Sen. Ron Johnson Presses Wray on Validity of Hunter Biden Laptop Claim

Sen. Ron Johnson is calling on FBI Director Christopher Wray to confirm or deny details regarding a laptop said to have belonged to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden.

Johnson, R-Wis., said in a letter to Wray obtained by Fox News that a whistleblower contacted his committee on September 24, claiming to possess a laptop that Hunter Biden left at his business, and that he had turned it over to the FBI. Johnson noted that staff immediately asked the FBI to confirm certain details in order to validate the claim, but the bureau said they would not confirm or deny any of the information included in their request.

"The FBI has a duty to inform us. If they believe this was maybe Russian disinformation, they should give us a defensive briefing,” Johnson told “Sunday Morning Futures.” “If, for example, they also believe that what information this whistleblower gave us is fraudulent, that would also be a crime, and FBI should tell us that.”

Things about to get real?
It is fiction.

So your in favor of the FBI releasing everything on the hard drive? Good to know. :thup:

I'd like to see what Rudy tried to construct...I'm sure it would be hilarious watching you guys swear it's all true. I know that, when I had my consulting business, when people didn't pay their bill, Rudy was the guy I called to talk about it.

Okay, So the FBI should release the hard immediately. Got it. :thup:

Sure...Rudy worked hard creating this hard drive. We should see what he came up with.

If he did that's a crime. Release all the info so we can bring Rudy to justice. :D

As I understand, the FBI is investigating Rudy and the NY Post as well.

The FBI is not investigating shit. This is buried under the J Edgar Hoover Building. It will be used to blackmail Biden if he becomes President just like the fake Russian Collusion was used to blackmail Trump.

So what? Rudy is risking going to jail for years sending fake shit to the FBI? Are you crazy?

No, the info is legit. The FBI is sitting on it. Hoover blackmailed Presidents for decades. Joe Biden is dead man walking if he is elected. Comey tried to intimidate Trump with the fake Russian dossier. He never thought Trump would fire him. Wray now has the goods on Biden. Biden is utterly corrupt. Th FBI now owns him 100%.

At some point everyone who works for the blob commits a felony. That is why he goes through people so quickly. Some won't go that far and they get a knife in the back. Others...get a federal rap and a pardon if it goes south.

As far a s this goes...
Rudy is being investigated for creating disinformation. Not sure that is a felony.

You are making a shit load of assumptions with zero evidence. My assumption is the info is likely legit and highly embarrassing to Biden. That is what the Post reporting is saying. They have seen the materials.

The good news for Joe is the FBI has buried it. That is a fact. They will use it against Joe to keep him in line if he is elected. Bank on it.

There is nothing to bury; it is fiction. That you buy the story only serves to remind us of what a complete dumbass you are.
As they should. Do we all remember what happened in 2016, when they breathlessly announced that they had a computer with emails, and then said that none of them were sensitive..but the damage was done.

The FBI is investigating this for what it is... Russian Disinformation.
They didn't say none of them were sensitive.

You are LYING.

Why would you want justice delayed if these accusations against Hunter Biden are true.

Don't you think these children deserve justice if Hunter has done what is alleged?

Or are you one of those Leftist who support that kind of insanity?
Before jumping to “deserving justice” why don’t you first ascertain that a crime even occurred?

Since there is nothing to see you probably also agree the FBI should release the hard drive immediately, right? :D


If no crime occurred, regardless of the person targeted here, WHY should the FBI release private materials of a private citizen to the public? I mean you realize what you are demanding and the implications of it?

Why are you assuming no crime occurred? According to the reporting major crimes occurred. Aren't you Dems all about transparency? RElease all the information and let the American People decide.
My point: why don’t you first ascertain that a crime even occurred?

You: Who cares? Make the FBI Release a private citizen‘s (neither indicted nor convicted) private materials for public consumption. Burn him! He’s a witch!

Caveat: but only if it’s a Democrat. Who turned me into a newt.

View attachment 403710
Hold on. You find crap like this not credible. I understand why but you also found Blasey Ford credible. Do you not see the hypocrisy here at all?
Sen. Ron Johnson is calling on FBI Director Christopher Wray to confirm or deny details regarding a laptop said to have belonged to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden.

Johnson, R-Wis., said in a letter to Wray obtained by Fox News that a whistleblower contacted his committee on September 24, claiming to possess a laptop that Hunter Biden left at his business, and that he had turned it over to the FBI. Johnson noted that staff immediately asked the FBI to confirm certain details in order to validate the claim, but the bureau said they would not confirm or deny any of the information included in their request.

