Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Schiff needs repercussions for lying under oath.

Schiff is trying to sell that Alan Dershowitz is not a reputable attorney and knows nothing about the Constitution.
Schiff is a Lying Whore, who will burn in Hell for his wicked lies and wicked life.


We are Going on 4 years of The Democrats trying to oust the president since November 2016 yet The President:

Turned over 1 Million Documents
Allowed 3,500 Interviews
Complied with 500 Suboenas

And Provided 2 Transcripts of two phone calls that made out Adam Schiff and the two Whistle Blowers as Liars.

The Top Seven Lies Adam Schiff Has Told to Boost Impeachment


Lying Schiff's Top Seven lies, so far
7. Promoting the bogus Steele dossier he knew was not credible:

Any idiot who read the Clinton-funded Steele dossier and known it wasn’t credible. Schiff knew the information in it was uncorroborated and full of inaccuracies, embellishments, and lies. Nevertheless, he promoted the dossier as a legitimate piece of anti-Trump intelligence. Rolling Stone even noted that the report “is especially hostile to Schiff’s claim that the FBI ‘provided additional information obtained through multiple independent sources that corroborated Steele’s reporting.’”
6. His repeated claims of having “ample evidence” of collusion

On several occasions, Adam Schiff declared there was “ample evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and that he had seen it. "There is already, in my view, ample evidence in the public domain on the issue of collusion if you're willing to see it," Schiff said back in February 2018. "If you want to blind yourself, then you can look the other way.” Schiff was lying every time he claimed to have seen evidence of collusion. Schiff's goal of impeaching Trump would have to wait for another lie.
5. Denying FISA abuse even though he knew it happened

Back in 2017, then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) revealed that evidence of FISA "abuse" had been uncovered by investigators. "We have had an ongoing investigation into DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI since mid-summer for both FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] abuse and other matters that we can't get into too much. But it is very concerning," he said.

A couple of months later, the House Intelligence Committee released a memo on surveillance abuses by the Obama administration. For Schiff, any abuse of the FISA court system might undermine any impeachment narrative that might present itself with regard to the 2016 election and Russian collusion. So, Schiff had to mock the Nunes memo relentlessly to keep the message on track. Schiff denied that any abuses had occurred in his own memo released shortly thereafter. As the ranking Democrat on the committee at the time, Schiff had access to the same information as Nunes, so he knew the Nunes memo was accurate.
4. Lying about having contact with the whistleblower

PolitiFact isn’t exactly known for being fair to Republicans, but when Adam Schiff claimed, "We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower," during an interview on MSNBC in September 2019, they couldn’t exactly cover for him when it was revealed by the New York Times that Schiff’s staff had been colluding with the whistleblower and was aware of the whistleblower’s concerns in advance of them going public. “While it was not publicly known that Schiff’s committee had communicated with the whistleblower ahead of the complaint’s filing, Schiff knew the truth,” explained Politifact. “When given the chance to say that the whistleblower had reached out to a committee aide, he did not.”
3. Misrepresenting a key text message

Schiff "mischaracterized" impeachment evidence that was used during the House Democrats’ impeachment investigation. In a letter sent to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, Schiff claimed that Giuliani associate Lev Parnas "continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky," which was based on a text message from Parnas to Giuliani that read "trying to get us mr Z." The rest of the exchange was redacted, but Schiff clearly knew that the redacted portion made it clear that “mr Z” actually referred to Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma.
2. Claiming Ambassador Sondland’s testimony proved there was a quid pro quo

On Tuesday, Schiff once again told a whopper by misrepresenting Ambassador Sondland’s testimony. “Ambassador Sondland also said...that—we’re often asked ‘was there a quid pro quo?’ the answer is ‘yes there was a quid pro quo,’ there was an absolute quid pro quo,” Schiff said.​

Here’s the problem: by Sondland’s own testimony, he didn’t know definitively that there was a quid pro, he was presuming there was.​

1. His fictional version of the Trump-Zelenksy phone call

Adam Schiff, when claiming to read the transcript on the House floor, fabricated the entire transcript into something far more sinister than it actually was.

Criticism over the deception caused him to backpedal and claim that his reading of the transcript was meant as a parody.

“If the conversation were as damning as Schiff et al would like, he would have simply read directly from it, instead of making up dialogue,” Fox News’s Brit Hume wisely observed it a tweet. “Probably not surprising in light of the extravagant collusion claims he made for 2 years.”​
And that was just today....

All three branches of our government shut down over a hoax and fraud.

