Sen Sanders (I) has stayed true to his principles

Corp Dems coming out of the woodwork to defend the "we left the WH broke" :eusa_liar: and "I was under sniper fire" :eusa_liar: candidate :eusa_clap:

BTW- hiLIARy release her Goldman cheerleader transcripts yet?
Sanders is a joke and it's a damn shame things have gotten to a point in this country where an outspoken communist is garnering real support.
The joke is the democrat party aiding and abetting the republican party in stealing our nations wealth and giving it to the corporations. Sanders is merely pointing it out for anyone interested in hearing his message. The shame is an independent has to run as a democrat to get any attention at all.
He should be running as a communist.

Which would be understandable, if he was a communist.

Bernie is a "Democratic Socialist". The term was coined by Vladimir Lenin to make communism more agreeable to opponents.

So yes, Bernie is a communist

No. Bernie is not a communist.
Sanders won't win the nomination because there are too many sane people in this country. But please click this link and look over his policies:

Issues - Bernie Sanders

I don't know much about Margaret Thatcher because that was a bit before my time, but this is one of the greatest quotes in political history:

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money"
The joke is the democrat party aiding and abetting the republican party in stealing our nations wealth and giving it to the corporations. Sanders is merely pointing it out for anyone interested in hearing his message. The shame is an independent has to run as a democrat to get any attention at all.
He should be running as a communist.

Which would be understandable, if he was a communist.

Bernie is a "Democratic Socialist". The term was coined by Vladimir Lenin to make communism more agreeable to opponents.

So yes, Bernie is a communist

No. Bernie is not a communist.
Sanders won't win the nomination because there are too many sane people in this country. But please click this link and look over his policies:

Issues - Bernie Sanders

I don't know much about Margaret Thatcher because that was a bit before my time, but this is one of the greatest quotes in political history:

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money"

Do you usually quote right wing fanatics?

Affordable housing must have scared you.
He should be running as a communist.

Which would be understandable, if he was a communist.

Bernie is a "Democratic Socialist". The term was coined by Vladimir Lenin to make communism more agreeable to opponents.

So yes, Bernie is a communist

No. Bernie is not a communist.
Sanders won't win the nomination because there are too many sane people in this country. But please click this link and look over his policies:

Issues - Bernie Sanders

I don't know much about Margaret Thatcher because that was a bit before my time, but this is one of the greatest quotes in political history:

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money"

Do you usually quote right wing fanatics?

Affordable housing must have scared you.
Affordable housing is great. Lots of things are great as long as you have other people's money to pay for them. When you start proposing crazy ideas that end up with us running out of other people's money...

Oh God..... maybe we are witnessing the death of moderates during this primary cycle....
Sanders is a joke and it's a damn shame things have gotten to a point in this country where an outspoken communist is garnering real support.
The joke is the democrat party aiding and abetting the republican party in stealing our nations wealth and giving it to the corporations. Sanders is merely pointing it out for anyone interested in hearing his message. The shame is an independent has to run as a democrat to get any attention at all.
He should be running as a communist.

Which would be understandable, if he was a communist.

Bernie is a "Democratic Socialist". The term was coined by Vladimir Lenin to make communism more agreeable to opponents.

So yes, Bernie is a communist
He is actually a social democrat.

So no, he is not a communist.
Last edited:
Which would be understandable, if he was a communist.

Bernie is a "Democratic Socialist". The term was coined by Vladimir Lenin to make communism more agreeable to opponents.

So yes, Bernie is a communist

No. Bernie is not a communist.
Sanders won't win the nomination because there are too many sane people in this country. But please click this link and look over his policies:

Issues - Bernie Sanders

I don't know much about Margaret Thatcher because that was a bit before my time, but this is one of the greatest quotes in political history:

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money"

Do you usually quote right wing fanatics?

Affordable housing must have scared you.
Affordable housing is great. Lots of things are great as long as you have other people's money to pay for them. When you start proposing crazy ideas that end up with us running out of other people's money...

Oh God..... maybe we are witnessing the death of moderates during this primary cycle....

Specific problem with this?
Expand the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Sen. Sanders is proud to have authored the original National Affordable Housing Trust Fund bill in the House of Representatives in 2001 that became law in 2008. This is the first new federal housing production program in almost three decades, and the first ever designed to build rental housing for extremely low-income households. As president, Sen. Sanders will fight to increase funding for the housing trust fund to at least $5 billion a year in order to construct, preserve, and rehabilitate at least 3.5 million affordable housing rental units over the next decade. Not only will this help address the affordable housing crisis, it will also create millions of good paying jobs in the process.

