Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Crazy Nancy Melts Down as Impeachment Implodes, Says If Senate Votes to Acquit President Trump “He Will Not Be Acquitted”

Our Beloved President Trump’s defense team absolutely destroyed Bug-eyed Schiff and the Dems, causing Crazy Nancy to have another meltdown during a press conference.

A reporter asked Crazy Nancy if Trump will be “emboldened” if the senate acquits him.

“Well he will not be acquitted. You cannot be acquitted if you don’t have a trial and when you don’t have a trial if you don’t have witnesses and documentation,” Crazy Nancy said.

Crazy Nancy tried to drag out impeachment as long as possible by refusing to deliver the articles of impeachment to the senate for 33 days.

The House Democrats’ case was so weak that Trump’s defense team obliterated Bug-eyed Schiff and Crazy Nancy in just a few days with facts.

Nancy Pelosi is right. If the Senate does not call witnesses, then it was just a show trial. It was a rigged jury from the start. A cowed jury. Then Trump is just another crook who got off.
The House Clowns had their witnesses. Didn't you see all the clips of their testimony in the House?

Why do you idiots keep lying that there were no witnesses?
The House was the investigation phase and the Senate is the trial phase. Consider the Grand Jury analogy. The Grand Jury role analogous to the House role, then the Prosecution takes it to trial, They hear witnesses and take testimony in the grand jury room as well, however, if no witnesses show up at the trial the prosecution loses. The Senators should have heard at least one witness to give a veneer of credibility to the trial, then acquit, but they could not even muster that courage.

Witnesses did show up at the trial. They played their testimony.

Your lies have been exposed.

I don't mean to insult you, but the concepts I am explaining to you are way above your comprehension level. I won't waste of my time on you. It is like talking to a first grader.
Oh I don't know, I find that folks that talk down to others are generally fairly stupid.

Crazy Nancy Melts Down as Impeachment Implodes, Says If Senate Votes to Acquit President Trump “He Will Not Be Acquitted”

Our Beloved President Trump’s defense team absolutely destroyed Bug-eyed Schiff and the Dems, causing Crazy Nancy to have another meltdown during a press conference.

A reporter asked Crazy Nancy if Trump will be “emboldened” if the senate acquits him.

“Well he will not be acquitted. You cannot be acquitted if you don’t have a trial and when you don’t have a trial if you don’t have witnesses and documentation,” Crazy Nancy said.

Crazy Nancy tried to drag out impeachment as long as possible by refusing to deliver the articles of impeachment to the senate for 33 days.

The House Democrats’ case was so weak that Trump’s defense team obliterated Bug-eyed Schiff and Crazy Nancy in just a few days with facts.

Nancy Pelosi is right. If the Senate does not call witnesses, then it was just a show trial. It was a rigged jury from the start. A cowed jury. Then Trump is just another crook who got off.
The House Clowns had their witnesses. Didn't you see all the clips of their testimony in the House?

Why do you idiots keep lying that there were no witnesses?
The House was the investigation phase and the Senate is the trial phase. Consider the Grand Jury analogy. The Grand Jury indicts then the Prosecution takes it to trial. They hear witnesses and take testimony in the grand jury room , however, if no witnesses show up at the trial the prosecution loses. Same here. The House essentially indicts and the Senate tries the case. The Senators should have heard at least one witness to give a veneer of credibility to the trial, then acquit, but they could not even muster that courage.
The House is nothing like a Grand Jury. The House heard from 18 witnesses, buried one of them, will not release the transcript and then the House presented their case to the Senate. If the Senate thought they needed more witnesses and/or documentation they would have asked for it. They didn't, and now it's time to vote!
Today's vote is likely to end the proceedings but not the debates on the fitness of DJT to remain POTUS. No amount of censorship will curtail the debate in the Public Domain, and the cloud of impeachment will hang over the head of trump well past the election on Nov 3rd.

I have no doubt that more people will speak out on the wrong doings of this president, his continued rhetoric of hate, fear and lies will continue, but now on steroids and possibly lead to a greater divide among the people of the United States.

Members of the Senate who will vote soon to deny all witnesses and documents not previously seen by the public, and the vitriol and vindictive attacks to follow from this president will meted out; the the badge of dishonor pined on the Senate of the United States will remain for decades. The meme that the Senate is the worlds best deliberative body has been exposed as ludicrous.

