Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Murkowski when talking about The House and how corrupt The Inquiry was said that it is sad how Congress Failed. The Impeachment should have never made it to The Senate if things were done by the book and with Due Process.

Dems abdicated their personal responsibilities which works great for getting welfare and other freebies but not so well in an impeachment where you wail “do our job for us and bring the rope to hang yourself or we will screech FOUL in perpetuity”

Define Due Process, and in what manner did the Democrats fail.

Is there really any point address such a stupid question after the House utterly denied the President Due Process throughout his own entire impeachment inquiry?
Justice Roberts said he wouldn't vote if there was a tie because he isn't elected and from a different branch of government. A tie would be a fail.
LAMAR Alexander is a no! No witnesses! Yeah!
The Walls Are Closing In!

No witnesses, no documents, no justice.
So, why didn't the House have witnesses? They could have had them but they were in a damn hurry to get the impeachment articles out and wait a fuckin' month. So they thought the Senate would do their job! NO WAY! So sorry! (not)

lol, seems you are like the rest of the trump supporters, you have nothing original to post, and simply echo the company line. You're all sheep, and the Russian predator will eat you up.
Better sleep with the lights on. Boo.
Today's vote is likely to end the proceedings but not the debates on the fitness of DJT to remain POTUS. No amount of censorship will curtail the debate in the Public Domain, and the cloud of impeachment will hang over the head of trump well past the election on Nov 3rd.

I have no doubt that more people will speak out on the wrong doings of this president, his continued rhetoric of hate, fear and lies will continue, but now on steroids and possibly lead to a greater divide among the people of the United States.

Members of the Senate who will vote soon to deny all witnesses and documents not previously seen by the public, and the vitriol and vindictive attacks to follow from this president will meted out; the the badge of dishonor pined on the Senate of the United States will remain for decades. The meme that the Senate is the worlds best deliberative body has been exposed as ludicrous.

Finally, trump's divide and conquer strategy has reached to The Congress, now Senate members of the Republican Party are attacking the leaders in the H. or Reps. and the Chief Justice has allowed the Senate Rules to disregard what every trial in America requires, witnesses and documents by the defense and the prosecution to deliver to the triers of fact. In this case both the body of the Senate, and the millions of voters, are the triers of facts - presented and denied by the vote of the Senate.

Expect more evidence in the form of documents and testimony to be reported between now and Nov 3rd. Two things to expect:

  1. Trump will continue to attack citizens, Federal Agents and agencies with the aid of the AG in an effort to stifle further investigation.
  2. Trump will continue to abuse justice, and if the polls suggest he is likely to lose the election in Nov., his propensity for saber rattling, Brinkmanship and bellicose rhetoric will create a situation when he will continue to put our military, and our citizens abroad, in harms way.

I think this vote also speaks to the fitness of the republican senators. The country is now officially in a tailspin. We've had a good couple hundred years run. It was bound to happen. It's just happening sooner than I thought.
The Republic's in great shape. The Dems are on a losing streak and an endless tantrum, but the key to helping them overcome their histrionics and return to their senses, is to not encourage their destructive behavior.

If you truly love your fellow Americans on the Left, love them enough to stand firm for the Constitution. The Union is strong, it's just the Dems that are struggling with an inter-generational change of leadership with a bunch of old washed up has beens clinging to power they should have relinquished a decade ago.

What are you smoking? The Union is not by any spin in great shape.

A list of just a few of the other nations that might disagree with you and kill to have our economy.

economies behind usa.jpg
Why are so many swinging after the bell? It's done and over with now so STFU as the fat lady takes the stage and sings the final aria.
They can add amendments to the acquittal ruling and keep trying
to have Trump removed from the 2020 ballot.
If they do I hope Lisa Murkowsky runs....I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.

Trump should offer her the National Security Adviser job.:71:
Anyone notice that Sekulow yielded his time so the annoying voice of Schiff so Schiff would be the last thing The Senators heard before they started voting?

Yep, after making fun of Pat Philbin's name and other disrespectful things during breaks, Schiff ended the Senate hearing by basically lecturing the Senate on how bad they were and how they would burn in hell if the House didn't get its way.

Good One.
Anyone notice that Sekulow yielded his time so the annoying voice of Schiff so Schiff would be the last thing The Senators heard before they started voting?

Yep, after making fun of Pat Philbin's name and other disrespectful things during breaks, Schiff ended the Senate hearing by basically lecturing the Senate on how bad they were and how they would burn in hell if the House didn't get its way.

Good One.
Schiff is an angry petulant child given to falsehood and puritanical self-righteous outbursts of condemnation and rage. I'm sure the Senate was completely fed up with him.
Schiff is Dishonorable.

Anyone notice that Sekulow yielded his time so the annoying voice of Schiff so Schiff would be the last thing The Senators heard before they started voting?

