Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

After Nadler confirms Biden extorted the Ukraine PM and implicated President Obama for being complicit, Schumer declares allowing Hunter Biden to testify in exchange for Bolton testimony "OFF THE TABLE"!

Additionally, Schumer declared only witnesses with direct knowledge of the President's phone conversation with the current Ukraine PM should be allowed to testify in the Senate...


The closest thing to that they could find was Adam Schiff's personally authored fictional transcript / 'parody'....

:lmao: Bwuhahahaha......

Schumer: Trade of Hunter Biden Impeachment Testimony 'Off the Table'

They'll try to move the goal post. The only reason they were demanding witnesses is because Trump they thought Trump would not allow it. Today Trump confirmed that he's open for Bolton testimony, Schumer flipped and took it "off the table", meaning, they're try to get something more.

They're elbowing any which way they can to get Trump off of the 2020 ballot.
Politics is a true bloodsport!
Keep a close eye on the democrats they are planning something. Schiff said that Trump's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box. The democrats see the writing on the wall. They cannot win the election. They will accept no other outcome. The Bernie aides told the truth. Cities will burn rather than democrats lose.
Keep a close eye on the democrats they are planning something. Schiff said that Trump's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box. The democrats see the writing on the wall. They cannot win the election. They will accept no other outcome. The Bernie aides told the truth. Cities will burn rather than democrats lose.[/QUOTE

Hope they don't go that far.
At this point, my prediction is that the Senate DIMZ (after hearing all the presentations) will move to censure Trump, rather than to remove him. The onus remains on the house to prove that Trump's intentions were anything other than a look into corruption.

For me, it all hinges on Hunter Biden's qualifications (or lack there of) and his (and his dad's) role in Ukrane developments that Trump (and his legal team) is privy to. Hopefully shed some light on that part, soon.

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At this point, my prediction is that the Senate (after hearing all the presentations) will move to censure Trump, rather than to remove him. The onus remains on the house to prove that Trump's intentions were anything other than a look into corruption.

For me, it all hinges on Hunter Biden's qualifications (or lack there of) and his (and his dad's) role in Ukrane developments that Trump (and his legal team) is privy to. Hopefully shed some light on that part, soon.
Censure Trump for WHAT?

Their 'witnesses' could not name a crime or Impeachable Offense, & Nadler just confirmed Biden & Obama extorted the former Ukraine PM.

At this point, my prediction is that the Senate (after hearing all the presentations) will move to censure Trump, rather than to remove him. The onus remains on the house to prove that Trump's intentions were anything other than a look into corruption.

For me, it all hinges on Hunter Biden's qualifications (or lack there of) and his (and his dad's) role in Ukrane developments that Trump (and his legal team) is privy to. Hopefully shed some light on that part, soon.
Censure Trump for WHAT?

Their 'witnesses' could not name a crime or Impeachable Offense, & Nadler just confirmed Biden & Trump extorted the former Ukraine PM.


Sorry, I meant to say that I prdeict that "Senate DIMZ will move to censure. . . "

More so as a political attempt to take some middle ground. More than anything else.
I'll be honest, I'd say call witnesses just so we can hear something different. I cant imagine what its like to have to sit in the senate chamber and only be able to listen to the same thing over and over, for what could be a total of 48 hours.

There is apparently a rule that limits what senators can drink while in the senate chamber, that being only water or milk. Not being able to have good strong coffee, it would be hard not to fall asleep while going through these hearings.

They need to get those folks some red bull or coffee, or no doz. Perhaps they need red bull AND coffee AND no doz...

As other posters have said, how many times can you say the same thing over and over again.
Schiff said that Trump's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box.
So this truly is a Coup D'E tat... these democrats are purposely shredding executive power and destroying the separations of powers in our constitution. We need to deal with these traitors!

Traitors they are!
They wouldn't trust the ballot box/civil election process.
Trump incriminated himself and there is an abundance of direct evidence. This is a quote directly from the July 25 phone call, and it comes soon after Trump said, “I would like you to do us a favor, though.” That statement comes right after Zelensky expressed interest in buying Javelin missiles.

This is surreal. Have Trump Republicans lost their minds? Have they forgotten what it means to be an American?

