Senate Dems Put Comey On Notice: Answers No Later Than Monday

You do realize she will be Obama 2. What has he done for our infrastructure? Shovel ready jobs?
You mean the one the house and Senate sent him to sign?

Obama signs $305B highway bill | TheHill

Actually, Obama and democrats had asked for $478 and those "jobs, jobs, jobs" republicans in the Senate blocked it......Sorry....find something else to bitch about.

$478B Infrastructure Bill Blocked by Senate GOP
You do realize she will be Obama 2. What has he done for our infrastructure? Shovel ready jobs?
You mean the one the house and Senate sent him to sign?

Obama signs $305B highway bill | TheHill

Actually, Obama and democrats had asked for $478 and those "jobs, jobs, jobs" republicans in the Senate blocked it......Sorry....find something else to bitch about.

$478B Infrastructure Bill Blocked by Senate GOP
When the stimulus was approved the democrats ran both houses. The highway Bill was signed on December 4, 2015.
When the stimulus was approved the democrats ran both houses. The highway Bill was signed on December 4, 2015.

Either you're naive or just plainly stupid......A simple majority in either chamber does NOT mean that one party "runs" anything. Find someone with a bit more political savvy to help you.....I can't.
That's all well and good but the Dems don't control the Senate :banana: of your fellow half brained right winger asserted that since both chambers of congress had a democratic majority in 2009-2010, all of what Obama wanted should have been passed.
I'm reminding you nitwits that a SIMPLE majority does not mean that bills can pass at will.
That's all well and good but the Dems don't control the Senate :banana: of your fellow half brained right winger asserted that since both chambers of congress had a democratic majority in 2009-2010, all of what Obama wanted should have been passed.
I'm reminding you nitwits that a SIMPLE majority does not mean that bills can pass at will.

Dingbat the Senate aint going to do shit and we both know it. Sit down
Your buddies the Republican s blocked several jobs bills after the Stimulus money was gone. Name pne jobs bill that your precious America hating Republicans passed that Obama vetoed.

Bills have to make it through the Senate first before they reach DumBama's desk. From

Our ruling

While congressional Republicans have certainly introduced dozens of bills on social issues and other topics, the claim that the GOP has focused on issues other than job creation just isn't supported. The numbers cited in the post include Democratic bills, and the definition of what constitutes a "job creation" bill is open to significant debate.

But the post’s most important flaw is the contention that Republicans have offered "zero" bills on job creation. This number stems from a methodology that also excludes Obama’s American Jobs Act from the category of "job creation" bills. If you look at alternative job-related subject headings, the number of bills offered by lawmakers from both parties actually exceeds most of the social-issues listed in the blog post. We rate this claim Pants on Fire.

Blog post says GOP has sponsored
Put down the gun & go to CNN
"Senior officials at the FBI, including Andrew McCabe, the FBI deputy director, were briefed on the issue. By mid-October, Comey learned investigators in the Weiner case might have found something that could have an impact on the now-closed probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server, according to one law enforcement official."

I asked for a link and you failed to provide one.
That's all well and good but the Dems don't control the Senate :banana: of your fellow half brained right winger asserted that since both chambers of congress had a democratic majority in 2009-2010, all of what Obama wanted should have been passed.
I'm reminding you nitwits that a SIMPLE majority does not mean that bills can pass at will.
Well except when Bush had 51 Senators you all claimed he controlled the Senate, make up your mind? If Bush had control with 51 I am sure Obama had control with 59.
It is Monday what will the dems do NOW?

Nothing.....they don't have to.....

Look at CURRENT polling of swing states and you too (with the help of a grown up) will see that trump needs ALL of them, while Clinton may or may not need one.
It is Tuesday, what will the dems do now?

Nothing to be done.......Clinton will easily win based on the fact that Comey's letter has not moved virtually any substantial amount of voters toward the Trumpster.
Comey violated the Hatch Act, and he disobeyed his boss, Ms. Lynch.

He needs to be prosecuted for the former, and fired/asked for his resignation for the latter.


