Senate Democrats Introduce Bill Requiring A Federal Firearms License To Buy And Own A Gun

From the bill:

The Attorney General shall establish a Federal system for issuing a Federal firearm license to eligible individuals for firearms transferred to such individual.

(2) REQUIREMENTS.—The system established under paragraph (1) shall require that—
‘(A) an individual shall be eligible to receive such a license if the individual—
(i) has completed training in fire18 arms safety, including—​
‘(I) a written test, to demonstrate knowledge of applicable firearms laws; and​
(II) hands-on testing, including firing testing, to demonstrate safe use and sufficient accuracy of a firearm;​
(ii) as part of the process for applying for such a license—​
(I) has submitted to a background investigation and criminal history check of the individual;​
(II) has submitted proof of identity;​
(III) has submitted the fingerprints of the individual; and​
(IV) has submitted identifying information on the firearm that the person intends to obtain, including the make, model, and serial number, and the identity of the firearm seller or transferor;​
This bill has no chance of passing. It is obviously intended to appease the Democratic voters and create a list of Republicans opposed to gun control to be used in campaign ads.
Because we all know the FBI would never let a felon have a gun registered to them, let alone let an Army Major conduct a mass shooting on a military base in the name of Islam.
If this gets passed SCOTUS will slam Brandon again.

They try this everytime to prevent a crisis from going to waste.
Comes under 'Shall not be infringed'

From the bill:

The Attorney General shall establish a Federal system for issuing a Federal firearm license to eligible individuals for firearms transferred to such individual.

(2) REQUIREMENTS.—The system established under paragraph (1) shall require that—
‘(A) an individual shall be eligible to receive such a license if the individual—
(i) has completed training in fire18 arms safety, including—​
‘(I) a written test, to demonstrate knowledge of applicable firearms laws; and​
(II) hands-on testing, including firing testing, to demonstrate safe use and sufficient accuracy of a firearm;​
(ii) as part of the process for applying for such a license—​
(I) has submitted to a background investigation and criminal history check of the individual;​
(II) has submitted proof of identity;​
(III) has submitted the fingerprints of the individual; and​
(IV) has submitted identifying information on the firearm that the person intends to obtain, including the make, model, and serial number, and the identity of the firearm seller or transferor;​
And in 40 years we’ll get back to you.
Here are the things which will cause your federal license to be denied:

(aa) history of threats or acts of violence toward self or others;
(bb) history of use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force by the applicant against another person;
(cc) whether the applicant is the subject of or has violated a domestic violence or stalking restraining order or protection order;
(dd) any prior arrest, pending charge, or conviction for a violent or serious crime or disorderly persons offense, stalking offense, or domestic violence offense;
(ee) any prior arrest, pending charge, or conviction for an offense involving cruelty to animals;
(ff) history of drug or alcohol abuse or involvement in drug trafficking;
(gg) any recent acquisition of firearms, ammunition, or other deadly weapons; and
(hh) involvement in firearms trafficking or unlawful firearms transfers; and
(ii) history of unsafe storage or handling of firearms.

What the hell is "any recent acquisition of firearms, ammunition, or other deadly weapons" supposed to mean?

"history of drug or alcohol abuse". Too many DUIs, no gun for you!

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