Senate pulls trigger on nuclear option, clearing way for Gorsuch confirmation

Now that this is over, or just about, what will our liberal friends do in the Senate next month, after Justice Ginzberg moves to Australia as she promised and President Trump nominate Ann Coulter to replace her? They've wasted all of their outrage on a very mild mannered judge and won't have any left when someone a tad more controversial is nominated.

She is ready to die and Kennedy will retire, the Left is fooked.

Well you had better hope they retire or die within a year and a half--because Democrats are certain to take over the Senate in 2018 and at that point in time, Trump's nominations to the Supreme Court are DONE. Then it's the Democrats turn in 2020. That's the point.

This works out to the benefit of Democrats, not Republicans. Again
Niel Gorsuch is Democrats dream nominee. They're not blocking him because they don't like him, they've already voted for him. They're just raising hell because Republicans blocked Obama's last nominee Merrick Garland--(who Republicans liked also.)

Welcome to Partisan politics.

Democrats who voted to confirm Niel Gorsuch, a G.W. Bush appointee to the Federal District Court in 2006. They could have easily rejected him in 2006 as they owned the Senate at that time.


Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

Roe V Wade is now set in STONE.

Now that this is over, or just about, what will our liberal friends do in the Senate next month, after Justice Ginzberg moves to Australia as she promised and President Trump nominate Ann Coulter to replace her? They've wasted all of their outrage on a very mild mannered judge and won't have any left when someone a tad more controversial is nominated.

She is ready to die and Kennedy will retire, the Left is fooked.

Well you had better hope they retire or die within a year and a half--because Democrats are certain to take over the Senate in 2018 and at that point in time, Trump's nominations to the Supreme Court are DONE. Then it's the Democrats turn in 2020. That's the point.

This works out to the benefit of Democrats, not Republicans. Again
Niel Gorsuch is Democrats dream nominee. They're not blocking him because they don't like him, they've already voted for him. They're just raising hell because Republicans blocked Obama's last nominee Merrick Garland--(who Republicans liked also.)

Welcome to Partisan politics.

Democrats who voted to confirm Niel Gorsuch, a G.W. Bush appointee to the Federal District Court in 2006. They could have easily rejected him in 2006 as they owned the Senate at that time.


Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

Roe V Wade is now set in STONE.

LOL, sure thing chief.
Now that this is over, or just about, what will our liberal friends do in the Senate next month, after Justice Ginzberg moves to Australia as she promised and President Trump nominate Ann Coulter to replace her? They've wasted all of their outrage on a very mild mannered judge and won't have any left when someone a tad more controversial is nominated.

She is ready to die and Kennedy will retire, the Left is fooked.

Well you had better hope they retire or die within a year and a half--because Democrats are certain to take over the Senate in 2018

Now that this is over, or just about, what will our liberal friends do in the Senate next month, after Justice Ginzberg moves to Australia as she promised and President Trump nominate Ann Coulter to replace her? They've wasted all of their outrage on a very mild mannered judge and won't have any left when someone a tad more controversial is nominated.

She is ready to die and Kennedy will retire, the Left is fooked.

Well you had better hope they retire or die within a year and a half--because Democrats are certain to take over the Senate in 2018 and at that point in time, Trump's nominations to the Supreme Court are DONE. Then it's the Democrats turn in 2020. That's the point.

This works out to the benefit of Democrats, not Republicans. Again
Niel Gorsuch is Democrats dream nominee. They're not blocking him because they don't like him, they've already voted for him. They're just raising hell because Republicans blocked Obama's last nominee Merrick Garland--(who Republicans liked also.)

Welcome to Partisan politics.

Democrats who voted to confirm Niel Gorsuch, a G.W. Bush appointee to the Federal District Court in 2006. They could have easily rejected him in 2006 as they owned the Senate at that time.


Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

Roe V Wade is now set in STONE.

When Obama one you kids screamed that Repubs would NEVER win another election.
2010 you lost the House.
2012 You lost the Senate.
2016 Hildabitch cost you the Presidency.

I'm not real worried about your predictions.

Awesome. President Trump has a lot of work to do to make America great again, and obstructionist communists will just slow that down. :)

In reality I think they just cleared the way for Democrats to pick nominees without issues in the future.--LOL

Niel Gorsuch is someone they like, and have voted for in the past. It's not that they had any issues with him, it's just that they were upset that Merick Garland didn't get a vote and that is what all the uproar is about.

Democrats know now when they take over-- which they will in 2020--there will be no blocking of any of their nominees in the future. And Democrats can look at Republicans and honestly say--"Well it was them that changed the law."

Republicans played right into their hands.


