Senate passes anti first amendment bill

like I said there are a lot of countrys getting a lot more money than them that need to do the same thing,,,and most of them want jews killed and Israel destroyed

outrage should based on priorities and principles not hatred,,,
For good reason but also BS. Iran has a LARGE Jewish population you would think that if they hated Jews so much they would have already killed them.
Iran leader's call to 'annihilate' Israel sparks fury - CNN
He isn't the leader of Iran anymore. Hasn't been for years.
I havent seen any change in attitude,,,

why do you hate jews so much??? its always confused me the hate they get for existing,,,
109 countries they have been expelled from but its NEVER them its ALWAYS anti semitism eh? Jews are behind every ill in this country,AIPAC controls US foreign policy,Jews in government control or push the horrible immigration laws we have specifically the 1965 immigration act,ALL known feminist leaders are Jews,They push the invasion of our country,they push hate speech laws,homosexuality,diversity,multiculturalism etc etc. If its bad for a sane society Jews are behind it but they NEVER want it in THEIR country.
KOO-KOO for cocoa fuffs
For good reason but also BS. Iran has a LARGE Jewish population you would think that if they hated Jews so much they would have already killed them.
Iran leader's call to 'annihilate' Israel sparks fury - CNN
He isn't the leader of Iran anymore. Hasn't been for years.
I havent seen any change in attitude,,,

why do you hate jews so much??? its always confused me the hate they get for existing,,,
109 countries they have been expelled from but its NEVER them its ALWAYS anti semitism eh? Jews are behind every ill in this country,AIPAC controls US foreign policy,Jews in government control or push the horrible immigration laws we have specifically the 1965 immigration act,ALL known feminist leaders are Jews,They push the invasion of our country,they push hate speech laws,homosexuality,diversity,multiculturalism etc etc. If its bad for a sane society Jews are behind it but they NEVER want it in THEIR country.
KOO-KOO for cocoa fuffs
You don't want the facts that's your problem,you could be less lazy and google what I just stated but hey OK whatever,keep your head buried in the sand. Oh and 6 companies own ALL mainstream media in this country those 6 companies are owned or operated by JEWS. They control what you read,see,and hear.
I havent seen any change in attitude,,,

why do you hate jews so much??? its always confused me the hate they get for existing,,,
109 countries they have been expelled from but its NEVER them its ALWAYS anti semitism eh? Jews are behind every ill in this country,AIPAC controls US foreign policy,Jews in government control or push the horrible immigration laws we have specifically the 1965 immigration act,ALL known feminist leaders are Jews,They push the invasion of our country,they push hate speech laws,homosexuality,diversity,multiculturalism etc etc. If its bad for a sane society Jews are behind it but they NEVER want it in THEIR country.
KOO-KOO for cocoa fuffs
You don't want the facts that's your problem,you could be less lazy and google what I just stated but hey OK whatever,keep your head buried in the sand. Oh and 6 companies own ALL mainstream media in this country those 6 companies are owned or operated by JEWS. They control what you read,see,and hear.
I thought it was russia
like I said there are a lot of countrys getting a lot more money than them that need to do the same thing,,,and most of them want jews killed and Israel destroyed

outrage should based on priorities and principles not hatred,,,
For good reason but also BS. Iran has a LARGE Jewish population you would think that if they hated Jews so much they would have already killed them.
Iran leader's call to 'annihilate' Israel sparks fury - CNN
He isn't the leader of Iran anymore. Hasn't been for years.

We know your lies and your tactics of deception.

Your reply might have fooled some Kafirs a few years ago.

No more.
Another KOHENservative that puts Jews above his own country. How shocking. Its why COHENservatives should be destroyed right along with leftists.

Calling for violence to be done to Jews and those who love our Jewish friends, neighbors and ally, Israel.

YOUR hatred is reported and deplorable.
US Senate approves anti-BDS bill, slowdown of Syria withdrawal
No worries even if the House passes it judges in 2 different states have already struck down these anti first amendment laws. Don't ya just LOVE how we have homeless veterans and kids in America but we can give 3 BILLION a year to the welfare whore Israel?

And the same Dem-Progs who claim this is anti-First Amendment supported the IRS violating the rights of Tea Party organizations and opposed the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling.

