Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Trump Impeachment Lawyer: The Democrats Have Made "A Stunning Admission

Absolutely correct....In fact I would say, that if an opening statement like this were given in nearly any court in our nation, it would be followed by an immediate move to dismiss charges....And you know what? It'd be granted.

Listening to Schiff, and the clowns lull me to sleep every day is already wearing thin, and for the life of me, I can't understand what their strategy was coming into the Senate, and lecturing them about fairness, saying, in essence, if you don't vote to remove Trump, then you are just covering up...The absolute gaul that takes is breathtaking....However, then you have yesterday, where Nadler opens with "The facts are not in dispute"....What? are you kidding me? If the facts are not in dispute then what the hell is that fat, stupid MF'er doing in the well of our Senate then?

This generation of liberals are dangereous to the fabric of this nation...I hope that we as a nation do the right thing and sweep these authoritarian trash out of our government.
Admissions be damned. Democrats have out and out told us they will accept no outcome other than what they want. They will not accept the results of any election they lose. Democrats will stand for nothing less than the end of free elections.
Congressman Mark Meadows R-NC
Also Sees the Dems stuck in PUNXSUTAWNEY:
"Trump must be removed from office by the Senate -- rather than by voters in the 2020 election -- because it is impossible to be sure the 2020 election won't be compromised. The president's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won,"
-- House Coup Manager, D-Adam Schiff

"And right here is proof of the Democrats’ plan all along. "Every moment of the impeachment sham has been geared toward interfering with the 2020 election. Schiff is preemptively calling into question the results of an election that is still more than 9 months away."
-- Trump campaign director of communications Tim Murtaugh


'Coup has started,' whistleblower's attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment

Dems Have Been Impeaching President Trump Since Day One | RealClearPolitics
Trump Impeachment Lawyer: The Democrats Have Made "A Stunning Admission

Dude eviscerated Pencil Neck.

what's hilarious, is that Schitt's is asking for witnesses. huh? he is admitting he failed. What else could that mean? I mean, he had the power of the House to bring in anyone. why didn't he if he felt he needed them? I have to tell you, if I'm a trump lawyer, I make that statement and say, dismiss, it's obvious the lead prosecutor doesn't believe their own articles. We are here for the two articles brought here.

They were voted on based on evidence they collected and witnesses they called. if the vote was initiated, the investigation is over. period. You don't get a do over. Bringing in any other witness violates our clients due process.
"Trump must be removed from office by the Senate -- rather than by voters in the 2020 election -- because it is impossible to be sure the 2020 election won't be compromised. The president's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won,"
-- House Coup Manager, D-Adam Schiff

"And right here is proof of the Democrats’ plan all along. "Every moment of the impeachment sham has been geared toward interfering with the 2020 election. Schiff is preemptively calling into question the results of an election that is still more than 9 months away."
-- Trump campaign director of communications Tim Murtaugh


'Coup has started,' whistleblower's attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment

Dems Have Been Impeaching President Trump Since Day One | RealClearPolitics
the demented fk said they can't trust american citizens. Out fking loud.
"Trump must be removed from office by the Senate -- rather than by voters in the 2020 election -- because it is impossible to be sure the 2020 election won't be compromised. The president's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won,"
-- House Coup Manager, D-Adam Schiff

....just like it was impossible to guarantee that all the FISA Court Abuses, Illegal spying, 'Collusion Delusion' propaganda pushing, and declarations of a coming 'Landslide' would actually result in Hillary being elected in 2016.