Finally, trump's divide and conquer strategy has reached to The Congress, now Senate members of the Republican Party are attacking the leaders in the H. or Reps. and the Chief Justice has allowed the Senate Rules to disregard what every trial in America requires, witnesses and documents by the defense and the prosecution to deliver to the triers of fact. In this case both the body of the Senate, and the millions of voters, are the triers of facts - presented and denied by the vote of the Senate.

Expect more evidence in the form of documents and testimony to be reported between now and Nov 3rd. Two things to expect:

  1. Trump will continue to attack citizens, Federal Agents and agencies with the aid of the AG in an effort to stifle further investigation.
  2. Trump will continue to abuse justice, and if the polls suggest he is likely to lose the election in Nov., his propensity for saber rattling, Brinkmanship and bellicose rhetoric will create a situation when he will continue to put our military, and our citizens abroad, in harms way.

Crazy Nancy Melts Down as Impeachment Implodes, Says If Senate Votes to Acquit President Trump “He Will Not Be Acquitted”

Our Beloved President Trump’s defense team absolutely destroyed Bug-eyed Schiff and the Dems, causing Crazy Nancy to have another meltdown during a press conference.

A reporter asked Crazy Nancy if Trump will be “emboldened” if the senate acquits him.

“Well he will not be acquitted. You cannot be acquitted if you don’t have a trial and when you don’t have a trial if you don’t have witnesses and documentation,” Crazy Nancy said.

Crazy Nancy tried to drag out impeachment as long as possible by refusing to deliver the articles of impeachment to the senate for 33 days.

The House Democrats’ case was so weak that Trump’s defense team obliterated Bug-eyed Schiff and Crazy Nancy in just a few days with facts.

Nancy Pelosi is right. If the Senate does not call witnesses, then it was just a show trial. It was a rigged jury from the start. A cowed jury. Then Trump is just another crook who got off.
The House Clowns had their witnesses. Didn't you see all the clips of their testimony in the House?

Why do you idiots keep lying that there were no witnesses?
The House interviewed 18 witnesses. If the Senate needed more to come to a decision, they would have asked for them.

Democrats have tantrums every time they lose and they attack the process. Everyone knows that with spoiled brats that if you reward their behavior by giving into it, that they will just get worse. They illegally spied on Trump, subjected him to a witch hunt, attacked the Electorate and lost the election.

They repeatedly attacked the Senate, and now they are losing again.

They seem to be on a losing streak, we might as well get used to their histrionics.
Today's vote is likely to end the proceedings but not the debates on the fitness of DJT to remain POTUS. No amount of censorship will curtail the debate in the Public Domain, and the cloud of impeachment will hang over the head of trump well past the election on Nov 3rd.

I have no doubt that more people will speak out on the wrong doings of this president, his continued rhetoric of hate, fear and lies will continue, but now on steroids and possibly lead to a greater divide among the people of the United States.

Members of the Senate who will vote soon to deny all witnesses and documents not previously seen by the public, and the vitriol and vindictive attacks to follow from this president will meted out; the the badge of dishonor pined on the Senate of the United States will remain for decades. The meme that the Senate is the worlds best deliberative body has been exposed as ludicrous.

Finally, trump's divide and conquer strategy has reached to The Congress, now Senate members of the Republican Party are attacking the leaders in the H. or Reps. and the Chief Justice has allowed the Senate Rules to disregard what every trial in America requires, witnesses and documents by the defense and the prosecution to deliver to the triers of fact. In this case both the body of the Senate, and the millions of voters, are the triers of facts - presented and denied by the vote of the Senate.

Expect more evidence in the form of documents and testimony to be reported between now and Nov 3rd. Two things to expect:

  1. Trump will continue to attack citizens, Federal Agents and agencies with the aid of the AG in an effort to stifle further investigation.
  2. Trump will continue to abuse justice, and if the polls suggest he is likely to lose the election in Nov., his propensity for saber rattling, Brinkmanship and bellicose rhetoric will create a situation when he will continue to put our military, and our citizens abroad, in harms way.

I think this vote also speaks to the fitness of the republican senators. The country is now officially in a tailspin. We've had a good couple hundred years run. It was bound to happen. It's just happening sooner than I thought.
Today's vote is likely to end the proceedings but not the debates on the fitness of DJT to remain POTUS. No amount of censorship will curtail the debate in the Public Domain, and the cloud of impeachment will hang over the head of trump well past the election on Nov 3rd.