Raise the minimum wage. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), a renter would need to earn a wage of $19.35 per hour in order to afford a modest, two-bedroom apartment in the U.S. One way to start closing the wage/rent gap is to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020.

Reinvigorate federal housing production programs. Over the past decade, the federal programs that build affordable housing for families, for the elderly and for the disabled have been decimated. Nobody disagrees that we need to address the deficit, but it is absurd to balance the budget on the backs of working families, the elderly, the disabled and the poor. We must return to pre-2010 funding levels by ending sequestration and invest more, not less, in affordable housing.

Defend Fair Housing. The sordid history of housing discrimination is a stain on our collective conscious, and for fifty years the Fair Housing Act has provided critically important legal protection from discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex or disability. And yet, Republicans have tried over and over again to defund efforts to affirmatively promote fair housing. We must push back, defend and strengthen the law, and make sure we never again tacitly condone housing discrimination.

Demand more from Affordable Housing Developers. Housing that is built with government subsidies should remain affordable much longer than the 10, 15 or 20 years typically required by federal housing programs. In my state of Vermont, we require affordable housing to remain affordable permanently. In my view, once we subsidize rental housing, we shouldn’t have to pay again and again simply to “preserve” it.

Repair Public Housing. We need sufficient funding for public housing operating and capital costs, and we need to reduce the unacceptable backlog of public housing capital needs.

Protect Rental Assistance. We need to provide full funding to all existing project based rental assistance contracts.

Expand Housing Choice Initiative. We need to increase funding for the housing choice voucher program to target families who need support the most and to provide greater economic stability to the more than 3 million households struggling to remain in safe, secure and affordable housing today.

Promoting Homeownership
Owning a home remains one of the best ways for families to build wealth and enter the middle class. However, for decades, wages have not kept up with the median costs of homes, putting homeownership out of reach for millions of families. The housing crisis that began in 2007 wiped-out the entire household wealth of millions of families, particularly African-American and Latino families who were disproportionately targeted with sub-prime mortgages and had most of their wealth in their homes – the net worth of African-American households fell by more than 50 percent and Latino families by more than 65 percent. We must take aggressive steps to make homeownership more attainable for first time homebuyers, as well as for the millions of families across the country who lost their homes to foreclosure.

  1. As President, Sen. Sanders will fight to:
    Support First Time Homebuyers. We should expand the Department of Housing and Urban Development and USDA Rural Development assistance programs for first time homeownership, particularly through down payment assistance, loan guarantees and direct loans.

    Expand Pre-purchase Housing Counseling. Study after study shows that people who receive counseling before buying a home are more likely to succeed at homeownership. Housing counseling is a good investment in families and communities.

    Implement Credit Score Reform. The credit scores of millions of families have been ruined because of foreclosures or other financial hardships from the economic meltdown. At the same time, a prime score before the crisis was 640. It currently hovers around 740. If we want to rebuild the lost wealth of working families, we need real credit score reform to make the banking and credit industries work for borrowers and not just lenders.

    Prevent Predatory Lending. In the 2000s Sen. Sanders called on Congress to clean up the subprime market by cracking down on predatory lenders. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Incredibly, Republicans now want to undermine the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which was created to protect families against fraudulent, deceptive, and abusive lending practices that caused the crisis. By requiring that all mortgage costs are clear, risks are visible, and nothing is buried in fine print, the CFBP makes sure consumers have the information they need to make good financial decisions.

    Protect Homeowner Mortgage Interest Benefits. Sen. Sanders strongly supports tax policies that promote homeownership, and opposes any reform that would negatively impact middle and low-income homeowners. We need to close the second home and yacht loophole, as there is simply no compelling public interest in subsidizing second homes and yachts. We also need to expand homeowner mortgage interest benefits to the 19 million otherwise eligible homeowners who do not itemize their taxes.
Helping Underwater Homeowners
For millions of American families, and for many hard hit communities, the housing crisis is not over. According to the real estate firm CoreLogic, 4.3 million homeowners still owe more than their houses are worth. While the taxpayers of this country, against my strong opposition, bailed out the largest financial institutions in this country with no strings attached, we have never provided an adequate lifeline to underwater homeowners. While Treasury’s Home Affordable Modification Program has helped more than 1.5 million homeowners avoid foreclosure, and the Hardest Hit Fund has assisted another 250,000 ‎homeowners, these are a fraction of the households that were, or are, underwater.

