Sen. Obama: Voted to protect the act of baby murder

My God. Liberals on here are making excuses for this.

They're so obsessed with Obama, that even when shown he literally voted to protect the outright murder of living babies, they ask "Show me a link on why he voted that way".

Jesus Christ!!! They're so enchanted with him, that even faced with baby murder, they believe Obama surely had a good, intelligent reason to vote that way. After all, he is Obama, the most brilliant man to ever live, so surely he had a great reason to keep baby murder legal in Illinois.

It's called the abortion lobby. have any links to show Obama's reasons for voting no on this?

this is also Hannity and yawn...Not exactly winners.

So if I understand you correctly, you don't care that Obama did this because Hannity is yawn.

And what does it matter what his reason was for voting against it? The man voted against it.

because things are never that simple. What if this was attached to another bill and that was his reason for voting no on it, Therefore later on you could use it against him.
Which is always one of the problems with voting for someone who comes from the senate. Bills are always attached to other bills.

but you guys knew this, but you really dont care. This just makes him look bad without any thought put into it. We all know how thinking is evil.

So.........what could he feel so strongly about that he would vote IN FAVOR OF PROTECTING BABY MURDER for?

His advisor tells him: "Senator Obama, you can vote no on this. But in the future, you'll be described as one who voted in favor of baby murder."

Obama: "Baby murder? I'll take that label in order to block this ____________"

What in the hell could be worth voting on the record to continue baby murders??????
By leaving them on the cold floor with no care.

uh huh, because that would happen

It did happen. It does happen. And in continues to part because Barack Obama, in one of his few votes he actually took a stance on, voted to block a bill that would ban this act.

Those damn dare them fight to survive a botched abortion. They should know they were marked for death and die already!!!!

The bill that Obama opposed was an Illinois state law.

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act , a federal law passed in 2002 and signed by President Bush, was not voted on by Obama, it passed before he was elected to the U. S. Senate.

So, both of your claims are false: It doesn't "continue to happen", because it's against federal law, and he didn't "block" anything.
because things are never that simple. What if this was attached to another bill and that was his reason for voting no on it, Therefore later on you could use it against him.
Which is always one of the problems with voting for someone who comes from the senate. Bills are always attached to other bills.

but you guys knew this, but you really dont care. This just makes him look bad without any thought put into it. We all know how thinking is evil.

actually, they pretty much are.

do you support keeping children alive. Yes or no?

not really that complicated an issue.

well depends on the issue. Are they brain dead? coma? Terminal disease?

actually they are only simple to simple minded people. Like you

Nope. Their parents just did not want them. The one in the link I provided was going to be a Down Syndrome baby and the family did not want it. So the tried an abortion. It failed. The child was out of the womb, breathing, living. The doctor left it in a dark closet to die alone.

And Obama voted AGAINST a bill that would stop this act.

But, let me get this right: You are for euthanasia? Eugenics? Since life/death depends on the human's current condition??? You're in good company. Many idolized left wingers have advocated eugenics.
Nothing but excuses.

It's a sad statement for our Republic.
uh huh, because that would happen

It did happen. It does happen. And in continues to part because Barack Obama, in one of his few votes he actually took a stance on, voted to block a bill that would ban this act.

Those damn dare them fight to survive a botched abortion. They should know they were marked for death and die already!!!!

The bill that Obama opposed was an Illinois state law.

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act , a federal law passed in 2002 and signed by President Bush, was not voted on by Obama, it passed before he was elected to the U. S. Senate.

So, both of your claims are false: It doesn't "continue to happen", because it's against federal law, and he didn't "block" anything.

So Illinois voted to allow or ban something the Feds had already banned. How much sense does that make???????

And why would Obama vote no, on the record for baby murder, if it was already illegal?
uh huh, because that would happen

It did happen. It does happen. And in continues to part because Barack Obama, in one of his few votes he actually took a stance on, voted to block a bill that would ban this act.

Those damn dare them fight to survive a botched abortion. They should know they were marked for death and die already!!!!

The bill that Obama opposed was an Illinois state law.

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act , a federal law passed in 2002 and signed by President Bush, was not voted on by Obama, it passed before he was elected to the U. S. Senate.

