Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch

The last paragraph sums it up...

look forward to hearing your thoughts and planned response to the continuing problem of illicit cattle grazing in this area that is so critically important to the survival and recovery of desert tortoises. I would welcome a meeting with you should you feel it would be beneficial.

I'd say this is quite clear...
We had ranchers and their cattle grazing on land that no one cared about. Then what happened? Suddenly, it was so important! But to whom? And why?

Eighty-five percent of the state was in the same condition but this parcel of land was the target. Look where we are now. Helicopters separating the herds, Half the herd confiscated, mothers and calves separated, militias showing up, tasers being shot off...

People are going to be hurt...but why?

A guy did pay his grazing fees. He hadn't paid them for 20 years....a precedent had been set, his ancestors farmed that land from the 1800's, let's see what can be it out.
My ancestors ranched the land in Eastern Oregon since the 1860's. And were I to try what that asshole did, the present ranchers there would hang my ass.

He has been outside the law for 20 years. And, yes, there are people that do care about all the land the the BLM maintains for all Americans, not just one rancher that is trying to get something for nothing. Grazing 1000 head on land that has a carrying capacity of 150 severely damages the land, particularly in high desert country.
We had ranchers and their cattle grazing on land that no one cared about. Then what happened? Suddenly, it was so important! But to whom? And why?

Eighty-five percent of the state was in the same condition but this parcel of land was the target. Look where we are now. Helicopters separating the herds, Half the herd confiscated, mothers and calves separated, militias showing up, tasers being shot off...

People are going to be hurt...but why?

A guy did pay his grazing fees. He hadn't paid them for 20 years....a precedent had been set, his ancestors farmed that land from the 1800's, let's see what can be it out.

Because an asshole does not want to pay his legal debts, and a bunch of wingnut fruitloops are rushing to make a 'stand'. Not even understanding what they are supporting.

Survivors should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
We had ranchers and their cattle grazing on land that no one cared about. Then what happened? Suddenly, it was so important! But to whom? And why?

Eighty-five percent of the state was in the same condition but this parcel of land was the target. Look where we are now. Helicopters separating the herds, Half the herd confiscated, mothers and calves separated, militias showing up, tasers being shot off...

People are going to be hurt...but why?

A guy did pay his grazing fees. He hadn't paid them for 20 years....a precedent had been set, his ancestors farmed that land from the 1800's, let's see what can be it out.

Because an asshole does not want to pay his legal debts, and a bunch of wingnut fruitloops are rushing to make a 'stand'. Not even understanding what they are supporting.

Survivors should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

IS the $1million quote for one year or longer?
I knew the Chinese was planning a solar plant but it was supposed to be further south in truly empty land. This doesn't surprise me. The governor should step in.

There are 20 other solar plant projects planned. Check this out. I had this up in several other threads. Why not this one too?:lol:

What we are witnessing is the feds plan whereby they have set up a pay to play for green energy. They let a project like Ivanpah go ahead after the solar company gives millions of dollars to BLM and other agencies for environmental projects in other areas.

It's called mitigation.

But basically for bullshit "green energy" you can wreck the environment in one area as long as you pay for it.

And you know, I've been a conservationist all my life and this freaking galls me to no end because the bastards "all in the name of green energy" are truly devastating the environment.

Mojave project tests Interior strategy for stemming habitat losses

Phil Taylor, E&E reporter
Greenwire: Tuesday, January 28, 2014

And from the article here comes the pay to play to pollute and destroy. Oh and there are 20 more projects the feds have planned.

Here's the plan: Solar companies that build power plants at the Dry Lake solar energy zone 30 miles west of here would agree to pay a mitigation fee for every acre of habitat they destroy.

BLM would use that cash to restore lands of similar character at the Gold Butte Area of Critical Environmental Concern.

For example, it would plant native creosote-bursage vegetation on burn scars and abandoned roads, beat back noxious weeds, mitigate future wildfires, and bolster ranger patrols.
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What land grab???? The land in question has never belonged to the Bundy family. The feds are clearing his cattle off of public land.

Who grabbed any land?

» Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch

BLM attempted cover-up of Sen. Reid/Chinese gov’t takeover of ranch for solar farm

April 11, 2014

The Bureau of Land Management, whose director was Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) former senior adviser, has purged documents from its web site stating that the agency wants Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle off of the land his family has worked for over 140 years in order to make way for solar panel power stations.

how is it possible reid is still an elected official, let alone, not in jail?
We had ranchers and their cattle grazing on land that no one cared about. Then what happened? Suddenly, it was so important! But to whom? And why?

Eighty-five percent of the state was in the same condition but this parcel of land was the target. Look where we are now. Helicopters separating the herds, Half the herd confiscated, mothers and calves separated, militias showing up, tasers being shot off...

People are going to be hurt...but why?

A guy did pay his grazing fees. He hadn't paid them for 20 years....a precedent had been set, his ancestors farmed that land from the 1800's, let's see what can be it out.