These are the Democrats that voted for Niel Gorsuch in 2006. They could have easily rejected Gorsuch because in 2006 they owned the Senate. Gosuch was a G.W. Bush appointee to the Federal District court.
Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

Furthermore--Trump promised another Scalia--which they didn't get. Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee to my memory that has stated Roe V Wade is set in stone, and is precedent in the Constitution.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Many people voted for Trump, because they were scared to death who Hillary Clinton would have nominated--and you'll note that she voted for Gorsuch, along with Obama who went to law school with Gorsuch and bunch of other Democrats--LOL In fact, Gorsuch could have easily been Hillary Clinton's pick.

What's done is done.

Media praised the ‘nuclear option’ when Democrats did it
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow assured her viewers at the time that “judges can be blocked on an up or down vote, a majority vote, like always.”

“But they cannot be blocked anymore by just a minority of votes,” Ms. Maddow said, reported the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters. “Republicans cannot force that anymore.”

MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes similarly hailed the 2013 development as “an affirmative win for democracy,” while his colleague Al Sharpton said “Democrats took the bold step of changing Senate rules, scaling back the filibuster that Republicans have unfairly used to block the president’s nominees.”

It's always been nice to get approval from both sides of the isle when it comes to SCOTUS nominees, but Republicans blew it--and they'll be the whiners when Democrats take over. Republicans set the precedent here, and Democrats will have no problems at all following that precedent.
No, Padawan, Dems have already set the precedent. Now they're sore because they've been hoist on their own petard.

....or in the liberal sense they've been hoisted on their own retard.
Now that this is over, or just about, what will our liberal friends do in the Senate next month, after Justice Ginzberg moves to Australia as she promised and President Trump nominate Ann Coulter to replace her? They've wasted all of their outrage on a very mild mannered judge and won't have any left when someone a tad more controversial is nominated.

She is ready to die and Kennedy will retire, the Left is fooked.

Well you had better hope they retire or die within a year and a half--because Democrats are certain to take over the Senate in 2018 and at that point in time, Trump's nominations to the Supreme Court are DONE. Then it's the Democrats turn in 2020. That's the point.

This works out to the benefit of Democrats, not Republicans. Again
Niel Gorsuch is Democrats dream nominee. They're not blocking him because they don't like him, they've already voted for him. They're just raising hell because Republicans blocked Obama's last nominee Merrick Garland--(who Republicans liked also.)

Welcome to Partisan politics.

Democrats who voted to confirm Niel Gorsuch, a G.W. Bush appointee to the Federal District Court in 2006. They could have easily rejected him in 2006 as they owned the Senate at that time.


Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

Roe V Wade is now set in STONE.

When Obama one you kids screamed that Repubs would NEVER win another election.
2010 you lost the House.
2012 You lost the Senate.
2016 Hildabitch cost you the Presidency.

I'm not real worried about your predictions.

And the exact same thing is going to happen to Republicans in 2018. By making the Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party--you have put a target on every Republican's back. And it's already showing up in Republican town halls across this country.

This is Salt Lake City, Utah- a place-where you couldn't count 30 Democrats. Considered the most conservative state in the nation. In fact, this was sent out to all House and Senate Republicans warning them of what their welcome home party was going to be like. Republicans immediately started cancelling town halls all across this country--because of this video.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty


Republicans have awoken a sleeping giant and it's pissed.
Ha Ha Dem's lose again I love it.

As soon as Gorsuch is confirmed my vote for Trump pays off.
You voted for the pussy grabber? What am I asking that for? Of course you did. If he was alive and running for president, you would have voted for Ted Bundy, just because he was a Republican --- a Republican party worker and delegate to be precise --- you partisan hack.

We Trump supporters whooped your ass, we whooped Hillary, we whooped Obama, we whooped your liberal media, it was embarrassing how bad we spanked you.
Then why are you so upset all the time?

You're winning!!!

You're winning!!!

Awesome. President Trump has a lot of work to do to make America great again, and obstructionist communists will just slow that down. :)

In reality I think they just cleared the way for Democrats to pick nominees without issues in the future.--LOL

Niel Gorsuch is someone they like, and have voted for in the past. It's not that they had any issues with him, it's just that they were upset that Merick Garland didn't get a vote and that is what all the uproar is about.

Democrats know now when they take over-- which they will in 2020--there will be no blocking of any of their nominees in the future. And Democrats can look at Republicans and honestly say--"Well it was them that changed the law."

Republicans played right into their hands.


These are the Democrats that voted for Niel Gorsuch in 2006. They could have easily rejected Gorsuch because in 2006 they owned the Senate. Gosuch was a G.W. Bush appointee to the Federal District court.
Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

Furthermore--Trump promised another Scalia--which they didn't get. Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee to my memory that has stated Roe V Wade is set in stone, and is precedent in the Constitution.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Many people voted for Trump, because they were scared to death who Hillary Clinton would have nominated--and you'll note that she voted for Gorsuch, along with Obama who went to law school with Gorsuch and bunch of other Democrats--LOL In fact, Gorsuch could have easily been Hillary Clinton's pick.