For Trump??? What the hell is going on?

EXCLUSIVE: The attorneys general of 21 states have come forward with a blistering rebuke of the impeachment of President Trump, asserting that it "establishes a dangerous historical precedent."

The Republican attorneys general, in a letter submitted to the Senate Wednesday morning and obtained by Fox News, urged the chamber conducting Trump's trial to "reject" the impeachment articles.

"If not expressly repudiated by the Senate, the theories animating both Articles will set a precedent that is entirely contrary to the Framers' design and ruinous to the most important governmental structure protections contained in our Constitution: the separation of powers," they wrote.

So, according to these A.G.'s it is okay for the President to invite foreign interference in our Presidential elections, and use bribery on a foreign leader to get what he wants. The bribery is in the form of military aid approved by Congress and signed by the President.

Of course, they don't say that. They are scared to death of stating the consequences of their position.

With the exception of Florida, all the A.G.'s are from deep red states dominated by rural counties inhabited by non-college educated farmers and ranchers. Because of apathy, we allowed these people to chose our President. Vladimir Putin is extremely pleased with the result as America is tearing itself apart over Trump's impeachment.

Never again!
Trump incriminated himself and there is an abundance of direct evidence. This is a quote directly from the July 25 phone call, and it comes soon after Trump said, “I would like you to do us a favor, though.” That statement comes right after Zelensky expressed interest in buying Javelin missiles.

This is surreal. Have Trump Republicans lost their minds? Have they forgotten what it means to be an American?

For Trump??? What the hell is going on?

EXCLUSIVE: The attorneys general of 21 states have come forward with a blistering rebuke of the impeachment of President Trump, asserting that it "establishes a dangerous historical precedent."

The Republican attorneys general, in a letter submitted to the Senate Wednesday morning and obtained by Fox News, urged the chamber conducting Trump's trial to "reject" the impeachment articles.

"If not expressly repudiated by the Senate, the theories animating both Articles will set a precedent that is entirely contrary to the Framers' design and ruinous to the most important governmental structure protections contained in our Constitution: the separation of powers," they wrote.

So, according to these A.G.'s it is okay for the President to invite foreign interference in our Presidential elections, and use bribery on a foreign leader to get what he wants. The bribery is in the form of military aid approved by Congress and signed by the President.

Of course, they don't say that. They are scared to death of stating the consequences of their position.

With the exception of Florida, all the A.G.'s are from deep red states dominated by rural counties inhabited by non-college educated farmers and ranchers. Because of apathy, we allowed these people to chose our President. Vladimir Putin is extremely pleased with the result as America is tearing itself apart over Trump's impeachment.

Never again!

Putin didn't start this.
Hillary did, when she lost!

Never Again!
Trump's Legal Team Calls Out Schiff and Dem "Hypocrisy" in Impeachment Opening Statement

Exactly, you said it. Trump's legal team calls out Schiff, the process, and the Dems, not the evidence against Trump.

Ask yourself a question. Why is that? Is it because the evidence is conclusive?
Joe Biden said he refuses to testify even if that means Bolton would testify.

The biggest revelation in this hearing will be that Obama and Barry extorted the former Ukraine PM, according to Nadler and Biden.

That means Barry should have been Impeached (again), Biden should have been Impeached, & Biden should be disqualified from the 2020 election...
What's this about Schumer getting insecure about Hunter Biden as a witness?
What is this nonsense??? A half dozen Democrats get to tell the same stories over and over?
How many ways do they need to say the same damn shit ffs
I think it's a war of attrition. Who can last the longest.

I half expect one side or the other to crack.

At some point, you'll see either McConnell or Schumer, they'll be sitting there, you'll see their head snap up with a glazed look in their eye. They will throw a hand up in the air and shout "THATS IT...IM DONE. I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE....YOU WIN...JUST GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!"

Trump's Legal Team Calls Out Schiff and Dem "Hypocrisy" in Impeachment Opening Statement

Exactly, you said it. Trump's legal team calls out Schiff, the process, and the Dems, not the evidence against Trump.

Ask yourself a question. Why is that? Is it because the evidence is conclusive?