  1. As President, Sen. Sanders will fight to:
    Reinvigorate HARP. The Home Affordable Refinance Program was designed to assist homeowners who are current on their mortgage payments but owe more than their home is worth, by allowing them to refinance their underwater mortgages at lower interest rates. While the average homeowner saves about $2,500 per year, many people who theoretically qualify have not benefitted because of various barriers and inadequate outreach. Sen. Sanders co-sponsored legislation to reduce up-front fees, eliminate appraisal costs for borrowers, streamline the application process and launch a national effort to educate homeowners about the program. As president, he will fight to sign that legislation into law.

    Expand Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling. Just as pre-purchase homeownership counseling works for prospective homebuyers, we need to expand National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling programs to help underwater homeowners. Studies have shown that underwater homeowners who receive counselling are far more likely to cure a serious delinquency or foreclosure, and stay current after obtaining a cure. The best solution is to keep homeowners in their homes.
Preventing Homelessness
We have made some important strides toward reducing homelessness, but it is a national disgrace that on a given night, almost 565,000 people are homeless in the United States. It is especially distressing that so many are children living in families.

Just as we must build more housing that is affordable to low income renters, we must reinvigorate our homeless assistance programs. Recognizing that one size does not fit all, we must address the unique housing needs of homeless veterans, victims of domestic abuse, and runaway and homeless youth. We must address family homelessness through rapid re-housing where families are quickly connected with permanent housing and their lives returned to relative stability. We must explore new ways to address the more than 83,000 chronically homeless individuals with policies that provide permanent supportive housing first.

And we must address the underlying economic conditions that lead to homelessness, including the fact that a disproportionate number of homeless families are headed by single women.

  1. As President, Sen. Sanders will fight to:
    Prevent Homelessness and Reduce Recidivism. Sen. Sanders strongly supports President Obama’s efforts to house people coming out of prison. In November, he announced a pilot program to reduce recidivism and prevent homelessness by making sure former inmates do not cycle between the criminal justice and homeless service systems. This is a good investment in people leaving prison, and a smart way to prevent homelessness.

    End Chronic Homelessness. Sen. Sanders will fight for sufficient funding to end chronic homelessness.
Getting lead out of our homes
In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control lowered its blood lead threshold for children from 10 to 5 micrograms per deciliter of blood, after research showed that even minute lead levels can significantly impact a child’s brain development and result in behavioral problems and learning disabilities. The CDC estimates that 535,000 American children under six years of age are affected by lead poisoning. This preventable tragedy traps families in poverty and robs children of their opportunity to succeed.

  1. As President, Sen. Sanders will fight to:
    Make HUD-assisted housing lead-free. Sen. Sanders recently joined several colleagues in urging HUD Secretary Julian Castro to do more to prevent lead poisoning in HUD assisted housing. Not only has HUD failed to adopt the new CDC threshold for purposes of requiring landlords to mitigate lead in apartments with children, but HUD has not updated its blood lead level standard since 1999. In fact, HUD allows children’s blood lead levels to be three to four times higher than the new CDC standard before it requires landlords to abate lead. That is unacceptable.
Addressing Housing and Environmental Justice
Homes are not just places to live, they are the building blocks of our communities. Yet, some communities – usually low-income and communities of color – experience a daily assault on their health and environment. They are the hardest hit by air and water pollution from industrial factories, power plants, incinerators, chemical waste and lead contamination from old pipes and paint.

Black children are five times more likely to have lead poisoning. Low-income Latino immigrants are more likely to live in areas with high levels of hazardous air pollution than anyone else; the odds of a Latino immigrant neighborhood being located in an area of high toxic pollution is one in three. At the same time, communities of color lack access to parks, gardens and other recreational green space.

In addition to building homes, we must build communities. Federal agencies must develop and implement clear, strategic plans to achieve environmental justice and provide targeted action where the needs are greatest. As president, Sen. Sanders will work to ensure that all Americans are able to live in safe, secure, healthy, and affordable housing.
Bernie is a "Democratic Socialist". The term was coined by Vladimir Lenin to make communism more agreeable to opponents.

