Senate Report: Biden left as many as 9,000 American citizens in Afghanistan after withdrawal

The State dept. under Blinken dragged their feet on the processing of green cards and handling the timing in evacuation of Americans.

Americans do not need greed cards and they should not have needed evacuated, they should have left on their own.

I spent 4.5 years in Iran as a youth, we lived there when the Shah was being forced out. We saw what was happening and my parents took us out of the country. We did not wait for the Govt to swoop in and save us.
I have got to say, I have no real sympathy for these folks. They had known for at least 16 months or more we were pulling all our troops out, they choose to stay.

What ever happened to the Repubs being the party of personal responsibility?
Me neither really. Still Biden shold have been saying back in Feb, the end is nigh. To be fair the DOS was saying "get out now," but there didn't really seen a sense of urgency. But Biden was under attack for not getting the afghans who helped us out .... but really, did we want a bunch of unvetted people from afghan here? We didn't.

Biden was incompetent for failing to realize that reports the afghan army would hole out even after we withdrew support was total bs. When has a puppet govt we installed carried on without our soldiers?
I can tell you have serious problems actually discussing the issue and the strategic and tactical points of the failure of two presidents to withdraw from an occupational war zone...Evidently, you can't handle the level of intelligence to undertake such a movement.

Obviously, you're biased and ignorant of the facts, while believing the Quisling media's propaganda. I leave you with the following information to read gleaned from various sources showing that your buddy Joey Xi is fully responsible for the debacle and clusterfuck he caused in the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Americans don’t need green cards. They were told to leave long before the military did.

The government does not follow Americans around overseas and hold their hands.

I didn't say that. When I referred to green card, it was for those Afghani's that had worked with the military and were promised safe passage to the U.S.
Thousands also were left behind.
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Another lie from the board liar.
The Taliban told Biden they weren't renegotiating and his choice was Trump's deal or no deal. That said we should have anticipated the afghan army collapse, and began an airlift of AMERICANS who wanted to leave while we still controlled Kabul. It still would have been a clusterfk because the Afghan Army would collapse the minute it saw us pulling out, but Biden still would have been able to keep troops there before Trump's deadline ran out.
your buddy Joey Xi is fully responsible for the debacle and clusterfuck he caused in the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

In his own words the Trumpyberra disagrees with you.

Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame.

Donald Trump: (22:53)

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