"The FBI has a duty to inform us. If they believe this was maybe Russian disinformation, they should give us a defensive briefing,” Johnson told “Sunday Morning Futures.” “If, for example, they also believe that what information this whistleblower gave us is fraudulent, that would also be a crime, and FBI should tell us that.”

Things about to get real?
It is fiction.

So your in favor of the FBI releasing everything on the hard drive? Good to know. :thup:

I'd like to see what Rudy tried to construct...I'm sure it would be hilarious watching you guys swear it's all true. I know that, when I had my consulting business, when people didn't pay their bill, Rudy was the guy I called to talk about it.

Okay, So the FBI should release the hard immediately. Got it. :thup:

Sure...Rudy worked hard creating this hard drive. We should see what he came up with.

If he did that's a crime. Release all the info so we can bring Rudy to justice. :D

As I understand, the FBI is investigating Rudy and the NY Post as well.

The FBI is not investigating shit. This is buried under the J Edgar Hoover Building. It will be used to blackmail Biden if he becomes President just like the fake Russian Collusion was used to blackmail Trump.

So what? Rudy is risking going to jail for years sending fake shit to the FBI? Are you crazy?

No, the info is legit. The FBI is sitting on it. Hoover blackmailed Presidents for decades. Joe Biden is dead man walking if he is elected. Comey tried to intimidate Trump with the fake Russian dossier. He never thought Trump would fire him. Wray now has the goods on Biden. Biden is utterly corrupt. Th FBI now owns him 100%.

At some point everyone who works for the blob commits a felony. That is why he goes through people so quickly. Some won't go that far and they get a knife in the back. Others...get a federal rap and a pardon if it goes south.

As far a s this goes...
Rudy is being investigated for creating disinformation. Not sure that is a felony.

You are making a shit load of assumptions with zero evidence. My assumption is the info is likely legit and highly embarrassing to Biden. That is what the Post reporting is saying. They have seen the materials.

The good news for Joe is the FBI has buried it. That is a fact. They will use it against Joe to keep him in line if he is elected. Bank on it.

There is nothing to bury; it is fiction. That you buy the story only serves to remind us of what a complete dumbass you are.
Just as fictional as Blasey Ford but you believed her. Hypocrisy 101.
Wow, more will be released this week? Like a drip drip drip campaign? Interesting. Why do you think they weren’t all released last year when Rudy got them?
Perhaps you could list the date Rudy received this copy of Hunter's hard drive ...

Or you could just keep making Fake News assumptions ......
Well according to the blind Trumpster that owns the computer shop he gave the hard drive to Rudy’s lawyer after he gave it to the FBI and they weren’t buying what he was selling... here’s his brilliant account of how that went...
Throughout the interview, Mac Isaac switched back and forth from saying he reached out to law enforcement after viewing the files in the laptop to saying that it was actually the Federal Bureau of Investigation that contacted him. At one point, Mac Isaac claimed that he was emailing someone from the FBI about the laptop. At another point he claimed a special agent from the Baltimore office had contacted him after he alerted the FBI to the device’s existence. At another point, he said the FBI reached out to him for “help accessing his drive.”

Mac Isaac referenced the infamous Seth Rich conspiracy theory—which holds that a DNC staffer who police say was murdered in a botched robbery was actually killed off by Clinton allies because he leaked committee emails—as reason for his paranoia. He said he made a copy of the hard drive for the purposes of personal protection.

“They probably knew I had a copy because I was pretty vocal about not wanting to get murdered,” he said, “so I’m going to have a copy.”

I wonder if it was the same FBI agents who visited bripat9643 ?
Sen. Ron Johnson is calling on FBI Director Christopher Wray to confirm or deny details regarding a laptop said to have belonged to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden.

Johnson, R-Wis., said in a letter to Wray obtained by Fox News that a whistleblower contacted his committee on September 24, claiming to possess a laptop that Hunter Biden left at his business, and that he had turned it over to the FBI. Johnson noted that staff immediately asked the FBI to confirm certain details in order to validate the claim, but the bureau said they would not confirm or deny any of the information included in their request.

"The FBI has a duty to inform us. If they believe this was maybe Russian disinformation, they should give us a defensive briefing,” Johnson told “Sunday Morning Futures.” “If, for example, they also believe that what information this whistleblower gave us is fraudulent, that would also be a crime, and FBI should tell us that.”