The IRS violated no ones rights. You're don't have any "right" to a tax-free status for your corporation. You have to apply and prove compliance just like everyone else.
For good reason but also BS. Iran has a LARGE Jewish population you would think that if they hated Jews so much they would have already killed them.
Iran leader's call to 'annihilate' Israel sparks fury - CNN
He isn't the leader of Iran anymore. Hasn't been for years.

We know your lies and your tactics of deception.

Your reply might have fooled some Kafirs a few years ago.

No more.
Another KOHENservative that puts Jews above his own country. How shocking. Its why COHENservatives should be destroyed right along with leftists.

Calling for violence to be done to Jews and those who love our Jewish friends, neighbors and ally, Israel.

YOUR hatred is reported and deplorable.
:206::206::206::21::21::21:. I didn't call for violence snowflake but have fun with that. The Islamic nations in the ME will take care of Israel in due time I have no doubt about that and the LOVELY cultural marxism the Jews are forcing on America will take America down and I will just insure we don't EVER let COHENservatives like you morons ever get a chance to lead a nation of TRUE Americans again,you are destructive,blinded and ignorant of the true problem in the world.
US Senate approves anti-BDS bill, slowdown of Syria withdrawal
No worries even if the House passes it judges in 2 different states have already struck down these anti first amendment laws. Don't ya just LOVE how we have homeless veterans and kids in America but we can give 3 BILLION a year to the welfare whore Israel?

And the same Dem-Progs who claim this is anti-First Amendment supported the IRS violating the rights of Tea Party organizations and opposed the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling.

The IRS violated no ones rights. You're don't have any "right" to a tax-free status for your corporation. You have to apply and prove compliance just like everyone else.
the IRS is an agency,,,it was people in the IRS that violated their rights, and most of what they did has been proven

We know your lies and your tactics of deception.

Your reply might have fooled some Kafirs a few years ago.

No more.
Another KOHENservative that puts Jews above his own country. How shocking. Its why COHENservatives should be destroyed right along with leftists.

Calling for violence to be done to Jews and those who love our Jewish friends, neighbors and ally, Israel.

YOUR hatred is reported and deplorable.
:206::206::206::21::21::21:. I didn't call for violence snowflake but have fun with that. The Islamic nations in the ME will take care of Israel in due time I have no doubt about that and the LOVELY cultural marxism the Jews are forcing on America will take America down and I will just insure we don't EVER let COHENservatives like you morons ever get a chance to lead a nation of TRUE Americans again,you are destructive,blinded and ignorant of the true problem in the world.

I think you told us all we need to know about you
He isn't the leader of Iran anymore. Hasn't been for years.

We know your lies and your tactics of deception.

Your reply might have fooled some Kafirs a few years ago.

No more.
Another KOHENservative that puts Jews above his own country. How shocking. Its why COHENservatives should be destroyed right along with leftists.

Calling for violence to be done to Jews and those who love our Jewish friends, neighbors and ally, Israel.

YOUR hatred is reported and deplorable.
:206::206::206::21::21::21:. I didn't call for violence snowflake but have fun with that. The Islamic nations in the ME will take care of Israel in due time I have no doubt about that and the LOVELY cultural marxism the Jews are forcing on America will take America down and I will just insure we don't EVER let COHENservatives like you morons ever get a chance to lead a nation of TRUE Americans again,you are destructive,blinded and ignorant of the true problem in the world.

I think you told us all we need to know about you
As have you Israel Firster Anti Americans.
US Senate approves anti-BDS bill, slowdown of Syria withdrawal
No worries even if the House passes it judges in 2 different states have already struck down these anti first amendment laws. Don't ya just LOVE how we have homeless veterans and kids in America but we can give 3 BILLION a year to the welfare whore Israel?

And the same Dem-Progs who claim this is anti-First Amendment supported the IRS violating the rights of Tea Party organizations and opposed the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling.
The Tea Party was an AstroTurf movement, created by Koch-funded operatives. It was a way to thwart any spending by Democrats that the voters might like. Like healthcare.

The proof it was all bullshit is the way Republicans started acting as soon as they controlled the spending. And Ryan/Mitch/Trump adding over $2 TRILLION to the deficit.
We know your lies and your tactics of deception.

Your reply might have fooled some Kafirs a few years ago.

No more.
Another KOHENservative that puts Jews above his own country. How shocking. Its why COHENservatives should be destroyed right along with leftists.

Calling for violence to be done to Jews and those who love our Jewish friends, neighbors and ally, Israel.