What's done is done.

Media praised the ‘nuclear option’ when Democrats did it
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow assured her viewers at the time that “judges can be blocked on an up or down vote, a majority vote, like always.”

“But they cannot be blocked anymore by just a minority of votes,” Ms. Maddow said, reported the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters. “Republicans cannot force that anymore.”

MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes similarly hailed the 2013 development as “an affirmative win for democracy,” while his colleague Al Sharpton said “Democrats took the bold step of changing Senate rules, scaling back the filibuster that Republicans have unfairly used to block the president’s nominees.”

It's always been nice to get approval from both sides of the isle when it comes to SCOTUS nominees, but Republicans blew it--and they'll be the whiners when Democrats take over. Republicans set the precedent here, and Democrats will have no problems at all following that precedent.
No, Padawan, Dems have already set the precedent. Now they're sore because they've been hoist on their own petard.

No Democrats have not set precedent--they're pissed that Republicans didn't give Merrick Garland and up or down vote--and blocked him.

It's not like Democrats had an issue with Niel Goruch, he's their dream nominee.
Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

This is going to work out in favor of Democrats, not Republicans.

John McCain's comments reflect it all--we're on a slippery slope here, we have just broke 200 years of SCOTUS nominee tradition.

If Dems like Gorsuch so much why do they have to have a kindergarten-style meltdown instead of getting behind his SCOTUS nomination. That would give them the high ground later when both sides of the house reach another politically, party driven impasse?
Ha Ha Dem's lose again I love it.

As soon as Gorsuch is confirmed my vote for Trump pays off.
You voted for the pussy grabber? What am I asking that for? Of course you did. If he was alive and running for president, you would have voted for Ted Bundy, just because he was a Republican --- a Republican party worker and delegate to be precise --- you partisan hack.

We Trump supporters whooped your ass, we whooped Hillary, we whooped Obama, we whooped your liberal media, it was embarrassing how bad we spanked you.
They're just perverse enough to like being spanked, that's my guess.
We told you this was going to happen....but the Dems had to play their games.
And Garland never even getting a hearing for over 400 days wasn't game playing with an unprecedented tactic to hold that SCOTUS spot position open. Don't piss and moan later down the road if karma jumps up and bites the GOP's collective ASS!
In case you haven't fully realized what just happened here let me put you closer to the edge.

What happened today means Trump can get any justice he wants right up to his last day in office as long as we have 51 senators. Which we will. Ginsberg now has to live past Jan 18th, 2021.

How do you like us now?
Trump can? You sure of that? You went bowling with the guys and used your crystal ball again, huh! Why do you fucks go so far out on a limb with your predictions and man love for the Orange One? The Bloated Ego One will be lucky to make his term reach to Dec 31, 2018! The FBI investigation, et al, on the Russia election hacking/influence, etc. should be back by the third quarter and the subpoenas will start to be issued and the hearings begun!

The Fat Ass Narcissist is about to make the same rookie President mistake that JFK did trying to 'appear' "Presidential" with the Bay of Pigs fiasco which came back to bite him on his ass with the missile crisis. The Orange One as CiC and Russia are going to be at it again and Putin will use and abuse that fat piece of shit in a NY minute so Russia/Putin can get control of Syria and access to a warm water port with access to the entire Med and beyond!
You claim we're out on a limb and go into that crazy ass Russia rant? Having a bad day?
I didn't think you could follow the dotted trail laid out back to the topic of the OP. So fuck you very much, asshole!
Hard to follow a trail of nothing. Did I miss your not bread crumb trail to follow to the nothing you have? You would have made a shitty explorer.
The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.

We told you this was going to happen....but the Dems had to play their games.
And Garland never even getting a hearing for over 400 days wasn't game playing with an unprecedented tactic to hold that SCOTUS spot position open. Don't piss and moan later down the road if karma jumps up and bites the GOP's collective ASS!
In case you haven't fully realized what just happened here let me put you closer to the edge.

What happened today means Trump can get any justice he wants right up to his last day in office as long as we have 51 senators. Which we will. Ginsberg now has to live past Jan 18th, 2021.

How do you like us now?
There's a lot of big "IFs" in that statement. IF Trump is President, IF the Republicans maintain a 51 or better majority. Let's not forget that all Senators face reelection at home. Depending on their tenure, reelection dates and strength at home, not all Republican Senators may vote for Trump's picks.