Things about to get real?
It is fiction.

So your in favor of the FBI releasing everything on the hard drive? Good to know. :thup:

I'd like to see what Rudy tried to construct...I'm sure it would be hilarious watching you guys swear it's all true. I know that, when I had my consulting business, when people didn't pay their bill, Rudy was the guy I called to talk about it.

Okay, So the FBI should release the hard immediately. Got it. :thup:

Sure...Rudy worked hard creating this hard drive. We should see what he came up with.

If he did that's a crime. Release all the info so we can bring Rudy to justice. :D

As I understand, the FBI is investigating Rudy and the NY Post as well.

The FBI is not investigating shit. This is buried under the J Edgar Hoover Building. It will be used to blackmail Biden if he becomes President just like the fake Russian Collusion was used to blackmail Trump.

So what? Rudy is risking going to jail for years sending fake shit to the FBI? Are you crazy?

No, the info is legit. The FBI is sitting on it. Hoover blackmailed Presidents for decades. Joe Biden is dead man walking if he is elected. Comey tried to intimidate Trump with the fake Russian dossier. He never thought Trump would fire him. Wray now has the goods on Biden. Biden is utterly corrupt. Th FBI now owns him 100%.

At some point everyone who works for the blob commits a felony. That is why he goes through people so quickly. Some won't go that far and they get a knife in the back. Others...get a federal rap and a pardon if it goes south.

As far a s this goes...
Rudy is being investigated for creating disinformation. Not sure that is a felony.

You are making a shit load of assumptions with zero evidence. My assumption is the info is likely legit and highly embarrassing to Biden. That is what the Post reporting is saying. They have seen the materials.

The good news for Joe is the FBI has buried it. That is a fact. They will use it against Joe to keep him in line if he is elected. Bank on it.

There is nothing to bury; it is fiction. That you buy the story only serves to remind us of what a complete dumbass you are.
Just as fictional as Blasey Ford but you believed her. Hypocrisy 101.

Nah, this is much more fictional.
Blasey Ford's story was probably true. Her "injury" from what she reported was not. Otherwise you'd have done a lot more than she did to seek remedy.
Sen. Ron Johnson is calling on FBI Director Christopher Wray to confirm or deny details regarding a laptop said to have belonged to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden.

Johnson, R-Wis., said in a letter to Wray obtained by Fox News that a whistleblower contacted his committee on September 24, claiming to possess a laptop that Hunter Biden left at his business, and that he had turned it over to the FBI. Johnson noted that staff immediately asked the FBI to confirm certain details in order to validate the claim, but the bureau said they would not confirm or deny any of the information included in their request.

"The FBI has a duty to inform us. If they believe this was maybe Russian disinformation, they should give us a defensive briefing,” Johnson told “Sunday Morning Futures.” “If, for example, they also believe that what information this whistleblower gave us is fraudulent, that would also be a crime, and FBI should tell us that.”

Things about to get real?
It is fiction.

So your in favor of the FBI releasing everything on the hard drive? Good to know. :thup:

I'd like to see what Rudy tried to construct...I'm sure it would be hilarious watching you guys swear it's all true. I know that, when I had my consulting business, when people didn't pay their bill, Rudy was the guy I called to talk about it.

Okay, So the FBI should release the hard immediately. Got it. :thup:

Sure...Rudy worked hard creating this hard drive. We should see what he came up with.

If he did that's a crime. Release all the info so we can bring Rudy to justice. :D

As I understand, the FBI is investigating Rudy and the NY Post as well.

The FBI is not investigating shit. This is buried under the J Edgar Hoover Building. It will be used to blackmail Biden if he becomes President just like the fake Russian Collusion was used to blackmail Trump.

So what? Rudy is risking going to jail for years sending fake shit to the FBI? Are you crazy?

No, the info is legit. The FBI is sitting on it. Hoover blackmailed Presidents for decades. Joe Biden is dead man walking if he is elected. Comey tried to intimidate Trump with the fake Russian dossier. He never thought Trump would fire him. Wray now has the goods on Biden. Biden is utterly corrupt. Th FBI now owns him 100%.

At some point everyone who works for the blob commits a felony. That is why he goes through people so quickly. Some won't go that far and they get a knife in the back. Others...get a federal rap and a pardon if it goes south.