Schiff is trying to sell that Alan Dershowitz is not a reputable attorney and knows nothing about the Constitution.
Schiff is a Lying Whore, who will burn in Hell for his wicked lies and wicked life.


We are Going on 4 years of The Democrats trying to oust the president since November 2016 yet The President:

Turned over 1 Million Documents
Allowed 3,500 Interviews
Complied with 500 Suboenas

And Provided 2 Transcripts of two phone calls that made out Adam Schiff and the two Whistle Blowers as Liars.

The Top Seven Lies Adam Schiff Has Told to Boost Impeachment


Lying Schiff's Top Seven lies, so far
7. Promoting the bogus Steele dossier he knew was not credible:

Any idiot who read the Clinton-funded Steele dossier and known it wasn’t credible. Schiff knew the information in it was uncorroborated and full of inaccuracies, embellishments, and lies. Nevertheless, he promoted the dossier as a legitimate piece of anti-Trump intelligence. Rolling Stone even noted that the report “is especially hostile to Schiff’s claim that the FBI ‘provided additional information obtained through multiple independent sources that corroborated Steele’s reporting.’”
6. His repeated claims of having “ample evidence” of collusion

On several occasions, Adam Schiff declared there was “ample evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and that he had seen it. "There is already, in my view, ample evidence in the public domain on the issue of collusion if you're willing to see it," Schiff said back in February 2018. "If you want to blind yourself, then you can look the other way.” Schiff was lying every time he claimed to have seen evidence of collusion. Schiff's goal of impeaching Trump would have to wait for another lie.
5. Denying FISA abuse even though he knew it happened

Back in 2017, then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) revealed that evidence of FISA "abuse" had been uncovered by investigators. "We have had an ongoing investigation into DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI since mid-summer for both FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] abuse and other matters that we can't get into too much. But it is very concerning," he said.

A couple of months later, the House Intelligence Committee released a memo on surveillance abuses by the Obama administration. For Schiff, any abuse of the FISA court system might undermine any impeachment narrative that might present itself with regard to the 2016 election and Russian collusion. So, Schiff had to mock the Nunes memo relentlessly to keep the message on track. Schiff denied that any abuses had occurred in his own memo released shortly thereafter. As the ranking Democrat on the committee at the time, Schiff had access to the same information as Nunes, so he knew the Nunes memo was accurate.
4. Lying about having contact with the whistleblower

PolitiFact isn’t exactly known for being fair to Republicans, but when Adam Schiff claimed, "We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower," during an interview on MSNBC in September 2019, they couldn’t exactly cover for him when it was revealed by the New York Times that Schiff’s staff had been colluding with the whistleblower and was aware of the whistleblower’s concerns in advance of them going public. “While it was not publicly known that Schiff’s committee had communicated with the whistleblower ahead of the complaint’s filing, Schiff knew the truth,” explained Politifact. “When given the chance to say that the whistleblower had reached out to a committee aide, he did not.”
3. Misrepresenting a key text message

Schiff "mischaracterized" impeachment evidence that was used during the House Democrats’ impeachment investigation. In a letter sent to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, Schiff claimed that Giuliani associate Lev Parnas "continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky," which was based on a text message from Parnas to Giuliani that read "trying to get us mr Z." The rest of the exchange was redacted, but Schiff clearly knew that the redacted portion made it clear that “mr Z” actually referred to Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma.
2. Claiming Ambassador Sondland’s testimony proved there was a quid pro quo

On Tuesday, Schiff once again told a whopper by misrepresenting Ambassador Sondland’s testimony. “Ambassador Sondland also said...that—we’re often asked ‘was there a quid pro quo?’ the answer is ‘yes there was a quid pro quo,’ there was an absolute quid pro quo,” Schiff said.​

Here’s the problem: by Sondland’s own testimony, he didn’t know definitively that there was a quid pro, he was presuming there was.​

1. His fictional version of the Trump-Zelenksy phone call

Adam Schiff, when claiming to read the transcript on the House floor, fabricated the entire transcript into something far more sinister than it actually was.

Criticism over the deception caused him to backpedal and claim that his reading of the transcript was meant as a parody.

“If the conversation were as damning as Schiff et al would like, he would have simply read directly from it, instead of making up dialogue,” Fox News’s Brit Hume wisely observed it a tweet. “Probably not surprising in light of the extravagant collusion claims he made for 2 years.”​
And that was just today....
Schiff needs repercussions for lying under oath.

