Senate Delves Deeper in Hunter Biden Corruption

All this shows is how Trump and his minions in Congress are weaponizing the State against Trump’s political opponents and for personal and political gain. These same folks refused to release Trump’s tax returns but are now complicit in releasing information they hope will damage Trump’s political opponents.
I just witnessed an absolute attempt at a coup by Democrats to overthrow the government. Go piss up a rope.

OBAMA weaponized the DOJ, IRS, EPA, Interior, State, FBI, NSA, NOAA, NASA and many other agencies to promote his corruption, but also punish his political enemies. We are still dealing with these deep state enemies of freedom and liberty.
Lol.. We are now dealing with the Trumpian deep state. So you are fine with Trump weaponizing the State against his political opponents?

Biden being his political opponent does not preclude him from being investigated for a crime against the US. Not sure why you guys don't get this.
Trump is using the power of the state to go after the son of his political opponent. A son who did nothing wrong. All to intimidate his opponent. No different what a corrupt autocrat would do,
You do realize, if Biden didn't brag about breaking the law. Trump wouldn't know about it, Biden did this to himself.
All this shows is how Trump and his minions in Congress are weaponizing the State against Trump’s political opponents and for personal and political gain. These same folks refused to release Trump’s tax returns but are now complicit in releasing information they hope will damage Trump’s political opponents.
KARMA is a bitch now is it.

Now why was the COKE HEAD there in the Gas industry with daddy when he doesn't know a damned thing about it....

We all know why he was there.........same with Pelosi's kid.............Getting rich off the misery of others.....and taxpayers dollars.

Being the Political WHORES they are..................Hope Hunter gets the same treatment given to the right side from the ABUSE OF POWERS under OBAMA.....

Perhaps a 3 a.m. kick the door down full armed raid of Hunter..................Like your Jack Boots did.
Hunter Biden is a nobody, A nobody who is being used as a cudgel against his father. The Trumpian deep state is now using its resources to punish his opponents.

Good for Trump.

Hunter Biden gets Secret Service Protection everywhere he goes. When his Daddy was VP, Hunter Biden was traveling on AF-2 with him.
The Senate committee already has Biden's financial records. Now they are looking into his travel records. That can be done by using
the travel records of his Secret Service Protection Team.

All of those trips with Secret Service Protection are funded by American taxpayers. (At the minimum, the Secret Service is)

If Hunter was only traveling overseas on AF-2 with his Daddy and making big profits for himself, he's gonna have quite a bill
to pay for misusing Taxpayer money.

This Guy is dead meat, and Daddy, what's left of him, is gonna take the fall.

Democrat final two will be Bloomberg vs Sanders.
All this shows is how Trump and his minions in Congress are weaponizing the State against Trump’s political opponents and for personal and political gain. These same folks refused to release Trump’s tax returns but are now complicit in releasing information they hope will damage Trump’s political opponents.
I just witnessed an absolute attempt at a coup by Democrats to overthrow the government. Go piss up a rope.

OBAMA weaponized the DOJ, IRS, EPA, Interior, State, FBI, NSA, NOAA, NASA and many other agencies to promote his corruption, but also punish his political enemies. We are still dealing with these deep state enemies of freedom and liberty.
Lol.. We are now dealing with the Trumpian deep state. So you are fine with Trump weaponizing the State against his political opponents?

Biden being his political opponent does not preclude him from being investigated for a crime against the US. Not sure why you guys don't get this.
Trump is using the power of the state to go after the son of his political opponent. A son who did nothing wrong. All to intimidate his opponent. No different what a corrupt autocrat would do,

Hunter is the least of your problems, lol. Better start worrying about Brennan, Clapper, and Rice-) That hits a lot closer to home for you Leftists, now doesn't it!
If Joe Biden raped half a dozen nuns, it still had nothing to with this trump character bribing the Ukranian president. Hmm, what will these trumpbots do when rush is no longer here to tell them how to think. Well, there's still hannity.

You know that lie will be shot down within a matter of hours. Trump never bribed anybody. If you think he did, please provide the evidence. On the other hand, we have video of Shokin stating without a doubt, he got fired because he was looking into Hunter and Burisma, and that is bribery. What have you got?
All this shows is how Trump and his minions in Congress are weaponizing the State against Trump’s political opponents and for personal and political gain. These same folks refused to release Trump’s tax returns but are now complicit in releasing information they hope will damage Trump’s political opponents.
I just witnessed an absolute attempt at a coup by Democrats to overthrow the government. Go piss up a rope.

