Senate Democrats shut down minority's voice in the senate.


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2009
Democrats Invoke ‘Nuclear Option’ in Senate - ABC News

Democrats invoked the so-called “nuclear option” to change the rules in the U.S. Senate, bypassing Republicans and evading two difficult votes, including one on President Obama’s jobs bill.

The procedural precedent, which blocked Republicans from adding more amendments, could speed passage of a bill to punish China for currency manipulation.

It could also open a Pandora’s box, forever altering the traditions of the senate and its role on Capitol Hill.

I just hope they don't complain if republicans control the senate in the near future....this bill means that if the dems are in the minority in the future they have no voice either, truly shameful.
The "nuclear option" should be eliminated to end these shennanigans for either party.
maybe they should have stopped filibustering every bill and stopped blocking every appointment before this happened?

just saying...
maybe they should have stopped filibustering every bill and stopped blocking every appointment before this happened?

just saying...

oh no! what you want is one party rule, quit pretending. And,, secondly.. I think it defines the desperation of the demonRats and ya know what I always say... ya reaps what ya sows. the demonRats are gonna reap what they been sowing.. count on it.
What's it say about his disaster of a jobs bill when his own majority senate is avoiding it like the plague?
There's another thread in the Congress forum, same subject, that I started. Maybe merge 'em?

I get Jillian's point about blocking everything, but the dems do exactly the same thing when they're in the minority, let's not pretend that this is confined to one side. What we should have is some degree of cooperation and compromises, which the dems pretty much scuttled when they had a super majority and rammed things through without trying to work at all with the repubs, other than trying to pick off one person so they could claim it was bi-partisan. Hard to blame the repubs for not going along with the dems after that, especially since pretty much everything the dems want to do is antithetical tot he GOP point of view.
Democrats Invoke ‘Nuclear Option’ in Senate - ABC News

Democrats invoked the so-called “nuclear option” to change the rules in the U.S. Senate, bypassing Republicans and evading two difficult votes, including one on President Obama’s jobs bill.

The procedural precedent, which blocked Republicans from adding more amendments, could speed passage of a bill to punish China for currency manipulation.

It could also open a Pandora’s box, forever altering the traditions of the senate and its role on Capitol Hill.

I just hope they don't complain if republicans control the senate in the near future....this bill means that if the dems are in the minority in the future they have no voice either, truly shameful.

No, they did not. The nuclear option does not exist and so it would be kind of hard to use it. It would be kind of hard to repeal it too for the same reason. If by "nuclear option" you mean passing something by a majority of less than 60 votes that's not called the nuclear option, that's called the way it's supposed to work
Democrats Invoke ‘Nuclear Option’ in Senate - ABC News

Democrats invoked the so-called “nuclear option” to change the rules in the U.S. Senate, bypassing Republicans and evading two difficult votes, including one on President Obama’s jobs bill.

The procedural precedent, which blocked Republicans from adding more amendments, could speed passage of a bill to punish China for currency manipulation.

It could also open a Pandora’s box, forever altering the traditions of the senate and its role on Capitol Hill.

I just hope they don't complain if republicans control the senate in the near future....this bill means that if the dems are in the minority in the future they have no voice either, truly shameful.

This doesn't eliminate the use of the filibuster. It stops them from tying up the works with new amendments after cloture has already been established. I have no problem with this at all. It's an abusive practice.

Furthermore, the Republicans were trying to attach the Obama jobs bill and a bill related to the EPA as amendments to the Chinese currency manipulation legislation. Neither one of those have anything to do with the main legislation. That bullshit needs to stop also. Senators should not be allowed to attach completely unrelated legislation as an amendment.
The "nuclear option" should be eliminated to end these shennanigans for either party.

I agree, the operational rules should not constantly change with the whims of whichever party is in power at a given moment. But it would take a constitutional amendment.
Democrats Invoke ‘Nuclear Option’ in Senate - ABC News

Democrats invoked the so-called “nuclear option” to change the rules in the U.S. Senate, bypassing Republicans and evading two difficult votes, including one on President Obama’s jobs bill.

The procedural precedent, which blocked Republicans from adding more amendments, could speed passage of a bill to punish China for currency manipulation.

It could also open a Pandora’s box, forever altering the traditions of the senate and its role on Capitol Hill.

I just hope they don't complain if republicans control the senate in the near future....this bill means that if the dems are in the minority in the future they have no voice either, truly shameful.