As far a s this goes...
Rudy is being investigated for creating disinformation. Not sure that is a felony.

You are making a shit load of assumptions with zero evidence. My assumption is the info is likely legit and highly embarrassing to Biden. That is what the Post reporting is saying. They have seen the materials.

The good news for Joe is the FBI has buried it. That is a fact. They will use it against Joe to keep him in line if he is elected. Bank on it.

There is nothing to bury; it is fiction. That you buy the story only serves to remind us of what a complete dumbass you are.
Just as fictional as Blasey Ford but you believed her. Hypocrisy 101.

Nah, this is much more fictional.
Blasey Ford's story was probably true. Her "injury" from what she reported was not. Otherwise you'd have done a lot more than she did to seek remedy.
Zero corroboration. She made it all up. Therein lies the problem. You believe in partisan lies so long as they suit you. Makes you very stupid. You, Coyote, JoeB, Mac, Dragonlady. Hypocrites. Why don’t you just admit that both parties lie and the biased media is in on it. Not overly difficult. Come on, you can do it.
As they should. Do we all remember what happened in 2016, when they breathlessly announced that they had a computer with emails, and then said that none of them were sensitive..but the damage was done.

The FBI is investigating this for what it is... Russian Disinformation.
They didn't say none of them were sensitive.

You are LYING.

Why would you want justice delayed if these accusations against Hunter Biden are true.

Don't you think these children deserve justice if Hunter has done what is alleged?

Or are you one of those Leftist who support that kind of insanity?
Before jumping to “deserving justice” why don’t you first ascertain that a crime even occurred?

Since there is nothing to see you probably also agree the FBI should release the hard drive immediately, right? :D


If no crime occurred, regardless of the person targeted here, WHY should the FBI release private materials of a private citizen to the public? I mean you realize what you are demanding and the implications of it?

Why are you assuming no crime occurred? According to the reporting major crimes occurred. Aren't you Dems all about transparency? RElease all the information and let the American People decide.
My point: why don’t you first ascertain that a crime even occurred?

You: Who cares? Make the FBI Release a private citizen‘s (neither indicted nor convicted) private materials for public consumption. Burn him! He’s a witch!

Caveat: but only if it’s a Democrat. Who turned me into a newt.

View attachment 403710
Hold on. You find crap like this not credible. I understand why but you also found Blasey Ford credible. Do you not see the hypocrisy here at all?
Going off your point is it fair to assume you didn’t find Ford credible and therefore you don’t find this stuff credible?
As they should. Do we all remember what happened in 2016, when they breathlessly announced that they had a computer with emails, and then said that none of them were sensitive..but the damage was done.

The FBI is investigating this for what it is... Russian Disinformation.
They didn't say none of them were sensitive.

You are LYING.

Why would you want justice delayed if these accusations against Hunter Biden are true.

Don't you think these children deserve justice if Hunter has done what is alleged?

Or are you one of those Leftist who support that kind of insanity?
Before jumping to “deserving justice” why don’t you first ascertain that a crime even occurred?

Since there is nothing to see you probably also agree the FBI should release the hard drive immediately, right? :D


If no crime occurred, regardless of the person targeted here, WHY should the FBI release private materials of a private citizen to the public? I mean you realize what you are demanding and the implications of it?

Why are you assuming no crime occurred? According to the reporting major crimes occurred. Aren't you Dems all about transparency? RElease all the information and let the American People decide.
My point: why don’t you first ascertain that a crime even occurred?

You: Who cares? Make the FBI Release a private citizen‘s (neither indicted nor convicted) private materials for public consumption. Burn him! He’s a witch!

Caveat: but only if it’s a Democrat. Who turned me into a newt.

View attachment 403710
Hold on. You find crap like this not credible. I understand why but you also found Blasey Ford credible. Do you not see the hypocrisy here at all?
Going off your point is it fair to assume you didn’t find Ford credible and therefore you don’t find this stuff credible?
Yep. I need way more proof. But unlike all those on the Left I am not a hypocrite. I would bet my life that Ford was lying. Yet many believed her. Including that stupid idiot Kamala Harris. Hypocrisy 101. Also don’t believe Christopher Steele.
Sen. Ron Johnson is calling on FBI Director Christopher Wray to confirm or deny details regarding a laptop said to have belonged to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden.

