Senate DEMONRATS deliver stunning warning to Supreme Court: ‘Heal’ or face restructuring

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Several high-profile Senate Democrats warned the Supreme Court in pointed terms this week that it could face a fundamental restructuring if justices do not take steps to "heal" the court in the near future.

The ominous and unusual warning was delivered as part of a brief filed Monday in a case related to a New York City gun law. Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., referenced rulings by the court's conservative majority in claiming it is suffering from some sort of affliction which must be remedied.

"The Supreme Court is not well. And the people know it," the brief said. "Perhaps the Court can heal itself before the public demands it be 'restructured in order to reduce the influence of politics.'"

The last part was quoting language from a Quinnipiac University poll, in which 51 percent favored such restructuring. In the same poll, 55 percent believed the Supreme Court was "motivated by politics" more than by the law.

Dramatic changes to the Supreme Court have been proposed by several Democrats vying for their party's 2020 presidential nomination, with "court-packing" being a common -- though highly controversial -- suggestion. Increasing the number of justices on the court would allow the president to shift the balance on the bench by loading up justices of his or her preference.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The Socialist/Communist/DemonRATS no longer even hide their desire to be a DICTATORSHIP in America.....when will the first shot of the Second Revolution start....I fully expect ANTIFA and BLM to move in unison to create this problem in a DemonRAT run city like Portland, or state like California where even the police are governed by leftists!

Several high-profile Senate Democrats warned the Supreme Court in pointed terms this week that it could face a fundamental restructuring if justices do not take steps to "heal" the court in the near future.

The ominous and unusual warning was delivered as part of a brief filed Monday in a case related to a New York City gun law. Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., referenced rulings by the court's conservative majority in claiming it is suffering from some sort of affliction which must be remedied.

"The Supreme Court is not well. And the people know it," the brief said. "Perhaps the Court can heal itself before the public demands it be 'restructured in order to reduce the influence of politics.'"

The last part was quoting language from a Quinnipiac University poll, in which 51 percent favored such restructuring. In the same poll, 55 percent believed the Supreme Court was "motivated by politics" more than by the law.

Dramatic changes to the Supreme Court have been proposed by several Democrats vying for their party's 2020 presidential nomination, with "court-packing" being a common -- though highly controversial -- suggestion. Increasing the number of justices on the court would allow the president to shift the balance on the bench by loading up justices of his or her preference.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

DemonRATS demand we play by the rules...until they lose.
Then they want to rewrite the rules so only they can win.

California DemonRATS have re-written the rules so now it is almost guaranteed that a DemonRAT will win each election.

This is what a one party system (and a lapdog media) gets you. A soft coup until we have an elected dictator at which point we become Venezuela.
What rule says you can’t change the number of justices?
Way to go lib scum.. threaten the SCOTUS to do as you say.... Brilliant strategy right before an election.. Now the conservative base will be out in force...

And we have the next 6 months to create commercials showing what it is you intend to do..
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All you need to know: D-R.I., D-Conn., D-Hawaii, D-Ill., and D-N.Y.

Brain-dead, leftist strongholds. Brain-dead, leftist idiots.

Not going nowhere.
These are "high-profile" Democrats? You mean, "Democrats elected by Leftist strongholds that are totally out of touch with the known universe"?
Senate Rats have again warned the USSC if they don't turn Rat they'll get packed with Rat judges....15 many as it takes. Within minutes they again turn to talking about impeaching the President because he does "unconstitutional" things. So the Constitution to them is a document to either be ignored or used when it's convenient....Why is this party allowed to even exist? They are obviously a clear and present danger to the American way of life and our constitutional republic. Maybe it's time to THIN the court a little instead of expanding about we start with the one who often appears dead in public? :eusa_eh:


Senate Dems deliver stunning warning to Supreme Court: ‘Heal’ or face restructuring
High-profile Senate Democrats warned the Supreme Court in pointed terms this week that it could face a fundamental restructuring if justices do not take steps to "heal" the court in the near future. No kidding HEAL? Perhaps I could understand heal itself, but heal?

Senate Dems deliver stunning warning to Supreme Court: 'Heal' or face restructuring

Perhaps someone misspelled the word. Are you sure it was heal and not heel, as getting a dog to heel? We all know that Democrats have a way of using their words.
"Senate DEMONRATS deliver stunning warning to Supreme Court: ‘Heel’
Post #10: On this current form of dem sex (duh), we should all hope Ruth is only feigning submission in the photograph.
Look at the garbage in Politics today and ask yourself why this thread was moved to this outpost....only a leftist or a moron (oxymoron) would maroon the Rat attempt to override presidential power and Senate consent. But hey, Rightwinger's claim that Trump is a pedophile because his daughter sat on his lap remains...this place is going to shit.
High-profile Senate Democrats warned the Supreme Court in pointed terms this week that it could face a fundamental restructuring if justices do not take steps to "heal" the court in the near future. No kidding HEAL? Perhaps I could understand heal itself, but heal?

Senate Dems deliver stunning warning to Supreme Court: 'Heal' or face restructuring

Perhaps someone misspelled the word. Are you sure it was heal and not heel, as getting a dog to heel? We all know that Democrats have a way of using their words.
"Senate DEMONRATS deliver stunning warning to Supreme Court: ‘Heel’

Wouldn't be surprised at all.

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