Sen Sanders (I) has stayed true to his principles

"Sen Sanders (I) has stayed true to his principles"

Good for him.

And should at some point in the future American presidential politics becomes principled, Sanders will be a viable candidate.

As of 2016, however, he’s not.

I don't think your nursing home candidate is going to make it another 4 to 8 years to run again. John McCain is older and is in better shape than Bernie Sanders, and he was tortured for 5 years. Sanders already looks like a 100 miles of bad road.

So, you got nothing.
I hope not to. Which is why I'm not supporting Sanders. He won't get the nomination anyways so this conversation is pointless.

I'm saddened though, to learn that the Democrat party has so many people who put ideology before logic and reason.

Uh............the Democrats are nothing more than Republican-lite. This division has been in the works for years. The Dems are no longer liberals. They represent corporate whoredom. They bank now on nothing more than finger pointing bullshit and refuse to take care of business or address problems.
I'm disgusted so many have put party before logic and reason. I was so disgusted I left it.
hence hiLIARy not releasing her Goldman cheerleader transcripts, yes.
Sanders is a joke and it's a damn shame things have gotten to a point in this country where an outspoken communist is garnering real support.
AGAIN w/ your throwing around terms that you don't know the meaning of.
For fuck's sake Dot.... you know Sanders is looney tunes. Supporting him is the liberal equivalent of being a college freshman who's just read Atlas Shrugged and thinks they understand everything now. Nothing the guy wants to do is possible, and any steps he takes in the hopes of getting there will damage the country. Don't be like a college freshman Dot...

If it came down to Trump or Sanders, I'd take Sanders. I'd take Sanders over Hillary.
Sen Sanders (I) has stayed true to his principles
What principles? Empower the state and thereby the existing plutocracy in order to "fight" the plutocracy? His only apparent "principles" are that he has a 5 year olds view of the world that doesn't understand that the plutocracy is aided and abetted by the power of the state and this dickhead wants to make the state MORE POWERFUL AND MORE EXPENSIVE. His only appeal is to dreamy-eyed lemmings that like all the "I'll give you free shit" promises and think he's so damn "genuine", yeah he's genuine alright, genuinely lost in a fantasy land where money grows on trees and everybody in government is an angelic force that will always do the right thing if only the citizenry will allow them total control of everything.

Somebody needs to explain the realities to Bernie because it doesn't appear that all the time he's spent in Washington D.C. has made a dent into that utopian fog he's been living in since the 1960's.
So, you got nothing.
I hope not to. Which is why I'm not supporting Sanders. He won't get the nomination anyways so this conversation is pointless.

I'm saddened though, to learn that the Democrat party has so many people who put ideology before logic and reason.

Uh............the Democrats are nothing more than Republican-lite. This division has been in the works for years. The Dems are no longer liberals. They represent corporate whoredom. They bank now on nothing more than finger pointing bullshit and refuse to take care of business or address problems.
I'm disgusted so many have put party before logic and reason. I was so disgusted I left it.
You sound just like Vigilante and other conservative nutjobs. And you don't even notice it. Well go ahead and vote for Sanders. This country will deserve what it gets if there are enough idiots around to vote him into the White House. It will also guarantee a republican sweep in 2018 and 2020.

You can't clearly identify anything that his wrong with his policies are worried about a republican sweep in 2018 and 2020. Hmmmm.............and you think there's something wrong with me?

You drinkin'?
^ that. Drunk on Establ corporatist kool aid
What are Sanders's freaking principles? He ran as a socialist until he couldn't find enough socialist supporters so the DNC welcomed him back as a progressive democrat.

