Senate Passes Bill to Avoid Rail Strike

65k isn't much of a salary. The pay increases are completely justified. It's a workers duty to try and improve working conditions and pay.

You always post shit like that so apparently you live in a commie state where the cost of living is so high everybody has nose bleeding problems. But outside your commie state 65K a year is a pretty good salary. In Ohio you can easily afford a nice middle-class home in a safe neighborhood, even upper-middle-class home if you have a spouse that works and makes nearly the same.
And we wonder why workers are going backwards. Yay we want less.

Workers are going backwards because people are becoming lazier and lazier thanks to the handouts by the Democrat party. Drug problems are also a huge issue because better paying jobs have random drug tests a lot of Americans can't pass.

Younger people don't want to do physical labor anymore. They go to college expecting a six figure a year job where the heaviest thing they have to lift is their briefcase.
See what working for the government does to you instead of having a real job? I never had to ask for a raise. My employers offered me raises because they valued my work.

I worked for two unions in my life: one was the bricklayers union which were fair in what they wanted for their bricklayers. The other was a minimum wage job driving a straight truck where all the union did was take my money and provided nothing. It was a mob company so we were forced to have a union.

Correct, employers don't provide more money out of the goodness of their heart. They provide more money to keep their talented workers from looking around for a job that does pay more money.
Things work best when workers can hop from job to job.
Workers are going backwards because people are becoming lazier and lazier thanks to the handouts by the Democrat party. Drug problems are also a huge issue because better paying jobs have random drug tests a lot of Americans can't pass.

Younger people don't want to do physical labor anymore. They go to college expecting a six figure a year job where the heaviest thing they have to lift is their briefcase.
All that said it's not hard to find good workers. Never been easier.
Forcing them? They don't have to sign the contract. Like you say to the workers. Don't like it go get a different job.

Don't like the contract don't sign it n get a cheaper, dumber workforce.

Is that really an option? You mean if the union worker doesn't have their demands met, they will just walk off the job or get fired and a business have somebody replace them? I don't think so.

What we have is this: Pay me X amount of money with X benefits or we will shutdown your company. Like I said earlier, it's the exact same difference of me walking up to you and asking if you can give me a hundred dollars, and putting a gun to your chest and me telling you to give me a hundred dollars.
Screw them. They are demanding three times the inflation rate for a raise. If they don't like it, let them find a real job that pays a hell of a lot less than they're making now.
Over how many years and how many years has it been since they got a raise. Both are important questions to ask. If it's three times inflation rates over three years, they are just asking for cost-of-living increases.
Is that really an option? You mean if the union worker doesn't have their demands met, they will just walk off the job or get fired and a business have somebody replace them? I don't think so.

What we have is this: Pay me X amount of money with X benefits or we will shutdown your company. Like I said earlier, it's the exact same difference of me walking up to you and asking if you can give me a hundred dollars, and putting a gun to your chest and me telling you to give me a hundred dollars.
Workers do have the right to quit. The company can hire and train a brand new workforce right?
Over how many years and how many years has it been since they got a raise. Both are important questions to ask. If it's three times inflation rates over three years, they are just asking for cost-of-living increases.

Here is what I found:


On average, a Class I rail employee covered in the current bargaining round:
  • Has been employed more than 14 years by their freight railroad
  • Received approximately $130,000 in total annual compensation (2021)
  • Received wage increases totaling 38 percent from 2009 through 2019
  • Received 3.4 percent annual wage increases (on average) during that period
  • Pays $229 monthly for health care coverage, regardless of family size
  • Enjoys 11 paid holidays and three weeks of vacation each year (on average)
Is that really an option? You mean if the union worker doesn't have their demands met, they will just walk off the job or get fired and a business have somebody replace them? I don't think so.

What we have is this: Pay me X amount of money with X benefits or we will shutdown your company. Like I said earlier, it's the exact same difference of me walking up to you and asking if you can give me a hundred dollars, and putting a gun to your chest and me telling you to give me a hundred dollars.

It isn't even in the same realm and you know it. Tell your precious corporations to either agree, negotiate more or nut up and get new, dumber employees. You have that same callous attitude towards the worker. I am sure they loved you.
It isn't even in the same realm and you know it. Tell your precious corporations to either agree, negotiate more or nut up and get new, dumber employees. You have that same callous attitude towards the worker. I am sure they loved you.

Trust me, if they could they would just get rid of their current employees and get new ones, likely to work for less money. But that only happens with non-union companies. Workers on strike will do what they can to prevent people from entering the business, threaten the safety and lives of scab workers, and in essence shut them down. So yes, it is the difference between asking for money and robbing a person for money.