Johnson, R-Wis., said in a letter to Wray obtained by Fox News that a whistleblower contacted his committee on September 24, claiming to possess a laptop that Hunter Biden left at his business, and that he had turned it over to the FBI. Johnson noted that staff immediately asked the FBI to confirm certain details in order to validate the claim, but the bureau said they would not confirm or deny any of the information included in their request.

"The FBI has a duty to inform us. If they believe this was maybe Russian disinformation, they should give us a defensive briefing,” Johnson told “Sunday Morning Futures.” “If, for example, they also believe that what information this whistleblower gave us is fraudulent, that would also be a crime, and FBI should tell us that.”

Things about to get real?
It is fiction.

So your in favor of the FBI releasing everything on the hard drive? Good to know. :thup:

I'd like to see what Rudy tried to construct...I'm sure it would be hilarious watching you guys swear it's all true. I know that, when I had my consulting business, when people didn't pay their bill, Rudy was the guy I called to talk about it.

Okay, So the FBI should release the hard immediately. Got it. :thup:

Sure...Rudy worked hard creating this hard drive. We should see what he came up with.

If he did that's a crime. Release all the info so we can bring Rudy to justice. :D

As I understand, the FBI is investigating Rudy and the NY Post as well.

The FBI is not investigating shit. This is buried under the J Edgar Hoover Building. It will be used to blackmail Biden if he becomes President just like the fake Russian Collusion was used to blackmail Trump.

So what? Rudy is risking going to jail for years sending fake shit to the FBI? Are you crazy?

No, the info is legit. The FBI is sitting on it. Hoover blackmailed Presidents for decades. Joe Biden is dead man walking if he is elected. Comey tried to intimidate Trump with the fake Russian dossier. He never thought Trump would fire him. Wray now has the goods on Biden. Biden is utterly corrupt. Th FBI now owns him 100%.

At some point everyone who works for the blob commits a felony. That is why he goes through people so quickly. Some won't go that far and they get a knife in the back. Others...get a federal rap and a pardon if it goes south.

As far a s this goes...
Rudy is being investigated for creating disinformation. Not sure that is a felony.

You are making a shit load of assumptions with zero evidence. My assumption is the info is likely legit and highly embarrassing to Biden. That is what the Post reporting is saying. They have seen the materials.

The good news for Joe is the FBI has buried it. That is a fact. They will use it against Joe to keep him in line if he is elected. Bank on it.

There is nothing to bury; it is fiction. That you buy the story only serves to remind us of what a complete dumbass you are.

Poor Joe. His son is a corrupt, meth smoking pedophile. Joe is just a pedophile. This will haunt him to his dying day. Poor, poor Joe. He better fess up now, this story is not going away. :(
As they should. Do we all remember what happened in 2016, when they breathlessly announced that they had a computer with emails, and then said that none of them were sensitive..but the damage was done.

The FBI is investigating this for what it is... Russian Disinformation.
They didn't say none of them were sensitive.

You are LYING.

Why would you want justice delayed if these accusations against Hunter Biden are true.

Don't you think these children deserve justice if Hunter has done what is alleged?

Or are you one of those Leftist who support that kind of insanity?
Before jumping to “deserving justice” why don’t you first ascertain that a crime even occurred?

Since there is nothing to see you probably also agree the FBI should release the hard drive immediately, right? :D


If no crime occurred, regardless of the person targeted here, WHY should the FBI release private materials of a private citizen to the public? I mean you realize what you are demanding and the implications of it?

Why are you assuming no crime occurred? According to the reporting major crimes occurred. Aren't you Dems all about transparency? RElease all the information and let the American People decide.
My point: why don’t you first ascertain that a crime even occurred?

You: Who cares? Make the FBI Release a private citizen‘s (neither indicted nor convicted) private materials for public consumption. Burn him! He’s a witch!

Caveat: but only if it’s a Democrat. Who turned me into a newt.

View attachment 403710
Hold on. You find crap like this not credible. I understand why but you also found Blasey Ford credible. Do you not see the hypocrisy here at all?
Going off your point is it fair to assume you didn’t find Ford credible and therefore you don’t find this stuff credible?
Yep. I need way more proof. But unlike all those on the Left I am not a hypocrite. I would bet my life that Ford was lying. Yet many believed her. Including that stupid idiot Kamala Harris. Hypocrisy 101. Also don’t believe Christopher Steele.