This doesn't eliminate the use of the filibuster. It stops them from tying up the works with new amendments after cloture has already been established. I have no problem with this at all. It's an abusive practice.

Furthermore, the Republicans were trying to attach the Obama jobs bill and a bill related to the EPA as amendments to the Chinese currency manipulation legislation. Neither one of those have anything to do with the main legislation. That bullshit needs to stop also. Senators should not be allowed to attach completely unrelated legislation as an amendment.

so the republicans wanted to vote on obama's Jobs bill and attached it to something else that has a huge impact on our economy, chinese currency.

How is that a bad thing to do, the republicans just want to vote on Obama's bill.
Democrats Invoke ‘Nuclear Option’ in Senate - ABC News

Democrats invoked the so-called “nuclear option” to change the rules in the U.S. Senate, bypassing Republicans and evading two difficult votes, including one on President Obama’s jobs bill.

The procedural precedent, which blocked Republicans from adding more amendments, could speed passage of a bill to punish China for currency manipulation.

It could also open a Pandora’s box, forever altering the traditions of the senate and its role on Capitol Hill.

I just hope they don't complain if republicans control the senate in the near future....this bill means that if the dems are in the minority in the future they have no voice either, truly shameful.

Too bad they don't require 60 Votes to end it. It is desperate, shortsighted, and stupid.
so the republicans wanted to vote on obama's Jobs bill and attached it to something else that has a huge impact on our economy, chinese currency.

How is that a bad thing to do, the republicans just want to vote on Obama's bill.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the Chinese currency bill. It should be dealt with separately.
maybe they should have stopped filibustering every bill and stopped blocking every appointment before this happened?

just saying...

That happens allot, regardless of who is in Power.

No, it happens in relatively modern times alot. But a few decades ago Congress was not the pot of extreme temper tantrums when Billy doesn't get his way, like it is now.
Nuke dropped. How many years will the fallout last?

Senate GOP to retaliate after Reid maneuver by withholding consent « Hot Air

Reid has essentially removed the leash on which McConnell kept his caucus. Without the opportunity to force votes on amendments by sticking together, the Republican caucus is now a collection of 47 free agents. Any one of those Senators can bring business in the upper chamber to a halt merely by objecting to requests for unanimous consent on routine business — say, dispensing with the reading of bills. That would transform business that would normally take a couple of minutes into long, drawn-out votes to proceed that would take 60 votes to pass.

Reid and Chuck Schumer now want to have a “bipartisan caucus” meeting to allow Republicans to vent while avoiding that outcome, but as The Hill points out, neither have much credibility on which to promise any reform. At the beginning of the year, Reid and McConnell worked out an agreement to allow Republicans to offer limited amounts of amendments while Republicans promised to stop filibusters on motions to proceed (as opposed to motions to close debate and vote) unless the bill in question was very controversial. All year long, though, Reid has aggressively filled the amendment “trees” to keep Republican amendments from being considered, which had already angered the GOP caucus. After dropping this bombshell on them with no warning and no negotiation, Republicans aren’t going to be in a mood to attend Reid’s venting session or trust him to keep his word at all.

More at Hot Air including links to The Hill and Politico.

Bring on the deadlock. :lol:
maybe they should have stopped filibustering every bill and stopped blocking every appointment before this happened?

just saying...

That happens allot, regardless of who is in Power.

No, it happens in relatively modern times alot. But a few decades ago Congress was not the pot of extreme temper tantrums when Billy doesn't get his way, like it is now.

They actually used to read the Bills and debate them back then too, I'm told. Hard to imagine, huh. ;)
Democrats Invoke ‘Nuclear Option’ in Senate - ABC News

Democrats invoked the so-called “nuclear option” to change the rules in the U.S. Senate, bypassing Republicans and evading two difficult votes, including one on President Obama’s jobs bill.

The procedural precedent, which blocked Republicans from adding more amendments, could speed passage of a bill to punish China for currency manipulation.

It could also open a Pandora’s box, forever altering the traditions of the senate and its role on Capitol Hill.

I just hope they don't complain if republicans control the senate in the near future....this bill means that if the dems are in the minority in the future they have no voice either, truly shameful.

Republican obstructionism is whats been controlling the senate. Republicans have used the filibuster more than any time in history by any other party in history. Something has to happen to move the country forward.

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