I don't think he violated the Hatch Act, to get a conviction in that you would have to show Criminal Intent... Was it 'extremely careless'? Yes...

Strangely, Comey legally is as guilty as Clinton with one big exception. Comey was advised not to do this by the DOJ...

Comey has badly mishandled this case... He should have never gave a comment when he was closing the investigation the first time. It broke protocol, people offering statements without those statements used against them when no charges are brought forward.and infringed on Hillary Clintons right of reply...
Comey as a government official criticised a private citizen who was innocent of all charges... Clinton had a right to her good name...
Comey violated the Hatch Act, and he disobeyed his boss, Ms. Lynch.

He needs to be prosecuted for the former, and fired/asked for his resignation for the latter.

According to who ?

You ?

Don't me laugh at you any harder than I already do.

Months ago, you dicks were singing his praises.

What happened....?

He told the truth ?

How disgusting.
Comey violated the Hatch Act, and he disobeyed his boss, Ms. Lynch.

He needs to be prosecuted for the former, and fired/asked for his resignation for the latter.


I don't think he violated the Hatch Act, to get a conviction in that you would have to show Criminal Intent... Was it 'extremely careless'? Yes...

Strangely, Comey legally is as guilty as Clinton with one big exception. Comey was advised not to do this by the DOJ...

Comey has badly mishandled this case... He should have never gave a comment when he was closing the investigation the first time. It broke protocol, people offering statements without those statements used against them when no charges are brought forward.and infringed on Hillary Clintons right of reply...
Comey as a government official criticised a private citizen who was innocent of all charges... Clinton had a right to her good name...

Wait, what? Clinton's good name?


There's one for the ages.
They have questions. He *may* have answers.

A quartet of Senate Democrats wrote a letter to FBI Director James Comey on Saturday formally requesting an expedited update on his recently announced investigation into new emails relating to Hillary Clinton.

Stressing their concern that Comey’s investigation was already being misused for political purposes, Sens. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Ben Cardin (D-Md.), as well as the top two Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee ― Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) ― asked both Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch to provide “more detailed information about the investigative steps that are being taken, the number of emails involved, and what is being done to determine who many of the emails are duplicative of those already reviewed by the FBI.”

The Senators requested that they provide updated information “no later than Monday, October 31, 2016.”

“Unfortunately, Director Comey’s letter has been misunderstood,” the letter reads. “It is already being used for political purposes, creating a misleading impression regarding the FBI’s intent and actions. We strongly believe that it is incumbent on the FBI and Department of Justice to act without delay to dispel any misleading impressions about the emails that have been newly identified, as well as their importance ― or lack thereof ― to the previous investigation involving Secretary Clinton.”

Read the full letter here.

More: Senate Dems Put Comey On Notice: Answers No Later Than Monday

Good for Senate Democrats! Comey deserves to be put on the hot seat.
but,,,,, you loved him when he followed orders and participated in the cover up of hillarys crimes the last time.
Do you not love him any more? is the honeymoon over?
It makes me wonder what is so important that hillary becomes president, what do all of the middle east countries that funded her campaign want in return. What will happen if Trump wins and they dont get the return on investment that they are expecting.
Could this by why the democrats are warning us that a Trump win will mean war?
She sold the country and for some reason, people like you are not only ok with it, you are looking forward to whatever the middle east wants.
There are questions that need to be answered that appear to go beyond the emails.
The FBI is doing it's job. Why are these Democrats trying to interfere with an ongoing investigation?

Because they are afraid........very afraid.
You guys (and slaps knee). You are, yet again, playing into the Dems' play book. You make HRC look like she is being persecuted unfairly by the FBI at the end of an election. This will give her even more votes.

Well Comey broke a lot of protocol doing what he did....

Questions are fair to ask why he has not commented on the case they are investigating linking Trump and friends to Russian Oligarchs...
Where is the comments on the Wikileaks/Russian activities to subvert the US elections....

But the question has to be asked...
If Comey put out a letter that Trump is getting investigated for Sexual Assault 11 days before the election? What would we expect?

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