Schiff is trying to sell that Alan Dershowitz is not a reputable attorney and knows nothing about the Constitution.
Schiff is a Lying Whore, who will burn in Hell for his wicked lies and wicked life.


We are Going on 4 years of The Democrats trying to oust the president since November 2016 yet The President:

Turned over 1 Million Documents
Allowed 3,500 Interviews
Complied with 500 Suboenas

And Provided 2 Transcripts of two phone calls that made out Adam Schiff and the two Whistle Blowers as Liars.

The Top Seven Lies Adam Schiff Has Told to Boost Impeachment


Lying Schiff's Top Seven lies, so far
7. Promoting the bogus Steele dossier he knew was not credible:

Any idiot who read the Clinton-funded Steele dossier and known it wasn’t credible. Schiff knew the information in it was uncorroborated and full of inaccuracies, embellishments, and lies. Nevertheless, he promoted the dossier as a legitimate piece of anti-Trump intelligence. Rolling Stone even noted that the report “is especially hostile to Schiff’s claim that the FBI ‘provided additional information obtained through multiple independent sources that corroborated Steele’s reporting.’”
6. His repeated claims of having “ample evidence” of collusion

On several occasions, Adam Schiff declared there was “ample evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and that he had seen it. "There is already, in my view, ample evidence in the public domain on the issue of collusion if you're willing to see it," Schiff said back in February 2018. "If you want to blind yourself, then you can look the other way.” Schiff was lying every time he claimed to have seen evidence of collusion. Schiff's goal of impeaching Trump would have to wait for another lie.
5. Denying FISA abuse even though he knew it happened

Back in 2017, then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) revealed that evidence of FISA "abuse" had been uncovered by investigators. "We have had an ongoing investigation into DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI since mid-summer for both FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] abuse and other matters that we can't get into too much. But it is very concerning," he said.

A couple of months later, the House Intelligence Committee released a memo on surveillance abuses by the Obama administration. For Schiff, any abuse of the FISA court system might undermine any impeachment narrative that might present itself with regard to the 2016 election and Russian collusion. So, Schiff had to mock the Nunes memo relentlessly to keep the message on track. Schiff denied that any abuses had occurred in his own memo released shortly thereafter. As the ranking Democrat on the committee at the time, Schiff had access to the same information as Nunes, so he knew the Nunes memo was accurate.
4. Lying about having contact with the whistleblower

PolitiFact isn’t exactly known for being fair to Republicans, but when Adam Schiff claimed, "We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower," during an interview on MSNBC in September 2019, they couldn’t exactly cover for him when it was revealed by the New York Times that Schiff’s staff had been colluding with the whistleblower and was aware of the whistleblower’s concerns in advance of them going public. “While it was not publicly known that Schiff’s committee had communicated with the whistleblower ahead of the complaint’s filing, Schiff knew the truth,” explained Politifact. “When given the chance to say that the whistleblower had reached out to a committee aide, he did not.”
3. Misrepresenting a key text message

Schiff "mischaracterized" impeachment evidence that was used during the House Democrats’ impeachment investigation. In a letter sent to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, Schiff claimed that Giuliani associate Lev Parnas "continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky," which was based on a text message from Parnas to Giuliani that read "trying to get us mr Z." The rest of the exchange was redacted, but Schiff clearly knew that the redacted portion made it clear that “mr Z” actually referred to Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma.
2. Claiming Ambassador Sondland’s testimony proved there was a quid pro quo

On Tuesday, Schiff once again told a whopper by misrepresenting Ambassador Sondland’s testimony. “Ambassador Sondland also said...that—we’re often asked ‘was there a quid pro quo?’ the answer is ‘yes there was a quid pro quo,’ there was an absolute quid pro quo,” Schiff said.​

Here’s the problem: by Sondland’s own testimony, he didn’t know definitively that there was a quid pro, he was presuming there was.​

1. His fictional version of the Trump-Zelenksy phone call

Adam Schiff, when claiming to read the transcript on the House floor, fabricated the entire transcript into something far more sinister than it actually was.

Criticism over the deception caused him to backpedal and claim that his reading of the transcript was meant as a parody.

“If the conversation were as damning as Schiff et al would like, he would have simply read directly from it, instead of making up dialogue,” Fox News’s Brit Hume wisely observed it a tweet. “Probably not surprising in light of the extravagant collusion claims he made for 2 years.”​
And that was just today....
Well, i don't know if He will "Go to Hell" for ever or face indictment for lying under oath, but Adam Schiff did a good job laying it out today. It's a wrap for the day.
The American People are disgusted by this.

