Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Schifferbrains is about to cry again.
hiroshima went off again as well. Too fking funny, she threatened the lawyer for trump, cipollone,with lying on the floor. they truly have no dignity.
She should be Censured

We should send her home.
maybe to school at least. She should learn what impeachment is. truly a shame that she represents in my senate chamber without the knowledge of the constitution she supposedly swore an oath toward. ignorance is large in her.
Today's vote is likely to end the proceedings but not the debates on the fitness of DJT to remain POTUS. No amount of censorship will curtail the debate in the Public Domain, and the cloud of impeachment will hang over the head of trump well past the election on Nov 3rd.

I have no doubt that more people will speak out on the wrong doings of this president, his continued rhetoric of hate, fear and lies will continue, but now on steroids and possibly lead to a greater divide among the people of the United States.

Members of the Senate who will vote soon to deny all witnesses and documents not previously seen by the public, and the vitriol and vindictive attacks to follow from this president will meted out; the the badge of dishonor pined on the Senate of the United States will remain for decades. The meme that the Senate is the worlds best deliberative body has been exposed as ludicrous.

Finally, trump's divide and conquer strategy has reached to The Congress, now Senate members of the Republican Party are attacking the leaders in the H. or Reps. and the Chief Justice has allowed the Senate Rules to disregard what every trial in America requires, witnesses and documents by the defense and the prosecution to deliver to the triers of fact. In this case both the body of the Senate, and the millions of voters, are the triers of facts - presented and denied by the vote of the Senate.

Expect more evidence in the form of documents and testimony to be reported between now and Nov 3rd. Two things to expect:

  1. Trump will continue to attack citizens, Federal Agents and agencies with the aid of the AG in an effort to stifle further investigation.
  2. Trump will continue to abuse justice, and if the polls suggest he is likely to lose the election in Nov., his propensity for saber rattling, Brinkmanship and bellicose rhetoric will create a situation when he will continue to put our military, and our citizens abroad, in harms way.

Anyone notice that Sekulow yielded his time so the annoying voice of Schiff so Schiff would be the last thing The Senators heard before they started voting?
Today's vote is likely to end the proceedings but not the debates on the fitness of DJT to remain POTUS. No amount of censorship will curtail the debate in the Public Domain, and the cloud of impeachment will hang over the head of trump well past the election on Nov 3rd.

I have no doubt that more people will speak out on the wrong doings of this president, his continued rhetoric of hate, fear and lies will continue, but now on steroids and possibly lead to a greater divide among the people of the United States.

Members of the Senate who will vote soon to deny all witnesses and documents not previously seen by the public, and the vitriol and vindictive attacks to follow from this president will meted out; the the badge of dishonor pined on the Senate of the United States will remain for decades. The meme that the Senate is the worlds best deliberative body has been exposed as ludicrous.

Finally, trump's divide and conquer strategy has reached to The Congress, now Senate members of the Republican Party are attacking the leaders in the H. or Reps. and the Chief Justice has allowed the Senate Rules to disregard what every trial in America requires, witnesses and documents by the defense and the prosecution to deliver to the triers of fact. In this case both the body of the Senate, and the millions of voters, are the triers of facts - presented and denied by the vote of the Senate.

Expect more evidence in the form of documents and testimony to be reported between now and Nov 3rd. Two things to expect:

  1. Trump will continue to attack citizens, Federal Agents and agencies with the aid of the AG in an effort to stifle further investigation.
  2. Trump will continue to abuse justice, and if the polls suggest he is likely to lose the election in Nov., his propensity for saber rattling, Brinkmanship and bellicose rhetoric will create a situation when he will continue to put our military, and our citizens abroad, in harms way.
I tried to read your post but fell asleep quarter through, drooled on my keyboard and now you owe me a keyboard.
Team Trump is destroying team Schifferbrains. The pointed out they called 13 witnesses. If we start calling witnesses now, Team Trump gets to cross examine each and every one of them.
When the facts are not there then plead and pretend to be emotionally wounded.
Today's vote is likely to end the proceedings but not the debates on the fitness of DJT to remain POTUS. No amount of censorship will curtail the debate in the Public Domain, and the cloud of impeachment will hang over the head of trump well past the election on Nov 3rd.

I have no doubt that more people will speak out on the wrong doings of this president, his continued rhetoric of hate, fear and lies will continue, but now on steroids and possibly lead to a greater divide among the people of the United States.

Members of the Senate who will vote soon to deny all witnesses and documents not previously seen by the public, and the vitriol and vindictive attacks to follow from this president will meted out; the the badge of dishonor pined on the Senate of the United States will remain for decades. The meme that the Senate is the worlds best deliberative body has been exposed as ludicrous.

Finally, trump's divide and conquer strategy has reached to The Congress, now Senate members of the Republican Party are attacking the leaders in the H. or Reps. and the Chief Justice has allowed the Senate Rules to disregard what every trial in America requires, witnesses and documents by the defense and the prosecution to deliver to the triers of fact. In this case both the body of the Senate, and the millions of voters, are the triers of facts - presented and denied by the vote of the Senate.

Expect more evidence in the form of documents and testimony to be reported between now and Nov 3rd. Two things to expect:

  1. Trump will continue to attack citizens, Federal Agents and agencies with the aid of the AG in an effort to stifle further investigation.
  2. Trump will continue to abuse justice, and if the polls suggest he is likely to lose the election in Nov., his propensity for saber rattling, Brinkmanship and bellicose rhetoric will create a situation when he will continue to put our military, and our citizens abroad, in harms way.
I tried to read your post but fell asleep quarter through, drooled on my keyboard and now you owe me a keyboard.
dude, i fell on the floor laughing and broke my mouse.
Watching Cspan, and thy're watching the senate desk and the commentator makes the statement, "keep in mind there are four democrats running for president that want to get back on the road"

Can't make that up, to vote on an opponent running for president. this is unprecedented. HYPOCRISY IS YOUR FRIEND. I'd challenge it in a court of law.

Their voting is the evidence it isn't illegal to get dirt on an opponent. That says acquittal all over it.
List the rules he violated, and exactly how he violated them.

Yes Virginia, there really are stupid questions. Had the author of this ^^^ stupid question read the definitions above, s/he might have understood the post; also, I left out Non feasance which is also in play with Moscow Mitch's behavior, s/he might understand the wrongful doing of Moscow Mitch the presidents b***h.
Look at you you tough guy message boarder! Eewwww I’m spit laughing at you.

Can you say acquittal?

Sure, I've seen other assholes like trump walk away. It happens. He won't be exonerated, and will be known as the third president to be impeached. Furthermore, history will not be kind to him.

He will be acquitted. Impeached simply means accused. Your personal psychosis isn't a credible historical analysis.

Thanks so much for your assessment of my mental state, Dr. Fraud.
No problem.
Knowing that the Senate Republicans would not convict Trump, the Senate Republicans voting to not allow any documents or witnesses is the BEST possible outcome for Democrats. I am extremely HAPPY.

Democrats may end up with all three branches of government in November.

YOUR House Clowns had 13 witnesses, and all kinds of documents. That's why they told you their case was 'overwhelming'.

But thanks for confirming my prediction I put in my sig weeks ago, Moron.:5_1_12024:

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