So yes, Bernie is a communist

No. Bernie is not a communist.
Sanders won't win the nomination because there are too many sane people in this country. But please click this link and look over his policies:

Issues - Bernie Sanders

I don't know much about Margaret Thatcher because that was a bit before my time, but this is one of the greatest quotes in political history:

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money"

Do you usually quote right wing fanatics?

Affordable housing must have scared you.
Affordable housing is great. Lots of things are great as long as you have other people's money to pay for them. When you start proposing crazy ideas that end up with us running out of other people's money...

Oh God..... maybe we are witnessing the death of moderates during this primary cycle....

Specific problem with this?
Expand the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Sen. Sanders is proud to have authored the original National Affordable Housing Trust Fund bill in the House of Representatives in 2001 that became law in 2008. This is the first new federal housing production program in almost three decades, and the first ever designed to build rental housing for extremely low-income households. As president, Sen. Sanders will fight to increase funding for the housing trust fund to at least $5 billion a year in order to construct, preserve, and rehabilitate at least 3.5 million affordable housing rental units over the next decade. Not only will this help address the affordable housing crisis, it will also create millions of good paying jobs in the process.

Raise the minimum wage. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), a renter would need to earn a wage of $19.35 per hour in order to afford a modest, two-bedroom apartment in the U.S. One way to start closing the wage/rent gap is to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020.

Reinvigorate federal housing production programs. Over the past decade, the federal programs that build affordable housing for families, for the elderly and for the disabled have been decimated. Nobody disagrees that we need to address the deficit, but it is absurd to balance the budget on the backs of working families, the elderly, the disabled and the poor. We must return to pre-2010 funding levels by ending sequestration and invest more, not less, in affordable housing.

Defend Fair Housing. The sordid history of housing discrimination is a stain on our collective conscious, and for fifty years the Fair Housing Act has provided critically important legal protection from discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex or disability. And yet, Republicans have tried over and over again to defund efforts to affirmatively promote fair housing. We must push back, defend and strengthen the law, and make sure we never again tacitly condone housing discrimination.

Demand more from Affordable Housing Developers. Housing that is built with government subsidies should remain affordable much longer than the 10, 15 or 20 years typically required by federal housing programs. In my state of Vermont, we require affordable housing to remain affordable permanently. In my view, once we subsidize rental housing, we shouldn’t have to pay again and again simply to “preserve” it.

Repair Public Housing. We need sufficient funding for public housing operating and capital costs, and we need to reduce the unacceptable backlog of public housing capital needs.

Protect Rental Assistance. We need to provide full funding to all existing project based rental assistance contracts.

Expand Housing Choice Initiative. We need to increase funding for the housing choice voucher program to target families who need support the most and to provide greater economic stability to the more than 3 million households struggling to remain in safe, secure and affordable housing today.

Promoting Homeownership
Owning a home remains one of the best ways for families to build wealth and enter the middle class. However, for decades, wages have not kept up with the median costs of homes, putting homeownership out of reach for millions of families. The housing crisis that began in 2007 wiped-out the entire household wealth of millions of families, particularly African-American and Latino families who were disproportionately targeted with sub-prime mortgages and had most of their wealth in their homes – the net worth of African-American households fell by more than 50 percent and Latino families by more than 65 percent. We must take aggressive steps to make homeownership more attainable for first time homebuyers, as well as for the millions of families across the country who lost their homes to foreclosure.

  1. As President, Sen. Sanders will fight to:
    Support First Time Homebuyers. We should expand the Department of Housing and Urban Development and USDA Rural Development assistance programs for first time homeownership, particularly through down payment assistance, loan guarantees and direct loans.

    Expand Pre-purchase Housing Counseling. Study after study shows that people who receive counseling before buying a home are more likely to succeed at homeownership. Housing counseling is a good investment in families and communities.

    Implement Credit Score Reform. The credit scores of millions of families have been ruined because of foreclosures or other financial hardships from the economic meltdown. At the same time, a prime score before the crisis was 640. It currently hovers around 740. If we want to rebuild the lost wealth of working families, we need real credit score reform to make the banking and credit industries work for borrowers and not just lenders.

