Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.



Wow, Adam Schiff's closing arguments tonight were AWESOME! What a great man!
Huffpo was impressed? I"m shocked. SCHOCKED IT TELLS YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:21:
Brilliant closing argument by Adam Schiff. Schiff laid out the stakes of a continued Trump presidency and the threat Trump poses to the nation. Very well done.

I guess you love watching a snake lying his ass off. Unfortunately senate rules allows him to do it.

Although this should be placed in 'POLITICAL SATIRE', it's Friday. Time for some LEVITY'...complements of House oup Manager Adam Schiff:


Schiff pleads to Senate GOP:

'Right matters. And the truth matters.'



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Turning to today's action in the Senate trial, the Dem House managers are expected to talk about the 'Obstruction of Congress' Article of Impeachment, which I think has no legs at all to stand on. Had they voted on the Inquiry to begin with and subpoenaed Trump for related documents and testimony from key witnesses and then challenged his claim for executive privilege in the courts and won, and THEN he wouldn't comply then they would I think have a case for this article. But as it is, I think it's garbage. They didn't do any of that stuff, saying they didn't have the time to waste cuz Trump was too dangerous to our democracy and our free and fair elections. And then they sat on those Articles of Impeachment for almost a month, thus giving the lie to all that blathering.

I wonder if they'll take all day on this, it's gotta be a tough sell IMHO. Plus, they're boring as hell.
I'm sure all the Senators can't wait for about 6 more hours of Pencil Neck Schifferbrains standing up there saying over and over "Trump is a cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater".
The Chief Justice Admonishment of both parties regarding decorum on the floor of the Senate during the Impeachment proceeding, caused by the House Coup Managers' claim that the Senate was on trial and declared unless they agreed with the House they were criminals involved in a cover-up, came after GOP Sen. Susan Collins sent a not to the Chief Justice reminding him that normal Senate rules forbids such acts and that such acts would have been called out and stricken from the record.

“It reminded me that if we were in a normal debate in the Senate, that the rule would be invoked to strike the words of the senator for impugning another senator. So, I did write a note raising the issue of whether there’d been a violation of the rules.”

"Collins said she gave the note to the secretary for the majority, Laura Dove, and “shortly thereafter, the chief justice did admonish both sides. And I was glad that he did.”

Nadler, a HOUSE Democrat, impugning the honor and integrity of the Senate and Senators by accusing them of being criminals if they refused to agree with the House Impeachment was a massive violation of Senate Rules. As Collins points out, had this been a normal Senate hearing Nadler would have been immediately called out, his comments would have been stricken from the record, and he would have been admonished.

Although the Chief justice is there to oversee Impeachment, Impeachment is still being held / run by the US SENATE, not the House; therefore, US Senate rules - such as decorum on the floor of the Senate - should apply. Senate Majority Lead McConnell should have immediately stood up and shut Nadler down, calling for the striking of his accusations / comments against the Senate and its members.

‘Stunned’ Sen. Collins objected to Nadler’s impeachment accusation in note to Roberts
I love how the House Clowns, and Cryin' Chucky, say "None of the facts are in dispute".

Hey Moron, you have very few facts and they are all in dispute.
Turning to today's action in the Senate trial, the Dem House managers are expected to talk about the 'Obstruction of Congress' Article of Impeachment, which I think has no legs at all to stand on. Had they voted on the Inquiry to begin with and subpoenaed Trump for related documents and testimony from key witnesses and then challenged his claim for executive privilege in the courts and won, and THEN he wouldn't comply then they would I think have a case for this article. But as it is, I think it's garbage. They didn't do any of that stuff, saying they didn't have the time to waste cuz Trump was too dangerous to our democracy and our free and fair elections. And then they sat on those Articles of Impeachment for almost a month, thus giving the lie to all that blathering.

I wonder if they'll take all day on this, it's gotta be a tough sell IMHO. Plus, they're boring as hell.

When Nixon tried to withhold evidence from Congress using the Executive privilege argument, he lost the court challenge by a unanimous decision. The courts have repeatedly upheld Congress authority of oversight. This is a settled issue.

Trump has no valid legal basis for blocking witnesses or withholding information. His claim of executive privilege is frivolous - and his lawyers know it.

Trump is tried to force Congress to go to court only as a stalling tactic.

If congress had gone to court and won, and then if he continued to block and withhold, he could be charged additionally with contempt of court. However, since there is no constitutional remedy for a President being charged with contempt of court, it would be moot.

The only correct way to deal with this is to not let him use the courts as a stalling tactic and to impeach him.
CNN Reported Pelosi just stood up before the Senate to let people know that she is selling the other 500 tax-payer-funded Commemorative Impeachment Pens on her Official Speaker Web Page for anyone who wants one.....

I'M SORRY. With all this talk of impeaching Trump because he was investigating a POLITICAL OPPONENT, and asking a foreign interest to tamper with our elections, I've forgotten:

  1. Fusion GPS was hired in late 2015 to investigate candidate Donald Trump.
  2. In the Spring of 2016, investigation of political opponent Donald Trump was taken over by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.
  3. In June of 2016, they brought on board Chris Steele, a former British intelligence officer with the Secret Intelligence Service MI6 who ran the Russia desk at MI6 headquarters to continue investigating political opponent Trump.
  4. And from there to the election, Steele was working directly with the FBI.
Now tell me again, WHY didn't any of this ever raise any red flags, get investigated by the Congress, or fall under the heading of a political party or candidate trying to harm a political opponent to gain an election advantage using foreign influence????

:1peleas: :bsflag: :no_text11: :oops8: :no_text11: :bsflag: :1peleas:
Now tell me again, WHY didn't any of this ever raise any red flags, get investigated by the Congress, or fall under the heading of a political party or candidate trying to harm a political opponent to gain an election advantage using foreign influence????

For all those weary of the last 3+ years of attempted Trump-Hating Impeachment, rejoice - there is light at the end of the tunnel:

The reason it took so long for Pelosi to send the house Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate....She finally gave up and sent them anyway:

Good-I'm not the only one who noticed his likeness to the Cannibal.
Here's something I don't often share...... I went to 3 different high schools growing up in Ohio, one of them is the same school Dahmer went to ( he moved to Wisconsin the year we moved to that school district, and his picture is in my sophomore yearbook, but I never met him in person that I'm aware of ) and the one before that is the same school Lebron James graduated from (20+ years later)
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All I have to say, is how can The Democrats repeat the same material for three straight days that they could all say in about a single hour?

This has got to be the worst case I have ever seen and the absolute worst television programming.

It's all hearsay and opinion and 2nd, 3rd and 4th hand information.
It is the exact same case they presented during their Impeachment hearings....the exact same case their own Constitutional Expert declared was the 'fastest rush to Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case for Impeachment in US history'.

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