Sen. Elizabeth Warren rips henpecked GOP fraujdster witness

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Sen. Warren rips Primerica president during Senate panel on DOL rule BenefitsPro
“Regulators found the firm had acted properly,” countered Schneider.
“I’m going to stop you right there,” said Warren. “The question about the regulators is the question about is it legal to do that, and that is exactly the problem we’ve got. It is legal to do that,” she stated.

When Warren again asked about the wisdom of cashing out guaranteed pensions just before retirement, Schneider explained that in some instances, it might be sound advice. He provided the example of a gravely ill pension participant, who in Florida is prohibited from passing pension assets on to heirs.

“I’m sorry. Are you suggesting these 238 people were weeks away from dying and that’s why they all got that advice,” asked an incredulous Warren.

“Senator, the courts dismissed those cases,” argued Schneider.

“Because it is legal activity. I think we’ve established that Mr. Schneider, that no one broke the law. The question is whether the law should be changed,” challenged Warren.

Thank you Sen Warren (D-MA) :salute:
still trying to figure out how the govenrment should have any ownership or say where a persons earned assets should go after they die.
I know that before I die everything I own will be legally transferred to my daughter. Right now its the only way she will be able to keep any real estate holding and bank accounts without the government stealing it to be redistributed to the ghetto monkeys.
So Warren has a problem with legal activities...

Must be because that concept is so foreign to Democrats....
Where Progressive go, destitution, poverty and misery soon follow
watch the clip. Where Primerica and other vulture financial institutions go, destitution follows:

Sen Warren rips GOP hen pecked witness Video
Ive done well through my financial institutions, I dont see the destitution that you claim.
I do however see massive destitution in places that are run by and occupied by democrats.
anecdotal evidence much? New to msg board debating I see.

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Where Progressive go, destitution, poverty and misery soon follow
watch the clip. Where Primerica and other vulture financial institutions go, destitution follows:

Sen Warren rips GOP hen pecked witness Video
Ive done well through my financial institutions, I dont see the destitution that you claim.
I do however see massive destitution in places that are run by and occupied by democrats.
anecdotal evidence much? New to msg board debating I see.
Unable to look up the correlation between democrat cities and poverty/crime?
new to the internet I see.
Where Progressive go, destitution, poverty and misery soon follow
watch the clip. Where Primerica and other vulture financial institutions go, destitution follows:

Sen Warren rips GOP hen pecked witness Video
Ive done well through my financial institutions, I dont see the destitution that you claim.
I do however see massive destitution in places that are run by and occupied by democrats.
anecdotal evidence much? New to msg board debating I see.
Unable to look up the correlation between democrat cities and poverty/crime?
new to the internet I see.
off-topic much? First you present anecdotal evidence (FAIL) then you change the topic (FAIL)

Stop wasting my time kiddo.
Where Progressive go, destitution, poverty and misery soon follow
watch the clip. Where Primerica and other vulture financial institutions go, destitution follows:

Sen Warren rips GOP hen pecked witness Video
Ive done well through my financial institutions, I dont see the destitution that you claim.
I do however see massive destitution in places that are run by and occupied by democrats.
anecdotal evidence much? New to msg board debating I see.
Unable to look up the correlation between democrat cities and poverty/crime?
new to the internet I see.
off-topic much? First you present anecdotal evidence (FAIL) then you change the topic (FAIL)

Stop wasting my time kiddo.
Im sorry that you are too retarded to understand that speaking about democrats and poverty actually do have someting to do with the original post, or that I was not the one to change the subject.
perhaps a course in comprehension would be of value to you when you reach high school?
Dont get upset, Im only trying to help you out here, who knows, one day you could end up with some self respect and become a conservative.

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