Sen. Obama: Voted to protect the act of baby murder

Bottom line: Obama would not support a bill that banned at least one form of baby murder. Thats on record. Undisputable.

We've come a LONG way from the days of Washington and Lincoln.
did you even read the last line from him? He voted PRESENT.
Dear Gawd.

That means he did not vote FOR it. Law is passed on YES votes. A present vote does not vote FOR it, thus essentially increases it getting voted down.

God, you are dense.


it increases passing or failing depending who holds what seats.....
You really are mentally deficient.

Would you feel better if I said I hated Obama instead of defending his position on his vote?

I mean, I'm all about feeling good..........

If I were fucking posting on some Oprah-style pussy site, that is.
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Obama was the CHAIRMAN of the board that heard this bill, and when an amendment was proposed so it would read exactly as the fed proposal, and thus not undercut Roe v Wade, Obama simply would not allow it to be heard and it died, like the babies he wanted to keep dying:

"When the senator sponsoring the IL bill tried to amend IL's paragraph (c), Amendment 1 below, to be the same as the federal paragraph (c), Barack Obama himself, as chairman of the committee hearing the bill, refused, and he then also killed the bill (click to enlarge). "

Obama killed the bill that would have stopped the practice of baby murder via neglect.

We have such a brave leader.

In everything he does...look at foreign policy...? Fast and Furious? He never was ready for prime time...

Bottom line: Obama would not support a bill that banned at least one form of baby murder. Thats on record. Undisputable.

We've come a LONG way from the days of Washington and Lincoln.

I like the Constitution.
Bottom line: Obama would not support a bill that banned at least one form of baby murder. Thats on record. Undisputable.

We've come a LONG way from the days of Washington and Lincoln.

I like the Constitution.


So all the thousands of parents nationwide who have been charged with "Homicide by Child Neglect" were arrested unConstitutionally?

Because a living, breathing, crying human being outside the womb in a towel in a different in how?

If you set aside a baby that is 5 minutes outside the womb and it dies, is that illegal?
If you set aside a baby that is 5 days outside the womb and it dies, is that illegal?
If you set aside a baby that is 5 months old and it dies?
If you set aside a child that is 5 years old in a forest and it dies, illegal?

Born is born. Outside the womb. Breathing. Crying. Grabbing for help.

You are a sick piece of shit if you believe otherwise.
did you even read the last line from him? He voted PRESENT.
Do YOU even understand what a vote of PRESENT means?

YOU are seriously flawed in character PlasmaDork.

hi drunk
If anyone is drunk, you clearly are. You couldn't even tell that I was defending Obama's vote - defending it 100%.

But, if you're not drunk, then you are completely mentally deficient. Drunk seems like the better option for you.

Chug. Chug. Chug.
So, Obama defenders, tell me this:

A baby is born, outside the womb. It's crying. Breathing. Grasping for help. Probably hungry.

What is the allowable time to murder that living thing? 10 minutes? A year? Obama himself suggested it must be 9 months old. So if your baby is born 4 weeks premature, well, you got 4 weeks to decide whether to kill it or not.

I'm just looking for a smarter liberal to educate me. When a baby is born, how long do I have before I can no longer kill it?
Bottom line: Obama would not support a bill that banned at least one form of baby murder. Thats on record. Undisputable.

We've come a LONG way from the days of Washington and Lincoln.

I like the Constitution.


So all the thousands of parents nationwide who have been charged with "Homicide by Child Neglect" were arrested unConstitutionally?
You're talking to yourself. I don't know why you are sharing that with me, but to each his own.

.... Because a living, breathing, crying human being outside the womb in a towel in a different in how?
A fetus is not a human being. A viable fetus is, per the Constitution. Thus, his vote.

.... If you set aside a baby that is 5 minutes outside the womb and it dies, is that illegal?
IF it was a baby, then it is negligent homicide. We have laws that cover that. So, no reason for another to do the same.
.... If you set aside a baby that is 5 days outside the womb and it dies, is that illegal?
If you set aside a baby that is 5 months old and it dies?
If you set aside a child that is 5 years old in a forest and it dies, illegal?

