Senate Passes Anti-Asian American Hate Crime Bill

I suggest to all the trump people who hate this bill, to not vote for their republican senators when they are up for reelection.

They voted for and are responsible for this legislation becoming law.
I suggest to all the trump people who hate this bill, to not vote for their republican senators when they are up for reelection.

They voted for and are responsible for this legislation becoming law.
It isn't just Trump folks that see through this, it is people that see this as a virtue signal, INTELLIGENT people that are not conditioned by propaganda.

I looked into the statistics.

Here, this is from 2018;

Hate crime stats. FOR ALL HATE CRIME.

"In 2018, 16,039 law enforcement agencies participated in the Hate Crime Statistics Program. Of these agencies, 2,026 reported 7,120 hate crime incidents involving 8,496 offenses. (See Tables 1 and 12.) "

And? Here it is for 2019;

Hate crime stats. FOR ALL HATE CRIME.

"In 2019, 15,588 law enforcement agencies participated in the Hate Crime Statistics Program. Of these agencies, 2,172 reported 7,314 hate crime incidents involving 8,559 offenses. (See Tables 1 and 12.)"

If you look deeper into that data, and look at those table, you will find, that hate crimes directed at Asian Americans amount to around 150 to 200 incident per year. . . and they do not really go up or down.

This will be the same when the 2020 data is finally released, and it will be the same when 2021 is available.

Now. . . in debate or case law, you have to present something called "Prima facie," evidence of a significant harm. In a nation of over 330 million people, a national law protecting just over 200 folks a year is NOT based on a prima facie evidence. It is motivated by politics and phantom shadows.

It is a waste of time meant to divide the masses and distract the public from the corruption that is really going on in D.C.

These are mathematical facts, sorry they do not conform to your emotions.
At the same time, Democrats voted that it is perfectly okay to discriminate AGAINST Asians in schools of higher learning. What message does this send? Asians are too smart and we can't compete on a level field with them?

Senate Democrats Vote to Allow Asian Racial Discrimination in Higher Education

Senate Democrats have voted down an amendment to forbid Asian racial discrimination in higher education by a vote of 49-48.

The amendment, proposed by Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and John Kennedy (R-LA), did not meet the needed 60 vote yea threshold to pass.

I suggest to all the trump people who hate this bill, to not vote for their republican senators when they are up for reelection.

They voted for and are responsible for this legislation becoming law.

Did you read the article? ONE Republican voted against the bill. ONE!
I support this bill and look forward to Biden signing it into law.

I'm also sad that we need to have this law. Why can't people just live and let live?

Why must violence be the answer to everything with some people?

Many thanks to the Senate for that symbolic gesture.

Of course, Mr. Biden will sign it. He signs anything his "advisers" put before him.

The law, sadly, will not matter much.

Those thugs are not shaking in their boots.

They know that the powers-that-be do not have the guts to prosecute certain offenders (no need to be specific. We all know who gets a free pass in this country to commit violent crimes).
The Dims want their lemmings to buy the bs that crime against Asians is all from bad white people, when of course its blacks just like all crime is led by their miniscule 13%. Pinochijoe couldn't care less about Asians

Yep white males are the scapegoat. There was a viral video going around not to long ago where a young Asian college student condemned the Asian community because she believed they were blaming blacks for black assaults against elderly Asians. She claimed that yes there have been many incidents of black on Asian crime, but all of these incidents are rooted in white supremacy. When you teach kids to hate their minds turns into mush.

I could not believe that Asian would excuse those bashers like that!

Shame on her!

I am assuming that she will be very understanding if one of them ever bashes her or a family member.
I suggest to all the trump people who hate this bill, to not vote for their republican senators when they are up for reelection.

They voted for and are responsible for this legislation becoming law.
It isn't just Trump folks that see through this, it is people that see this as a virtue signal, INTELLIGENT people that are not conditioned by propaganda.

I looked into the statistics.

Here, this is from 2018;

Hate crime stats. FOR ALL HATE CRIME.

"In 2018, 16,039 law enforcement agencies participated in the Hate Crime Statistics Program. Of these agencies, 2,026 reported 7,120 hate crime incidents involving 8,496 offenses. (See Tables 1 and 12.) "

And? Here it is for 2019;

Hate crime stats. FOR ALL HATE CRIME.

"In 2019, 15,588 law enforcement agencies participated in the Hate Crime Statistics Program. Of these agencies, 2,172 reported 7,314 hate crime incidents involving 8,559 offenses. (See Tables 1 and 12.)"

If you look deeper into that data, and look at those table, you will find, that hate crimes directed at Asian Americans amount to around 150 to 200 incident per year. . . and they do not really go up or down.

This will be the same when the 2020 data is finally released, and it will be the same when 2021 is available.

Now. . . in debate or case law, you have to present something called "Prima facie," evidence of a significant harm. In a nation of over 330 million people, a national law protecting just over 200 folks a year is NOT based on a prima facie evidence. It is motivated by politics and phantom shadows.

It is a waste of time meant to divide the masses and distract the public from the corruption that is really going on in D.C.

These are mathematical facts, sorry they do not conform to your emotions.

