Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Bitter losers who can’t compete and blame the Victor. They cry It’s not that they were out competed over and over and over and over again; it’s that they were cheated and they need more time to demand and decry that the “cheaters” undo their very own victory.
Winning versus whining!
Following Pelosi's example, should McConnell hold the final Senate vote on Impeachment until AFTER the Iowa Primaries, keeping Warren and Sanders 'sequestered' until then?

Following Pelosi's example, should McConnell hold the final Senate vote on Impeachment until AFTER the Iowa Primaries, keeping Warren and Sanders 'sequestered' until then?

he has far more class than her.

:itsok: Dems /
gave it your best shot. You lost.
Give up. 4 years is enough.

Watching The DemNazis whine about a Fair Trial when they screwed The President by denying Due Process, calling 20 Dem Witnesses to 1 for THE GOP, and then on top of that, abandoning Adjudication of conflicts between The House and Executive, and lastly Denying a House Rule Minority Day, and then on top of all of that, Refusing to allow The Whistleblower be cross examined nor The President to see THE IG Transcript, is The HEIGHT of HYPOCRISY!

And all of this came on the Heels of a $40 Million Dollar COUP 1.0 Russian Collusion Hoax Investigation which Exonerated The President.

So much for COUP 2.0!

Hypocrisy Gone Wild!
The ultimate hypocrisy is not recognizing Joe Bidens Quid-pro-quo, and then on the other hand trying to roast Trump because he asked about Joe Bidens Quid-pro-quo (i.e. corruption in Ukraine), and any other corruption in Ukraine before continuing to do business with Ukraine.
Watching The DemNazis whine about a Fair Trial when they screwed The President by denying Due Process, calling 20 Dem Witnesses to 1 for THE GOP, and then on top of that, abandoning Adjudication of conflicts between The House and Executive, and lastly Denying a House Rule Minority Day, and then on top of all of that, Refusing to allow The Whistleblower be cross examined nor The President to see THE IG Transcript, is The HEIGHT of HYPOCRISY!

And all of this came on the Heels of a $40 Million Dollar COUP 1.0 Russian Collusion Hoax Investigation which Exonerated The President.

So much for COUP 2.0!

Hypocrisy Gone Wild!
The ultimate hypocrisy is not recognizing Joe Bidens Quid-pro-quo, and then on the other hand trying to roast Trump because he asked about Joe Bidens Quid-pro-quo (i.e. corruption in Ukraine), and any other corruption in Ukraine before continuing to do business with Ukraine.
That and Ignoring that Obama Ordered an Investigation on the GOP Nominee Candidate for President (Candidate Trump) based SOLEY on Russian Propaganda he Solicited From Putin and The Kremlin, and then filed False Affidavits in FISA so he could spy on Americans working for Candidate Trump.
Libs call time out during a tennis rally because they are tired and need time to rest and get it together so help them and stop.
Participation trophies really destroy the natural competitive edge.
Libs call time out during a tennis rally because they are tired and need time to rest and get it together so help them and stop.
Participation trophies really destroy the natural competitive edge.
It's outrageous what they are doing and what they have tried, and how they have tried to scam The American People and The Senate.
Hurry up, Impeach Before Christmas, and then sit on their ass for 33 days on their Irrefutable Case.

And now asswipe Schummer wants to wait wait wait, and drag it all out.


The Democrats want to pin down Senators running for President, and want Impeachment going on through The Iowa Caucus and State of The Union.
Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski came out Friday against calling witnesses in President Trump’s impeachment trial, all but assuring the Senate will move to wrap up proceedings with a likely acquittal in a matter of days, if not hours.

“Given the partisan nature of this impeachment from the very beginning and throughout, I have come to the conclusion that there will be no fair trial in the Senate. I don’t believe the continuation of this process will change anything. It is sad for me to admit that, as an institution, the Congress has failed,” said Murkowski, R-Alaska, a key moderate senator who has been closely watched on the witness question.

Murkowski comes out against impeachment witnesses, putting Trump on path to acquittal
Schifferbrains is about to cry again.
hiroshima went off again as well. Too fking funny, she threatened the lawyer for trump, cipollone,with lying on the floor. they truly have no dignity.
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Shiff attempts to speak to the Democrat base, otherwise politicising the event even further by stressing the long term effects that will be experienced if Trump survives their charade. Well duh, of course there will be long term effects where as the country will see and know what the Democrats are capable of when they don't get there way.

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