Sen. Duckworth: I won’t be lectured on military needs by a ‘five-deferment draft dodger’

Oh, you're "down" with that now? So no Elizabeth Cory Kamala Kaseem Reed...?

Why do I have a feeling you'd be singing a different tune if it was ANY of the above sitting in the Oval Office?

Hey, if you want to change the requirement for the office to have a valid DD214, I'm good with that.

But the sight of a draft Dodger like Trump telling an fine woman who lost both her legs in a war is sickening.

I don't call him "Hussein"...I have called him Barry. I believe I've also referred to him as "Choom King". Funny thing about how "smart" Barry supposedly was...all of those alleged smarts...yet he couldn't do diddly with the economy in eight long years while on the other hand...the supposedly "dumb" guy now sitting in the Oval Office has the economy booming! Must be "dumb" luck...right?

Wow. Sorry, man, 2015 and 2016 were better years for growth than 2017 was. We'll probably be in full fledged recession by the time 2018 is over.

Didn't Obama's generals caution him that a too early withdrawal from Iraq could lead to a dangerous vacuum of power? Remind me again? Did Barry listen...or did he pull out early? How did that work out again? ISIS? You remember the "JV team"...right?


I'm sorry, how many more lives are we supposed to throw away for George W. Bush's fuckup?

How many people coming back without limbs like Col. Duckworth because we might have a "vacuum of power" we created because after dumping billions of dollars into the place for a decade, the Iraqis STILL didn't have their shit together.

Fuck all you warmongers who never wore a uniform a day in your life. .

So all of those hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the Middle East who were raped, murdered or driven from their homes by ISIS don't matter? That was Obama's miscalculation and it caused a TIDAL WAVE of misery across that entire region!
Would she rather be lectured by a half-black community organizer who never served a day in the military or a rapist draft dodger who cheated on his wife in the white house (and lied about it to the American public) with a desk-ducking dick sucking intern?

Someone please post a picture of Clinton or Obama in the military.

Thanks in advance.
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Don't blame THAT on Bush or Cheney. That was a decision that Barack Obama made...and what's pathetic is that he went against the advice of his military advisors because he thought it would get him reelected. It did...but what that decision totally on Obama's head!
I'd like to agree with you.

Except for one big thing. It was republican president George W. Bush and his administration who lied us into the Iraq war in the first place. That horrible choice then led to our invasion of Afghanistan, then to the meltdown of the entire middle east. American taxpayers will be paying for this debacle for many decades to come.

Sure, others have made bad choices too, including Obama. And I'm sure the Ultimate Incompetent presently trying to act like a president will make even more mistakes. But ALL of the spilled blood, the millions of lost lives, the trillions in devastation, the millions and millions of homeless refugees, the many thousands of murdered and maimed U.S. service men and women — NONE of this had to happen. And none of it would have happened if GW Bush had only had a fucking brain. It is all on him and his sick, lying, administration.
Yeah, you might have a point if you totally ignore what DID take place when we withdrew prematurely!

we didn't withdraw prematurely. We withdrew when we agreed to and when the Iraqis asked us to leave.

We didn't want to stay and the Iraqis didn't want us there. If the American people TRULY wanted perpetual war in Iraq, they could have voted for Crazy John McCain.

Oh, my God, a President who actually does what he promises!!! The Horror!

Or did you miss the whole ISIS taking over a huge swath of the Middle East killing tens of thousands and causing the mass migration of hundreds of thousands of people to escape their reign of terror thing?

Yes, the poor devil-worshipping Yazidis... poor things.

Anyway, ISIS took over a bunch of desert because Maliki threw the Sunnis and Kurds out of his government and kept all the goodies for the Shi'ites. That's why ISIS took over.

Not our circus, not our monkeys.

Don't blame THAT on Bush or Cheney. That was a decision that Barack Obama made...and what's pathetic is that he went against the advice of his military advisors because he thought it would get him reelected. It did...but what that decision totally on Obama's head!