I have no doubt that more people will speak out on the wrong doings of this president, his continued rhetoric of hate, fear and lies will continue, but now on steroids and possibly lead to a greater divide among the people of the United States.

Members of the Senate who will vote soon to deny all witnesses and documents not previously seen by the public, and the vitriol and vindictive attacks to follow from this president will meted out; the the badge of dishonor pined on the Senate of the United States will remain for decades. The meme that the Senate is the worlds best deliberative body has been exposed as ludicrous.

Finally, trump's divide and conquer strategy has reached to The Congress, now Senate members of the Republican Party are attacking the leaders in the H. or Reps. and the Chief Justice has allowed the Senate Rules to disregard what every trial in America requires, witnesses and documents by the defense and the prosecution to deliver to the triers of fact. In this case both the body of the Senate, and the millions of voters, are the triers of facts - presented and denied by the vote of the Senate.

Expect more evidence in the form of documents and testimony to be reported between now and Nov 3rd. Two things to expect:

  1. Trump will continue to attack citizens, Federal Agents and agencies with the aid of the AG in an effort to stifle further investigation.
  2. Trump will continue to abuse justice, and if the polls suggest he is likely to lose the election in Nov., his propensity for saber rattling, Brinkmanship and bellicose rhetoric will create a situation when he will continue to put our military, and our citizens abroad, in harms way.

I think this vote also speaks to the fitness of the republican senators. The country is now officially in a tailspin. We've had a good couple hundred years run. It was bound to happen. It's just happening sooner than I thought.
The Republic's in great shape. The Dems are on a losing streak and an endless tantrum, but the key to helping them overcome their histrionics and return to their senses, is to not encourage their destructive behavior.

If you truly love your fellow Americans on the Left, love them enough to stand firm for the Constitution. The Union is strong, it's just the Dems that are struggling with an inter-generational change of leadership with a bunch of old washed up has beens clinging to power they should have relinquished a decade ago.
Today's vote is likely to end the proceedings but not the debates on the fitness of DJT to remain POTUS. No amount of censorship will curtail the debate in the Public Domain, and the cloud of impeachment will hang over the head of trump well past the election on Nov 3rd.

I have no doubt that more people will speak out on the wrong doings of this president, his continued rhetoric of hate, fear and lies will continue, but now on steroids and possibly lead to a greater divide among the people of the United States.

Members of the Senate who will vote soon to deny all witnesses and documents not previously seen by the public, and the vitriol and vindictive attacks to follow from this president will meted out; the the badge of dishonor pined on the Senate of the United States will remain for decades. The meme that the Senate is the worlds best deliberative body has been exposed as ludicrous.

Finally, trump's divide and conquer strategy has reached to The Congress, now Senate members of the Republican Party are attacking the leaders in the H. or Reps. and the Chief Justice has allowed the Senate Rules to disregard what every trial in America requires, witnesses and documents by the defense and the prosecution to deliver to the triers of fact. In this case both the body of the Senate, and the millions of voters, are the triers of facts - presented and denied by the vote of the Senate.

Expect more evidence in the form of documents and testimony to be reported between now and Nov 3rd. Two things to expect:

  1. Trump will continue to attack citizens, Federal Agents and agencies with the aid of the AG in an effort to stifle further investigation.
  2. Trump will continue to abuse justice, and if the polls suggest he is likely to lose the election in Nov., his propensity for saber rattling, Brinkmanship and bellicose rhetoric will create a situation when he will continue to put our military, and our citizens abroad, in harms way.

I think this vote also speaks to the fitness of the republican senators. The country is now officially in a tailspin. We've had a good couple hundred years run. It was bound to happen. It's just happening sooner than I thought.
The Republic's in great shape. The Dems are on a losing streak and an endless tantrum, but the key to helping them overcome their histrionics and return to their senses, is to not encourage their destructive behavior.

If you truly love your fellow Americans on the Left, love them enough to stand firm for the Constitution. The Union is strong, it's just the Dems that are struggling with an inter-generational change of leadership with a bunch of old washed up has beens clinging to power they should have relinquished a decade ago.

