Senate Dems Put Comey On Notice: Answers No Later Than Monday

Put down the gun & pick up a book. Clinton has not been proved to be part of any corruption. He is only guilty in the minds of the uninformed Limbaugh crowd.

Using that logic, OJ didn't kill anybody.

These are not amateurs, these are professional criminals. They cover every track they make so it's not easy to prove anything. All you can hope is for one to slip up is all. But that doesn't mean they are not guilty of anything. They just didn't get caught yet.

LOL, you too are at risk of losing your license to troll. This ^^^ is a statement so stupid it might lead to a lifetime revocation.
If the populace is still brain dead enough to elect her. Three things that need to happen.

1. Impeach immediately after inauguration
2. Gridlock govt
3. Deny supreme court justices

Wow, you really are a fascist pig.

How long did democrats block bush judicial nominees? You don't have to answer.

Roberts was nominated on 9/5/05 and confirmed on 9/29/05; Alito was nominated 11/10/05 and confirmed on 1/31/06.

I'll edit my earlier comment, you really are a dumb fascist pig.
Senate Dems can SUCK IT - they can't Force the FBI to do anything during an investigation...

...and if they want to know what Comey has they need to tell Lynch to give the FBI a Search Warrant to READ what they have so Comey can answer their questions!
Senate Dems can SUCK IT - they can't Force the FBI to do anything during an investigation...

...and if they want to know what Comey has they need to tell Lynch to give the FBI a Search Warrant to READ what they have so Comey can answer their questions!
Obama can. Comey knew about those mails weeks ago.
Put down the gun & pick up a book. Clinton has not been proved to be part of any corruption. He is only guilty in the minds of the uninformed Limbaugh crowd.

Using that logic, OJ didn't kill anybody.

These are not amateurs, these are professional criminals. They cover every track they make so it's not easy to prove anything. All you can hope is for one to slip up is all. But that doesn't mean they are not guilty of anything. They just didn't get caught yet.
I seriously doubt these people would be as stupid. What was their purpose of using a private email? If they wanted to dodge the law, they would have done what Bush ETAL did. Use the government e-mail when warranted & use the RNC server when they wanted to hide stuff.

You people of might short memories.
Comey violated the Hatch Act, and he disobeyed his boss, Ms. Lynch.

He needs to be prosecuted for the former, and fired/asked for his resignation for the latter.
Maybe he should meet her on the tarmac and discuss it!
I seriously doubt these people would be as stupid. What was their purpose of using a private email? If they wanted to dodge the law, they would have done what Bush ETAL did. Use the government e-mail when warranted & use the RNC server when they wanted to hide stuff.

You people of might short memories.

The reason for going through the time and expense of having your own server is to totally eliminate incriminating evidence; like I said, professionals.

No matter how many things you delete, there is always a copy of it somewhere if the authorities need to find it. When the US Congress subpoenaed her emails, she had them bleach bitted so they couldn't find anything, and nobody bleach bits their wedding invitations and yoga class lessons. POOF!! Damaging evidence gone just like that.
Senate Dems can SUCK IT - they can't Force the FBI to do anything during an investigation...

...and if they want to know what Comey has they need to tell Lynch to give the FBI a Search Warrant to READ what they have so Comey can answer their questions!
Obama can. Comey knew about those mails weeks ago.
He knew based on what? Your opinion?
For starters those who watched Lynch's testimony on the email matter deferred all decisions on whether or not to prosecute to Comey. It was her job but she deferred. She will have a hard time now claiming he deserves punishment of any kind.
They have questions. He *may* have answers.

A quartet of Senate Democrats wrote a letter to FBI Director James Comey on Saturday formally requesting an expedited update on his recently announced investigation into new emails relating to Hillary Clinton.

Stressing their concern that Comey’s investigation was already being misused for political purposes, Sens. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Ben Cardin (D-Md.), as well as the top two Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee ― Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) ― asked both Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch to provide “more detailed information about the investigative steps that are being taken, the number of emails involved, and what is being done to determine who many of the emails are duplicative of those already reviewed by the FBI.”