In 285 Days you are going to be taught a lesson you will never forget.

Schiff needs repercussions for lying under oath.

Schiff is trying to sell that Alan Dershowitz is not a reputable attorney and knows nothing about the Constitution.
Schiff is a Lying Whore, who will burn in Hell for his wicked lies and wicked life.


We are Going on 4 years of The Democrats trying to oust the president since November 2016 yet The President:

Turned over 1 Million Documents
Allowed 3,500 Interviews
Complied with 500 Suboenas

And Provided 2 Transcripts of two phone calls that made out Adam Schiff and the two Whistle Blowers as Liars.

The Top Seven Lies Adam Schiff Has Told to Boost Impeachment


Lying Schiff's Top Seven lies, so far
7. Promoting the bogus Steele dossier he knew was not credible:

Any idiot who read the Clinton-funded Steele dossier and known it wasn’t credible. Schiff knew the information in it was uncorroborated and full of inaccuracies, embellishments, and lies. Nevertheless, he promoted the dossier as a legitimate piece of anti-Trump intelligence. Rolling Stone even noted that the report “is especially hostile to Schiff’s claim that the FBI ‘provided additional information obtained through multiple independent sources that corroborated Steele’s reporting.’”
6. His repeated claims of having “ample evidence” of collusion

On several occasions, Adam Schiff declared there was “ample evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and that he had seen it. "There is already, in my view, ample evidence in the public domain on the issue of collusion if you're willing to see it," Schiff said back in February 2018. "If you want to blind yourself, then you can look the other way.” Schiff was lying every time he claimed to have seen evidence of collusion. Schiff's goal of impeaching Trump would have to wait for another lie.
5. Denying FISA abuse even though he knew it happened

Back in 2017, then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) revealed that evidence of FISA "abuse" had been uncovered by investigators. "We have had an ongoing investigation into DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI since mid-summer for both FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] abuse and other matters that we can't get into too much. But it is very concerning," he said.

A couple of months later, the House Intelligence Committee released a memo on surveillance abuses by the Obama administration. For Schiff, any abuse of the FISA court system might undermine any impeachment narrative that might present itself with regard to the 2016 election and Russian collusion. So, Schiff had to mock the Nunes memo relentlessly to keep the message on track. Schiff denied that any abuses had occurred in his own memo released shortly thereafter. As the ranking Democrat on the committee at the time, Schiff had access to the same information as Nunes, so he knew the Nunes memo was accurate.
4. Lying about having contact with the whistleblower

PolitiFact isn’t exactly known for being fair to Republicans, but when Adam Schiff claimed, "We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower," during an interview on MSNBC in September 2019, they couldn’t exactly cover for him when it was revealed by the New York Times that Schiff’s staff had been colluding with the whistleblower and was aware of the whistleblower’s concerns in advance of them going public. “While it was not publicly known that Schiff’s committee had communicated with the whistleblower ahead of the complaint’s filing, Schiff knew the truth,” explained Politifact. “When given the chance to say that the whistleblower had reached out to a committee aide, he did not.”
3. Misrepresenting a key text message

Schiff "mischaracterized" impeachment evidence that was used during the House Democrats’ impeachment investigation. In a letter sent to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, Schiff claimed that Giuliani associate Lev Parnas "continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky," which was based on a text message from Parnas to Giuliani that read "trying to get us mr Z." The rest of the exchange was redacted, but Schiff clearly knew that the redacted portion made it clear that “mr Z” actually referred to Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma.
2. Claiming Ambassador Sondland’s testimony proved there was a quid pro quo

On Tuesday, Schiff once again told a whopper by misrepresenting Ambassador Sondland’s testimony. “Ambassador Sondland also said...that—we’re often asked ‘was there a quid pro quo?’ the answer is ‘yes there was a quid pro quo,’ there was an absolute quid pro quo,” Schiff said.​

Here’s the problem: by Sondland’s own testimony, he didn’t know definitively that there was a quid pro, he was presuming there was.​

1. His fictional version of the Trump-Zelenksy phone call

Adam Schiff, when claiming to read the transcript on the House floor, fabricated the entire transcript into something far more sinister than it actually was.

Criticism over the deception caused him to backpedal and claim that his reading of the transcript was meant as a parody.