Why do you hate America?
I suggest to all the trump people who hate this bill, to not vote for their republican senators when they are up for reelection.

They voted for and are responsible for this legislation becoming law.
It isn't just Trump folks that see through this, it is people that see this as a virtue signal, INTELLIGENT people that are not conditioned by propaganda.

I looked into the statistics.

Here, this is from 2018;

Hate crime stats. FOR ALL HATE CRIME.

"In 2018, 16,039 law enforcement agencies participated in the Hate Crime Statistics Program. Of these agencies, 2,026 reported 7,120 hate crime incidents involving 8,496 offenses. (See Tables 1 and 12.) "

And? Here it is for 2019;

Hate crime stats. FOR ALL HATE CRIME.

"In 2019, 15,588 law enforcement agencies participated in the Hate Crime Statistics Program. Of these agencies, 2,172 reported 7,314 hate crime incidents involving 8,559 offenses. (See Tables 1 and 12.)"

If you look deeper into that data, and look at those table, you will find, that hate crimes directed at Asian Americans amount to around 150 to 200 incident per year. . . and they do not really go up or down.

This will be the same when the 2020 data is finally released, and it will be the same when 2021 is available.

Now. . . in debate or case law, you have to present something called "Prima facie," evidence of a significant harm. In a nation of over 330 million people, a national law protecting just over 200 folks a year is NOT based on a prima facie evidence. It is motivated by politics and phantom shadows.

It is a waste of time meant to divide the masses and distract the public from the corruption that is really going on in D.C.

These are mathematical facts, sorry they do not conform to your emotions.

Why do you hate America?
Just the folks in D.C. . . . . Just the folks in D.C. :heehee:

If you look deeper into that data, and look at those table, you will find, that hate crimes directed at Asian Americans amount to around 150 to 200 incident per year. . . and they do not really go up or down.

This will be the same when the 2020 data is finally released, and it will be the same when 2021 is available.

Now. . . in debate or case law, you have to present something called "Prima facie," evidence of a significant harm. In a nation of over 330 million people, a national law protecting just over 200 folks a year is NOT based on a prima facie evidence. It is motivated by politics and phantom shadows.

It is a waste of time meant to divide the masses and distract the public from the corruption that is really going on in D.C.

These are mathematical facts, sorry they do not conform to your emotions.

The issue is NOT about pre-2020. Hate crimes have been increasing since COVID-19 was unleashed on the world by China. Some idiots blame the people HERE for what the Chinese government did in China?

You might want to learn the definition of prima facia evidence. The court considers the prosecutor's case proven that they don't have to prove anything, the defendant has to prove their innocence. Very few cases are based on prima-facia evidence.

Prima-facie-evidence meaning
Evidence adequate to establish a fact or raise a presumption of fact unless refuted.
If you look deeper into that data, and look at those table, you will find, that hate crimes directed at Asian Americans amount to around 150 to 200 incident per year. . . and they do not really go up or down.

This will be the same when the 2020 data is finally released, and it will be the same when 2021 is available.

Now. . . in debate or case law, you have to present something called "Prima facie," evidence of a significant harm. In a nation of over 330 million people, a national law protecting just over 200 folks a year is NOT based on a prima facie evidence. It is motivated by politics and phantom shadows.

It is a waste of time meant to divide the masses and distract the public from the corruption that is really going on in D.C.

These are mathematical facts, sorry they do not conform to your emotions.

The issue is NOT about pre-2020. Hate crimes have been increasing since COVID-19 was unleashed on the world by China. Some idiots blame the people HERE for what the Chinese government did in China?

You might want to learn the definition of prima facia evidence. The court considers the prosecutor's case proven that they don't have to prove anything, the defendant has to prove their innocence. Very few cases are based on prima-facia evidence.

Prima-facie-evidence meaning
Evidence adequate to establish a fact or raise a presumption of fact unless refuted.
Yes, but it is used when presenting a CASE in need of action in terms of a legislative agenda.

The folks that have presented this legislative agenda of assumed their evidence, haven't they? :dunno:

All plans of action in legislative arenas are based on cases which either need to prove their harms or rest on prima facie evidence to establish a fact of harm.

Is that not what they are doing?

IS that not what they are doing more and more via propaganda? It is an appeal to emotion, not an analysis of the facts.

What qualifies as a "hate crime?" What are the statistics on this since COVID started?

I find no evidence of need. On top of that, I am having trouble actually locating the bill in question, which is usually not a problem.
Yes, but it is used when presenting a CASE in need of action in terms of a legislative agenda.

The folks that have presented this legislative agenda of assumed their evidence, haven't they? :dunno:

All plans of action in legislative arenas are based on cases which either need to prove their harms or rest on prima facie evidence to establish a fact of harm.

Is that not what they are doing?

IS that not what they are doing more and more via propaganda? It is an appeal to emotion, not an analysis of the facts.

What qualifies as a "hate crime"? What are the statistics on this since COVID started?

I find no evidence of need. On top of that, I am having trouble actually locating the bill in question, which is usually not a problem.