Years ago I crossed a picket line at TNT Holland. I was merely picking up our freight that they wouldn't deliver. The lowlifes were hitting the side of my trailer with bats when I entered the place. Our other drivers were scared to go there so I offered to go. Of course I was 6'3" 250 lbs, muscular, and a black belt so I didn't worry about them all that much. But on the other hand nobody is bullet proof. This is how unions operate.
Trust me, if they could they would just get rid of their current employees and get new ones, likely to work for less money. But that only happens with non-union companies. Workers on strike will do what they can to prevent people from entering the business, threaten the safety and lives of scab workers, and in essence shut them down. So yes, it is the difference between asking for money and robbing a person for money.

Years ago I crossed a picket line at TNT Holland. I was merely picking up our freight that they wouldn't deliver. The lowlifes were hitting the side of my trailer with bats when I entered the place. Our other drivers were scared to go there so I offered to go. Of course I was 6'3" 250 lbs, muscular, and a black belt so I didn't worry about them all that much. But on the other hand nobody is bullet proof. This is how unions operate.

In a perfect world, employers would negotiate in good faith and share profits with employees

But in the real world, they do nothing for employees without the threat of a work stoppage
Is that really an option? You mean if the union worker doesn't have their demands met, they will just walk off the job or get fired and a business have somebody replace them? I don't think so.

What we have is this: Pay me X amount of money with X benefits or we will shutdown your company. Like I said earlier, it's the exact same difference of me walking up to you and asking if you can give me a hundred dollars, and putting a gun to your chest and me telling you to give me a hundred dollars.
Doesn’t actually work like that

We haven’t had a major strike in decades
What we do have us employers unwilling to negotiate in good faith and workers stuck with stagnant pay and less benefits
Trust me, if they could they would just get rid of their current employees and get new ones, likely to work for less money. But that only happens with non-union companies. Workers on strike will do what they can to prevent people from entering the business, threaten the safety and lives of scab workers, and in essence shut them down. So yes, it is the difference between asking for money and robbing a person for money.

Years ago I crossed a picket line at TNT Holland. I was merely picking up our freight that they wouldn't deliver. The lowlifes were hitting the side of my trailer with bats when I entered the place. Our other drivers were scared to go there so I offered to go. Of course I was 6'3" 250 lbs, muscular, and a black belt so I didn't worry about them all that much. But on the other hand nobody is bullet proof. This is how unions operate.

Nice story, I have been
Trust me, if they could they would just get rid of their current employees and get new ones, likely to work for less money. But that only happens with non-union companies. Workers on strike will do what they can to prevent people from entering the business, threaten the safety and lives of scab workers, and in essence shut them down. So yes, it is the difference between asking for money and robbing a person for money.

Years ago I crossed a picket line at TNT Holland. I was merely picking up our freight that they wouldn't deliver. The lowlifes were hitting the side of my trailer with bats when I entered the place. Our other drivers were scared to go there so I offered to go. Of course I was 6'3" 250 lbs, muscular, and a black belt so I didn't worry about them all that much. But on the other hand nobody is bullet proof. This is how unions operate.

I walked many picket lines in my years and never came close to violence. Mostly because I do not believe in it unless my family or my life on the line but also because the laws are stacked dramatically against unions. We r picketing at gates that haven't been used in years many times because that is the only place that they allow us.

I am 5'11" and 227lbs have 3 different blackbelts and a purple in another martial art. Known of it means shit if someone gets there first with more than you got. Very arrogant to think a blackbelt will even hold up your pants let alone make you,me or 98% of all other folks a badass.
I walked many picket lines in my years and never came close to violence. Mostly because I do not believe in it unless my family or my life on the line but also because the laws are stacked dramatically against unions. We r picketing at gates that haven't been used in years many times because that is the only place that they allow us.

I am 5'11" and 227lbs have 3 different blackbelts and a purple in another martial art. Known of it means shit if someone gets there first with more than you got. Very arrogant to think a blackbelt will even hold up your pants let alone make you,me or 98% of all other folks a badass.

Never claimed to be a bad ass, only that at the time, I was more capable of handling myself than the other drivers. So where did you get three black belts from, a back of a matchbook cover? I can tell you're FOS just by the way you talk. Anybody in the arts understands the years of training it takes to earn one black belt yet alone three. You don't find them at the bottom of a cracker jack box.

While you may not have gotten violent with people crossing the picket line, others have. And even if nobody gets violent, it's the mere threat of violence that can close down a company. So the company only has two choices: give into union demands or close down completely. There is a third choice, and that is move the company away from the union workers and hire from scratch which many have done. We lost quite a few customers that way.

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