    Prevent Predatory Lending. In the 2000s Sen. Sanders called on Congress to clean up the subprime market by cracking down on predatory lenders. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Incredibly, Republicans now want to undermine the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which was created to protect families against fraudulent, deceptive, and abusive lending practices that caused the crisis. By requiring that all mortgage costs are clear, risks are visible, and nothing is buried in fine print, the CFBP makes sure consumers have the information they need to make good financial decisions.

    Protect Homeowner Mortgage Interest Benefits. Sen. Sanders strongly supports tax policies that promote homeownership, and opposes any reform that would negatively impact middle and low-income homeowners. We need to close the second home and yacht loophole, as there is simply no compelling public interest in subsidizing second homes and yachts. We also need to expand homeowner mortgage interest benefits to the 19 million otherwise eligible homeowners who do not itemize their taxes.
Helping Underwater Homeowners
For millions of American families, and for many hard hit communities, the housing crisis is not over. According to the real estate firm CoreLogic, 4.3 million homeowners still owe more than their houses are worth. While the taxpayers of this country, against my strong opposition, bailed out the largest financial institutions in this country with no strings attached, we have never provided an adequate lifeline to underwater homeowners. While Treasury’s Home Affordable Modification Program has helped more than 1.5 million homeowners avoid foreclosure, and the Hardest Hit Fund has assisted another 250,000 ‎homeowners, these are a fraction of the households that were, or are, underwater.

  1. As President, Sen. Sanders will fight to:
    Reinvigorate HARP. The Home Affordable Refinance Program was designed to assist homeowners who are current on their mortgage payments but owe more than their home is worth, by allowing them to refinance their underwater mortgages at lower interest rates. While the average homeowner saves about $2,500 per year, many people who theoretically qualify have not benefitted because of various barriers and inadequate outreach. Sen. Sanders co-sponsored legislation to reduce up-front fees, eliminate appraisal costs for borrowers, streamline the application process and launch a national effort to educate homeowners about the program. As president, he will fight to sign that legislation into law.

    Expand Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling. Just as pre-purchase homeownership counseling works for prospective homebuyers, we need to expand National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling programs to help underwater homeowners. Studies have shown that underwater homeowners who receive counselling are far more likely to cure a serious delinquency or foreclosure, and stay current after obtaining a cure. The best solution is to keep homeowners in their homes.
Preventing Homelessness
We have made some important strides toward reducing homelessness, but it is a national disgrace that on a given night, almost 565,000 people are homeless in the United States. It is especially distressing that so many are children living in families.

Just as we must build more housing that is affordable to low income renters, we must reinvigorate our homeless assistance programs. Recognizing that one size does not fit all, we must address the unique housing needs of homeless veterans, victims of domestic abuse, and runaway and homeless youth. We must address family homelessness through rapid re-housing where families are quickly connected with permanent housing and their lives returned to relative stability. We must explore new ways to address the more than 83,000 chronically homeless individuals with policies that provide permanent supportive housing first.

And we must address the underlying economic conditions that lead to homelessness, including the fact that a disproportionate number of homeless families are headed by single women.

  1. As President, Sen. Sanders will fight to:
    Prevent Homelessness and Reduce Recidivism. Sen. Sanders strongly supports President Obama’s efforts to house people coming out of prison. In November, he announced a pilot program to reduce recidivism and prevent homelessness by making sure former inmates do not cycle between the criminal justice and homeless service systems. This is a good investment in people leaving prison, and a smart way to prevent homelessness.

    End Chronic Homelessness. Sen. Sanders will fight for sufficient funding to end chronic homelessness.
Getting lead out of our homes
In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control lowered its blood lead threshold for children from 10 to 5 micrograms per deciliter of blood, after research showed that even minute lead levels can significantly impact a child’s brain development and result in behavioral problems and learning disabilities. The CDC estimates that 535,000 American children under six years of age are affected by lead poisoning. This preventable tragedy traps families in poverty and robs children of their opportunity to succeed.

  1. As President, Sen. Sanders will fight to:
    Make HUD-assisted housing lead-free. Sen. Sanders recently joined several colleagues in urging HUD Secretary Julian Castro to do more to prevent lead poisoning in HUD assisted housing. Not only has HUD failed to adopt the new CDC threshold for purposes of requiring landlords to mitigate lead in apartments with children, but HUD has not updated its blood lead level standard since 1999. In fact, HUD allows children’s blood lead levels to be three to four times higher than the new CDC standard before it requires landlords to abate lead. That is unacceptable.
Addressing Housing and Environmental Justice
Homes are not just places to live, they are the building blocks of our communities. Yet, some communities – usually low-income and communities of color – experience a daily assault on their health and environment. They are the hardest hit by air and water pollution from industrial factories, power plants, incinerators, chemical waste and lead contamination from old pipes and paint.