“If the conversation were as damning as Schiff et al would like, he would have simply read directly from it, instead of making up dialogue,” Fox News’s Brit Hume wisely observed it a tweet. “Probably not surprising in light of the extravagant collusion claims he made for 2 years.”​
And that was just today....
Well, i don't know if He will "Go to Hell" for ever or face indictment for lying under oath, but Adam Schiff did a good job laying it out today. It's a wrap for the day.
I'm highly doubtful that President Trump will be removed based on the lack of evidence of any crimes being committed. Even if he is removed, I do believe this is going to hurt the Democrat party a LOT more than it will hurt the President.
The American People are disgusted by this.

In 285 Days you are going to be taught a lesson you will never forget.

Schiff needs repercussions for lying under oath.

Schiff is a Lying Whore, who will burn in Hell for his wicked lies and wicked life.


We are Going on 4 years of The Democrats trying to oust the president since November 2016 yet The President:

Turned over 1 Million Documents
Allowed 3,500 Interviews
Complied with 500 Suboenas

And Provided 2 Transcripts of two phone calls that made out Adam Schiff and the two Whistle Blowers as Liars.

The Top Seven Lies Adam Schiff Has Told to Boost Impeachment


Lying Schiff's Top Seven lies, so far
7. Promoting the bogus Steele dossier he knew was not credible:

Any idiot who read the Clinton-funded Steele dossier and known it wasn’t credible. Schiff knew the information in it was uncorroborated and full of inaccuracies, embellishments, and lies. Nevertheless, he promoted the dossier as a legitimate piece of anti-Trump intelligence. Rolling Stone even noted that the report “is especially hostile to Schiff’s claim that the FBI ‘provided additional information obtained through multiple independent sources that corroborated Steele’s reporting.’”
6. His repeated claims of having “ample evidence” of collusion

On several occasions, Adam Schiff declared there was “ample evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and that he had seen it. "There is already, in my view, ample evidence in the public domain on the issue of collusion if you're willing to see it," Schiff said back in February 2018. "If you want to blind yourself, then you can look the other way.” Schiff was lying every time he claimed to have seen evidence of collusion. Schiff's goal of impeaching Trump would have to wait for another lie.
5. Denying FISA abuse even though he knew it happened

Back in 2017, then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) revealed that evidence of FISA "abuse" had been uncovered by investigators. "We have had an ongoing investigation into DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI since mid-summer for both FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] abuse and other matters that we can't get into too much. But it is very concerning," he said.

A couple of months later, the House Intelligence Committee released a memo on surveillance abuses by the Obama administration. For Schiff, any abuse of the FISA court system might undermine any impeachment narrative that might present itself with regard to the 2016 election and Russian collusion. So, Schiff had to mock the Nunes memo relentlessly to keep the message on track. Schiff denied that any abuses had occurred in his own memo released shortly thereafter. As the ranking Democrat on the committee at the time, Schiff had access to the same information as Nunes, so he knew the Nunes memo was accurate.
4. Lying about having contact with the whistleblower

PolitiFact isn’t exactly known for being fair to Republicans, but when Adam Schiff claimed, "We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower," during an interview on MSNBC in September 2019, they couldn’t exactly cover for him when it was revealed by the New York Times that Schiff’s staff had been colluding with the whistleblower and was aware of the whistleblower’s concerns in advance of them going public. “While it was not publicly known that Schiff’s committee had communicated with the whistleblower ahead of the complaint’s filing, Schiff knew the truth,” explained Politifact. “When given the chance to say that the whistleblower had reached out to a committee aide, he did not.”
3. Misrepresenting a key text message

Schiff "mischaracterized" impeachment evidence that was used during the House Democrats’ impeachment investigation. In a letter sent to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, Schiff claimed that Giuliani associate Lev Parnas "continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky," which was based on a text message from Parnas to Giuliani that read "trying to get us mr Z." The rest of the exchange was redacted, but Schiff clearly knew that the redacted portion made it clear that “mr Z” actually referred to Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma.
2. Claiming Ambassador Sondland’s testimony proved there was a quid pro quo

On Tuesday, Schiff once again told a whopper by misrepresenting Ambassador Sondland’s testimony. “Ambassador Sondland also said...that—we’re often asked ‘was there a quid pro quo?’ the answer is ‘yes there was a quid pro quo,’ there was an absolute quid pro quo,” Schiff said.​

Here’s the problem: by Sondland’s own testimony, he didn’t know definitively that there was a quid pro, he was presuming there was.​

1. His fictional version of the Trump-Zelenksy phone call

Adam Schiff, when claiming to read the transcript on the House floor, fabricated the entire transcript into something far more sinister than it actually was.

Criticism over the deception caused him to backpedal and claim that his reading of the transcript was meant as a parody.

