Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

"Jeffries insists Sondland 'coached' Ukrainian president in order to please Trump"

...too bad he doesn't have the evidence to back up any of his bullshit.

Sondland testified in the House he had no direct knowledge regarding the phone call, no direct knowledge of anything to support the Democrats' false claims, and his testimony consisted of his own opinion that was based on things he had HEARD!

'chicken or the egg' scenario...did the Democrats 1st start lying their asses off and snowflakes parroted them or vice versa....


Dems argued the nation must be protected from Russia...

They did not say this when Barry made a promise to Putin to be more flexible through Medvedev.

They did not say this when Barry helped hand over uranium to Russia.

They did not say this when Barry made it easy for Putin to annex Crimea by withholding lethal military aid Ukraine needed to defend itself from Russia

They did not say this when Barry's administration was knowingly using Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda sold / given to them by a known partisan, Trump-hating, lying foreign spy to commit FISA Court abuses and illegally spy on Trump and his team to affect the outcome of a US election

They did not say this when Russia was using Social Media to dupe snowflakes into organizing and marching for them in 2016...

They did not say this when leftist extremist groups like Antifa, BLM, and the Black Fist were taking Russian money to spread racial division and violence...

They did not say that when Hillary took millions from the KGB Bank
They also say it is an impeachable act for Trump to suggest that Ukraine investigate the Biden's for obvious bribery and extortion involving US taxpayer money because Biden was running for office, but are fine with Obama's corrupt FBI laundering Russian disinformation, paid for by Hillary into illegal FISA warrants.

They fool no one!

OBAMA’S THUGGISH CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Russiagate Spy Paid $1 Million By Obama Was Fake News WaPo's Deep Throat.

"Informant may have received taxpayer funds to spy on Trump camp"

The Department of Defense may have used taxpayer funds to pay longtime informant and CRACKHEAD Stefan Halper, a Cambridge University professor, to recruit members of the Trump campaign as sources in the run-up to the 2016 election...

"Grassley, writing to James Baker, the director of the Office of Net Assessment (ONA) at the Defense Department, or DOD, also flagged other suspicious payments to Halper -- including some for DOD contracts that he may not have performed, and others from "unknown" foreign entities. (In response to a lawsuit last year alleging that he was part of a smear campaign to discredit the Trump campaign, Halper claimed a kind of immunity ordinarily afforded to government agents.)"

Using tax dollars to pay crack addicts and 'unknown' foreign entities for unverified information on Trump as part of a smear campaign against Trump...

A new day, more evidence of crimes committed by Democrats / Anti-Trump traitors...

US informant may have received taxpayer funds to spy on Trump campaign, Grassley says

If there were real impeachable misconduct, the Democrats wouldn't be engaged in these silly antics.
Brilliant closing argument by Adam Schiff. Schiff laid out the stakes of a continued Trump presidency and the threat Trump poses to the nation. Very well done.
I have to say, the dems are doing a pretty good job at this. If there are senate repubs who are truly undecided, then trumps legal team had better be on their game once its their turn
Clinton was not impeached because of illicit sex. He was impeached because he committed perjury. I truly believe if he'd said, "I'm in my 50s and she's in her 20s....hell yeah I did it", he'd have been overwhelmingly been acclaimed President for the rest of his life.

I don't agree with that --- perjury will NEVER outrank sex in the nation's interest and attention! They simply used a lame perjury charge because outrageous sex in the White House isn't and never was illegal. Darn it.

But I rather like your speculation. I doubt it --- times were different then --- but this is Trump's general approach and I love it now: tell the truth and shame the Devil. Never let anyone put us on the back foot.

lame? You think it's lame that the chief executive whose job it is to enforce the law choose not to follow the law? Now I disagree.
What law did he break? Show the statue?

18 U.S. Code § 1621.Perjury generally

Learn to use Google, dummy.


Wow, Adam Schiff's closing arguments tonight were AWESOME! What a great man!
Brilliant closing argument by Adam Schiff. Schiff laid out the stakes of a continued Trump presidency and the threat Trump poses to the nation. Very well done.
He's got nothing.