So, both of your claims are false: It doesn't "continue to happen", because it's against federal law, and he didn't "block" anything.

we are talking about the Illinois State law. And He voted against it.
because things are never that simple. What if this was attached to another bill and that was his reason for voting no on it, Therefore later on you could use it against him.
Which is always one of the problems with voting for someone who comes from the senate. Bills are always attached to other bills.

but you guys knew this, but you really dont care. This just makes him look bad without any thought put into it. We all know how thinking is evil.

So.........what could he feel so strongly about that he would vote IN FAVOR OF PROTECTING BABY MURDER for?

His advisor tells him: "Senator Obama, you can vote no on this. But in the future, you'll be described as one who voted in favor of baby murder."

Obama: "Baby murder? I'll take that label in order to block this ____________"

What in the hell could be worth voting on the record to continue baby murders??????

you really are stupid

because things are never that simple. What if this was attached to another bill and that was his reason for voting no on it, Therefore later on you could use it against him.

Which is always one of the problems with voting for someone who comes from the senate. Bills are always attached to other bills.

still no link i see.

Would could possibly be attached to an Anti-Baby Murder bill that would cause YOU to vote against it?
It did happen. It does happen. And in continues to part because Barack Obama, in one of his few votes he actually took a stance on, voted to block a bill that would ban this act.

Those damn dare them fight to survive a botched abortion. They should know they were marked for death and die already!!!!

The bill that Obama opposed was an Illinois state law.

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act , a federal law passed in 2002 and signed by President Bush, was not voted on by Obama, it passed before he was elected to the U. S. Senate.

So, both of your claims are false: It doesn't "continue to happen", because it's against federal law, and he didn't "block" anything.

So Illinois voted to allow or ban something the Feds had already banned. How much sense does that make???????

And why would Obama vote no, on the record for baby murder, if it was already illegal?

Exactly. It doesn't make any sense, because it's just political theater.
If you remember obama voted this way because he is not sure that a baby born and wholly outside its mother's womb is a person entitled to Constitutional protection.

No, this deals with induced abortions that are failures = baby born alive and then left to die in oh closets or on tables or whatever and wherever.

It had gotten so bad that legislation had to be passed called the Born Alive Infants Protection Act .

Here's a link. It was passed unanimously in the Senate. Even Senator Ted Kennedy voted for the legislation.

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And, here is what IL Sen. Obama said about that (pp 86-7) - 'it wouldn't pass constitutional muster'.
It did happen. It does happen. And in continues to part because Barack Obama, in one of his few votes he actually took a stance on, voted to block a bill that would ban this act.

Those damn dare them fight to survive a botched abortion. They should know they were marked for death and die already!!!!

The bill that Obama opposed was an Illinois state law.

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act , a federal law passed in 2002 and signed by President Bush, was not voted on by Obama, it passed before he was elected to the U. S. Senate.

So, both of your claims are false: It doesn't "continue to happen", because it's against federal law, and he didn't "block" anything.

we are talking about the Illinois State law. And He voted against it.

So, you are "outraged" at Obama for voting against a law that was already "illegal", both by State and Federal law?

Are the one or two cases a year of an infant "born alive" after a botched abortion really worth legal protection from 2 state laws AND a federal law?
OBAMAS REASONS FOR VOTING IN FAVOR OF ALLOWING BABY MURDER: Illinois Review: Top 10 reasons Obama voted against the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act

Among them?

- It would take away the doctors ability to decide when a fetus is "viable", aka, "ALIVE". If its out of the womb, breathing, crying, I'd guess that means it's alive Mr. Obama.

- Obama actually argued that it is a "religious issue" on whether or not to let the baby die. WHAT THE FU**?

- It violates no universal principle (except law, saying if you neglect a living child and it dies that is homicide by neglect)

- Most sickening? He argues that not allowing this would force the "mother alone" to make the decision to let the kid die.

This sick bastard is our commander.
The bill that Obama opposed was an Illinois state law.

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act , a federal law passed in 2002 and signed by President Bush, was not voted on by Obama, it passed before he was elected to the U. S. Senate.