“If the conversation were as damning as Schiff et al would like, he would have simply read directly from it, instead of making up dialogue,” Fox News’s Brit Hume wisely observed it a tweet. “Probably not surprising in light of the extravagant collusion claims he made for 2 years.”​
And that was just today....
Well, i don't know if He will "Go to Hell" for ever or face indictment for lying under oath, but Adam Schiff did a good job laying it out today. It's a wrap for the day.

I am totally disgusted by this rather EXPENSIVE political circus that we are all paying for, to remove a legitimately elected president with very questionable "evidence." And they told us that they had "overwhelming evidence." I felt this was a lie from the beginning, and they have proven that.
Three Branches of Government tied up for nearly 4 years by an all out nonstop siege of The White House.

The American People are disgusted by this.

In 285 Days you are going to be taught a lesson you will never forget.

Schiff needs repercussions for lying under oath.

The Top Seven Lies Adam Schiff Has Told to Boost Impeachment


Lying Schiff's Top Seven lies, so far
7. Promoting the bogus Steele dossier he knew was not credible:

Any idiot who read the Clinton-funded Steele dossier and known it wasn’t credible. Schiff knew the information in it was uncorroborated and full of inaccuracies, embellishments, and lies. Nevertheless, he promoted the dossier as a legitimate piece of anti-Trump intelligence. Rolling Stone even noted that the report “is especially hostile to Schiff’s claim that the FBI ‘provided additional information obtained through multiple independent sources that corroborated Steele’s reporting.’”
6. His repeated claims of having “ample evidence” of collusion

On several occasions, Adam Schiff declared there was “ample evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and that he had seen it. "There is already, in my view, ample evidence in the public domain on the issue of collusion if you're willing to see it," Schiff said back in February 2018. "If you want to blind yourself, then you can look the other way.” Schiff was lying every time he claimed to have seen evidence of collusion. Schiff's goal of impeaching Trump would have to wait for another lie.
5. Denying FISA abuse even though he knew it happened

Back in 2017, then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) revealed that evidence of FISA "abuse" had been uncovered by investigators. "We have had an ongoing investigation into DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI since mid-summer for both FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] abuse and other matters that we can't get into too much. But it is very concerning," he said.

A couple of months later, the House Intelligence Committee released a memo on surveillance abuses by the Obama administration. For Schiff, any abuse of the FISA court system might undermine any impeachment narrative that might present itself with regard to the 2016 election and Russian collusion. So, Schiff had to mock the Nunes memo relentlessly to keep the message on track. Schiff denied that any abuses had occurred in his own memo released shortly thereafter. As the ranking Democrat on the committee at the time, Schiff had access to the same information as Nunes, so he knew the Nunes memo was accurate.
4. Lying about having contact with the whistleblower

PolitiFact isn’t exactly known for being fair to Republicans, but when Adam Schiff claimed, "We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower," during an interview on MSNBC in September 2019, they couldn’t exactly cover for him when it was revealed by the New York Times that Schiff’s staff had been colluding with the whistleblower and was aware of the whistleblower’s concerns in advance of them going public. “While it was not publicly known that Schiff’s committee had communicated with the whistleblower ahead of the complaint’s filing, Schiff knew the truth,” explained Politifact. “When given the chance to say that the whistleblower had reached out to a committee aide, he did not.”
3. Misrepresenting a key text message

Schiff "mischaracterized" impeachment evidence that was used during the House Democrats’ impeachment investigation. In a letter sent to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, Schiff claimed that Giuliani associate Lev Parnas "continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky," which was based on a text message from Parnas to Giuliani that read "trying to get us mr Z." The rest of the exchange was redacted, but Schiff clearly knew that the redacted portion made it clear that “mr Z” actually referred to Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma.
2. Claiming Ambassador Sondland’s testimony proved there was a quid pro quo

On Tuesday, Schiff once again told a whopper by misrepresenting Ambassador Sondland’s testimony. “Ambassador Sondland also said...that—we’re often asked ‘was there a quid pro quo?’ the answer is ‘yes there was a quid pro quo,’ there was an absolute quid pro quo,” Schiff said.​

Here’s the problem: by Sondland’s own testimony, he didn’t know definitively that there was a quid pro, he was presuming there was.​

1. His fictional version of the Trump-Zelenksy phone call

Adam Schiff, when claiming to read the transcript on the House floor, fabricated the entire transcript into something far more sinister than it actually was.