Actually I need more proof as well. The FBI has had the computer since December 2019. Is the story legit? Is it disinformation? The full thing needs to come out.
Sen. Ron Johnson is calling on FBI Director Christopher Wray to confirm or deny details regarding a laptop said to have belonged to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden.

Johnson, R-Wis., said in a letter to Wray obtained by Fox News that a whistleblower contacted his committee on September 24, claiming to possess a laptop that Hunter Biden left at his business, and that he had turned it over to the FBI. Johnson noted that staff immediately asked the FBI to confirm certain details in order to validate the claim, but the bureau said they would not confirm or deny any of the information included in their request.

"The FBI has a duty to inform us. If they believe this was maybe Russian disinformation, they should give us a defensive briefing,” Johnson told “Sunday Morning Futures.” “If, for example, they also believe that what information this whistleblower gave us is fraudulent, that would also be a crime, and FBI should tell us that.”

Things about to get real?
It is fiction.

So your in favor of the FBI releasing everything on the hard drive? Good to know. :thup:

I'd like to see what Rudy tried to construct...I'm sure it would be hilarious watching you guys swear it's all true. I know that, when I had my consulting business, when people didn't pay their bill, Rudy was the guy I called to talk about it.

Okay, So the FBI should release the hard immediately. Got it. :thup:

Sure...Rudy worked hard creating this hard drive. We should see what he came up with.

If he did that's a crime. Release all the info so we can bring Rudy to justice. :D

As I understand, the FBI is investigating Rudy and the NY Post as well.

The FBI is not investigating shit. This is buried under the J Edgar Hoover Building. It will be used to blackmail Biden if he becomes President just like the fake Russian Collusion was used to blackmail Trump.

So what? Rudy is risking going to jail for years sending fake shit to the FBI? Are you crazy?

No, the info is legit. The FBI is sitting on it. Hoover blackmailed Presidents for decades. Joe Biden is dead man walking if he is elected. Comey tried to intimidate Trump with the fake Russian dossier. He never thought Trump would fire him. Wray now has the goods on Biden. Biden is utterly corrupt. Th FBI now owns him 100%.

At some point everyone who works for the blob commits a felony. That is why he goes through people so quickly. Some won't go that far and they get a knife in the back. Others...get a federal rap and a pardon if it goes south.

As far a s this goes...
Rudy is being investigated for creating disinformation. Not sure that is a felony.

You are making a shit load of assumptions with zero evidence. My assumption is the info is likely legit and highly embarrassing to Biden. That is what the Post reporting is saying. They have seen the materials.

The good news for Joe is the FBI has buried it. That is a fact. They will use it against Joe to keep him in line if he is elected. Bank on it.

There is nothing to bury; it is fiction. That you buy the story only serves to remind us of what a complete dumbass you are.
Just as fictional as Blasey Ford but you believed her. Hypocrisy 101.

Nah, this is much more fictional.
Blasey Ford's story was probably true. Her "injury" from what she reported was not. Otherwise you'd have done a lot more than she did to seek remedy.
Zero corroboration. She made it all up. Therein lies the problem. You believe in partisan lies so long as they suit you. Makes you very stupid. You, Coyote, JoeB, Mac, Dragonlady. Hypocrites. Why don’t you just admit that both parties lie and the biased media is in on it. Not overly difficult. Come on, you can do it.

Zero corroboration doesn't mean it didn't happen. You say you had covid. Nobody has corroborated it. So're lying out of your ass.
Sen. Ron Johnson is calling on FBI Director Christopher Wray to confirm or deny details regarding a laptop said to have belonged to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden.

Johnson, R-Wis., said in a letter to Wray obtained by Fox News that a whistleblower contacted his committee on September 24, claiming to possess a laptop that Hunter Biden left at his business, and that he had turned it over to the FBI. Johnson noted that staff immediately asked the FBI to confirm certain details in order to validate the claim, but the bureau said they would not confirm or deny any of the information included in their request.

"The FBI has a duty to inform us. If they believe this was maybe Russian disinformation, they should give us a defensive briefing,” Johnson told “Sunday Morning Futures.” “If, for example, they also believe that what information this whistleblower gave us is fraudulent, that would also be a crime, and FBI should tell us that.”

Things about to get real?
It is fiction.

So your in favor of the FBI releasing everything on the hard drive? Good to know. :thup:

I'd like to see what Rudy tried to construct...I'm sure it would be hilarious watching you guys swear it's all true. I know that, when I had my consulting business, when people didn't pay their bill, Rudy was the guy I called to talk about it.