Black children are five times more likely to have lead poisoning. Low-income Latino immigrants are more likely to live in areas with high levels of hazardous air pollution than anyone else; the odds of a Latino immigrant neighborhood being located in an area of high toxic pollution is one in three. At the same time, communities of color lack access to parks, gardens and other recreational green space.

In addition to building homes, we must build communities. Federal agencies must develop and implement clear, strategic plans to achieve environmental justice and provide targeted action where the needs are greatest. As president, Sen. Sanders will work to ensure that all Americans are able to live in safe, secure, healthy, and affordable housing.
All of that is fantastic! I just hope you don't run out of other people's money. Which you will.
This sums up Bernies Economics abilities....

Sanders maintaining his principles is not a hard thing to accomplish when you consider he is a complete loon. Maintaining that facade should be pretty easy
Yep. Like him or not, he's the one candidate who is truly fighting against our corrupt government. Trump shows glimpses of it, but Trump is about Trump, not the people. His ego would take priority just as it has his entire life.

Trump through campaign donations is nothing more than a lobbyist.
Sanders is a joke and it's a damn shame things have gotten to a point in this country where an outspoken communist is garnering real support.
AGAIN w/ your throwing around terms that you don't know the meaning of.
For fuck's sake Dot.... you know Sanders is looney tunes. Supporting him is the liberal equivalent of being a college freshman who's just read Atlas Shrugged and thinks they understand everything now. Nothing the guy wants to do is possible, and any steps he takes in the hopes of getting there will damage the country. Don't be like a college freshman Dot...

None of that makes him a Communist.

And, might I add, voting for any Republican candidate who has any idea of how to fix anything the last 10 years is also akin to the realism of Atlas Shrugs.

I agree, Sanders is not my cup of tea for President, I think he's great in the senate but if you think the Republican version of fixing anything recently is in the realm of reality then let me know. Healthcare...sure, tort reform, health savings accounts and selling across state lines is going to save everybody, never mind 2 out of 3 of those items protect consumers and Republicans want to take that away.

You have a Republican party that is just biting at the bit to start more wars...and at the same time call Obama a war monger. Ok.

Cut taxes, cut taxes, cut taxes...that's all they want to do, whether it helps or not, that's the plan.

Restrict voting rights

Raise the minimum wage? Why should the lowest wage have to be a living wage? Ayn Rand would love to keep the MW at what it is or get rid of it all together. Hell the front runner of the GOP thinks wages are too high as they are.

Benghazi, the conspiracy that won't die and even actual moderate Republicans think this is a thing.

Your party is a mess. Any Republican who points at Sanders as some sort of strange oddity needs to really look at their own party. You guys have more nuts than Planters.

Also, I don't know of any Republican candidate who will blame Bush for the recession. Not one. Finally they (some actually) are coming around to holding Bush responsible for the war, probably because they have to but the recession? nope. Somehow we were over regulated into it or it was blacks forced into sub-prime mortgages by liberals (we'll probably get some wingnuts to reply to that).

I don't know what to make of the GOP. While they only play lip service to the social aspects, they've really fucked us over and many of their politicians don't recognize that to this day.

I want a functioning government, can the GOP give me that? I haven't seen any evidence.

I'm also drunk....or at least on my way.
So, you got nothing.
I hope not to. Which is why I'm not supporting Sanders. He won't get the nomination anyways so this conversation is pointless.

I'm saddened though, to learn that the Democrat party has so many people who put ideology before logic and reason.

Uh............the Democrats are nothing more than Republican-lite. This division has been in the works for years. The Dems are no longer liberals. They represent corporate whoredom. They bank now on nothing more than finger pointing bullshit and refuse to take care of business or address problems.
I'm disgusted so many have put party before logic and reason. I was so disgusted I left it.
So, you got nothing.
I hope not to. Which is why I'm not supporting Sanders. He won't get the nomination anyways so this conversation is pointless.

I'm saddened though, to learn that the Democrat party has so many people who put ideology before logic and reason.

