promised the American people he would do if elected.....

This make sense to you? Well, I guess it does as long as no one you care about will be the one coming home in a body bag.

Can't bring yourself to admit that drilling and fracking works...can you? Nothing like a liberal who refuses to admit when they are wrong! The truth is...we're closer to energy independence now because of advances in fossil fuel collection than because of our "investments" in alternative energy...something that Barack Obama actively fought against...not for!

Oh, I'm sure it works "just fine" if your goal is to make the Oil Companies richer and fuck up the environment. But here's the thing... eventually, that shit runs out and you are back where you started with a fucked up environment.

Oh. Damn, we were going to grow some corn to produce ethanol, but we fucked up the aquifer and we can't.

"We" didn't want to keep troops in? No...that was "Barry" that didn't want to keep troops in. His military advisors wanted to keep a force of about 24,000 combat troops in Iraq to stabilize the country.

Maliki "publicly" called for a total troop withdrawal? Of course he did! "Privately" he would have been happy with some US combat troops staying. From a political standpoint he would have been an idiot to take an unpopular position that he KNEW Barack Obama had zero intention of complying with!

The bottom line is this...if Barack Obama had WANTED a Status of Forces Agreement...then he would have gotten one! He never made the effort...because he had already made up his mind that he would be running for reelection as the President who "brought the troops home"! So what happened after that? That's on Barack Obama! The millions of people in the Middle East that ISIS terrorized with it's Caliphate? The mass migration out of the Middle East to escape that? Obama OWNS that!

You are all into the later details. Obama has no blame in this. The bottom line is this: Why the F##K did Cheney and his little sex toy Dubya invade in the first place? Cheney was/is a traitor with PNAC, along with Rumsfeld and several of the other traitors.

Several original PNAC members, including Cheney, Khalilzad and the Bush family, have ties to the oil industry. Many other members have been long-time fixtures in the U.S. military establishment or Cold War "strategic studies," including Elliott Abrams, Dick Cheney, Paula Dobriansky, Aaron Friedberg, Frank Gaffney, Fred C. Ikle, Peter W. Rodman, Stephen P. Rosen, Henry S. Rowen, Donald H. Rumsfeld, John R. Bolton, Vin Weber, and Paul Dundes Wolfowitz.
Project for the New American Century - SourceWatch

Remember that Cheney and his boy toy told us that the invasion of Iraq was necessary because he had WMDs, that this had nothing to do with oil, and that the invasion would pay for itself? Remember Rummy with his bible verse bullets manufactured by some trash "Christian" company? Obama inherited the mess of what these whores and traitors did. How many deaths have Cheney, Rumsfeld, and their despicable cabal been responsible for, both American and Iraqi? Don't forget the past, and who got us into this mess. The people who would have been executed in other countries, but who are walking around free today. None have been brought to justice.

Go give Sen. Duckworth back her legs now. She needs them. She's about to have a child. And Khizr and Ghazala Khan called. They need their son back.

Are we in Iraq stealing their oil? The liberal talking point that this was all about oil is laughable! We went into Iraq because a despotic leader of that country was violating the sanctions imposed upon him by the UN after he attacked a peaceful neighbor. We went into Iraq because Saddam left us little choice. If we hadn't...he'd still be there...he'd still be selling oil on the black market...and he'd still be looking to build a nuke!
The Status of Forces agreement is the excuse that Obama used to bail, Joey. Anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that despite what he was saying publicly, the President of Iraq didn't want all of the US combat troops withdrawn. If Obama had insisted on a new Status of Forces deal...then Maliki would have given it to him. Barry never sought that out though because he'd already decided that he was going to pull all combat troops no matter what!

well, first, Maliki wasn't the president, he was the prime minister.

Second, he was saying he wanted us out publicly.

Third, we didn't want to keep troops in and they didn't want us to stay, so by your argument, Obama should have fought really hard for an agreement neither side wanted to do the opposite of what he promised the American people he would do if elected.....

This make sense to you? Well, I guess it does as long as no one you care about will be the one coming home in a body bag.