Explain to me the difference between a 'progressive Democrat' and 'democratic socialist'.
Sen Sanders (I) has stayed true to his principles
What principles? Empower the state and thereby the existing plutocracy in order to "fight" the plutocracy? His only apparent "principles" are that he has a 5 year olds view of the world that doesn't understand that the plutocracy is aided and abetted by the power of the state and this dickhead wants to make the state MORE POWERFUL AND MORE EXPENSIVE. His only appeal is to dreamy-eyed lemmings that like all the "I'll give you free shit" promises and think he's so damn "genuine", yeah he's genuine alright, genuinely lost in a fantasy land where money grows on trees and everybody in government is an angelic force that will always do the right thing if only the citizenry will allow them total control of everything.

Somebody needs to explain the realities to Bernie because it doesn't appear that all the time he's spent in Washington D.C. has made a dent into that utopian fog he's been living in since the 1960's.

We in the working middle class (if you have to work to live middle class, you are in the working middle class) have two forces to control and use for our benefit; the wealthy that live off of us like a mold and the government which is like an insect that eats the mold but can over reach and eat the solid structural wood as well.

International corporations are like mold on steroids and the mold has been winning since 1990. We can use more helpful insects.
So, you got nothing.
I hope not to. Which is why I'm not supporting Sanders. He won't get the nomination anyways so this conversation is pointless.

I'm saddened though, to learn that the Democrat party has so many people who put ideology before logic and reason.

Uh............the Democrats are nothing more than Republican-lite. This division has been in the works for years. The Dems are no longer liberals. They represent corporate whoredom. They bank now on nothing more than finger pointing bullshit and refuse to take care of business or address problems.
I'm disgusted so many have put party before logic and reason. I was so disgusted I left it.
hence hiLIARy not releasing her Goldman cheerleader transcripts, yes.

Honestly? I don't need to see the transcripts to know what she is about. She has a track record.
So, you got nothing.
I hope not to. Which is why I'm not supporting Sanders. He won't get the nomination anyways so this conversation is pointless.

I'm saddened though, to learn that the Democrat party has so many people who put ideology before logic and reason.

Uh............the Democrats are nothing more than Republican-lite. This division has been in the works for years. The Dems are no longer liberals. They represent corporate whoredom. They bank now on nothing more than finger pointing bullshit and refuse to take care of business or address problems.
I'm disgusted so many have put party before logic and reason. I was so disgusted I left it.
hence hiLIARy not releasing her Goldman cheerleader transcripts, yes.

Honestly? I don't need to see the transcripts to know what she is about. She has a track record.
True. She spoke volumes through not saying anything about the transcripts ;)
His principles? You mean socialism. The principles literally responsible for hundreds of millions of people being murdered by all powerful government?

That's a good thing?

it seems like you're being too simplistic, which is likely not your intention.

Sanders is far closer to the Scandinavian Social democracies than say Stalin's Russia. [In fact, the body count inflicted by the USA on civilians in places like Vietnam & Iraq make Bush/Clinton better targets for your talking point]

Sanders is much closer philosophically to John Dewey than he is to Vladimir Lenin. Dewey believed in regulated markets and private property, but, politically, he wanted to replace the concentrated power of wealth with broad civic participation.

Sanders has proposed a lower marginal tax rate than Eisenhower, Nixon or Ford.

I've given up on Sanders because I think he is this cycles' Nader, but your inability to make very basic intellectual distinctions between different political and economic systems is catnip for our political leaders, who prey upon those who don't have time to go to a library.

Rather than letting Bush/Clinton sell you on the notion that Hussein and Bin Laden were part of this oversimplified monolithic cauldron of evil, you would do well to study the regional complexities of the Middle East. We need people like you to understand the convoluted tribal conflicts between say Shiites and Sunnis so that you can understand the challenges of nation building in Iraq and Syria. To merely throw your hands up and label everyone a socialist or Islamo-fascist is to leave all the heavy lifting to others. When Trump says he's just going to go over there and kill the "evil doers" - who are strategically embedded with the moderates we need to influence - it is your job to wipe the slobber off your lips and be analytical.

(And I'm not saying you have to give up your hatred of gays, Islamists, Mexicans, socialists, communists, atheists, multiculturalists or the Western European welfare states; rather, I'm trying to help you land better punches)
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