Sen. Durbin: Obama Will 'Borrow the Power' to Solve Immigration


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Can we have a rational discussion on what exactly is the problem with immigration law as it stands today and what folks think should be done? It seems to me that the problem is that the other countries, regardless of them being much older and with a lot of potential, can't seem to make their country not suck. So, if we just start letting the dreamers and the sparks in is there a limit to how many? If you say yes how do we set that limit?

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) says President Barack Obama, “will borrow the power that is needed to solve the problems of immigration.”

Sen. Durbin: Obama Will 'Borrow the Power' to Solve Immigration | CNS News
Lol. He's not doing real well right now getting that head thumped by the SC for all his usurpations.
His entire Presidency is "borrowed".

No, he was elected by comforatable majorities. As I did not vote for him 2008, I realize many thought he inexperienced. The addition of Paul Ryan decided my vote in 2012, though I respect Romney. The US is not as divided as some believe. I know 2012 was a tough choice.
His entire Presidency is "borrowed".

No, he was elected by comforatable majorities. As I did not vote for him 2008, I realize many thought he inexperienced. The addition of Paul Ryan decided my vote in 2012, though I respect Romney. The US is not as divided as some believe. I know 2012 was a tough choice.

That is an unbelievably undemocratic statement Durbin made. "Borrow the power". Holy shit!

It's usurpation, not borrowing. Fucking dickhead.

This is the outcome of gridlock. If the assholes on both sides of the table would fucking sit down and talk and hammer this shit out, instead of acting like schoolchildren to whom saving face is more important than the needs of the country, we wouldn't be at this point.

A plague on both their houses.
Is there some way America can create a temporary Congress to do some of the Congressional stuff while this Congress is sort of in recess but not really in recess?
As for the immigration problem, I have outlined a solution many times. We simply are not matching the legal immigrant labor supply to the immigrant labor demand. It really is as simple as that.

Xenophobic assholes don't like too many darkies working inside our borders. That's the real problem.

It is a simple fact that every prosperous society has a large immigrant labor force that does the shit jobs. It is also a fact that a prosperous society needs fresh immigrant blood at the higher levels of labor to survive as well.

We had full employment before the big crash. This is how we know Mexicans aren't stealing jobs. The dumb shits pretend it wasn't the big economic crash which threw all these people out of work. It is important to them to believe all those people you see in the unemployment line had their jobs stolen by Mexicans. This is pure unadulterated mental retardation.



New York:

These people did not lose their jobs to Mexicans.
I can't decide if Obama is a good President or a bad one.....hard to tell with the constant background noise all the time. One thing I do know for sure though, 99% of the criticism directed at this President is 100% bullshit.
An ex-bank employee is not going to leave their suburban tract house, get in their Honda Accord, and drive hundreds of miles to pick lettuce. It is called migrant work for a reason.

If a farmer needs 30 laborers to pick his crops, and the government has limited the legal supply of immigrant labor to 10 people, he has no choice but to hire 20 illegal laborers, and he should not be punished for the government's idiotic quota system.

At the same time, we should be doing everything we can to lure the foreign born engineering and other science students into staying here after matriculating.

“About 40 percent of our Ph.D. scientists and engineers were born in another country,” Orrenius writes. “People tend to focus on illegal or low-skilled immigration when discussing immigrants and often do not recognize the tremendous contribution of high-skilled immigrants.”

Dallas Federal Reserve

A new study, released last week, throws new information into the debate over foreign workers who arrive in the U.S. on such specialty visas.

The report, based on telephone surveys with 2,054 companies and projections by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley and Duke University, says about 25 percent of the technology and engineering companies launched in the U.S. in the past decade had at least one foreign-born founder.

Immigrants Become Founding Fathers

These immigrant founders tended to be highly educated—96 percent held bachelor’s degrees and 74 percent held graduate or postgraduate degrees, with 75 percent of these degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-related fields. The vast majority of these company founders didn’t come to the United States as entrepreneurs 52 percent came to study, 40 percent came to work, and 5.5 percent came for family reasons. Only 1.6 percent came to start companies in America.

Even though these founders immigrated for other purposes initially, they typically started their companies just 13.25 years after arriving in the United States. And, rather than settling in well-established immigrant gateways, such as New York or Los Angeles, they moved to a diverse group of tech centers across the country and helped fuel their growth.

While 23 percent of the nation's cooks and 20 percent of its janitors were immigrants in 2000, 27 percent of new computer-software engineers were also immigrants, according to a recent Migration Policy Institute study.

Indeed, the more technically educated the group, the more likely immigrants are to be overrepresented in it. While the foreign born make up 15 percent of the overall workforce, according to the 2000 census, they constitute approximately 17 percent of those with a bachelor's degree in science and engineering occupations, 29 percent of those with a master's degree, and 39 percent of those with a doctoral degree.

As US nears milestone, a rising mix of immigrants -

"[T]he more technically educated the group, the more likely immigrants are to be overrepresented in it."
Can we have a rational discussion on what exactly is the problem with immigration law as it stands today and what folks think should be done? It seems to me that the problem is that the other countries, regardless of them being much older and with a lot of potential, can't seem to make their country not suck. So, if we just start letting the dreamers and the sparks in is there a limit to how many? If you say yes how do we set that limit?

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) says President Barack Obama, “will borrow the power that is needed to solve the problems of immigration.”

Sen. Durbin: Obama Will 'Borrow the Power' to Solve Immigration | CNS News

After reading this post I'd say this country needs to borrow some brain power.

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