Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch

they want them off the land because it's federal land and the winger isn't paying his grazing fees and owes over a million dollars.

there you go. now you know.

so let's stop making criminals into heroes for the rightwingnut anti-gubmint loons.

It has nothing to do with his debt. It has everything to do with the federal pay to play green energy scheme.

Solar developers are paying millions of dollars to be able to set up their giant solar projects like Ivanpah.

Real deal. Gold Butte is part of a mitigation project. This is where for green energy the solar plant pays millions to wreck one part of the environment so that agencies like BLM can attempt to save another part of the environment. That's where his cattle are. Gold Butte according to the reports I've read.

Pay to play on a grand scale.
they want them off the land because it's federal land and the winger isn't paying his grazing fees and owes over a million dollars.

there you go. now you know.

so let's stop making criminals into heroes for the rightwingnut anti-gubmint loons.

It has nothing to do with his debt. It has everything to do with the federal pay to play green energy scheme.

Solar developers are paying millions of dollars to be able to set up their giant solar projects like Ivanpah.

Real deal. Gold Butte is part of a mitigation project. This is where for green energy the solar plant pays millions to wreck one part of the environment so that agencies like BLM can attempt to save another part of the environment. That's where his cattle are. Gold Butte according to the reports I've read.

Pay to play on a grand scale.

OR it has to do with his debt and ignoring a federal judge and stating that he doesnt believe in federal laws...

But hey lets go with the fucking nuts version right?
Not surprising, 'Dirty' Harry Reid is well known for his corruption and shady real estate scams. It actually makes perfect sense. He chose cash and the Chinese Government over his fellow American. To hell with em.
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they want them off the land because it's federal land and the winger isn't paying his grazing fees and owes over a million dollars.

there you go. now you know.

so let's stop making criminals into heroes for the rightwingnut anti-gubmint loons.

It has nothing to do with his debt. It has everything to do with the federal pay to play green energy scheme.

Solar developers are paying millions of dollars to be able to set up their giant solar projects like Ivanpah.

Real deal. Gold Butte is part of a mitigation project. This is where for green energy the solar plant pays millions to wreck one part of the environment so that agencies like BLM can attempt to save another part of the environment. That's where his cattle are. Gold Butte according to the reports I've read.

Pay to play on a grand scale.

OR it has to do with his debt and ignoring a federal judge and stating that he doesnt believe in federal laws...

But hey lets go with the fucking nuts version right?

This is a federal renewable energy project link that I put up. It is not a conspiracy theory whatsoever.

Gold Butte is where the man has his cattle. Gold Butte is where the BLM is planning this project.

BLM have done this "mitigation" with Ivanpah as well. All these projects are going to be paying millions of dollars to the BLM and other agencies.

Only fools believe that the Federal Government would sent in 200 armed men and 9 helicopters and spend 3 million dollars minimum to collect on a 1 million dollar debt. ETA: the amount of the debt is in dispute.
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This is true, but entirely unrelated to the issue with Bundy's cattle.

Didnt the BLM tell Bundy he could only graze 150 head of cattle due to the tortoise?

Yes they did. I gather that in the early 90's the feds seized this area from the state over the desert tortoise and put in the new regulations.

That's when the dispute started.

I gather that in the early 90's the feds seized this area from the state

actually harry is trying to get that through congress now

without much luck i may add
they want them off the land because it's federal land and the winger isn't paying his grazing fees and owes over a million dollars.

there you go. now you know.

so let's stop making criminals into heroes for the rightwingnut anti-gubmint loons.


The Real Story Behind The Bundy Ranch Harassment


By now you’re familiar with the standoff between the federal government, i.e. the Bureau of Land Management, and 67 year-old rancher Cliven Bundy. (If not, check the backstory and my radio interview with him here.) The BLM asserts their power through the expressed desire to protect the endangered desert tortoise, a tortoise so “endangered” that their population can no longer be contained by the refuge constructed for them so the government is closing it and euthanizing over a thousand tortoises. The tortoises, the excuse that BLM has given for violating claims to easements and running all but one lone rancher out of southern Nevada, is doing fine. In fact, the tortoise has lived in harmony with cattle in the Gold Butte, Clark County Nevada for over a hundred years, or as long as Cliven Bundy’s family has lived on the land as ranchers. In fact, the real threat to it is urbanization, not cattle.