Can't bring yourself to admit that drilling and fracking works...can you? Nothing like a liberal who refuses to admit when they are wrong! The truth is...we're closer to energy independence now because of advances in fossil fuel collection than because of our "investments" in alternative energy...something that Barack Obama actively fought against...not for!

Oh, I'm sure it works "just fine" if your goal is to make the Oil Companies richer and fuck up the environment. But here's the thing... eventually, that shit runs out and you are back where you started with a fucked up environment.

Oh. Damn, we were going to grow some corn to produce ethanol, but we fucked up the aquifer and we can't.

"We" didn't want to keep troops in? No...that was "Barry" that didn't want to keep troops in. His military advisors wanted to keep a force of about 24,000 combat troops in Iraq to stabilize the country.

Maliki "publicly" called for a total troop withdrawal? Of course he did! "Privately" he would have been happy with some US combat troops staying. From a political standpoint he would have been an idiot to take an unpopular position that he KNEW Barack Obama had zero intention of complying with!

The bottom line is this...if Barack Obama had WANTED a Status of Forces Agreement...then he would have gotten one! He never made the effort...because he had already made up his mind that he would be running for reelection as the President who "brought the troops home"! So what happened after that? That's on Barack Obama! The millions of people in the Middle East that ISIS terrorized with it's Caliphate? The mass migration out of the Middle East to escape that? Obama OWNS that!

You are all into the later details. Obama has no blame in this. The bottom line is this: Why the F##K did Cheney and his little sex toy Dubya invade in the first place? Cheney was/is a traitor with PNAC, along with Rumsfeld and several of the other traitors.

Several original PNAC members, including Cheney, Khalilzad and the Bush family, have ties to the oil industry. Many other members have been long-time fixtures in the U.S. military establishment or Cold War "strategic studies," including Elliott Abrams, Dick Cheney, Paula Dobriansky, Aaron Friedberg, Frank Gaffney, Fred C. Ikle, Peter W. Rodman, Stephen P. Rosen, Henry S. Rowen, Donald H. Rumsfeld, John R. Bolton, Vin Weber, and Paul Dundes Wolfowitz.
Project for the New American Century - SourceWatch

Remember that Cheney and his boy toy told us that the invasion of Iraq was necessary because he had WMDs, that this had nothing to do with oil, and that the invasion would pay for itself? Remember Rummy with his bible verse bullets manufactured by some trash "Christian" company? Obama inherited the mess of what these whores and traitors did. How many deaths have Cheney, Rumsfeld, and their despicable cabal been responsible for, both American and Iraqi? Don't forget the past, and who got us into this mess. The people who would have been executed in other countries, but who are walking around free today. None have been brought to justice.

Go give Sen. Duckworth back her legs now. She needs them. She's about to have a child. And Khizr and Ghazala Khan called. They need their son back.

Funny how you totally ignored the millions of people who were affected by the rise of ISIS following Barack Obama's policy blunder of prematurely withdrawing US combat troops, Lies...hard to blame THAT on George W. Bush! I know you'll try...because that's what Obama apologists DO but that decision was all Barry's!
3 Kennedys gave their lives for this country
The third Kennedy took a life not gave one for this country.
So Ted Kennedy intentionally drove his car off a one lane bridge to kill this woman and end any chance he had to become president? WTF is wrong with you anyway?
Tied Kennedy failed to save her and didn't report the accident Until the next day. You and I would still be in prison as the bitch of a roommate named Bubba. Ted was heralded with the title " Lion of the Senate". WTF is wrong with YOU for excusing his criminal action?
More and more Americans are getting sick of the incompetence and lack of leadership shown by trump. Thankfully more of them are beginning to speak out about it. Even cowardly GOP congressmen are beginning to grow a spine, starting to take a stance in favor of America, and pointing out some of trump’s massive deficiencies.

Senator Duckworth is a veteran who obviously has no fear of the boy in the Oval Office, and in this article she tells it like it is.