Uh............the Democrats are nothing more than Republican-lite. This division has been in the works for years. The Dems are no longer liberals. They represent corporate whoredom. They bank now on nothing more than finger pointing bullshit and refuse to take care of business or address problems.
I'm disgusted so many have put party before logic and reason. I was so disgusted I left it.
You sound just like Vigilante and other conservative nutjobs. And you don't even notice it. Well go ahead and vote for Sanders. This country will deserve what it gets if there are enough idiots around to vote him into the White House. It will also guarantee a republican sweep in 2018 and 2020.
So, you got nothing.
I hope not to. Which is why I'm not supporting Sanders. He won't get the nomination anyways so this conversation is pointless.

I'm saddened though, to learn that the Democrat party has so many people who put ideology before logic and reason.

Uh............the Democrats are nothing more than Republican-lite. This division has been in the works for years. The Dems are no longer liberals. They represent corporate whoredom. They bank now on nothing more than finger pointing bullshit and refuse to take care of business or address problems.
I'm disgusted so many have put party before logic and reason. I was so disgusted I left it.
You sound just like Vigilante and other conservative nutjobs. And you don't even notice it. Well go ahead and vote for Sanders. This country will deserve what it gets if there are enough idiots around to vote him into the White House. It will also guarantee a republican sweep in 2018 and 2020.

You can't clearly identify anything that his wrong with his policies are worried about a republican sweep in 2018 and 2020. Hmmmm.............and you think there's something wrong with me?

You drinkin'?
So, you got nothing.
I hope not to. Which is why I'm not supporting Sanders. He won't get the nomination anyways so this conversation is pointless.

I'm saddened though, to learn that the Democrat party has so many people who put ideology before logic and reason.

Uh............the Democrats are nothing more than Republican-lite. This division has been in the works for years. The Dems are no longer liberals. They represent corporate whoredom. They bank now on nothing more than finger pointing bullshit and refuse to take care of business or address problems.
I'm disgusted so many have put party before logic and reason. I was so disgusted I left it.
You sound just like Vigilante and other conservative nutjobs. And you don't even notice it. Well go ahead and vote for Sanders. This country will deserve what it gets if there are enough idiots around to vote him into the White House. It will also guarantee a republican sweep in 2018 and 2020.

You can't clearly identify anything that his wrong with his policies are worried about a republican sweep in 2018 and 2020. Hmmmm.............and you think there's something wrong with me?

You drinkin'?

I'm glad Sanders has no shot at the nomination, and we can end this conversation. Buh bye.
So, you got nothing.
I hope not to. Which is why I'm not supporting Sanders. He won't get the nomination anyways so this conversation is pointless.

I'm saddened though, to learn that the Democrat party has so many people who put ideology before logic and reason.

Uh............the Democrats are nothing more than Republican-lite. This division has been in the works for years. The Dems are no longer liberals. They represent corporate whoredom. They bank now on nothing more than finger pointing bullshit and refuse to take care of business or address problems.
I'm disgusted so many have put party before logic and reason. I was so disgusted I left it.
You sound just like Vigilante and other conservative nutjobs. And you don't even notice it. Well go ahead and vote for Sanders. This country will deserve what it gets if there are enough idiots around to vote him into the White House. It will also guarantee a republican sweep in 2018 and 2020.

You can't clearly identify anything that his wrong with his policies are worried about a republican sweep in 2018 and 2020. Hmmmm.............and you think there's something wrong with me?

You drinkin'?

I'm glad Sanders has no shot at the nomination, and we can end this conversation. Buh bye.

Me too. We can have it again every time the Democrats get their asses thrown out until they start to get it.
His principles? You mean socialism. The principles literally responsible for hundreds of millions of people being murdered by all powerful government?

That's a good thing?

I think Bernie Sanders is much more than your average run of the mill socialists. Anyone that praised Fidel Castro, who is responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and imprisoning thousands more is probably a dyed in the wool communist.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." Winston Churchill

His principles? You mean socialism. The principles literally responsible for hundreds of millions of people being murdered by all powerful government?

That's a good thing?

I think Bernie Sanders is much more than your average run of the mill socialists. Anyone that praised Fidel Castro, who is responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and imprisoning thousands more is probably a dyed in the wool communist.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." Winston Churchill
You always struck me as Batista the Butcher kind of guy.

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