Okay, So the FBI should release the hard immediately. Got it. :thup:

Sure...Rudy worked hard creating this hard drive. We should see what he came up with.

If he did that's a crime. Release all the info so we can bring Rudy to justice. :D

As I understand, the FBI is investigating Rudy and the NY Post as well.

The FBI is not investigating shit. This is buried under the J Edgar Hoover Building. It will be used to blackmail Biden if he becomes President just like the fake Russian Collusion was used to blackmail Trump.

So what? Rudy is risking going to jail for years sending fake shit to the FBI? Are you crazy?

No, the info is legit. The FBI is sitting on it. Hoover blackmailed Presidents for decades. Joe Biden is dead man walking if he is elected. Comey tried to intimidate Trump with the fake Russian dossier. He never thought Trump would fire him. Wray now has the goods on Biden. Biden is utterly corrupt. Th FBI now owns him 100%.

At some point everyone who works for the blob commits a felony. That is why he goes through people so quickly. Some won't go that far and they get a knife in the back. Others...get a federal rap and a pardon if it goes south.

As far a s this goes...
Rudy is being investigated for creating disinformation. Not sure that is a felony.

You are making a shit load of assumptions with zero evidence. My assumption is the info is likely legit and highly embarrassing to Biden. That is what the Post reporting is saying. They have seen the materials.

The good news for Joe is the FBI has buried it. That is a fact. They will use it against Joe to keep him in line if he is elected. Bank on it.

There is nothing to bury; it is fiction. That you buy the story only serves to remind us of what a complete dumbass you are.

Poor Joe. His son is a corrupt, meth smoking pedophile. Joe is just a pedophile. This will haunt him to his dying day. Poor, poor Joe. He better fess up now, this story is not going away. :(

Its fiction. But please continue to believe the nonsense.
I've seen claims that H. biden is in images and videos raping and torturing under age Chinese girls. Supposedly they are to be released tomorrow. I can't see making a claim like this if it's not true, and I hope it's not, for the sake of the children, but if it is, this is horrible. What could be wrong with someone doing things like this if it's true? And if true what effect will it have on Joe Biden and his run for the president?
None, because Biden loses anyways. If true though, Hunter should be doing life without parole.
I've seen claims that H. biden is in images and videos raping and torturing under age Chinese girls. Supposedly they are to be released tomorrow. I can't see making a claim like this if it's not true, and I hope it's not, for the sake of the children, but if it is, this is horrible. What could be wrong with someone doing things like this if it's true? And if true what effect will it have on Joe Biden and his run for the president?

Let say it is true Mike then I believe Joe Biden should step aside and just let Harris run the Democratic ticket and let the voters choose between her or Trump.

If found untrue then those that leaked false information to help with a smear campaign should be held accountable no matter who they are...

As for Hunter Biden if it is discovered he actually did rape underaged children with China knowing then him and China should be held accountable with the harshest possible punishment given!
Biden's name is on the ticket----you vote for the dems you are voting for the Bidens and their pedophilia-----------Pedophilia runs in families---Joe hair sniffing little girls and talking about how he likes them rubbing his leg hairs should have been a sign.
As they should. Do we all remember what happened in 2016, when they breathlessly announced that they had a computer with emails, and then said that none of them were sensitive..but the damage was done.

The FBI is investigating this for what it is... Russian Disinformation.
They didn't say none of them were sensitive.

You are LYING.

Why would you want justice delayed if these accusations against Hunter Biden are true.

Don't you think these children deserve justice if Hunter has done what is alleged?

Or are you one of those Leftist who support that kind of insanity?
Before jumping to “deserving justice” why don’t you first ascertain that a crime even occurred?

Since there is nothing to see you probably also agree the FBI should release the hard drive immediately, right? :D


If no crime occurred, regardless of the person targeted here, WHY should the FBI release private materials of a private citizen to the public? I mean you realize what you are demanding and the implications of it?

Why are you assuming no crime occurred? According to the reporting major crimes occurred. Aren't you Dems all about transparency? RElease all the information and let the American People decide.
My point: why don’t you first ascertain that a crime even occurred?

You: Who cares? Make the FBI Release a private citizen‘s (neither indicted nor convicted) private materials for public consumption. Burn him! He’s a witch!

Caveat: but only if it’s a Democrat. Who turned me into a newt.