OBAMA weaponized the DOJ, IRS, EPA, Interior, State, FBI, NSA, NOAA, NASA and many other agencies to promote his corruption, but also punish his political enemies. We are still dealing with these deep state enemies of freedom and liberty.
Lol.. We are now dealing with the Trumpian deep state. So you are fine with Trump weaponizing the State against his political opponents?

Biden being his political opponent does not preclude him from being investigated for a crime against the US. Not sure why you guys don't get this.

Simple, it's what CNN told them, that's why.

Joe was not Trump's political opponent when he made the call. Joe is not Trump's political opponent today. Joe would be Trump's political opponent only if he gets nominated, which is looking pretty shaky right now.

The left has this concept that nobody should ever look at corruption on their side, no matter how obvious that corruption is. But it's okay when they spy on a candidates team, in essence spying on the candidate. It's okay to make a two year investigation out of nothing, with no substantial evidence to support opening up a case. It's okay to have one of their minions make false accusations of an appointed judge by a Republican, again, with no substantial evidence.

But when you have a former VP's drug addict son, making money hand over fist, you shouldn't be allowed to look into it because he is the son of a Democrat. Not allowed.
All this shows is how Trump and his minions in Congress are weaponizing the State against Trump’s political opponents and for personal and political gain. These same folks refused to release Trump’s tax returns but are now complicit in releasing information they hope will damage Trump’s political opponents.

The difference is that Trump had no political family ties while doing his business. Can you say the same about dope head?

Don't expect us to believe that the commies have immunity from justice simply because we're nearing an election. If Hunter or Joe did nothing wrong, then they have nothing to worry about, do they? Even though none of you will admit it, you know it looks suspicious as all hell how Hunter got that job, and why he was paid what he was paid.

Hunter threw his hat in the ring when he took that job. He could have stayed home and chased ambulances and earn an honest living. But no. He had to get involved with a corrupt company, in a corrupt country, that his father was put in charge of to protect him.
The Party of Moon Bats thought they were going to get Trump impeached. Instead they enabled Trump and the Republicans to expose the corruption of the Democrat's "Great White Hope". The front runner that had the only chance to beat Trump. LOL!

These idiot Democrat Moon Bats are so afflicted with the TDS mental illness that they are deranged and do really stupid things. Now their front runner comes in 4th place in the primaries and is facing even more scrutiny. The sonofabitch has almost as much corruption baggage as that Crooked Hillary piece of shit.

If they had any sense they would have never said a word about the Ukraine knowing the corruption of the Biden family. Did those idiots think that Biden wasn't going to get exposed?

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness. The Democrats haz it.
The Party of Moon Bats thought they were going to get Trump impeached. Instead they enabled Trump and the Republicans to expose the corruption of the Democrat's "Great White Hope". The front runner that had the only chance to beat Trump. LOL!

These idiot Democrat Moon Bats are so afflicted with the TDS mental illness that they are deranged and do really stupid things. Now their front runner comes in 4th place in the primaries and is facing even more scrutiny. The sonofabitch has almost as much corruption baggage as that Crooked Hillary piece of shit.

If they had any sense they would have never said a word about the Ukraine knowing the corruption of the Biden family. Did those idiots think that Biden wasn't going to get exposed?

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness. The Democrats haz it.

That debunks their other lie that they were concerned about Trump going after a political opponent. I'm sure most people didn't even know about Hunter, Shokin, Burisma until they made a huge deal out of it, dragged it out for several months, and wanted to drag it out even longer. If Biden is destroyed over this, it's the Democrats that did it, not Trump, Barr or Rudy.
If Joe Biden raped half a dozen nuns, it still had nothing to with this trump character bribing the Ukranian president. Hmm, what will these trumpbots do when rush is no longer here to tell them how to think. Well, there's still hannity.

You know that lie will be shot down within a matter of hours. Trump never bribed anybody. If you think he did, please provide the evidence. On the other hand, we have video of Shokin stating without a doubt, he got fired because he was looking into Hunter and Burisma, and that is bribery. What have you got?