“I spent my entire adult life looking out for the well-being, the training, the equipping of the troops for whom I was responsible,” she continued. “Sadly, this is something that the current occupant of the Oval Office does not seem to care to do — and I will not be lectured about what our military needs by a five-deferment draft dodger.”

“And I have a message for cadet bone spurs: If you cared about our military, you’d stop baiting Kim Jong Un into a war that could put 85,000 American troops, and millions of innocent civilians, in danger.”
Duckworth, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, lost both of her legs when a rocket-propelled grenade shot down the helicopter she was piloting over Iraq in 2004.

For trump supporters who don’t want to remember who Senator Tammy DUckworth is, here’s a short reminder:

Duckworth, is a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, who lost both of her legs when a rocket-propelled grenade shot down the helicopter she was piloting over Iraq in 2004.

The incompetence are those who won't listen to others who keep telling you OBAMA, CLINTON, BUSH are LOSERS who have engineered the plan to SINK AMERICA......... Compliments of SOROS and SOROS has the ability to put his psychological training into action worldwide, and you all WON'T LISTEN TO A DAM THING!! =)

The will of the Electoral College. Otherwise the will of the American people would have had Hillary there.
FALSE! Hillary would not have been president by the will of the AMERICAN people if we had popular vote, rather than the EC.

She might have squeaked in, improperly and illegally, by a vote of a combination of American votes , and those of thousands (if not millions) of illegal aliens.
She's a patriot, a veteran, and she has more character and balls than the Orange Asshole stinking up our White House will ever have. She knows trump it a total fraud and a con man. And that is what his supporters cannot bear to admit.
FALSE! She has the benefit of having served in the military during a time of a proper war, against al Zaraqwi and AQI (al Qaeda in Iraq), against an enemy who attacked us, and continues to now.

In contrast, Trump's draft situation was in the 1960's during the immoral Vietnam War, involving an "enemy" who never attacked us, never threatened us, and never even insulted us. If Duckworth wants to spout blame for anyone regarding the Vietnam War, she should throw it at those politicians who authorized it, and nobody else.

Although I served in the US Army & Army National Guard (1964-69), during those years, I hold no ill will against anyone who refused to fight in Vietnam, or dodged a draft. Too bad every US soldier didn't do that.
"We" didn't want to keep troops in? No...that was "Barry" that didn't want to keep troops in. His military advisors wanted to keep a force of about 24,000 combat troops in Iraq to stabilize the country.

Maliki "publicly" called for a total troop withdrawal? Of course he did! "Privately" he would have been happy with some US combat troops staying. From a political standpoint he would have been an idiot to take an unpopular position that he KNEW Barack Obama had zero intention of complying with!

The bottom line is this...if Barack Obama had WANTED a Status of Forces Agreement...then he would have gotten one! He never made the effort...because he had already made up his mind that he would be running for reelection as the President who "brought the troops home"! So what happened after that? That's on Barack Obama! The millions of people in the Middle East that ISIS terrorized with it's Caliphate? The mass migration out of the Middle East to escape that? Obama OWNS that!
There was already an agreement in place saying the U.S. would remove its troops, if I remember correctly. GW Bush had agreed to that. The Iraqis didn't want us there, either.

It kind of makes you look silly to desperately try to rewrite history just so you can blame Democrats, Obama in this case, in order to try an win your unwinnable argument. You cannot argue an imaginary history — shoulda, woulda, coulda. You have to (try) to deal with reality. You can't remake the past just to win partisan political arguments. To do so is disingenuous, at best.
LOL...anyone that knows Teddy Kennedy's long history of alcohol abuse would be hard pressed to make the claim that at a party where everyone else was drinking...Teddy wasn't! There's a reason he didn't report that accident to the Police for ten hours, August...he needed time to sober up!
B..b..but in the case of Moore and trump being accused by almost two dozen women accusers of sexual harassment, right wingers are forever screaming for "evidence". Yet it's okay for you to try and convict Kennedy of being drunk on only your word. You don't see a slight double standard there...?

Don't get me wrong. I think Kennedy was a sleazebag. Not as bad as trump, but pretty fucking disgusting. Just saying that the same standards of proof should apply.

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