Again, he did what he promised he would do. and there wouldn't BE this problem if that cocksucker Cheney hadn't LIED about WMD's and then overthrew Saddam, who was holding that part of the region together.

One more time, how do you ask a man to be the last person to die for a mistake?
So all of those hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the Middle East who were raped, murdered or driven from their homes by ISIS don't matter? That was Obama's miscalculation and it caused a TIDAL WAVE of misery across that entire region!

People have been killing each other in the Middle East trying to please their imaginary sky fairy for thousands of years.

Hey, you know, the whole "Sunni vs. Shi'ite" thing. It's been going on since 800 AD or so, in case you missed it.

Not our circus, not our monkeys.
So all of those hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the Middle East who were raped, murdered or driven from their homes by ISIS don't matter? That was Obama's miscalculation and it caused a TIDAL WAVE of misery across that entire region!

People have been killing each other in the Middle East trying to please their imaginary sky fairy for thousands of years.

Hey, you know, the whole "Sunni vs. Shi'ite" thing. It's been going on since 800 AD or so, in case you missed it.

Not our circus, not our monkeys.

Not our circus not our monkeys?

When Barack Obama became BECAME his "circus"! George W. Bush left him a stable situation in the Middle East. Barry turned that into the total mess that it became by the end of his two terms! His foreign policy decisions in Iran...and with Israel were a series of mistakes and miscalculations. Quite frankly it's hard to point to one thing that he got right in the Middle East in the entire time he was in office!
Don't blame THAT on Bush or Cheney. That was a decision that Barack Obama made...and what's pathetic is that he went against the advice of his military advisors because he thought it would get him reelected. It did...but what that decision totally on Obama's head!
I'd like to agree with you.

Except for one big thing. It was republican president George W. Bush and his administration who lied us into the Iraq war in the first place. That horrible choice then led to our invasion of Afghanistan, then to the meltdown of the entire middle east. American taxpayers will be paying for this debacle for many decades to come.

Sure, others have made bad choices too, including Obama. And I'm sure the Ultimate Incompetent presently trying to act like a president will make even more mistakes. But ALL of the spilled blood, the millions of lost lives, the trillions in devastation, the millions and millions of homeless refugees, the many thousands of murdered and maimed U.S. service men and women — NONE of this had to happen. And none of it would have happened if GW Bush had only had a fucking brain. It is all on him and his sick, lying, administration. really are clueless! We went into Afghanistan BEFORE W. took us into Iraq and we only went into Iraq because Saddam Hussein was making a mockery of the UN sanctions that had been imposed on him following the FIRST Gulf War!

So what you're not claiming is that no matter how badly Barry fucked's all Bush's fault anyways? So why did we elect Obama again?
Not our circus not our monkeys?

When Barack Obama became BECAME his "circus"! George W. Bush left him a stable situation in the Middle East.

Sorry, guy, a "Stable" situation is one you can walk away from. If the shit was going to fall apart five minutes after we left, it wasn't stable.

Barry turned that into the total mess that it became by the end of his two terms!

Really, I think the Iraqis themselves had a lot more to do with that. You know, the Kurds and the Shi'ites wanting to kill the shit out of the Sunnis for what Saddam did. And the Sunnis, silly them, fighting back.

His foreign policy decisions in Iran...and with Israel were a series of mistakes and miscalculations. Quite frankly it's hard to point to one thing that he got right in the Middle East in the entire time he was in office!

Compared to who.

Do you know what getting it right in the middle east would be. Getting thecomplete fuck out, cutting off all money and letting them know, NOT OUR BUSINESS. This includes and ESPECIALLY the fucking Zionists, who are 99% of the reason those people hate us.
Would she rather be lectured by a half-black community organizer who never served a day in the military or a rapist draft dodger who cheated on his wife in the white house (and lied about it to the American public) with a desk-ducking dick sucking intern?

Someone please post a picture of Clinton or Obama in the military.