Because an asshole does not want to pay his legal debts, and a bunch of wingnut fruitloops are rushing to make a 'stand'. Not even understanding what they are supporting.

Survivors should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

It's not about his debt.
What land grab???? The land in question has never belonged to the Bundy family. The feds are clearing his cattle off of public land.

Who grabbed any land?

Harry Reid, that's who, you evil Obamaite idiot!!

The PUBLIC has no problem with the Bundies grazing cattle on their land.

In fact, the Bundies are taking good care of the land, much better than the Government ever has or would!!

The last paragraph sums it up...

look forward to hearing your thoughts and planned response to the continuing problem of illicit cattle grazing in this area that is so critically important to the survival and recovery of desert tortoises. I would welcome a meeting with you should you feel it would be beneficial.

I'd say this is quite clear...

The desert tortoises are doing so well, a year ago the BLM said there were too many, went in the same area and killed the tortoises.
I can't comment on the OP, however, it is known that desert tortoise boundaries were moved to help out an ally of Reid. It is also well known that there are too many desert tortoises at the moment. In fact the desert tortoise hatchery is being closed down and they are offering over 1000 tortoises for adoption.

Desert Tortoise Adoption Programs - Tortoise Group

This is true, but entirely unrelated to the issue with Bundy's cattle.

Didnt the BLM tell Bundy he could only graze 150 head of cattle due to the tortoise?
What land grab???? The land in question has never belonged to the Bundy family. The feds are clearing his cattle off of public land.

Who grabbed any land?

Harry Reid, that's who, you evil Obamaite idiot!!

The PUBLIC has no problem with the Bundies grazing cattle on their land.

In fact, the Bundies are taking good care of the land, much better than the Government ever has or would!!

Which "public"?

That's Federal Land.

Owned and paid for by all the people.

I have a big problem with people breaking the law.
What land grab???? The land in question has never belonged to the Bundy family. The feds are clearing his cattle off of public land.

Who grabbed any land?

Harry Reid, that's who, you evil Obamaite idiot!!

The PUBLIC has no problem with the Bundies grazing cattle on their land.

In fact, the Bundies are taking good care of the land, much better than the Government ever has or would!!

Which "public"?

That's Federal Land.

Owned and paid for by all the people.

I have a big problem with people breaking the law.

For real? Then sallow you must certainly have a problem with illegal immigration as well. No? And you must also agree, seeing as you have a big problem with people breaking the law, that the fence needs built?

I knew we could agree on something. :lol:

Now the stand off is in Gold Butte correct? Here's your answer to why the feds want the cattle off the land.

Gold Butte was chosen as a mitigation site for Dry Lake because it harbors similar plant and animal life, including the desert tortoise, and because it is ineligible for special funding available to BLM's National Landscape Conservation System.

In addition, Gold Butte's native creosote-bursage vegetation is expected to persist longer under climate change than other ACECs, and its tortoise habitat is expected to persist even as it shrinks or disappears in the surrounding region.

As acres are developed at Dry Lake, mitigation fees would help pay for restoration of similar acres at Gold Butte.

But establishing a fair mitigation price has proved to be a challenge.

"That is the part of this plan that's generated the most controversy," said Mike Dwyer, a project manager for BLM in Las Vegas, who said the draft plan is under review at the agency's D.C. office. "They're looking for the sweet spot."

According to the draft, it would cost a solar developer $42.7 million to support off-site restoration at Gold Butte that would offset the destruction of Dry Lake's 3,000 developable acres.

RENEWABLE ENERGY: Mojave project tests Interior strategy for stemming habitat losses -- Tuesday, January 28, 2014 --
they want them off the land because it's federal land and the winger isn't paying his grazing fees and owes over a million dollars.

there you go. now you know.

so let's stop making criminals into heroes for the rightwingnut anti-gubmint loons.
they want them off the land because it's federal land and the winger isn't paying his grazing fees and owes over a million dollars.

there you go. now you know.

so let's stop making criminals into heroes for the rightwingnut anti-gubmint loons.

So, we can't allow cattle to graze on federal land but said Feds allow ILLEGAL immigration.

Sounds legit

they want them off the land because it's federal land and the winger isn't paying his grazing fees and owes over a million dollars.

there you go. now you know.

so let's stop making criminals into heroes for the rightwingnut anti-gubmint loons.

Sure----and exactly why have they decided that this is a priority right now ? Is it more important than all the other illegal things going on in America ?
I can't comment on the OP, however, it is known that desert tortoise boundaries were moved to help out an ally of Reid. It is also well known that there are too many desert tortoises at the moment. In fact the desert tortoise hatchery is being closed down and they are offering over 1000 tortoises for adoption.

Desert Tortoise Adoption Programs - Tortoise Group

This is true, but entirely unrelated to the issue with Bundy's cattle.

Didnt the BLM tell Bundy he could only graze 150 head of cattle due to the tortoise?

Yes they did. I gather that in the early 90's the feds seized this area from the state over the desert tortoise and put in the new regulations.

That's when the dispute started.

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