Bring back the draft

Section 531. Selective Service System: Automatic Registration. SEC. 3. (a)(1) “Except as otherwise provided in this title, every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, shall be automatically registered under this Act by the Director of the Selective Service System”.

Think that through all the way. Since the Fox screed left it out, predictably.

Relevant listening...

This has nothing at all to do with Duty, Honor or Country. No even a little bit.

Hasn't been for a very, very long time.
The House of Representatives is heading in the right direction. Make those lazy youngsters go through boot camp. It's a shame something like this is necessary to make them love America.

Meanwhile, over on the House (of so-called Representatives) floor...

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The House of Representatives is heading in the right direction. Make those lazy youngsters go through boot camp. It's a shame something like this is necessary to make them love America.

---House passes defense bill automatically registering men 18-26 for draft---

What we need more than the draft is mandatory service.

Turn 18 and you should be required to have 1 year in any branch of the service. Even if it's the coast guard or national guard. Go through boot camp, and your job could even be doing laundry, picking up garbage, being a post guard, anything. Just something. Just one year, something to toughen up kids a little and teach them to be out of their comfort zone. They don't need to even fight or leave the country, just be of some use.

Once your one year is up you get paid for that year in one lump sum. You're able to vote in presidential elections, and collect social security. I also say after your year you qualify for a modest government grant and government low interest student loan access that can be used towards a medical, psychological, engineering, a law degree and only those fields that benefit America, none of this using government money to pay for gender studies. Or a full ride at a community college for welding, electrician and so on.

And at the end of your year a very nice bonus if you sign back up for more.

But they should be required to do just one year and then be rewarded for it. You get out at age 20 at the latest and still have your whole life ahead of you and you'll be a better person for it, and America will be a little stronger each time.
I’m really digging the love for reinstating slavery.
"The government does not even recognize a man’s natural right to his own life. If it have need of him, for the maintenance of its power, it takes him, against his will (conscripts him), and puts him before the cannon’s mouth, to be blown in pieces, as if he were a mere senseless thing, having no more rights than if he were a shell, a canister, or a torpedo. It considers him simply as so much senseless war material, to be consumed, expended, and destroyed for the maintenance of its power. It no more recognizes his right to have anything to say in the matter, than if he were but so much weight of powder or ball. It does not recognize him at all as a human being, having any rights whatever of his own, but only as an instrument, a weapon, or a machine, to be used in killing other men." - Lysander Spooner
"The government does not even recognize a man’s natural right to his own life. If it have need of him, for the maintenance of its power, it takes him, against his will (conscripts him), and puts him before the cannon’s mouth, to be blown in pieces, as if he were a mere senseless thing, having no more rights than if he were a shell, a canister, or a torpedo. It considers him simply as so much senseless war material, to be consumed, expended, and destroyed for the maintenance of its power. It no more recognizes his right to have anything to say in the matter, than if he were but so much weight of powder or ball. It does not recognize him at all as a human being, having any rights whatever of his own, but only as an instrument, a weapon, or a machine, to be used in killing other men." - Lysander Spooner

Good old Lysander for the win.
Remember the time Ron took the Morning Joe bots to school regarding Lysander?

All they could do in the end was mock him. They were like deer in headlights. Total lack of self-awareness, too...

If history is any judge it will toughen-up most of the snowflakes and those who can't cut it can start wearing dresses...
Seriously doubt that...............I can see much wailing being asked to give up your smart phone and defend a country they don't really support.

They're already wearing dresses.
What we need more than the draft is mandatory service.

Turn 18 and you should be required to have 1 year in any branch of the service. Even if it's the coast guard or national guard. Go through boot camp, and your job could even be doing laundry, picking up garbage, being a post guard, anything. Just something. Just one year, something to toughen up kids a little and teach them to be out of their comfort zone. They don't need to even fight or leave the country, just be of some use.

Once your one year is up you get paid for that year in one lump sum. You're able to vote in presidential elections, and collect social security. I also say after your year you qualify for a modest government grant and government low interest student loan access that can be used towards a medical, psychological, engineering, a law degree and only those fields that benefit America, none of this using government money to pay for gender studies. Or a full ride at a community college for welding, electrician and so on.

And at the end of your year a very nice bonus if you sign back up for more.

But they should be required to do just one year and then be rewarded for it. You get out at age 20 at the latest and still have your whole life ahead of you and you'll be a better person for it, and America will be a little stronger each time. want a return to slavery. It would, of course, result in a trillion-dollar bureaucracy to administer it.
Seriously doubt that...............I can see much wailing being asked to give up your smart phone and defend a country they don't really support.

They're already wearing dresses.
Nothing that a couple of years of hard military service won't fix - for most of 'em, anyway...

I'm more optimistic than you on that score, apparently...

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