Criticism over the deception caused him to backpedal and claim that his reading of the transcript was meant as a parody.

“If the conversation were as damning as Schiff et al would like, he would have simply read directly from it, instead of making up dialogue,” Fox News’s Brit Hume wisely observed it a tweet. “Probably not surprising in light of the extravagant collusion claims he made for 2 years.”​
And that was just today....
Well, i don't know if He will "Go to Hell" for ever or face indictment for lying under oath, but Adam Schiff did a good job laying it out today. It's a wrap for the day.

I am totally disgusted by this rather EXPENSIVE political circus that we are all paying for, to remove a legitimately elected president with very questionable "evidence." And they told us that they had "overwhelming evidence." I felt this was a lie from the beginning, and they have proven that.
The American People are disgusted by this.

In 285 Days you are going to be taught a lesson you will never forget.

Schiff needs repercussions for lying under oath.

Schiff is a Lying Whore, who will burn in Hell for his wicked lies and wicked life.


We are Going on 4 years of The Democrats trying to oust the president since November 2016 yet The President:

Turned over 1 Million Documents
Allowed 3,500 Interviews
Complied with 500 Suboenas

And Provided 2 Transcripts of two phone calls that made out Adam Schiff and the two Whistle Blowers as Liars.

The Top Seven Lies Adam Schiff Has Told to Boost Impeachment


Lying Schiff's Top Seven lies, so far
7. Promoting the bogus Steele dossier he knew was not credible:

Any idiot who read the Clinton-funded Steele dossier and known it wasn’t credible. Schiff knew the information in it was uncorroborated and full of inaccuracies, embellishments, and lies. Nevertheless, he promoted the dossier as a legitimate piece of anti-Trump intelligence. Rolling Stone even noted that the report “is especially hostile to Schiff’s claim that the FBI ‘provided additional information obtained through multiple independent sources that corroborated Steele’s reporting.’”
6. His repeated claims of having “ample evidence” of collusion

On several occasions, Adam Schiff declared there was “ample evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and that he had seen it. "There is already, in my view, ample evidence in the public domain on the issue of collusion if you're willing to see it," Schiff said back in February 2018. "If you want to blind yourself, then you can look the other way.” Schiff was lying every time he claimed to have seen evidence of collusion. Schiff's goal of impeaching Trump would have to wait for another lie.
5. Denying FISA abuse even though he knew it happened

Back in 2017, then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) revealed that evidence of FISA "abuse" had been uncovered by investigators. "We have had an ongoing investigation into DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI since mid-summer for both FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] abuse and other matters that we can't get into too much. But it is very concerning," he said.

A couple of months later, the House Intelligence Committee released a memo on surveillance abuses by the Obama administration. For Schiff, any abuse of the FISA court system might undermine any impeachment narrative that might present itself with regard to the 2016 election and Russian collusion. So, Schiff had to mock the Nunes memo relentlessly to keep the message on track. Schiff denied that any abuses had occurred in his own memo released shortly thereafter. As the ranking Democrat on the committee at the time, Schiff had access to the same information as Nunes, so he knew the Nunes memo was accurate.
4. Lying about having contact with the whistleblower

PolitiFact isn’t exactly known for being fair to Republicans, but when Adam Schiff claimed, "We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower," during an interview on MSNBC in September 2019, they couldn’t exactly cover for him when it was revealed by the New York Times that Schiff’s staff had been colluding with the whistleblower and was aware of the whistleblower’s concerns in advance of them going public. “While it was not publicly known that Schiff’s committee had communicated with the whistleblower ahead of the complaint’s filing, Schiff knew the truth,” explained Politifact. “When given the chance to say that the whistleblower had reached out to a committee aide, he did not.”
3. Misrepresenting a key text message

Schiff "mischaracterized" impeachment evidence that was used during the House Democrats’ impeachment investigation. In a letter sent to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, Schiff claimed that Giuliani associate Lev Parnas "continued to try to arrange a meeting with President Zelensky," which was based on a text message from Parnas to Giuliani that read "trying to get us mr Z." The rest of the exchange was redacted, but Schiff clearly knew that the redacted portion made it clear that “mr Z” actually referred to Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma.
2. Claiming Ambassador Sondland’s testimony proved there was a quid pro quo

On Tuesday, Schiff once again told a whopper by misrepresenting Ambassador Sondland’s testimony. “Ambassador Sondland also said...that—we’re often asked ‘was there a quid pro quo?’ the answer is ‘yes there was a quid pro quo,’ there was an absolute quid pro quo,” Schiff said.​

Here’s the problem: by Sondland’s own testimony, he didn’t know definitively that there was a quid pro, he was presuming there was.​

1. His fictional version of the Trump-Zelenksy phone call

Adam Schiff, when claiming to read the transcript on the House floor, fabricated the entire transcript into something far more sinister than it actually was.