Thanks in advance.
I do t believe either ever lectured Tammy Duckworth on the military really are clueless! We went into Afghanistan BEFORE W. took us into Iraq and we only went into Iraq because Saddam Hussein was making a mockery of the UN sanctions that had been imposed on him following the FIRST Gulf War!

So what you're not claiming is that no matter how badly Barry fucked's all Bush's fault anyways? So why did we elect Obama again?
You're right, I screwed up. Bush hit Afghanistan first.

But Bush always wanted to go into Iraq. He chose to invade Iraq based on his desire to do so, twisted intelligence, and lies.

My intent was never to debate the middle east wars following 9-11. That's history and we're stuck with it.

The point remains George W Bush fucked up and his total incompetence ignited the fuse that led to every other horrible thing that has gone wrong in the middle east. Without GW Bush — that is, if we had had a sane, intelligent leader, we would not still be stuck fighting unwinnable wars all over the middle east. All the bloodshed, murders, dead Americans, and civilians, and the incredible waste of money — ALL of it goes back to the blunders made by Bush and his republican supporters. Especially the real crazies, such as Wolfowitz, dick Cheney, Rumsfelt, etc.

The point stands: Bush fucked up. We would NOT be in this mess without Bush, no matter what decisions were made later. Wasted lives, wasted money, all because of Bush.

The right wing crazies ALWAYS wanted to invade Iraq. Then they invented lies and twisted intelligence in order to get others to go along with their insane decisions.

The Right and Wrong Questions About the Iraq War

From the article:

• Four days after the 9/11 attacks, President Bush held a meeting of his advisors at Camp David. Soon after that meeting, rumors emerged of what is by now settled historical fact: that Paul Wolfowitz, with the apparent backing of Donald Rumsfeld, spoke strongly for invading Iraq along with, or instead of, fighting in Afghanistan. (For an academic paper involving the meeting, see this.) The principals voted against moving into Iraq immediately. But from that point on it was a matter of how and when the Iraq front would open up, not whether.
More and more Americans are getting sick of the incompetence and lack of leadership shown by trump. Thankfully more of them are beginning to speak out about it. Even cowardly GOP congressmen are beginning to grow a spine, starting to take a stance in favor of America, and pointing out some of trump’s massive deficiencies.

Senator Duckworth is a veteran who obviously has no fear of the boy in the Oval Office, and in this article she tells it like it is.

“I spent my entire adult life looking out for the well-being, the training, the equipping of the troops for whom I was responsible,” she continued. “Sadly, this is something that the current occupant of the Oval Office does not seem to care to do — and I will not be lectured about what our military needs by a five-deferment draft dodger.”

“And I have a message for cadet bone spurs: If you cared about our military, you’d stop baiting Kim Jong Un into a war that could put 85,000 American troops, and millions of innocent civilians, in danger.”
Duckworth, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, lost both of her legs when a rocket-propelled grenade shot down the helicopter she was piloting over Iraq in 2004.

For trump supporters who don’t want to remember who Senator Tammy DUckworth is, here’s a short reminder:

Duckworth, is a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, who lost both of her legs when a rocket-propelled grenade shot down the helicopter she was piloting over Iraq in 2004.

Incompetent must be blind.......Trump is actually supporting the military, duckworth is a democrat, left wing hack who will destroy the military the moment her party ever regains the power....
Cadet Bone Spurs. She didn't even give him a rank.


And then mueller throws away his honor to join an attack on the duly elected President....the man should be ashamed...
More and more Americans are getting sick of the incompetence and lack of leadership shown by trump. Thankfully more of them are beginning to speak out about it. Even cowardly GOP congressmen are beginning to grow a spine, starting to take a stance in favor of America, and pointing out some of trump’s massive deficiencies.

Senator Duckworth is a veteran who obviously has no fear of the boy in the Oval Office, and in this article she tells it like it is.

“I spent my entire adult life looking out for the well-being, the training, the equipping of the troops for whom I was responsible,” she continued. “Sadly, this is something that the current occupant of the Oval Office does not seem to care to do — and I will not be lectured about what our military needs by a five-deferment draft dodger.”