The Senators requested that they provide updated information “no later than Monday, October 31, 2016.”

“Unfortunately, Director Comey’s letter has been misunderstood,” the letter reads. “It is already being used for political purposes, creating a misleading impression regarding the FBI’s intent and actions. We strongly believe that it is incumbent on the FBI and Department of Justice to act without delay to dispel any misleading impressions about the emails that have been newly identified, as well as their importance ― or lack thereof ― to the previous investigation involving Secretary Clinton.”

Read the full letter here.

More: Senate Dems Put Comey On Notice: Answers No Later Than Monday

Good for Senate Democrats! Comey deserves to be put on the hot seat.
Why FBI Director Comey jumped at chance to reopen Hillary Clinton email investigation | Daily Mail Online
Again. These emails have been read. The FBI in NYC were investigating Weenie because of his sexting which is when they discovered that Abedin shared a home PC with Weenie and that she dumped classified info into her yahoo account because it was easier to print. The NYC FBI notified the DC branch and that is why Comey is taking another look. It is all Weenie's fault. I fucking love it.

Comey’s review of emails related to Clinton server triggered by NY agents, source says
For starters those who watched Lynch's testimony on the email matter deferred all decisions on whether or not to prosecute to Comey. It was her job but she deferred. She will have a hard time now claiming he deserves punishment of any kind.

The FBI director is not supposed to weigh in on whether somebody should get charged or not, but he did.

That's not the suspicious part. The suspicious part is how did Lynch know that Comey was going to make a recommendation in the first place? She announced that's what she would do right after her meeting with Bill on her plane.

Gee, do you think they were really talking about their grandchildren or did Clinton know ahead of time what Comey was told to do, and then told Lynch to make such an announcement so that she wasn't on the hook by not bringing an indictment?
If the populace is still brain dead enough to elect her. Three things that need to happen.

1. Impeach immediately after inauguration
2. Gridlock govt
3. Deny supreme court justices

Wow, you really are a fascist pig.

How long did democrats block bush judicial nominees? You don't have to answer.

Roberts was nominated on 9/5/05 and confirmed on 9/29/05; Alito was nominated 11/10/05 and confirmed on 1/31/06.

I'll edit my earlier comment, you really are a dumb fascist pig.

I'll edit mine also to you're incredibly ignorant and stupid.
Comey was told it was up to him whether Hillary gets indicted or not - LYNCH charged him with that...remember?!

Comey opened back up the investigation...also his job.

Stop blaming Comey because it was HILLARY and HUMA who made all this happen!
If the populace is still brain dead enough to elect her. Three things that need to happen.

1. Impeach immediately after inauguration
2. Gridlock govt
3. Deny supreme court justices

Wow, you really are a fascist pig.

How long did democrats block bush judicial nominees? You don't have to answer.

Roberts was nominated on 9/5/05 and confirmed on 9/29/05; Alito was nominated 11/10/05 and confirmed on 1/31/06.

I'll edit my earlier comment, you really are a dumb fascist pig.

I'll edit mine also to you're incredibly ignorant and stupid.

Did you vote twice?

Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa
They have questions. He *may* have answers.

A quartet of Senate Democrats wrote a letter to FBI Director James Comey on Saturday formally requesting an expedited update on his recently announced investigation into new emails relating to Hillary Clinton.

Stressing their concern that Comey’s investigation was already being misused for political purposes, Sens. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Ben Cardin (D-Md.), as well as the top two Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee ― Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) ― asked both Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch to provide “more detailed information about the investigative steps that are being taken, the number of emails involved, and what is being done to determine who many of the emails are duplicative of those already reviewed by the FBI.”

The Senators requested that they provide updated information “no later than Monday, October 31, 2016.”