Criticism over the deception caused him to backpedal and claim that his reading of the transcript was meant as a parody.

“If the conversation were as damning as Schiff et al would like, he would have simply read directly from it, instead of making up dialogue,” Fox News’s Brit Hume wisely observed it a tweet. “Probably not surprising in light of the extravagant collusion claims he made for 2 years.”​
And that was just today....
Well, i don't know if He will "Go to Hell" for ever or face indictment for lying under oath, but Adam Schiff did a good job laying it out today. It's a wrap for the day.
Lighten up St Peter. If that's judgement day, I'll bring my bible. :)
I'm streaming the impeachment on my computer (I don't have television). Adam Schiff was speaking when I decided to lay down for a 45 minute nap. At that point, he had a binder before him, with a large number of pages on the left (already read) and fewer on the right.

Well, I slept a bit longer than intended (3 hours; I love my life of leisure). I woke up and flipped the streaming coverage back on. There's Adam Schiff, still running his mouth, only now the binder before him had far fewer pages on the left, and several more on the right, still waiting to be read.

This process is amazing. If Democrats ever wanted to sour the American voting public on impeachment, propping Schiff up there to tell us everything we already know is one sure way to do it...
Lucky me. I don't have a tv to watch live borers into mischief, so I just pick and choose the next day if I feel like it at youtube. That way, I only need a nap if I'm ill or something. And Adam Schiff's recitation would likely have made me ill..
BTW, while Adolph Schiffler was repeating the same lies 800 Times, President Trump just sent another Terrorist to Hell!

Iranian Commander Shot and Killed in Front of His Own Home: State Media

Iranian Basij forces commander Abdolhossein Mojaddami was shot and killed in front of his home on Wednesday, according to state-run news outlet IRNA.
Amazing! He's been busy today. I did not know he could even ride a motorcyclem much less shoot, being a New Yorker. Report must have been written by a republican, it did not specifically mention him at the scene of the hit, of course it wasn't on 5th Avenue. He must have been the one with the hunting rifle. He is laying low on this one, not even taking credit on twitter, as far as I know. I take it he did it to protect the protesters as mentioned in the article,"President Donald Trump, who called on Tehran to refrain from killing any more protesters."? Thanks for the report Tree.
I'm streaming the impeachment on my computer (I don't have television). Adam Schiff was speaking when I decided to lay down for a 45 minute nap. At that point, he had a binder before him, with a large number of pages on the left (already read) and fewer on the right.

Well, I slept a bit longer than intended (3 hours; I love my life of leisure). I woke up and flipped the streaming coverage back on. There's Adam Schiff, still running his mouth, only now the binder before him had far fewer pages on the left, and several more on the right, still waiting to be read.

This process is amazing. If Democrats ever wanted to sour the American voting public on impeachment, propping Schiff up there to tell us everything we already know is one sure way to do it...
Lucky me. I don't have a tv to watch live borers into mischief, so I just pick and choose the next day if I feel like it at youtube. That way, I only need a nap if I'm ill or something. And Adam Schiff's recitation would likely have made me ill..

I've been reading about it online instead of watching it. I can't take even looking at that guy, never mind listening to him.
What's going to be interesting is when Trump's team gets their turn. I'm sure there's a lot of information that never came out in the House Inquiry simply because they didn't want the President's side of the story to be told. All we're hearing now from the House managers is a rehash of the same stuff they've been saying all along; nothing new that is incriminating or moves the needle one bit. But after their turn is up, I think we'll find out just how dishonest they were from Jump street.
Ted Cruz: Hunter Biden's Testimony "Is Now Critical

Oh. The Republicans are going to have fun with this.....Humpster seems to be one of the KEYS to the DemonRATS corruption not only regarding Trump in Ukraine but China and other countries....Tehran Nan has just opened the Pandors box!...I can't wait!
Ted Cruz: Hunter Biden's Testimony "Is Now Critical

Oh. The Republicans are going to have fun with this.....Humpster seems to be one of the KEYS to the DemonRATS corruption not only regarding Trump in Ukraine but China and other countries....Tehran Nan has just opened the Pandors box!...I can't wait!

Oh yes. I can't wait to hear about some of these sweetheart "deals." Lol.

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