Born is born. Outside the womb. Breathing. Crying. Grabbing for help.
IF what is born is a baby, you are right. We have laws that cover that - homicide laws and negligence. So, this law, if it was what you think it was, was not needed.

But, what you think it was and what it actually was are two different things.
....You are a sick piece of shit if you believe otherwise.

Maybe you should pop a valium. You're emotions are getting the best of you.
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I like the Constitution.


So all the thousands of parents nationwide who have been charged with "Homicide by Child Neglect" were arrested unConstitutionally?
You're talking to yourself. I don't know why you are sharing that with me, but to each his own.

A fetus is not a human being. A viable fetus is, per the Constitution. Thus, his vote.

.... If you set aside a baby that is 5 minutes outside the womb and it dies, is that illegal?
IF it was a baby, then it is negligent homicide. We have laws that cover that. So, no reason for another to do the same.
.... If you set aside a baby that is 5 days outside the womb and it dies, is that illegal?
If you set aside a baby that is 5 months old and it dies?
If you set aside a child that is 5 years old in a forest and it dies, illegal?

Born is born. Outside the womb. Breathing. Crying. Grabbing for help.
IF what is born is a baby, you are right. We have laws that cover that - homicide laws and negligence. So, this law, if it was what you think it was, was not needed.

But, what you think it was and what it actually was are two different things.
You are a sick piece of shit if you believe otherwise.

So a living, breathing, crying human being 2 minutes out of the womb is NOT a "viable" human being?????????????
Obama's gripe? The illinois law stated a baby outside the womb living despite a failed abortion instantly gets all Constitutional rights:

Illinois' paragraph (c): A live child born as a result of an abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person and accorded immediate protection under the law.

Federal paragraph (c): Nothing in this section shall be construed to affirm, deny, expand, or contract any legal status or legal right applicable to any member of the species homo sapiens at any point prior to being "born alive" as defined in this section.

THAT was Obama's problem. He wanted to maintain the right of the mom/doctor to kill that pesky little survivor.
PLEASE, any liberal, clarify.

How long must a baby be outside the womb to be considered a "viable" baby deserving of Constitutional rights? 1 minute? 1 hour? 1 year? When does it become illegal to kill it?
So a living, breathing, crying human being 2 minutes out of the womb is NOT a "viable" human being?????????????
You are arguing with yourself again. I don't know why you feel the need to share that with me.
Simple question. When is it no longer legal to kill a baby?
PLEASE, any liberal, clarify.

How long must a baby be outside the womb to be considered a "viable" baby deserving of Constitutional rights? 1 minute? 1 hour? 1 year? When does it become illegal to kill it?
Why are you arguing with your fantasy of what the bill was rather than what it really was?
So you can't answer one simple question: How long must a baby be outside the womb before I can no longer legally kill it? Thats a damn simple question isn't it?
Oh, but I did answer it.

Take a breath. Pop a valium. Read what I said. Maybe even read what Obama said about it when he was an IL Senator.
You didn't. YOu said it was dependent on if the baby was "viable", whatever the fuck that liberal jibberish means. Same with Obama. He was chairman of the committee, and he eventually killed the bill, like it was a crying baby.

Simple question. How long until a baby can no longer be murdered? Can you not answer that SIMPLE GOD DAMN QUESTION? Seriously.

I'll put it in liberal language:

"A flesh nugget pops out a snatch. It's all cryin' and shit. How long til I can jus let it die?"
You didn't. YOu said it was dependent on if the baby was "viable", whatever the fuck that liberal jibberish means. Same with Obama. He was chairman of the committee, and he eventually killed the bill, like it was a crying baby.

Simple question. How long until a baby can no longer be murdered? Can you not answer that SIMPLE GOD DAMN QUESTION? Seriously.

I'll put it in liberal language:

"A flesh nugget pops out a snatch. It's all cryin' and shit. How long til I can jus let it die?"
It's not a "baby" if it's not viable.

Look up viable and get back to us.

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