“And I have a message for cadet bone spurs: If you cared about our military, you’d stop baiting Kim Jong Un into a war that could put 85,000 American troops, and millions of innocent civilians, in danger.”
Duckworth, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, lost both of her legs when a rocket-propelled grenade shot down the helicopter she was piloting over Iraq in 2004.

For trump supporters who don’t want to remember who Senator Tammy DUckworth is, here’s a short reminder:

Duckworth, is a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, who lost both of her legs when a rocket-propelled grenade shot down the helicopter she was piloting over Iraq in 2004.
Wow! A Democrat who doesn't like the President, that's huge.
Not our circus not our monkeys?

When Barack Obama became BECAME his "circus"! George W. Bush left him a stable situation in the Middle East.

Sorry, guy, a "Stable" situation is one you can walk away from. If the shit was going to fall apart five minutes after we left, it wasn't stable.

Barry turned that into the total mess that it became by the end of his two terms!

Really, I think the Iraqis themselves had a lot more to do with that. You know, the Kurds and the Shi'ites wanting to kill the shit out of the Sunnis for what Saddam did. And the Sunnis, silly them, fighting back.

His foreign policy decisions in Iran...and with Israel were a series of mistakes and miscalculations. Quite frankly it's hard to point to one thing that he got right in the Middle East in the entire time he was in office!

Compared to who.

Do you know what getting it right in the middle east would be. Getting thecomplete fuck out, cutting off all money and letting them know, NOT OUR BUSINESS. This includes and ESPECIALLY the fucking Zionists, who are 99% of the reason those people hate us.

No, it was stable because we were there to provide the stability. Obama's generals advised him to leave a force behind and not do a complete withdrawal. He ignored that advice because he wanted to run for reelection being able to say that he'd withdrawn all combat troops from Iraq. Then he sat on his hands while ISIS over ran the area after totally misjudging their capabilities. That's on Barry...not on W.

As for getting out of the Middle East completely? I take it you've supported off shore drilling and the use of fracking technology to create enough oil and natural gas to make up for the loss of oil from the Middle East? Oh, wait...don't tell me you're one of those liberals that wanted to ban both of those things! Nah, nobody would be THAT stupid...right, Joey?
Incompetent must be blind.......Trump is actually supporting the military, duckworth is a democrat, left wing hack who will destroy the military the moment her party ever regains the power....
You're blindly partisan. Truly in trump's pocket.

That makes you not worth talking to.

Incompetent must be blind.......Trump is actually supporting the military, duckworth is a democrat, left wing hack who will destroy the military the moment her party ever regains the power....

How is sending the military off to die in pointless wars "supporting them", exactly?

And then mueller throws away his honor to join an attack on the duly elected President....the man should be ashamed...

Except the people said no, and their is evidence he conspired with the Russians.

So what you are saying is that it doesn't matter if the Russians interfered or not? I'm just curious, if Mueller comes up with evidence of a meeting between Putin and Trump where they agreed to throw the 2016 election, should we ignore that because he was "duly elected" after a majority said no?
No, it was stable because we were there to provide the stability. Obama's generals advised him to leave a force behind and not do a complete withdrawal. He ignored that advice because he wanted to run for reelection being able to say that he'd withdrawn all combat troops from Iraq. Then he sat on his hands while ISIS over ran the area after totally misjudging their capabilities. That's on Barry...not on W.

No, that's on W for deposing the guy who WAS holding the country together.

Here was the thing. The Iraqis would not agree to leaving troops behind without a status of forces agreement that would essentially allow Iraqi courts to prosecute American soldiers. Any president would be INSANE to have agreed to that. so he was supposed to push really, really hard to retain a force Americans didn't want to keep there and the Iraqis really didn't want to have because the generals said something bad might happen if the Iraqi government turned out to be totally incompetent?

As for getting out of the Middle East completely? I take it you've supported off shore drilling and the use of fracking technology to create enough oil and natural gas to make up for the loss of oil from the Middle East? Oh, wait...don't tell me you're one of those liberals that wanted to ban both of those things! Nah, nobody would be THAT stupid...right, Joey?