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Hold on. You find crap like this not credible. I understand why but you also found Blasey Ford credible. Do you not see the hypocrisy here at all?
Going off your point is it fair to assume you didn’t find Ford credible and therefore you don’t find this stuff credible?
Yep. I need way more proof. But unlike all those on the Left I am not a hypocrite. I would bet my life that Ford was lying. Yet many believed her. Including that stupid idiot Kamala Harris. Hypocrisy 101. Also don’t believe Christopher Steele.

Actually I need more proof as well. The FBI has had the computer since December 2019. Is the story legit? Is it disinformation? The full thing needs to come out.
They have had the computer for a year-----------so they should have already investigated it if they weren't spending the last year trying to hide the evidence and cover for Biden.
Hey dumbass ....

Lots of photos have already been released and more are supposed to be released this week.

Uh, yeah, those are all personal photos with nothing really in them...

The fact you guys can't show us a link to a photo with anything bad in it says a lot. If there were, you'd be plastering these boards with them the way you did Katie Hill's threesome pictures.

Perhaps none of the pictures has been posted because they would be considered child pornography.
Wow, more will be released this week? Like a drip drip drip campaign? Interesting. Why do you think they weren’t all released last year when Rudy got them?
Perhaps you could list the date Rudy received this copy of Hunter's hard drive ...

Or you could just keep making Fake News assumptions ......
Well according to the blind Trumpster that owns the computer shop he gave the hard drive to Rudy’s lawyer after he gave it to the FBI and they weren’t buying what he was selling... here’s his brilliant account of how that went...
Throughout the interview, Mac Isaac switched back and forth from saying he reached out to law enforcement after viewing the files in the laptop to saying that it was actually the Federal Bureau of Investigation that contacted him. At one point, Mac Isaac claimed that he was emailing someone from the FBI about the laptop. At another point he claimed a special agent from the Baltimore office had contacted him after he alerted the FBI to the device’s existence. At another point, he said the FBI reached out to him for “help accessing his drive.”

Mac Isaac referenced the infamous Seth Rich conspiracy theory—which holds that a DNC staffer who police say was murdered in a botched robbery was actually killed off by Clinton allies because he leaked committee emails—as reason for his paranoia. He said he made a copy of the hard drive for the purposes of personal protection.

“They probably knew I had a copy because I was pretty vocal about not wanting to get murdered,” he said, “so I’m going to have a copy.”
Hey dumbass ....

Lots of photos have already been released and more are supposed to be released this week.

Uh, yeah, those are all personal photos with nothing really in them...

The fact you guys can't show us a link to a photo with anything bad in it says a lot. If there were, you'd be plastering these boards with them the way you did Katie Hill's threesome pictures.

Perhaps none of the pictures has been posted because they would be considered child pornography.
But Joey sure wants to see that child porn doesn't he???
Sen. Ron Johnson is calling on FBI Director Christopher Wray to confirm or deny details regarding a laptop said to have belonged to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden.

Johnson, R-Wis., said in a letter to Wray obtained by Fox News that a whistleblower contacted his committee on September 24, claiming to possess a laptop that Hunter Biden left at his business, and that he had turned it over to the FBI. Johnson noted that staff immediately asked the FBI to confirm certain details in order to validate the claim, but the bureau said they would not confirm or deny any of the information included in their request.

"The FBI has a duty to inform us. If they believe this was maybe Russian disinformation, they should give us a defensive briefing,” Johnson told “Sunday Morning Futures.” “If, for example, they also believe that what information this whistleblower gave us is fraudulent, that would also be a crime, and FBI should tell us that.”

Things about to get real?

I like reading multiple sources---and particularily from local sources which always have more information that our lib national media.

The link above got me wondering...if the FBI was given the harddrive a year ago, do they still even have the hard drive. I asked this because I recall when the FBI "investigated" Hilliary's emails and computers/blackberries....that the FBI collected all the evidence, claimed that there was nothing to see, and then destroyed the computer and blackberries for HILLIARY and gave atleast two large boxes of other evidence to Hillary's pet HUMA to take home.

The question that I want to ask is DOES THE FBI STILL HAVE THE HARD DRIVE AND WHERE IS IT?

The article also states that the FBI had the repair man come in and "consult" on the hard drive--------this isn't what they do--he should be worried, there would have been definately some ulterior motives in to having him come in. I wonder if they used the opportunity to ask him if there were COPIES made of the hard drive which might explain why he is still alive.

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