Putting the coronation of Hillary Clinton in the hands of the 'deplorables' in 2016 FAILED to deliver the Democrats intended outcome. The 2016 DNC Primaries proved to the Democrats that the only way sure to get the person you want in power is to put them there yourself....which is what the Democrats are now trying to do with the Presidential election while simultaneously attempting to ensure Biden gets the DNC nomination.
"Trump must be removed from office by the Senate -- rather than by voters in the 2020 election -- because it is impossible to be sure the 2020 election won't be compromised. The president's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won,"
-- House Coup Manager, D-Adam Schiff

"And right here is proof of the Democrats’ plan all along. "Every moment of the impeachment sham has been geared toward interfering with the 2020 election. Schiff is preemptively calling into question the results of an election that is still more than 9 months away."
-- Trump campaign director of communications Tim Murtaugh


'Coup has started,' whistleblower's attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment

Dems Have Been Impeaching President Trump Since Day One | RealClearPolitics

"The president's misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box, for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won"

1. There is no chance, no reason to believe that by asking the Ukraine to investigate the Bidens and Burisma, the President is influencing the 2020 election. I think the voters should know what went on with respect to what went on in this regard, and it is in fact Trump's duty to find out and make the results known. The fact that Joe Biden is running for president opposite Trump only adds to the necessity IMHO. We should know the truth, and if Trump is wrong then we should know that too.

2. Guilty or not, the American voters can and should be trusted to make up their own minds for who to vote for. Fuck you Mr Schiff, for implying that we are too stupid to make that call ourselves and that you have to do it for us. It isn't like Trump is tampering with ballots and voting machines to change the results; it's plenty early enough for us to see what comes out of the on-going and future investigations into that situation, and make our own decisions.
After House Coup Managers attacked the US Senate and Senators, after declaring SENATORS are on trial, and after declaring if the US Senate does not agree and side with the House's Impeachment then US Senators are willing criminals participating in a cover-up, D-Schiff and D-Nadler are catching SERIOUS 'backlash' from the very Moderate Republicans they have / had to win over to successfully get the Senate to Impeach the President.

"The first sign of a backlash among that critical group came Wednesday when Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, a moderate member of the conference, said she was offended by House manager Rep. Jerrold Nadler’s assertion that GOP members voting against allowing new testimony and evidence were engaged in a “cover-up.”

"I took it as offensive. As one who is listening attentively and working hard to get to a fair process, I was offended.”

-- Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska

“I mean, that’s an extraordinary thing to say on the floor of the United States Senate, the middle of the trial, and that’s what drew the rebuke and rightly so. I can tell you, there was an open, open gasping on the Senate floor when Nadler was saying these things. I mean, it’s really, really extraordinary.

If the goal was to persuade, they took a huge step backward last night.”

-- Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo

Don't listen to them, Jerry - It's a GOP TRICK! You have the US Senate right where you want them. These 'Trump supporters' want you to STOP pointing out how they are all unethical, immoral, loathsome, vile, cover-up supporting criminals - and that includes any Democrats who have not already made the decision to support Impeachment no matter what!

What you need to do is march back into the US Senate tonight and keep on hammering them - tell them that if they do not agree with the House's Impeachment, a goal Democrats vowed to attain back in 2017, tell them if the US Senate does not comply with the House's demands they are all boot-licking, POS criminals!

That will win them over! :p

Impeachment backfire? Key GOP senator 'offended' by Nadler charge, as trial tests patience and stamina
Am I to believe that Nadless' entire case is going to be showing quotes by their cherry picked professors who have zero direct knowledge of anything being discussed?

Surely the House Clowns could have come up with more during their month long vacation. This is pathetic.
the left are trying to define the phrase 'abuse of power'. where none exists.
The House Clowns sure are spending a lot of time trying to defend Quid Pro Joe's extortion rather than explain why Trump should be removed.

I'm sure this is making a lot of friends among the Senators locked in the room.
The House Clowns sure are spending a lot of time trying to defend Quid Pro Joe's extortion rather than explain why Trump should be removed.

I'm sure this is making a lot of friends among the Senators locked in the room.
well someone today shared audio today of Ted Cruz stating that since Schitt's brought up hunter biden and calling it a sham, only accentuates the need to bring him in for questioning. The fact the house manager brought him into this. They did it. schitt's did it.

here it is

Ted Cruz Claims Schiff's Opening Argument Makes Hunter Biden's Testimony 'Critical' | National Review

how do they say it in a court room you opened the door by the mere mention of his name.

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