Sen. Duckworth: I won’t be lectured on military needs by a ‘five-deferment draft dodger’

He should listen to Mattis or Kelly then.
I read a short piece today that said Kelly may be shown the door soon. Right now it's apparently just speculation but trump eventually turns on nearly everyone around him. trump is loyal to no one.

That's one important reason trump supporters seem so incredibly gullible. They actually think the Orange Slime cares about them. All he wants is their childish adulation. When that begins to fade, trump will shit on them the same way he shits on everyone else who is stupid enough to get near him.
She’s a Democrat and a partisan hack that has put the interests of illegals above Americans including the military. Her opinion is thus irrelevant.

Again, I'd put a woman who lost both legs fighting in Iraq over a guy who got a draft deferment for a bone spur

Did you do the same for every veteran who has criticized and even attacked BJ Clinton and the Hussein?

Who in the hell is "The Hussein"? By this we know that you are ignorant because we have never had a President Hussein. We know you love your orange whore in the Oval Office who had sex with anyone he could find and had fun assaulting people. Decent Americans do not love or honor your whore. His "election" was due to a bunch of cow-kissers and a fluke of the electoral college, aided and abetted by the Russians and the so-called Americans who were willing to suck up to the Russians. The kind of trash who thinks that your whore is "godly."

A "fluke" of the electoral college? Trump won because Hillary sucked as a candidate. She screwed over Bernie Sanders and those that supported him. She took States like Michigan for granted and never campaigned there. She was an abysmal Secretary of State who used private servers based in her home so that she could run her pay for play scams to enrich the Clinton Foundation. Trump is President today because you on the left thought Hillary would win simply because she was a woman! So tell ignorant did THAT turn out to be?
She’s a Democrat and a partisan hack that has put the interests of illegals above Americans including the military. Her opinion is thus irrelevant.

Again, I'd put a woman who lost both legs fighting in Iraq over a guy who got a draft deferment for a bone spur

Did you do the same for every veteran who has criticized and even attacked BJ Clinton and the Hussein?

Who in the hell is "The Hussein"? By this we know that you are ignorant because we have never had a President Hussein. We know you love your orange whore in the Oval Office who had sex with anyone he could find and had fun assaulting people. Decent Americans do not love or honor your whore. His "election" was due to a bunch of cow-kissers and a fluke of the electoral college, aided and abetted by the Russians and the so-called Americans who were willing to suck up to the Russians. The kind of trash who thinks that your whore is "godly."

What an ignorant post

She doesn't seem to know what Barack Obama's middle name is...
Still amazed by the libs now PRETENDING that military service means ANYTHING to them.

Amazing to watch, but not surprising.
I don't know any Democrats who talk like this:

POW's are heroes. They put their lives out there.

POWs in American History: A Synopsis - Andersonville National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)

Guess which one of these men Republicans hate and mock and which one they elected president and want as a role model for their children?

President Trump has a 90% approval rating from the members of the military.
Nuff said!
Please provide your source(s) for that approval rating. And please, don't make it some blog run by a right wing nut.

We'll wait...
Does your pussy hurt?

Will you grow up and go troll some other thread. Your posts have added nothing to this one.

And you'd be the best one to answer your question about a pussy hurting since you're the only pussy in this thread.
Still amazed by the libs now PRETENDING that military service means ANYTHING to them.

Amazing to watch, but not surprising.
I don't know any Democrats who talk like this:

POW's are heroes. They put their lives out there.

POWs in American History: A Synopsis - Andersonville National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)

Guess which one of these men Republicans hate and mock and which one they elected president and want as a role model for their children?


And yet you voted for BJ Clinton and the Hussein, neither of which ever served a day in their lives.
So sad she allowed Iraqi savages to shoot at the Blackhawk she apparently was involved in piloting. American folks who are winners, in a war shoot first and ask questions later or end up like her, like a Brazilian car crash victim. More reasons why women should not be in combat roles. That is not to say she could attract males with that grotesque face, but still. Time to make being natural born a requirement for the House and Senate. Probably too late.
Did you ever serve? What does your dd214 say? Mine says Honorable, volunteered at the start of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The people cocksucks like you idolize are cowards, just as you are. Birds of a feather.
She’s a Democrat and a partisan hack that has put the interests of illegals above Americans including the military. Her opinion is thus irrelevant.

Again, I'd put a woman who lost both legs fighting in Iraq over a guy who got a draft deferment for a bone spur

Did you do the same for every veteran who has criticized and even attacked BJ Clinton and the Hussein?

Who in the hell is "The Hussein"? By this we know that you are ignorant because we have never had a President Hussein. We know you love your orange whore in the Oval Office who had sex with anyone he could find and had fun assaulting people. Decent Americans do not love or honor your whore. His "election" was due to a bunch of cow-kissers and a fluke of the electoral college, aided and abetted by the Russians and the so-called Americans who were willing to suck up to the Russians. The kind of trash who thinks that your whore is "godly."

What an ignorant post

She doesn't seem to know what Barack Obama's middle name is...

