Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Hey Schiff fer brains. . . . How can you say that a non removal from office puts Trump "above the law" when you fucktards haven't even cited any laws that were broken?
Here's a thought, R's take back the House in 2020 and maintain Senate, House R's impeach current D leadership refer charges to the Senate for removal from office. Senate convicts and Nancy,Adam and Jerry are all removed THEN refered for criminal charges!
The whole Dem crew behind this impeachment and the other get Trump scams of the last 3 years shouldn't be able to walk away from this. The tax payers are on the hook for millions of dollars for these false accusations. There are issues of national security that have been put at risk over this. The Dems actually have told foreign leaders not to deal with Trump.
The Dems need held responsible and jailed for their crimes.
Schiff, in Senate impeachment trial opening arguments, accuses Trump of trying to ‘cheat’ in 2020 race

Evidence has been released exposing the fact that the Obama administration protected Hillary from Indictment / Prosecution to keep her in the ace
- They altered the 2016 election by doing so

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile confessed to helping Hillary cheat in debates, funneling donations earmarked for Democrats in other state / federal elections into Hillary's campaign, and 'rigging' their Primaries for Hillary.
- They altered the 2016 election by doing so

Hillary paid a known lying, untruthful, Trump-hating, agenda-driven foreign spy working for the Obama administration's FBI for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda to alter the 2016 election
- They altered the 2016 election by doing so

The Obama administration illegally used that information from the source they knew to be untrustworthy
to engage in FISA Court violations to attempt to prevent Trump from winning the elction and then later in a political coup attempt
- They altered the 2016 election by doing so

D-Schiff knowingly, intentionally engaged in ESPIONAGE by admittedly leaking classified information to hurt the President....

D-Schiff intentionally falsely engaged in SEDITION by lying for 2+ years - claiming he had personal direct evidence of crimes committed by the President and eventually had to admit he did NOT

D-Schiff attempted to illegally present a self-authored fictional transcript of the President's phone call with the Ukraine PM as 'evidence' of crimes committed by the President...after being caught he quicklydeclared he had not broken the law but instead presented a 'parody'...

D-Nadler demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW, THREATENED him, and finally CENSURED hmfor reusing to BREAK THE LAW by illegally giving the House Democrats access to secret information they had no right to

D-Schiff manufactured the entire Ukraine Whistle blower Coup attempt
- Sciff hid the evidence that the Ukraine prosecutor opened up an investigation on Burisma BEFORE Trump's call
- He coordinated with the Whistle blower BEFORE the complaint was filed
- AFTER the DOJ dismissed the case for no crime / no evidence / no witness the IC IG forwarded it to Schiff
- The IC IG now works for Schiff
- Schiff, by his own admission, is a 'FACT Witness' and should not be associated with this Impeachment
- Schiff lied about not knowing / knowing the Identity of the Whistle Blower

The Former US FBI Director, US Deputy Director of the FBI, & 2 FBI Agents have been recommended for Indictment.
An on-going investigation of the former Deputy US AG, the Former NSA Director, Former CIA Director, and possibly D-Schiff himself is currently on-going for criminal misconduct / interference in the 2016 election, perjury, espionage, FISA Court abuses....

The Democrats are currently attempting to alter the 2020 election through the timing of their release of the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, attempting to 'rig' another election by helping Biden the 2020 nomination

....yet SCHIFF is accusing the President of attempting to interfere with a US election....


The House Impeachment Managers refuse to present to the US Senate he EXISTING case / information that led them to Impeach the President in the House, instead claiming they want to be allowed to continue to go 'fishing' for what MIGJHT be out there, demanding the Senate ignore Executive Privilege in order to avoid presenting the case / information they relied on to Impeach the President.


Schiff and Nadler should be kicked out of the US Senate.
They and Pelosi should be admonished / Censured by the Senate.
They should be ejected from the House, but their fellow snakes will protect them.
Is Yoyanavich getting here feelings hurt part of the Articles of Impeachment?
When are democrats going to get to the overwhelming evidence!? I can’t see republicans arguing any of this insanity
Thank god technology has produced the mute button for whenever the TDS afflicted Democrat hate mongers start to spew their garbage.
Schiff, in Senate impeachment trial opening arguments, accuses Trump of trying to ‘cheat’ in 2020 race

Evidence has been released exposing the fact that the Obama administration protected Hillary from Indictment / Prosecution to keep her in the ace
- They altered the 2016 election by doing so

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile confessed to helping Hillary cheat in debates, funneling donations earmarked for Democrats in other state / federal elections into Hillary's campaign, and 'rigging' their Primaries for Hillary.
- They altered the 2016 election by doing so

Hillary paid a known lying, untruthful, Trump-hating, agenda-driven foreign spy working for the Obama administration's FBI for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda to alter the 2016 election
- They altered the 2016 election by doing so

The Obama administration illegally used that information from the source they knew to be untrustworthy
to engage in FISA Court violations to attempt to prevent Trump from winning the elction and then later in a political coup attempt
- They altered the 2016 election by doing so

D-Schiff knowingly, intentionally engaged in ESPIONAGE by admittedly leaking classified information to hurt the President....

