Senate conservatives led by Senator Cruz set to filibuster any Democratic attempt to raise debt limit

when i'm happy with him, i call him "Senator Cruz", when i'm mad, he's "Lyin' Ted"

Hes Ted "Cancun" Cruz, the guy who epitomizes the word "cuck" and abandoned his constituents to take a vacation when they needed him most while having the gall to blame it on his kids.

If there is a more worthless human being on the face of this planet I don't want to know, my faith in people couldn't take it.
when i'm happy with him, i call him "Senator Cruz", when i'm mad, he's "Lyin' Ted"

Republicans gave huge tax cuts for the rich. They were headed for trillion dollar deficits before the coronavirus. Republicans want to play games with the country's credit. Republicans show they are irresponsible.
Republicans gave huge tax cuts for the rich. They were headed for trillion dollar deficits before the coronavirus. Republicans want to play games with the country's credit. Republicans show they are irresponsible.
Obama signed off on the greatest transfer of wealth in history. Then Trump did the same and Biden did it also. It doesn’t matter which party is in charge, the rich get richer and the gap widens. We need a party that is fiscally responsible and there is tons of proof that Republicans and Democrats are not that.
Look, this is all just for show. The debt limit will be increased, and they will kick the can down the road for a few more months, then we will be right back at this again, just as we have done many times in the past.

I wish they would just stop all of this "fake rage" and just put the debt limit at unlimited because we all know, at the end of the day, they WILL increase it, and the next time we are at this junction again, they WILL increase it then as well.
Look, this is all just for show. The debt limit will be increased, and they will kick the can down the road for a few more months, then we will be right back at this again, just as we have done many times in the past.

I wish they would just stop all of this "fake rage" and just put the debt limit at unlimited because we all know, at the end of the day, they WILL increase it, and the next time we are at this junction again, they WILL increase it then as well.
It's like taxing the rich. How many years.....decades have they been saying that? They don't really WANT to raise taxes on the rich, if they did, they would have done it already. For a time when Obama was president, they had a chance, and now, I'm sure they could pressure Manchin and sinema to vote to end the filibuster, but they don't, and they won't.

If the dems actually went through with their tax the rich agenda, it would piss off all of their donors and they wouldn't get all that money. So, they just throw that phrase around and try to use it to make the right look like evil rich greedy bastards, but they themselves are exactly the same as those "rich greedy repubs". They all hang out at the same uppity places, they all use the same tax loopholes, and hide their money from being taxed too much. They all get money shoved in their pockets by big business and lobbyists.

The dems like to talk a good game, but when it comes down to it, they are just like the repubs the claim to despise so much, which is why they never follow through on their desire to raise taxes on the rich.
Hes Ted "Cancun" Cruz, the guy who epitomizes the word "cuck" and abandoned his constituents to take a vacation when they needed him most while having the gall to blame it on his kids.

If there is a more worthless human being on the face of this planet I don't want to know, my faith in people couldn't take it.
What do a state’s senator’s have to do with green energy induced power failures? He has nothing to do with that. He has no authority to do anything about it. All he could do was tweet bitch. And you fuckers had that covered.
It's like taxing the rich. How many years.....decades have they been saying that? They don't really WANT to raise taxes on the rich, if they did, they would have done it already. For a time when Obama was president, they had a chance, and now, I'm sure they could pressure Manchin and sinema to vote to end the filibuster, but they don't, and they won't.

If the dems actually went through with their tax the rich agenda, it would piss off all of their donors and they wouldn't get all that money. So, they just throw that phrase around and try to use it to make the right look like evil rich greedy bastards, but they themselves are exactly the same as those "rich greedy repubs". They all hang out at the same uppity places, they all use the same tax loopholes, and hide their money from being taxed too much. They all get money shoved in their pockets by big business and lobbyists.

The dems like to talk a good game, but when it comes down to it, they are just like the repubs the claim to despise so much, which is why they never follow through on their desire to raise taxes on the rich.
That made me think of something. All those people who criticized Trump for those tax cuts, many of them, I'm sure, benefitted from them.

Zuckerberg, gates, Romney, Pelosi, Dorsey, sure, they love to bash Trump any chance they get, but when those tax cuts came around, you can bet they claimed them. You know, you don't have to take a tax cut. If they felt so strongly against them, they could have written a check back to the government for the difference, but, I'm pretty sure they didn't do that. They pointed the finger at Trump accusingly, while looking at their bank balance with the other hand.
Hes Ted "Cancun" Cruz, the guy who epitomizes the word "cuck" and abandoned his constituents to take a vacation when they needed him most while having the gall to blame it on his kids.

If there is a more worthless human being on the face of this planet I don't want to know, my faith in people couldn't take it.
maybe some texans felt that way…regardless he’s making up for it now, and not just standing up for Texans but all Americans

That’s what leadership is all about
What do a state’s senator’s have to do with green energy induced power failures? He has nothing to do with that. He has no authority to do anything about it. All he could do was tweet bitch. And you fuckers had that covered.
What a sloppy load of excuses.

A. Green energy had nothing to do with it, it was lack of maintenance.

Texas could have joined the national power grids at any time in the last 50+ years and didn't, that's the Texas government's fault, of which Cancun Cruz is a part.

3. Out of state Democrats came and did much more than tweet while he went somewhere warm to escape.
maybe some texans felt that way…regardless he’s making up for it now, and not just standing up for Texans but all Americans

That’s what leadership is all about
He's grandstanding, nothing more. He doesn't give two shits about his own constituents, much less anyone else.
He's grandstanding, nothing more. He doesn't give two shits about his own constituents, much less anyone else.
well yeah a filibuster is by def action a little grandstanding.

Good for him though, this is worth the fight.

The last time we saw a dem do this it was to stop the civil rights legislation.
Ah business as usual. When the Democrats are in the White House, suddenly the Republicans are Fiscal Conservatives again. When it is a Republican occupying the White House, the Democrats take on the title.

Then there are the fanboys who cheer each side as they oppose reckless spending of the other guys. Silent as a Church Mouse when their side is in charge, they are loud and proud in opposing the spending of the other side.
Republicans gave huge tax cuts for the rich. They were headed for trillion dollar deficits before the coronavirus. Republicans want to play games with the country's credit. Republicans show they are irresponsible.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Republican candidate Donald Trump promised he would eliminate the nation’s debt in eight years.1 Instead, his budget estimates showed that he would actually add at least $8.3 trillion, increasing the U.S. debt to $28.5 trillion by 2025.2 However, the national debt reached that figure much sooner. When President Trump took office in January 2017, the national debt stood at $19.9 trillion. In October 2020, the national debt reached a new high of $27 trillion. That's an increase of almost 36% in less than four years.

They only become "responsible" and "conservative" when a democrat is in office or at election time.

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