I do. I always have. But why would you call someone by their middle name? Right-wing men seem to just be a bunch of dumb bitches who sit around thinking of completely stupid and empty comments to make. They are all fifth-grade boys. I think that calling President Obama "The Hussein" was just another grossly ignorant attempt at claiming that he is Muslim, which is somehow horrible to some people, when, in fact, President Obama is a practicing Christian who is also a thousand times smarter, and certainly more honorable than the piece of filth now in the Oval Office, "The John." So apt. He certainly is toilet material.
My only question to Ms. Duckworth is whether she would have listened to Bill Clinton...Barack Obama...or Hillary Clinton if she had been elected...none of which have any military service? Donald Trump is a duly elected President of the United States. It's his JOB to look after the well being of our military. Ms. Duckworth would be well served to remember that!

Here's the major difference. Clinton and Obama would listen to the Generals. Maybe not always agree with them, but listen to them.

Trump tells you he knows more about the war than the generals, and that's the problem.

But, hey, if you want to have a rule that only veterans can serve as president, I'm down with that.
My only question to Ms. Duckworth is whether she would have listened to Bill Clinton...Barack Obama...or Hillary Clinton if she had been elected...none of which have any military service? Donald Trump is a duly elected President of the United States. It's his JOB to look after the well being of our military. Ms. Duckworth would be well served to remember that!

Here's the major difference. Clinton and Obama would listen to the Generals. Maybe not always agree with them, but listen to them.

Trump tells you he knows more about the war than the generals, and that's the problem.

But, hey, if you want to have a rule that only veterans can serve as president, I'm down with that.

Oh, you're "down" with that now? So no Elizabeth Cory Kamala Kaseem Reed...?

Why do I have a feeling you'd be singing a different tune if it was ANY of the above sitting in the Oval Office?
My only question to Ms. Duckworth is whether she would have listened to Bill Clinton...Barack Obama...or Hillary Clinton if she had been elected...none of which have any military service? Donald Trump is a duly elected President of the United States. It's his JOB to look after the well being of our military. Ms. Duckworth would be well served to remember that!

Here's the major difference. Clinton and Obama would listen to the Generals. Maybe not always agree with them, but listen to them.

Trump tells you he knows more about the war than the generals, and that's the problem.

But, hey, if you want to have a rule that only veterans can serve as president, I'm down with that.

Didn't Obama's generals caution him that a too early withdrawal from Iraq could lead to a dangerous vacuum of power? Remind me again? Did Barry listen...or did he pull out early? How did that work out again? ISIS? You remember the "JV team"...right?

Any time you want to point to an example of Trump ignoring the advice of his generals as glaring as THAT one, Joey...I'll put some stock in what you claim!
Again, I'd put a woman who lost both legs fighting in Iraq over a guy who got a draft deferment for a bone spur

Did you do the same for every veteran who has criticized and even attacked BJ Clinton and the Hussein?

Who in the hell is "The Hussein"? By this we know that you are ignorant because we have never had a President Hussein. We know you love your orange whore in the Oval Office who had sex with anyone he could find and had fun assaulting people. Decent Americans do not love or honor your whore. His "election" was due to a bunch of cow-kissers and a fluke of the electoral college, aided and abetted by the Russians and the so-called Americans who were willing to suck up to the Russians. The kind of trash who thinks that your whore is "godly."

What an ignorant post

She doesn't seem to know what Barack Obama's middle name is...

I do. I always have. But why would you call someone by their middle name? Right-wing men seem to just be a bunch of dumb bitches who sit around thinking of completely stupid and empty comments to make. They are all fifth-grade boys. I think that calling President Obama "The Hussein" was just another grossly ignorant attempt at claiming that he is Muslim, which is somehow horrible to some people, when, in fact, President Obama is a practicing Christian who is also a thousand times smarter, and certainly more honorable than the piece of filth now in the Oval Office, "The John." So apt. He certainly is toilet material.
I don't call him "Hussein"...I have called him Barry. I believe I've also referred to him as "Choom King". Funny thing about how "smart" Barry supposedly was...all of those alleged smarts...yet he couldn't do diddly with the economy in eight long years while on the other hand...the supposedly "dumb" guy now sitting in the Oval Office has the economy booming! Must be "dumb" luck...right?
My only question to Ms. Duckworth is whether she would have listened to Bill Clinton...Barack Obama...or Hillary Clinton if she had been elected...none of which have any military service? Donald Trump is a duly elected President of the United States. It's his JOB to look after the well being of our military. Ms. Duckworth would be well served to remember that!

Here's the major difference. Clinton and Obama would listen to the Generals. Maybe not always agree with them, but listen to them.

Trump tells you he knows more about the war than the generals, and that's the problem.

But, hey, if you want to have a rule that only veterans can serve as president, I'm down with that.

Didn't Obama's generals caution him that a too early withdrawal from Iraq could lead to a dangerous vacuum of power? Remind me again? Did Barry listen...or did he pull out early? How did that work out again? ISIS? You remember the "JV team"...right?