Yep, after making fun of Pat Philbin's name and other disrespectful things during breaks, Schiff ended the Senate hearing by basically lecturing the Senate on how bad they were and how they would burn in hell if the House didn't get its way.

Good One.
No witnesses.
Shumer has already issued the spin for the MSM ...
"Republicans are afraid of allowing Bolton and the other witnesses to testify."
The house failed. Perhaps he should go read how this works. He knew 99
He can play the damage control and denial games until
his face turns purple and it won't change the fact that his party's in deep Schiff right now.
He needs censured. He’s disgusting.

Anyone notice that Sekulow yielded his time so the annoying voice of Schiff so Schiff would be the last thing The Senators heard before they started voting?

Yep, after making fun of Pat Philbin's name and other disrespectful things during breaks, Schiff ended the Senate hearing by basically lecturing the Senate on how bad they were and how they would burn in hell if the House didn't get its way.

Good One.
Schiff is an angry petulant child given to falsehood and puritanical self-righteous outbursts of condemnation and rage. I'm sure the Senate was completely fed up with him.
Why are so many swinging after the bell? It's done and over with now so STFU as the fat lady takes the stage and sings the final aria.
They can add amendments to the acquittal ruling and keep trying
to have Trump removed from the 2020 ballot.
If they do I hope Lisa Murkowsky runs....I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.

Trump should offer her the National Security Adviser job.:71:

Put the crack pipe down.
In the Court of Hannity, yeah. Not in a real court.

And she didn't just say it now, she ruled on October 25, 2019, and Trump's spokespeople have been gaslighting you ever since.

You know what's funniest of all in Starr's fountain of lies? His whining about how the House impeachment investigators were not under oath - given ... neither is he.

And that's when he claimed that Trump, in the last months of 2019, rejecting any and all cooperation with the House inquiry, followed the OLC opinion, issued on "January 19, 2020".

I actually, for once, agree with Starr: The defense team should take Starr's advice, and make their case under oath.

Good catch. I don't think many are listening to Trump's lawyers. They're wondering, 'why don't you want Bolton to testify?'

A better question is why didn't the House Managers include Michael Atkinson's testimony in their case. He is the ONLY person they interviewed that they left out...I wonder why.

1-It's classified.

2-It's categorized as an Intel Briefing, not witness testimony, or a witness deposition.

The fact it's classified is why R's like Ratcliffe can say whatever they want about it without fear of contradiction. Purely as speculation, the briefing would have likely included information as to steps taken to prevent the whistleblower report from being delivered to Congress, as required by law, so I doubt the admin has incentive to see the briefing de-classified.

LMAO! We BOTH know that if it had been beneficial to their pathetic case, he would have been on the list. So, if he HAD delivered information of steps taken to prevent the whistleblower report from being delivered to Congress, he would have been on CNN and MSNBC every day.
Put the crack pipe down.

Listen Chumly S Dunbar, or whatever your snargly name is, when I did coke it was real
back in the 80's....
I've never even seen crack. _ And btw....

Ahead of Wednesday’s final vote on the impeachment articles, there remains some uncertainty about potential last-minute efforts by Democrats to perhaps offer a censure resolution, though it would fail if McConnell is able to round up at least 51 GOP votes.

Republicans defeat Democratic bids to hear witnesses in Trump trial }

(and no I don't read Politico as a general rule)
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Why are so many swinging after the bell? It's done and over with now so STFU as the fat lady takes the stage and sings the final aria.
They can add amendments to the acquittal ruling and keep trying
to have Trump removed from the 2020 ballot.
If they do I hope Lisa Murkowsky runs....I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.

Trump should offer her the National Security Adviser job.:71:

Put the crack pipe down.
Misuse of Whistleblower Law Created the Impeachment Farce, you know.

Congress should immediately revise the Whistleblower Protection Act that was turned on its head and used as a weapon in one of the most despicable acts in American history. Something’s drastically wrong with its language that it could be exploited that way.

The misuse of this act is the proximate cause of the embarrassing impeachment charade that has been numbing minds across our republic for weeks.

A Biden partisan misusing the act to protect the corrupt Biden's from a racketeering investigation. This renders the whole impeachment and trial invalid, pernicious and corrupt in and of themselves, no more than a malicious political hit job manufactured to bring down a president or seriously wound him in a mass television spectacle. The instigation of the trial a form of sedition.

Given that this is all the fruit of a poisoned forest, it should be no surprise that the Democrats had to rely on Bug-eyed Schiff, a man who lied dozens of times to America about Trump-Russia collusion, to carry their water for them as House Manager. He is probably the only one who could keep the story together. He invented a good deal of it, after all.

Lindsey Graham has said he will explore all this in front of his Senate committee. Let’s hope he follows through.

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