Yeah, those things would be stupid.

First, there's still going to be oil in the Middle east. Oh, we might not like who is profiting from it, but that's not our problem.

Secondly, we should be doing what we SHOULD have did 45 years ago the first time they pulled this shit. Heavily invest in alternative energy and fuel conservation. But the oil companies and car companies didn't want that. So now we are in year 26 of bringing "Freedom" to the Middle East, and Freedom isn't any closer, for some reason.
Incompetent must be blind.......Trump is actually supporting the military, duckworth is a democrat, left wing hack who will destroy the military the moment her party ever regains the power....

How is sending the military off to die in pointless wars "supporting them", exactly?

And then mueller throws away his honor to join an attack on the duly elected President....the man should be ashamed...

Except the people said no, and their is evidence he conspired with the Russians.

So what you are saying is that it doesn't matter if the Russians interfered or not? I'm just curious, if Mueller comes up with evidence of a meeting between Putin and Trump where they agreed to throw the 2016 election, should we ignore that because he was "duly elected" after a majority said no?
If there was evidence that Trump and Putin agreed to the throw the 2016 election, it would have been presented long ago. There isn't any. This entire drama is politics and designed to harass Trump from day one. The Democrats are throwing a hissy fit. That's what they do when they lose. Yes, we should ignore this.
No, it was stable because we were there to provide the stability. Obama's generals advised him to leave a force behind and not do a complete withdrawal. He ignored that advice because he wanted to run for reelection being able to say that he'd withdrawn all combat troops from Iraq. Then he sat on his hands while ISIS over ran the area after totally misjudging their capabilities. That's on Barry...not on W.

No, that's on W for deposing the guy who WAS holding the country together.

Here was the thing. The Iraqis would not agree to leaving troops behind without a status of forces agreement that would essentially allow Iraqi courts to prosecute American soldiers. Any president would be INSANE to have agreed to that. so he was supposed to push really, really hard to retain a force Americans didn't want to keep there and the Iraqis really didn't want to have because the generals said something bad might happen if the Iraqi government turned out to be totally incompetent?

As for getting out of the Middle East completely? I take it you've supported off shore drilling and the use of fracking technology to create enough oil and natural gas to make up for the loss of oil from the Middle East? Oh, wait...don't tell me you're one of those liberals that wanted to ban both of those things! Nah, nobody would be THAT stupid...right, Joey?

Yeah, those things would be stupid.

First, there's still going to be oil in the Middle east. Oh, we might not like who is profiting from it, but that's not our problem.

Secondly, we should be doing what we SHOULD have did 45 years ago the first time they pulled this shit. Heavily invest in alternative energy and fuel conservation. But the oil companies and car companies didn't want that. So now we are in year 26 of bringing "Freedom" to the Middle East, and Freedom isn't any closer, for some reason.

The Status of Forces agreement is the excuse that Obama used to bail, Joey. Anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows that despite what he was saying publicly, the President of Iraq didn't want all of the US combat troops withdrawn. If Obama had insisted on a new Status of Forces deal...then Maliki would have given it to him. Barry never sought that out though because he'd already decided that he was going to pull all combat troops no matter what!

Can't bring yourself to admit that drilling and fracking works...can you? Nothing like a liberal who refuses to admit when they are wrong! The truth is...we're closer to energy independence now because of advances in fossil fuel collection than because of our "investments" in alternative energy...something that Barack Obama actively fought against...not for!
If there was evidence that Trump and Putin agreed to the throw the 2016 election, it would have been presented long ago. There isn't any. This entire drama is politics and designed to harass Trump from day one. The Democrats are throwing a hissy fit. That's what they do when they lose. Yes, we should ignore this.

Again, you guys have made all sorts of claims about the Clintons for the last 25 years with no evidence. We've been investigating Trump for less than a year.

Let's see how it shakes out.

The fact he tried to fire Mueller last year says a lot.

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