I think it’s hilarious that the Democratic Senators running for president are stuck in Washington, D.C. attending the entirety of the impeachment trial. There’s no need, other than a political one, for them to do so. What’s the point? Sens. Sanders, Warren, Klobuchar, et al. know they will vote to remove President Trump. Presumably, they are conversant with the evidence. But even if they aren’t, there’s a .000000 chance that anything they hear during the trial will cause them to vote to acquit.

Nor is there any actual rule that requires their attendance at all times. Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer issued decorum guidelines for the trial that say “senators should plan to be in attendance at all times during the proceedings.” But that’s just a guideline, and it doesn’t say that senators must be in attendance at all times or even every day.

Why, then, do Sanders, Warren, Klobuchar feel compelled to be at the trial at all times, to the detriment of their campaigns? Because Democrats have to maintain the pretense that there’s something serious and solemn about the trial House Democrats have forced the Senate (and the nation) to endure.

Thus, Sanders, who surely would like to be elsewhere, dutifully intones:

My focus today is on a monumental moment in American history: the impeachment trial of Donald Trump. Together, we are going to go forward and defeat the most dangerous president in American history.​

But this is not a monumental moment in American history. It’s a footnote.

Nor will Trump be defeated at trial or in November.

But all Democrats have to play along with the fiction Sanders articulated in the quotation above.

The Senators know these things. These particular Senators — the ones running for president — must subscribe to Nancy Pelosi’s solemnity myth, and I find it delicious that they do.
This man is delusional to the the core.

Worse than delusional. Scheming and conniving is a better description. If only people could see what is actually going on here. :(

And desperate as hell. Imagine the scenario: Trump gets re-elected, the GOP keeps their Senate majority, and also take back the House. The Angst on the Left would go supernova. But IMHO, I don't see them changing their tactics and strategies, if anything they'll double down on the vitriol, lying, and dirty tricks. Things could get very ugly this summer and beyond. It's very strange that they can't or won't see what a losing proposition they are creating for themselves.
Ben Shapiro: Dems are willing to watch Senate impeachment trial 'go down in flames' to protect Hunter Biden]/b]

Democrats will gladly watch their case in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump "go down in flames" in order to prevent former vice president Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, from testifying, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro said Thursday.

"I am amused by the Democrats claiming that we need all these documents ... but under no circumstances should we hear from Hunter Biden, whose conduct was at the center of this entire debacle," Shapiro said on the "The Ben Shapiro Show."


Schiff also said Hunter Biden's testimony would allow Republicans to "smear a presidential candidate."

"Why is that you get to pick the witnesses?" Shapiro responded. "You got to do that in the House and you didn't call the ones you wanted, so now you don't get to determine who the witnesses are."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Dems are willing to watch Senate impeachment trial 'go down in flames' to protect Hunter Biden

So what does this tell us?

Among other things, it tells us that a significant number of Dems believe Slo Joe is their only chance (and the Indian Princess is NOT).

BTW, I think Bootyjudge is running for VP (and so far it looks like he stands a good chance of getting it).

During an interview with MSNBC during their Senate impeachment trial coverage on Thursday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that the Senate not getting witnesses during its impeachment trial is more likely than them getting witnesses.

Schumer stated, “[H]ow it will have to happen is not one person doing it, but a couple of them, when they talk privately say, maybe we should do it and get a group together of five or six or seven, and they do it together. Is that certain to happen? Not at all. Is it more [likely] than not? I’d have to say no. It is not more [likely] than not. But do we have a chance, and if we keep fighting as hard as we’ve been fighting, might those chances improve? Yes.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Brilliant closing argument by Adam Schiff. Schiff laid out the stakes of a continued Trump presidency and the threat Trump poses to the nation. Very well done.
What I saw was crocodile tears welling up in his goggle eyes because he knows this clusterfuck is blowing up in his pie shaped face.

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