All you have is hearsay from a corrupt prosecutor.
All this shows is how Trump and his minions in Congress are weaponizing the State against Trump’s political opponents and for personal and political gain. These same folks refused to release Trump’s tax returns but are now complicit in releasing information they hope will damage Trump’s political opponents.
I just witnessed an absolute attempt at a coup by Democrats to overthrow the government. Go piss up a rope. are admitting that you don't know the Constitution. What a surprise.
All this shows is how Trump and his minions in Congress are weaponizing the State against Trump’s political opponents and for personal and political gain. These same folks refused to release Trump’s tax returns but are now complicit in releasing information they hope will damage Trump’s political opponents.
I just witnessed an absolute attempt at a coup by Democrats to overthrow the government. Go piss up a rope.

OBAMA weaponized the DOJ, IRS, EPA, Interior, State, FBI, NSA, NOAA, NASA and many other agencies to promote his corruption, but also punish his political enemies. We are still dealing with these deep state enemies of freedom and liberty.
Did someone just mention Former President OBAMA?
Treasury complies with GOP Senate inquiry, hands over highly confidential info on Hunter Biden, report says
Liberals were under the childish delusion that they would impeach the President on political partisan grounds and not face retribution.Democrats on Capitol Hill sowed the wind. Now they shall reap the whirlwind.

"Quotes. The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. … They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind."
-Sir Arthur Harris
Chief of Bomber Command RAF

The Republican Party is a corrupt party and Republican Senators are following Trump's lead in abusing their authority. The Republicans and Trump supporters like you are the Nazis in this case. It is clear they want to use the federal government for political purposes when they harassed Hillary Clinton.
All this shows is how Trump and his minions in Congress are weaponizing the State against Trump’s political opponents and for personal and political gain. These same folks refused to release Trump’s tax returns but are now complicit in releasing information they hope will damage Trump’s political opponents.
I just witnessed an absolute attempt at a coup by Democrats to overthrow the government. Go piss up a rope.

You did not. You are someone who is stricken with Trump Derangement Syndrome. That is why you make stupid statements like this.
All this shows is how Trump and his minions in Congress are weaponizing the State against Trump’s political opponents and for personal and political gain. These same folks refused to release Trump’s tax returns but are now complicit in releasing information they hope will damage Trump’s political opponents.
I just witnessed an absolute attempt at a coup by Democrats to overthrow the government. Go piss up a rope.

OBAMA weaponized the DOJ, IRS, EPA, Interior, State, FBI, NSA, NOAA, NASA and many other agencies to promote his corruption, but also punish his political enemies. We are still dealing with these deep state enemies of freedom and liberty.

So you say you lying little weasel. No such thing occurred. There is no deep state and Trump and his supporters are enemies of freedom and liberty.
All this shows is how Trump and his minions in Congress are weaponizing the State against Trump’s political opponents and for personal and political gain. These same folks refused to release Trump’s tax returns but are now complicit in releasing information they hope will damage Trump’s political opponents.
I just witnessed an absolute attempt at a coup by Democrats to overthrow the government. Go piss up a rope.

OBAMA weaponized the DOJ, IRS, EPA, Interior, State, FBI, NSA, NOAA, NASA and many other agencies to promote his corruption, but also punish his political enemies. We are still dealing with these deep state enemies of freedom and liberty.
Lol.. We are now dealing with the Trumpian deep state. So you are fine with Trump weaponizing the State against his political opponents?
Operation Crossfire Hurricane and the liberal Washington DC bureaucracy that supported it contradicts your statement as those civil servants are still in place.

The IG stated that there was enough evidence to open a investigation of the Trump campaign. You don't have a leg to stand on.
The illegal Democrat/Media COUP failed. Russia, Russia, Russia FAILED. Quid pro quo FAILED. The Democrats have made it OK to Impeach a President for purely political reasons, just because he won an election.

If there is a Democrat President in 2025, the Republicans should start an immediate Impeachment. Instead of supporting it, like with the Democrats, watch the MEDIA scream.

Trump abused his authority. Voters agreed that what Trump did was wrong. We are talking about a Democrat President in 2020.
All this shows is how Trump and his minions in Congress are weaponizing the State against Trump’s political opponents and for personal and political gain. These same folks refused to release Trump’s tax returns but are now complicit in releasing information they hope will damage Trump’s political opponents.

Obama's weaponized the FBI. Hell the FBI is still weaponized in support of the Dems.

He did not. The FBI is not weaponized in favor of anybody. You are using a cuckoo clock for a brain.

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