A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher. They want his land. The tortoise wasn’t of concern when Harry Reid worked BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore. Whittemore was convicted of illegal campaign contributions to Senator Reid. Reid’s former senior adviser is now the head of BLM. Reid is accused of using the new BLM chief as a puppet to control Nevada land (already over 84% of which is owned by the federal government) and pay back special interests. BLM has proven that they’ve a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they’ve had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar power development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area.

UPDATE: Those who say Bundy is a “deadbeat” are making inaccurate claims. Bundy has in fact paid fees to Clark County, Nevada in an arrangement pre-dating the BLM. The BLM arrived much later, changed the details of the setup without consulting with Bundy

The Real Story Behind The Bundy Ranch Harassment | The Dana Show
This is true, but entirely unrelated to the issue with Bundy's cattle.

Didnt the BLM tell Bundy he could only graze 150 head of cattle due to the tortoise?

Yes they did. I gather that in the early 90's the feds seized this area from the state over the desert tortoise and put in the new regulations.

That's when the dispute started.

due to the tortoise

they had to kill off hundreds and hundreds of the tortoises

because the couldnt afford them yet

they can come up will millions of dollars

hundreds of armed jackbooted thugs

for a lousy 900 head of cattle
Another thread??? Really?

Look up local news reports on this.

Not even the militias are trying to defend this crazy old fart.


What? They charged across the barricades while the thugs yelled "Leave the area or you will be shot."

Then like the final scene from "V is for Vendetta" they deescalated as the armed Patriots stormed their camp.
Katz, you sure do like to make shit up, don't you?

[MENTION=20452]theDoctorisIn[/MENTION] you sure love to defend your pathetic retreating Government at any cost to your integrity and credibility, don't you?

You must be extremely fearful of the federal government and the NSA. I bet when shit hits the fan your going to tell them "Look up all my internet posts, I was pro-government the entire time<" there's no other reason you'd defend the Government other than to assure that they'll classify you as "compliant/non-threat."
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This revelation has clearly had an impact on this. Most in Nevada aren't too happy with 'Dirty' Harry Reid right now. Just another dirty Reid real estate deal. Shame on him.
Americans should be demanding a full scale investigation as to what really happened in this land grab.
This revelation has clearly had an impact on this. Most in Nevada aren't too happy with 'Dirty' Harry Reid right now. Just another dirty Reid real estate deal. Shame on him.

:thup: No doubt, the revelation played a part in the good decision to leave the Bundy's alone for NOW.
This revelation has clearly had an impact on this. Most in Nevada aren't too happy with 'Dirty' Harry Reid right now. Just another dirty Reid real estate deal. Shame on him.

:thup: No doubt, the revelation played a part in the good decision to leave the Bundy's alone for NOW.

Yeah, 'Dirty' Harry Reid chose the cash and his Chinese Comrades over his fellow American. But i can't say i'm surprised. He's well known for his corruption and shady real estate scams. Shame on him.
This revelation has clearly had an impact on this. Most in Nevada aren't too happy with 'Dirty' Harry Reid right now. Just another dirty Reid real estate deal. Shame on him.

:thup: No doubt, the revelation played a part in the good decision to leave the Bundy's alone for NOW.

Yeah, 'Dirty' Harry Reid chose the cash and his Chinese Comrades over his fellow American. But i can't say i'm surprised. He's well known for his corruption and shady real estate scams. Shame on him.

Yes he is very well-known for that.

But, surprise, he does, if he's our Senate majority leader, whose net worth is between 3 and 10 million dollars, according to When Harry Reid entered the Nevada legislature in 1982, his net worth was listed as between $1 million and $1.5 million “or more,” according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

How Did Harry Reid Get Rich? | National Review Online
:thup: No doubt, the revelation played a part in the good decision to leave the Bundy's alone for NOW.

Yeah, 'Dirty' Harry Reid chose the cash and his Chinese Comrades over his fellow American. But i can't say i'm surprised. He's well known for his corruption and shady real estate scams. Shame on him.

Yes he is very well-known for that.

But, surprise, he does, if he's our Senate majority leader, whose net worth is between 3 and 10 million dollars, according to When Harry Reid entered the Nevada legislature in 1982, his net worth was listed as between $1 million and $1.5 million “or more,” according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

How Did Harry Reid Get Rich? | National Review Online

Yes, and he gave all that Campaign Cash to his Daughter. But it's ok because he's gonna pay it back. He's a corrupt miscreant. And now it looks like the People of Nevada are finally beginning to turn on him. It's never too late to do the right thing.

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