As it is, I like Gorsuch. The Democrats were just being Democrats in fighting him and I think the Republicans made a mistake in not sucking it up without using the Nuclear Option. Now that the line has been crossed, we'll never again see it remain uncrossed.
The dems would have used it at the drop of a hat if they had 51. The liberal press would have praised them to high heaven and declared democracy was once again the rule of the land. I'm actually surprised the repubs finally pulled the trigger on something a dem would not hesitate to do.
When Obama one you kids screamed that Repubs would NEVER win another election.
2010 you lost the House.
2012 You lost the Senate.
2016 Hildabitch cost you the Presidency.

I'm not real worried about your predictions.

Typically, midterm elections favor the party not in the White House. There have been a few exceptions, but not many. Plus, if Trump's approval rating is under 50% that will also favor the Democrats.
When Obama one you kids screamed that Repubs would NEVER win another election.
2010 you lost the House.
2012 You lost the Senate.
2016 Hildabitch cost you the Presidency.

I'm not real worried about your predictions.

Typically, midterm elections favor the party not in the White House. There have been a few exceptions, but not many. Plus, if Trump's approval rating is under 50% that will also favor the Democrats.
I don't think that approval rating is going to mean much this time around. Just because of where the democrats are up for re-election.
When Obama one you kids screamed that Repubs would NEVER win another election.
2010 you lost the House.
2012 You lost the Senate.
2016 Hildabitch cost you the Presidency.

I'm not real worried about your predictions.

Typically, midterm elections favor the party not in the White House. There have been a few exceptions, but not many. Plus, if Trump's approval rating is under 50% that will also favor the Democrats.
I don't think that approval rating is going to mean much this time around. Just because of where the democrats are up for re-election.

Montana and North Dakota have a long history of electing Democratic Senators. Additionally, Joe Manchin is very well liked in West Virginia. Those are probably the three reddest states with a Dem up for reelection and as of right now I would rate them as holds. Dean Heller, here in Nevada, is in probably more danger than any of them.
Tomorrow Gorsuch will be confirmed.

He is the first of 3 likely Trump nominations to the SCOTUS.

Kennedy and Thomas will likely retire.

And Ginsberg will likely croak.

Could be 4 if Souter sees the handwriting on the wall and decides to throw-in the towel as well.
In reality I think they just cleared the way for Democrats to pick nominees without issues in the future.--LOL

Niel Gorsuch is someone they like, and have voted for in the past. It's not that they had any issues with him, it's just that they were upset that Merick Garland didn't get a vote and that is what all the uproar is about.

Democrats know now when they take over-- which they will in 2020--there will be no blocking of any of their nominees in the future. And Democrats can look at Republicans and honestly say--"Well it was them that changed the law."

Republicans played right into their hands.


These are the Democrats that voted for Niel Gorsuch in 2006. They could have easily rejected Gorsuch because in 2006 they owned the Senate. Gosuch was a G.W. Bush appointee to the Federal District court.
Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

Furthermore--Trump promised another Scalia--which they didn't get. Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee to my memory that has stated Roe V Wade is set in stone, and is precedent in the Constitution.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

Many people voted for Trump, because they were scared to death who Hillary Clinton would have nominated--and you'll note that she voted for Gorsuch, along with Obama who went to law school with Gorsuch and bunch of other Democrats--LOL In fact, Gorsuch could have easily been Hillary Clinton's pick.

What's done is done.

Media praised the ‘nuclear option’ when Democrats did it
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow assured her viewers at the time that “judges can be blocked on an up or down vote, a majority vote, like always.”

“But they cannot be blocked anymore by just a minority of votes,” Ms. Maddow said, reported the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters. “Republicans cannot force that anymore.”

MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes similarly hailed the 2013 development as “an affirmative win for democracy,” while his colleague Al Sharpton said “Democrats took the bold step of changing Senate rules, scaling back the filibuster that Republicans have unfairly used to block the president’s nominees.”

It's always been nice to get approval from both sides of the isle when it comes to SCOTUS nominees, but Republicans blew it--and they'll be the whiners when Democrats take over. Republicans set the precedent here, and Democrats will have no problems at all following that precedent.
No, Padawan, Dems have already set the precedent. Now they're sore because they've been hoist on their own petard.

No Democrats have not set precedent--they're pissed that Republicans didn't give Merrick Garland and up or down vote--and blocked him.

It's not like Democrats had an issue with Niel Goruch, he's their dream nominee.
Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

This is going to work out in favor of Democrats, not Republicans.

John McCain's comments reflect it all--we're on a slippery slope here, we have just broke 200 years of SCOTUS nominee tradition.

If Dems like Gorsuch so much why do they have to have a kindergarten-style meltdown instead of getting behind his SCOTUS nomination. That would give them the high ground later when both sides of the house reach another politically, party driven impasse?
According to John Dickerson's commentary tonight on the CBS News this is a case of partisan litmus tests for the voters back home, that's all. Everyone is positioning for the midterm elections in 2018.

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