Senate pulls trigger on nuclear option, clearing way for Gorsuch confirmation

Never in the history of this nation did a President Elect have to barricade himself inside the Trump tower upon the announcement that he won, and his communications were reduced to a Tweeter account.

Since then the Protests have been non-stop, and these people are not going to forget to vote in 2018.

Here is Deep Red Salt Lake City and what happened during their town hall meeting.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

These people are NOT paid protesters. Republicans have awoken a sleeping giant and it's pissed.

SLC isn't "deep red" at all, in fact they gave Mrs. Clinton a 9 point margin last November.

Yes, they are paid protesters, we've seen these kind of thing before, and the facts are that President Trump's rallies are still drawing huge crowds, even though the Fake News Media is pretty much downplaying them or even boycotting them. Last week, I believe he was in Louisville.

President Trump is speaking Truth to some very powerful individuals that are bankrolling the efforts to sabotage America. Guys like the Convicted Felon Soros, feathers are being ruffled. I suppose its possible that the people will lose this fight in the end, Soros will be able to prevent Flyover Country from returning to greatness, and the people will be screwed. But it isn't inevitable, President Trump re-awakened the Middle Class and they know its their last chance.
The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.

We told you this was going to happen....but the Dems had to play their games.
And Garland never even getting a hearing for over 400 days wasn't game playing with an unprecedented tactic to hold that SCOTUS spot position open. Don't piss and moan later down the road if karma jumps up and bites the GOP's collective ASS!
It was wrong when they did it. Is it right now for democrats to try to do it too?
Why would we want some one that half of the population sees as against the working man. just to make the us hate each other, so they can do things like allow them to sell our private inter net information.
Because he values the Constitution more than he does trendy public opinion.
The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.
Disagreed it's a fatal shot or that it will result in insanity, but I strongly believe the RNC will come to regret this action when the DNC shoves it up their ass at some point in the future. The Pendulum swings both ways.
the GOP would be stupid not to use it since Harry released it.
Agreed. Thanks again for correcting my understanding of the facts.
no problem
Ha Ha Dem's lose again I love it.

As soon as Gorsuch is confirmed my vote for Trump pays off.
You voted for the pussy grabber? What am I asking that for? Of course you did. If he was alive and running for president, you would have voted for Ted Bundy, just because he was a Republican --- a Republican party worker and delegate to be precise --- you partisan hack.
you'd vote for hillary clinton and she is a murderer. so where do you get off calling out anyone you partisan hack.
The GOP has really screwed the pooch with this partisan stupidity. There will be a reckoning some day!
Partisan stupidity? Just what do you call what the D's are doing?
he'd call it smart. And his side would do exactly the same thing. it's what makes them hypocrites. they can't see what they do as the same thing. over and over and over. They actually lead in the partisan shit. if we were truly a country, us here would all agree that this shit is all unacceptable and call out all that do it. until a democrat on here makes that claim, I applaud the GOP. I;m tired of democrats and their hypocrisies.
Simple majority is the way the system was originally designed to operate. We're jut going back to the way things are supposed to be.

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