As far as I'm concerned, the phrase, "yeah but", means you discount everything that came before. In other words, my whole post

I have no clue as to what you are trying to say in your first three sentences. You seem to be trying to write in a foreign a foreign language.

Please learn the meaning of prima facie evidence. You are trying to make it mean something that it does not. Since you do not wish to learn, I will provide it in the event someone else's curiosity has been aroused.

Prima Facie
[Latin, On the first appearance.] A fact presumed to be true unless it is disproved.

In common parlance the term prima facie is used to describe the apparent nature of something upon initial observation. In legal practice the term generally is used to describe two things: the presentation of sufficient evidence by a civil claimant to support the legal claim (a prima facie case), or a piece of evidence itself (prima facie evidence).

For most civil claims, a plaintiff must present a prima facie case to avoid dismissal of the case or an unfavorable directed verdict. The plaintiff must produce enough evidence on all elements of the claim to support the claim and shift the burden of evidence production to the respondent. If the plaintiff fails to make a prima facie case, the respondent may move for dismissal or a favorable directed verdict without presenting any evidence to rebut whatever evidence the plaintiff has presented. This is because the burden of persuading a judge or jury always rests with the plaintiff.

Assume that a plaintiff claims that an employer failed to promote her based on her sex. The plaintiff must produce affirmative evidence showing that the employer used illegitimate, discriminatory criteria in making employment decisions that concerned the plaintiff. The employer, as respondent, does not have a burden to produce evidence until the plaintiff has made a prima facie case of Sex Discrimination (Texas Department of Community Affairs v. Burdine, 450 U.S. 248, 101 S. Ct. 1089, 67 L. Ed. 2d 207 [1981]). The precise amount of evidence that constitutes a prima facie case varies from claim to claim. If the plaintiff does not present a prima facie case with sufficient evidence, the judge may dismiss the case. Or, if the case is being heard by a jury, the judge may direct the jury to return a verdict for the respondent.


As for what is a hate crime, this too has a legal definition.

Hate Crime
A crime motivated by racial, religious, gender, sexual orientation, or other prejudice.

Hate crimes are based, at least in part, on the defendant's belief regarding a particular status of the victim. Hate-crime statutes were first passed by legislatures in the late 1980s and early 1990s in response to studies that indicated an increase in crimes motivated by prejudice. Approximately 30 states and the federal government have some form of hate-crime statute. Many localities have also enacted their own hate-crime ordinances.

The precise definition of hate crime varies from state to state. Some states define a hate crime as any crime based on a belief regarding the victim's race, religion, color, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry. Some states exclude crimes based on a belief regarding the victim's sexual orientation. Others limit their definition to certain crimes such as harassment, assault, and damage to property. In all states, the victim's actual status is irrelevant. For example, if a victim is attacked by someone who believes that the victim is gay, the attack is a hate crime whether or not the victim is actually gay.


I do not agree with them but that doesn't matter.
I'm so not surprised the trump people don't support this.

There was only one Senator to vote against this bill.

josh hawley.

All the other Senators voted for it, including the republicans.

Just saw that Insurrectionist Hawley was the lone idiot opposed to not beating Asians to a pulp.
That dude is a stain on this country.

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I'm so not surprised the trump people don't support this.

There was only one Senator to vote against this bill.

josh hawley.

All the other Senators voted for it, including the republicans.

Just saw that Insurrectionist Hawley was the lone idiot opposed to not beating Asians to a pulp.
That dude is a stain on this country.
. . . but beating other folks to a pulp? That's just fine. :113:
I'm so not surprised the trump people don't support this.

There was only one Senator to vote against this bill.

josh hawley.

All the other Senators voted for it, including the republicans.

Just saw that Insurrectionist Hawley was the lone idiot opposed to not beating Asians to a pulp.
That dude is a stain on this country.
. . . but beating other folks to a pulp? That's just fine. :113:

Nah, only Josh Hawley ;)
I support this bill and look forward to Biden signing it into law.

I'm also sad that we need to have this law. Why can't people just live and let live?

Why must violence be the answer to everything with some people?

How about a bill against Anti-Christian hate crimes?

That's more of a problem- liberals trashtalking "Christers" and sexual normalcy, instead of the rare idea of an "Anti Asian" hate crime.
I'm so not surprised the trump people don't support this.

There was only one Senator to vote against this bill.

josh hawley.

All the other Senators voted for it, including the republicans.

Just saw that Insurrectionist Hawley was the lone idiot opposed to not beating Asians to a pulp.
That dude is a stain on this country.
. . . but beating other folks to a pulp? That's just fine. :113:

Nah, only Josh Hawley ;)

I guess that's a hate crime then.
I support this bill and look forward to Biden signing it into law.

I'm also sad that we need to have this law. Why can't people just live and let live?

Why must violence be the answer to everything with some people?

How about a bill against Anti-Christian hate crimes?

That's more of a problem- liberals trashtalking "Christers" and sexual normalcy, instead of the rare idea of an "Anti Asian" hate crime.

We really need to get over the idea that we can use government for this kind of social engineering.
What a worthless feel good law. We all know two things. Blacks are the ones attacking them and there’s no fucking chance they would ever charge a black person with a hate crime.

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