So, both of your claims are false: It doesn't "continue to happen", because it's against federal law, and he didn't "block" anything.

So Illinois voted to allow or ban something the Feds had already banned. How much sense does that make???????

And why would Obama vote no, on the record for baby murder, if it was already illegal?

Exactly. It doesn't make any sense, because it's just political theater.

Illinois Review: Top 10 reasons Obama voted against the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act

You were wrong about it. Thats the point. Here are Obama's excuses for voting against this. From his own filthy sick mind.
OBAMAS REASONS FOR VOTING IN FAVOR OF ALLOWING BABY MURDER: Illinois Review: Top 10 reasons Obama voted against the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act

Among them?

- It would take away the doctors ability to decide when a fetus is "viable", aka, "ALIVE". If its out of the womb, breathing, crying, I'd guess that means it's alive Mr. Obama.

- Obama actually argued that it is a "religious issue" on whether or not to let the baby die. WHAT THE FU**?

- It violates no universal principle (except law, saying if you neglect a living child and it dies that is homicide by neglect)

- Most sickening? He argues that not allowing this would force the "mother alone" to make the decision to let the kid die.

This sick bastard is our commander.
That's an irrational interpretation of his actual words:

" ... I just want to suggest... that this is probably not going to survive constitutional scrutiny.

Number one, whenever we define a previable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or the other elements in the Constitution, what we're really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a - child, a nine-month-old - child that was delivered to term. That determination then, essentially, if it was accepted by a court, would forbid abortions to take place.

I mean, it - it would essentially bar abortions, because the equal protection clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this is a child, then this would be an antiabortion statute. For that purpose, I think it would probably be found unconstitutional."
No, this deals with induced abortions that are failures = baby born alive and then left to die in oh closets or on tables or whatever and wherever.

It had gotten so bad that legislation had to be passed called the Born Alive Infants Protection Act .

Here's a link. It was passed unanimously in the Senate. Even Senator Ted Kennedy voted for the legislation.

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And, here is what IL Sen. Obama said about that (pp 86-7) - 'it wouldn't pass constitutional muster'.

you got that from two pages + of text from Obama? WOW
Look, you fucking moron...I'm defending what Obama did. Totally. He is absolutely right - it wouldn't pass constitutional muster.

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Former Nurse on Obama's Controversial Abortion Vote - Hannity -

Yep. Shocking headline. Unfortunately true. Live birth abortion. Birthing a baby, with anticipation it would die in the process. But 10-20% LIVED, survived the abortion, and they are left to die alone, crying, breathing. Those babies were marked for death, so their fight to survive must be ignored.

This nurse testified to holding and rocking a small baby until it died 45 minutes later because she couldn't tolerate the thought of the baby dying alone in a damn closet. The doctor and parents, however, didn't think it would survive the abortion, so they just left it to die.

Senator Barack Obama voted NO on a bill that would ban this act.

Only fucking filthy human beings with no souls would vote that way.
Statists as Obama are for wholesale murder of Innocents...

After all? Obama is anamoured with China...and China's Government sanctions it as well...especially getting rid of FEMALES.

Where's the NOW gang on this?
I can't believe how hard lefties are trying to defend this sick P.O.S for that topic.

How in the fuck can anyone NOT vote against a bill that would ban:

- An abortion is attempted.
- Oops!!! The kid didn't die!!!
- Oh no, the kid is out, in my arms, breathing, crying, shaking....he's cold.
- Hey, pass me that trash can.
- "Thump.."
- Ok, lets go, nothing else to see here folks.

He could not bring himself to vote AGAINST that. And his top 10 excuses were just pathetic.
Obama was the CHAIRMAN of the board that heard this bill, and when an amendment was proposed so it would read exactly as the fed proposal, and thus not undercut Roe v Wade, Obama simply would not allow it to be heard and it died, like the babies he wanted to keep dying:

"When the senator sponsoring the IL bill tried to amend IL's paragraph (c), Amendment 1 below, to be the same as the federal paragraph (c), Barack Obama himself, as chairman of the committee hearing the bill, refused, and he then also killed the bill (click to enlarge). "

Obama killed the bill that would have stopped the practice of baby murder via neglect.

We have such a brave leader.


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