Any time you want to point to an example of Trump ignoring the advice of his generals as glaring as THAT one, Joey...I'll put some stock in what you claim!
Bush signed the Status of Forces agreement in 2008 calling for a U.S. exit by December 2011. Going there caused our problem, not leaving. 4,500 body bags and thousands of limbs blown off wasn`t enough for you? Nobody likes to be occupied by foreign troops no matter what the bullshit excuse is. If we hadn`t found those massive stockpiles of wmds after 8 years what was the point in staying? When Dick Cheney was Secretary of War during Desert Storm he said we didn`t take out Saddam because it would leave A VACUUM OF POWER. What changed?
Still amazed by the libs now PRETENDING that military service means ANYTHING to them.

Amazing to watch, but not surprising.
I don't know any Democrats who talk like this:

POW's are heroes. They put their lives out there.

POWs in American History: A Synopsis - Andersonville National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)

Guess which one of these men Republicans hate and mock and which one they elected president and want as a role model for their children?


And yet you voted for BJ Clinton and the Hussein, neither of which ever served a day in their lives.

WTF is wrong with you. You don’t have to serve to show respect.
Neither Clinton nor Obama showed the disrespect Trump has dunce. It’s creeps like you that’s the problem.
And you have the nerve to accuse others of trolling.
You are one sad piece of nasty.
Oh, you're "down" with that now? So no Elizabeth Cory Kamala Kaseem Reed...?

Why do I have a feeling you'd be singing a different tune if it was ANY of the above sitting in the Oval Office?

Hey, if you want to change the requirement for the office to have a valid DD214, I'm good with that.

But the sight of a draft Dodger like Trump telling an fine woman who lost both her legs in a war is sickening.

I don't call him "Hussein"...I have called him Barry. I believe I've also referred to him as "Choom King". Funny thing about how "smart" Barry supposedly was...all of those alleged smarts...yet he couldn't do diddly with the economy in eight long years while on the other hand...the supposedly "dumb" guy now sitting in the Oval Office has the economy booming! Must be "dumb" luck...right?

Wow. Sorry, man, 2015 and 2016 were better years for growth than 2017 was. We'll probably be in full fledged recession by the time 2018 is over.

Didn't Obama's generals caution him that a too early withdrawal from Iraq could lead to a dangerous vacuum of power? Remind me again? Did Barry listen...or did he pull out early? How did that work out again? ISIS? You remember the "JV team"...right?


I'm sorry, how many more lives are we supposed to throw away for George W. Bush's fuckup?

How many people coming back without limbs like Col. Duckworth because we might have a "vacuum of power" we created because after dumping billions of dollars into the place for a decade, the Iraqis STILL didn't have their shit together.

Fuck all you warmongers who never wore a uniform a day in your life. .
Any time you want to point to an example of Trump ignoring the advice of his generals as glaring as THAT one, Joey...I'll put some stock in what you claim!

Um. Yeah. Letting the Russians and Iranians take over Syria. They thought that was a terrible idea... but Trump had to pay back those twitterbots somehow.
My only question to Ms. Duckworth is whether she would have listened to Bill Clinton...Barack Obama...or Hillary Clinton if she had been elected...none of which have any military service? Donald Trump is a duly elected President of the United States. It's his JOB to look after the well being of our military. Ms. Duckworth would be well served to remember that!

Here's the major difference. Clinton and Obama would listen to the Generals. Maybe not always agree with them, but listen to them.

Trump tells you he knows more about the war than the generals, and that's the problem.

But, hey, if you want to have a rule that only veterans can serve as president, I'm down with that.

Didn't Obama's generals caution him that a too early withdrawal from Iraq could lead to a dangerous vacuum of power? Remind me again? Did Barry listen...or did he pull out early? How did that work out again? ISIS? You remember the "JV team"...right?

Any time you want to point to an example of Trump ignoring the advice of his generals as glaring as THAT one, Joey...I'll put some stock in what you claim!
Bush signed the Status of Forces agreement in 2008 calling for a U.S. exit by December 2011. Going there caused our problem, not leaving. 4,500 body bags and thousands of limbs blown off wasn`t enough for you? Nobody likes to be occupied by foreign troops no matter what the bullshit excuse is. If we hadn`t found those massive stockpiles of wmds after 8 years what was the point in staying? When Dick Cheney was Secretary of War during Desert Storm he said we didn`t take out Saddam because it would leave A VACUUM OF POWER. What changed?

Yeah, you might have a point if you totally ignore what DID take place when we withdrew prematurely! Or did you miss the whole ISIS taking over a huge swath of the Middle East killing tens of thousands and causing the mass migration of hundreds of thousands of people to escape their reign of terror thing?

Don't blame THAT on Bush or Cheney. That was a decision that Barack Obama made...and what's pathetic is that he went against the advice of his military advisors because he thought it would get him reelected. It did...but what that decision totally on Obama's head!
Any time you want to point to an example of Trump ignoring the advice of his generals as glaring as THAT one, Joey...I'll put some stock in what you claim!

Um. Yeah. Letting the Russians and Iranians take over Syria. They thought that was a terrible idea... but Trump had to pay back those twitterbots somehow.

You think it was Trump that let the Russians and Iranians seize influence in Syria? Did you not pay attention to Obama's Syrian foreign policy missteps?

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