D-Schiff intentionally falsely engaged in SEDITION by lying for 2+ years - claiming he had personal direct evidence of crimes committed by the President and eventually had to admit he did NOT

D-Schiff attempted to illegally present a self-authored fictional transcript of the President's phone call with the Ukraine PM as 'evidence' of crimes committed by the President...after being caught he quicklydeclared he had not broken the law but instead presented a 'parody'...

D-Nadler demanded the US AG BREAK THE LAW, THREATENED him, and finally CENSURED hmfor reusing to BREAK THE LAW by illegally giving the House Democrats access to secret information they had no right to

D-Schiff manufactured the entire Ukraine Whistle blower Coup attempt
- Sciff hid the evidence that the Ukraine prosecutor opened up an investigation on Burisma BEFORE Trump's call
- He coordinated with the Whistle blower BEFORE the complaint was filed
- AFTER the DOJ dismissed the case for no crime / no evidence / no witness the IC IG forwarded it to Schiff
- The IC IG now works for Schiff
- Schiff, by his own admission, is a 'FACT Witness' and should not be associated with this Impeachment
- Schiff lied about not knowing / knowing the Identity of the Whistle Blower

The Former US FBI Director, US Deputy Director of the FBI, & 2 FBI Agents have been recommended for Indictment.
An on-going investigation of the former Deputy US AG, the Former NSA Director, Former CIA Director, and possibly D-Schiff himself is currently on-going for criminal misconduct / interference in the 2016 election, perjury, espionage, FISA Court abuses....

The Democrats are currently attempting to alter the 2020 election through the timing of their release of the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, attempting to 'rig' another election by helping Biden the 2020 nomination

....yet SCHIFF is accusing the President of attempting to interfere with a US election....


The House Impeachment Managers refuse to present to the US Senate he EXISTING case / information that led them to Impeach the President in the House, instead claiming they want to be allowed to continue to go 'fishing' for what MIGJHT be out there, demanding the Senate ignore Executive Privilege in order to avoid presenting the case / information they relied on to Impeach the President.


Schiff and Nadler should be kicked out of the US Senate.
They and Pelosi should be admonished / Censured by the Senate.
They should be ejected from the House, but their fellow snakes will protect them.
Don't forget also how GOOGLE altered their Algorithms to Favor Clinton and swung 2.5 Million Votes her way.
WTF does Russia's invasion of the Ukraine on Barry's watch have to do with Trump?
When are democrats going to get to the overwhelming evidence!? I can’t see republicans arguing any of this insanity
This isn't going to go well for them. They do not have Evidence. They cannot list a violation of US Code, and The House Inquiry violated Due Process, and was a rush to impeach, not because The Republic was in Peril, but because their chances at defeating The President at The Ballot Box was In Peril.

That is NO REASON to Impeach a President and America knows it.

America also knows, that nobody really cares about Ukraine or Russia. Ukraine was given more help by President Trump than Obama gave Crimea, and Iran & Russia was punished more by President Trump, while in contrast Obama Coddled Iran and Russia.

Americans are not as stupid as Democrats tell them they are.
When are democrats going to get to the overwhelming evidence!? I can’t see republicans arguing any of this insanity
This isn't going to go well for them. They do not have Evidence. They cannot list a violation of US Code, and The House Inquiry violated Due Process, and was a rush to impeach, not because The Republic was in Peril, but because their chances at defeating The President at The Ballot Box was In Peril.

That is NO REASON to Impeach a President and America knows it.

America also knows, that nobody really cares about Ukraine or Russia. Ukraine was given more help by President Trump than Obama gave Crimea, and Iran & Russia was punished more by President Trump, while in contrast Obama Coddled Iran and Russia.

Americans are not as stupid as Democrats tell them they are.
I mean what are they going to argue? Orange man bad? This is embarrassing
Thank god technology has produced the mute button for whenever the TDS afflicted Democrat hate mongers start to spew their garbage.
Ignore is good also. My bad I thought you were referring to the message board.
I watched all, and I do mean all of the House Impeachment Investigation, both Intelligence and Judiciary Committees.
I noticed today that the Dimms are using Fiona Hill's testimony in their visual aids more than any other House 'witness'.
It hit me that Schiff put this Senate narrative together most likely with the guidance of the notorious 'deep state' Russophobe Hill.
Schiff and Nadler are not smart enough to concoct their fairytales by themselves.
So the Articles Of Sillyness have been looked at but guilty of Sillyness verdict not forthcoming
Full of Shifft.....he should be locked up...

put a sock in it clown!!!!


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