Sen Markey(D)-MA) slams oil industry talking heads in re: Keystone XL

Oh and one more thing before I sign off. There are only 40 bands along the pipeline route.

The 130 bands protesting well 90 are bullshit aren't they now? And something else the anti pipeline liars in the media don't tell you.

Some have recognized that, and 15 of 18 aboriginal groups in Alberta and 11 of 22 in British Columbia have signed on.

The financial benefits are considerable. Considering there is really no other economic development available.

Enbridge will also be open-minded about benefits — even though it feels the $1-billion in long-term benefits, including 10% equity participation in the project, community investment and procurement opportunities offered to 40 First Nations along the pipeline route is already generous.

Enbridge reaches out to ?build trust? with First Nations after Northern Gateway pipeline endorsement | Financial Post

First Nations oppose it tinyd. YOUR PEOPLE!!! :redface:

Pipe Up Against Enbridge | British Columbia communities and First Nations stopping the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline


Some bands have been paid to protest this pipeline. Standard bullshit. They get $$$$ from the Tides Foundation and the Suzuki Foundation among others.

Tides btw is under investigation for receiving monies from powerful sources in the US like Soros.


You're making assumptions and everyone knows what happens to someone who makes unsubstantiated assumptions during a debate lol, THEY LOSE!!! Better luck next time :-(

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Say what? Democrats are worried about American oil production after they spent the last forty years kissing the asses of Arab princes and prevent American companies from exploring for and producing oil?
^ NEWSFLASH!!! The tarsands (not oil :eusa_shhh: ) is being produced in C-A-N-A-D-A.
^ NEWSFLASH!!! The tarsands (not oil :eusa_shhh: ) is being produced in C-A-N-A-D-A.


So, you're saying sand in the pipeline will be an issue?


Always good to hear the science behind whatever arguement you make. It keeps me entertained.
Why is Samson FAILtrolling this thread :dunno: Go bore someone else w/ your predictable obfuscations :eusa_hand:

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