Because the evidence is hearsay and deep state driven opinion/conjecture.
Purely political as the driven snow!
Trump's Legal Team Calls Out Schiff and Dem "Hypocrisy" in Impeachment Opening Statement

Exactly, you said it. Trump's legal team calls out Schiff, the process, and the Dems, not the evidence against Trump.

Ask yourself a question. Why is that? Is it because the evidence is conclusive?



How could anyone believe you if you forgot the word "overwhelming".
Because the evidence is hearsay and deep state driven opinion/conjecture.

Trump incriminated himself. This is a quote directly from the July 25 phone call, and it comes soon after Trump said, “I would like you to do us a favor, though.” That statement comes right after Zelensky expressed interest in buying Javelin missiles. This is what Trump said.

Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor bf New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General.· :Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States,· the woman., was bad news and the people she was dealing with in.the Ukraine.were bad news so I jtist want to_let you know that. The other thing, there's a lot about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

Trump's chief of staff admitted to quid pro quo.

“What you’re describing is a quid pro quo,” asserted the reporter. “We do that all the time,” replied Mulvaney. “Did he also mention to me the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about it. But that’s it. That’s why we held up the money … I have news for everybody: Get over it. There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy.” ‘We Do That All the Time, Get Over It.’ Mulvaney Boasts About Ukraine Plot

After the July 25 phone call with Zelensky, as he usually does, Trump doubled down by asking again for foreign intervention in our elections. On Oct. 3, in a news conference on the White House lawn, he called on Ukraine and China to look into his chief rival's affairs, Joe Biden.

“If they were honest about it, they would start a major investigation into the Bidens,” Trump said when asked what he wanted Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to do about the former veep and his son.

“They should investigate the Bidens,” Trump said. “Likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine.”

Trump says China should investigate the Bidens, doubles down on Ukraine probe
Trump incriminated himself and there is an abundance of direct evidence. This is a quote directly from the July 25 phone call, and it comes soon after Trump said, “I would like you to do us a favor, though.” That statement comes right after Zelensky expressed interest in buying Javelin missiles.

This is surreal. Have Trump Republicans lost their minds? Have they forgotten what it means to be an American?

For Trump??? What the hell is going on?

EXCLUSIVE: The attorneys general of 21 states have come forward with a blistering rebuke of the impeachment of President Trump, asserting that it "establishes a dangerous historical precedent."

The Republican attorneys general, in a letter submitted to the Senate Wednesday morning and obtained by Fox News, urged the chamber conducting Trump's trial to "reject" the impeachment articles.

"If not expressly repudiated by the Senate, the theories animating both Articles will set a precedent that is entirely contrary to the Framers' design and ruinous to the most important governmental structure protections contained in our Constitution: the separation of powers," they wrote.

So, according to these A.G.'s it is okay for the President to invite foreign interference in our Presidential elections, and use bribery on a foreign leader to get what he wants. The bribery is in the form of military aid approved by Congress and signed by the President.

Of course, they don't say that. They are scared to death of stating the consequences of their position.

With the exception of Florida, all the A.G.'s are from deep red states dominated by rural counties inhabited by non-college educated farmers and ranchers. Because of apathy, we allowed these people to chose our President. Vladimir Putin is extremely pleased with the result as America is tearing itself apart over Trump's impeachment.

Never again!
How elitist of you.. You think only college educated are smart? You have no proof of any crime and we know it.. Yet you want to destroy our constitution and its equalization of power from the cities so that you idiots dont run rough-shod over the rest of the country..

Hillary LOST a rigged game and it was democrats committing crimes against our country...

Damn right NEVER AGAIN... This kind of crap needs to be exposed as it was Hillary and Obama working with FOREIGN ACTORS TO FIX OUR ELECTION... They need to swing from gallows!
Trump's Legal Team Calls Out Schiff and Dem "Hypocrisy" in Impeachment Opening Statement

Exactly, you said it. Trump's legal team calls out Schiff, the process, and the Dems, not the evidence against Trump.

Ask yourself a question. Why is that? Is it because the evidence is conclusive?
Actually it's not. There has been no evidence at all that trump asked for a favor to help his campaign.

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