We will have to disagree.
Today's vote is likely to end the proceedings but not the debates on the fitness of DJT to remain POTUS. No amount of censorship will curtail the debate in the Public Domain, and the cloud of impeachment will hang over the head of trump well past the election on Nov 3rd.

I have no doubt that more people will speak out on the wrong doings of this president, his continued rhetoric of hate, fear and lies will continue, but now on steroids and possibly lead to a greater divide among the people of the United States.

Members of the Senate who will vote soon to deny all witnesses and documents not previously seen by the public, and the vitriol and vindictive attacks to follow from this president will meted out; the the badge of dishonor pined on the Senate of the United States will remain for decades. The meme that the Senate is the worlds best deliberative body has been exposed as ludicrous.

Finally, trump's divide and conquer strategy has reached to The Congress, now Senate members of the Republican Party are attacking the leaders in the H. or Reps. and the Chief Justice has allowed the Senate Rules to disregard what every trial in America requires, witnesses and documents by the defense and the prosecution to deliver to the triers of fact. In this case both the body of the Senate, and the millions of voters, are the triers of facts - presented and denied by the vote of the Senate.

Expect more evidence in the form of documents and testimony to be reported between now and Nov 3rd. Two things to expect:

  1. Trump will continue to attack citizens, Federal Agents and agencies with the aid of the AG in an effort to stifle further investigation.
  2. Trump will continue to abuse justice, and if the polls suggest he is likely to lose the election in Nov., his propensity for saber rattling, Brinkmanship and bellicose rhetoric will create a situation when he will continue to put our military, and our citizens abroad, in harms way.

I think this vote also speaks to the fitness of the republican senators. The country is now officially in a tailspin. We've had a good couple hundred years run. It was bound to happen. It's just happening sooner than I thought.
The Republic's in great shape. The Dems are on a losing streak and an endless tantrum, but the key to helping them overcome their histrionics and return to their senses, is to not encourage their destructive behavior.

If you truly love your fellow Americans on the Left, love them enough to stand firm for the Constitution. The Union is strong, it's just the Dems that are struggling with an inter-generational change of leadership with a bunch of old washed up has beens clinging to power they should have relinquished a decade ago.

We will have to disagree.
Fair enough.
LAMAR Alexander is a no! No witnesses! Yeah!
The Walls Are Closing In!

No witnesses, no documents, no justice.
You are lying. The House Clowns played numerous videos of their witnesses.

Why do you think anyone is believing your lies about no witnesses?

And if the House Clowns didn't introduce any documents for their "overwhelming' case, that's on them.
If they wanted certain witnesses, they had every right to call them. BUT THEY DIDN'T! POOR CHOICES ARE ON THEM!
Yet another resounding defeat but the wail of unsatisfied emotions will follow us thru his next 4 year term
Dems can’t compete, want others to roll over or do it for them, and they have been rightly bested once again
Dems abdicated their personal responsibilities which works great for getting welfare and other freebies but not so well in an impeachment where you wail “do our job for us and bring the rope to hang yourself or we will screech FOUL in perpetuity”
LAMAR Alexander is a no! No witnesses! Yeah!
The Walls Are Closing In!

No witnesses, no documents, no justice.
So, why didn't the House have witnesses? They could have had them but they were in a damn hurry to get the impeachment articles out and wait a fuckin' month. So they thought the Senate would do their job! NO WAY! So sorry! (not)

Ummmm.......the House did have witnesses. Have you read the Constitution? I recommend you start there. It will let you know what the Senate's responsibility is.
Cryin' Chucky reacts to the reality of the situation............

You don’t need witnesses in The Senate, it’s not a Jury Trial otherwise all The Dem Senators who have or had Presidential Aspirations would have been immediately dismissed from The Senate and not allowed to be part of the voting, the questioning, nor been allowed to vote on motions or submit motions, nor speak on The Senate Floor.

You would have lost 6 Senators giving the GOP a 54 to 40 Advantage instead of 54-46 like it is now.

LAMAR Alexander is a no! No witnesses! Yeah!
The Walls Are Closing In!

No witnesses, no documents, no justice.
So, why didn't the House have witnesses? They could have had them but they were in a damn hurry to get the impeachment articles out and wait a fuckin' month. So they thought the Senate would do their job! NO WAY! So sorry! (not)

Ummmm.......the House did have witnesses. Have you read the Constitution? I recommend you start there. It will let you know what the Senate's responsibility is.
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