“Unfortunately, Director Comey’s letter has been misunderstood,” the letter reads. “It is already being used for political purposes, creating a misleading impression regarding the FBI’s intent and actions. We strongly believe that it is incumbent on the FBI and Department of Justice to act without delay to dispel any misleading impressions about the emails that have been newly identified, as well as their importance ― or lack thereof ― to the previous investigation involving Secretary Clinton.”

Read the full letter here.

More: Senate Dems Put Comey On Notice: Answers No Later Than Monday

Good for Senate Democrats! Comey deserves to be put on the hot seat.

Why are Dem Senators politicizing an FBI Investigation?

Republicans already did when they refused to except the initial investigation.

Republicans were fine with the speech Comey gave. Just needed him to clarify in Congress HOW this kind of egregious bad judgement and arrogance would be handled if it occurred in HIS dept. Which he did. And I know he was right. What he SAID in response was -- that a person caught DOING such a thing would be handled INTERNALLY to that Dept. They would be reprimanded, FIRED, transferred, most likely LOSE their clearances and might be prevented from ever working NEAR classified info in the future. THAT'S what the lefties are missing. And it's the truth. Because to PROSECUTE these things, you risk bringing classified sources and methods into the public.. So that's HOW it's supposed to be handled ---- IF ---- it's accidental and there is no "INTENT"...

So now you have the unprecedented event of a BOSS of one these sensitive agencies committing those acts. What are the chances that HER AGENCY is gonna take those actions Comey outlined and impose them on her? Is your number guess bigger than zero? :biggrin:

BECAUSE she was the BOSS, it was important to CONSIDER sanctions and revocation of clearances, maybe clawback in pay and restrictions on what Govt she might hold in the future OR prosecute her. BECAUSE she was a Cabinet Member or the Head of the Dept State.

And NOW --- I personally believe -- Comey doesn't WANT to have have the FBI sitting on evidence of the "intent" he told America was not there. He's honest, a patriot and MUST SEE a pretty big national crisis looming to do what he is currently doing. That's the view from the "sidelines". The rest of the party faithful can be hypocritical about WHEN they like Comey. He's NOT lying. And he;s NOT faking it.

I don't think he was lying - for one, he didn't say the investigation was "reopened" - there was a lot read into what he said. I also think he was honest about his conclusions in the investigation and that there is a court of public opinion trial going on. Either you trust the justice system in country or you don't - but there is a selective process here and to do this right before the election is worrisom and smacks of something dirty even if it isn't.

Oh -- I believe everything that Comey originally stated. About the infractions of security laws that were broken, the evidence AGAINST Clinton and even his answer to Congress about "what would happen to OTHER people in other agencies"?. And that's the part you missed. All of this is NORMALLY handled "Extra - judicially". In the Depts where they occur. Because it's clumsy to put on a public trial about compromising classified info. And unless there is "intent" or "gross malfeasance" these things rarely go to trial.

So have you seen Ms Clinton's clearances revoked? Had a formal Congressional or FBI sanction against her issued? Docked pay? Prevented from working in classified areas ever again? NO -- you haven't. And those steps are the EXTRA-judicial consequences of what she did.

So the Repub "dispute" over the initial Comey statement is WHY this never happened? Along with the fact that to believe there was no "intent" or "gross negligence" - Comey was literally asking America to believe that the Clinton Scooby Doo Team was just too damn naive and stupid to know the consequences of what they did.

Congress knows this should have been extra-judicial discipline and so does Comey and DOJ. But since when has anyone "disciplined" the HEAD of such an agency and a sitting cabinet member? As HEAD of State Dept, there IS no excuse on "gross neglience" or "intent" because she was the ONE PERSON responsible for proper document and communications handling at State.. For THAT REASON -- she SHOULD have been the exception and been prosecuted.

I believe NOW -- Comey is looking at evidence that has BEEN in FBI all along that SHOWS "intent" and "gross negligence" and is trying to protect the FBI from being found after the fact looking like it SUPPRESSED that evidence.

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