YOUR hatred is reported and deplorable.
:206::206::206::21::21::21:. I didn't call for violence snowflake but have fun with that. The Islamic nations in the ME will take care of Israel in due time I have no doubt about that and the LOVELY cultural marxism the Jews are forcing on America will take America down and I will just insure we don't EVER let COHENservatives like you morons ever get a chance to lead a nation of TRUE Americans again,you are destructive,blinded and ignorant of the true problem in the world.

I think you told us all we need to know about you
As have you Israel Firster Anti Americans.
I never said that,,,

I'm more of an original constitution guy
US Senate approves anti-BDS bill, slowdown of Syria withdrawal
No worries even if the House passes it judges in 2 different states have already struck down these anti first amendment laws. Don't ya just LOVE how we have homeless veterans and kids in America but we can give 3 BILLION a year to the welfare whore Israel?

And the same Dem-Progs who claim this is anti-First Amendment supported the IRS violating the rights of Tea Party organizations and opposed the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling.
The Tea Party was an AstroTurf movement, created by Koch-funded operatives. It was a way to thwart any spending by Democrats that the voters might like. Like healthcare.

The proof it was all bullshit is the way Republicans started acting as soon as they controlled the spending. And Ryan/Mitch/Trump adding over $2 TRILLION to the deficit.
youre confusing true tea partiers with republicans,,,there is a difference
US Senate approves anti-BDS bill, slowdown of Syria withdrawal
No worries even if the House passes it judges in 2 different states have already struck down these anti first amendment laws. Don't ya just LOVE how we have homeless veterans and kids in America but we can give 3 BILLION a year to the welfare whore Israel?

And the same Dem-Progs who claim this is anti-First Amendment supported the IRS violating the rights of Tea Party organizations and opposed the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling.

The IRS violated no ones rights. You're don't have any "right" to a tax-free status for your corporation. You have to apply and prove compliance just like everyone else.
the IRS is an agency,,,it was people in the IRS that violated their rights, and most of what they did has been proven

NOTHING was "proven". No charges were ever filed. After Trump became President, the IRS publically apologized for the fiasco, but that was only because Republicans were running the show. The whole thing was just another phony scandal manfactured by FOX News. Not a single "scandal" that FOX has promoted as the worst thing ever, and has lead to a congressional investigation, has ever resulted in any charges against anybody.

Not one. Not Fast and Furious, not Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, not the IRS, not Hillary's emails.
US Senate approves anti-BDS bill, slowdown of Syria withdrawal
No worries even if the House passes it judges in 2 different states have already struck down these anti first amendment laws. Don't ya just LOVE how we have homeless veterans and kids in America but we can give 3 BILLION a year to the welfare whore Israel?

And the same Dem-Progs who claim this is anti-First Amendment supported the IRS violating the rights of Tea Party organizations and opposed the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling.
It passed the senate. Not Dems there. Do your fucking math. Republicans control the senate nothing is passing there with out republicans period. I am for stopping state and local governements from doing this as it is inconsistant with the feds and working against each other. How ever telling private citizens they can not boycott is bull shit.

Thank you for sharing, but that is has nothing to do with my comment.
US Senate approves anti-BDS bill, slowdown of Syria withdrawal
No worries even if the House passes it judges in 2 different states have already struck down these anti first amendment laws. Don't ya just LOVE how we have homeless veterans and kids in America but we can give 3 BILLION a year to the welfare whore Israel?

And the same Dem-Progs who claim this is anti-First Amendment supported the IRS violating the rights of Tea Party organizations and opposed the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling.

The IRS violated no ones rights. You're don't have any "right" to a tax-free status for your corporation. You have to apply and prove compliance just like everyone else.

Spoken like a true member of the Red Guard.
US Senate approves anti-BDS bill, slowdown of Syria withdrawal
No worries even if the House passes it judges in 2 different states have already struck down these anti first amendment laws. Don't ya just LOVE how we have homeless veterans and kids in America but we can give 3 BILLION a year to the welfare whore Israel?

And the same Dem-Progs who claim this is anti-First Amendment supported the IRS violating the rights of Tea Party organizations and opposed the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling.

The IRS violated no ones rights. You're don't have any "right" to a tax-free status for your corporation. You have to apply and prove compliance just like everyone else.
the IRS is an agency,,,it was people in the IRS that violated their rights, and most of what they did has been proven

Indeed. The DOJ settled with the tea party orgs for a reason.

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