Senate votes to send Wall Street reform forward

Fabulous. Now we will know the reason why the markets crash tomorrow.
The Dems even had a couple republicans to vote with them this time.
The Dems even had a couple republicans to vote with them this time.

Who cares?

Bad legislation is bad legislation no matter who votes for it.

I wish you guys would tire of this partisan crap and actually look at whether it helps or not.
I'll give the dems kudos on Wall Street reform. It has to be better than what we have now. The alternative was to just re-instate Glass-Steagall.

Anyway, I'd like to see the Wall-Streeters starting companies and creating jobs instead of gambling on derivatives and selling-short sucking up peoples' retirement investments.
I'm having a very difficult time believing that anything this Congress and administration plan is good or good for the USA in general.

They have done everything possible to earn my distrust.
Fabulous. Now we will know the reason why the markets crash tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Down over 300 today.

I honestly believe we have become a nation of fools guided by fools. What will it take for these people to get a clue?
Fabulous. Now we will know the reason why the markets crash tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Down over 300 today. I honestly believe we have become a nation of fools guided by fools. What will it take for these people to get a clue?

The way it is now there is no reason for investors to throw money away. Its a rigged game. IMHO we need the government to keep Wall Street honest, or at least honest for Wall Street.

I'm waiting to hear what ideas you have. After the last two years of high finance by criminals, (remember Bernie Madoff was going to run the SEC as an example) it would be nice to see Wall Street monitored by real regulators.
Ah yes the left just loves more Government control. Do you need for them to burp you and change your diaper too?
Fabulous. Now we will know the reason why the markets crash tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Down over 300 today. I honestly believe we have become a nation of fools guided by fools. What will it take for these people to get a clue?

The way it is now there is no reason for investors to throw money away. Its a rigged game. IMHO we need the government to keep Wall Street honest, or at least honest for Wall Street.

I'm waiting to hear what ideas you have. After the last two years of high finance by criminals, (remember Bernie Madoff was going to run the SEC as an example) it would be nice to see Wall Street monitored by real regulators.

We need to become an honest people. Because without honesty, it doesnt matter how many laws and regulations are passed, we will be crippled by it.
Ah yes the left just loves more Government control. Do you need for them to burp you and change your diaper too?

Lets see, tell me which of these you approve of:

1. "capture" a government agency, like the SEC, or Treasury. If a mega-bank controlled an agency, it can do whatever it wants. You okay w/that?

2. How about "naked short-selling"? Thats when small investors buy stock in a company, and a big bank or hedge fund sells it short and takes the small investors' money. You okay w/that too?

3. How about Fannie & Freddie getting about $180b of your SS & Medicare money to buy mortgages for people who shouldn't have gotten mortgages in the first place. you okay w/that?

4. Speaking of the biggest ponzi scheme in history, you okay with the Feds taking SS & Medicare money and pissing it away on those who didn't contribute?

So check your own panties there bud. Those coxuckers need someone with a big club standing over them. No one can be trusted with other peoples' money.
Fabulous. Now we will know the reason why the markets crash tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Down over 300 today. I honestly believe we have become a nation of fools guided by fools. What will it take for these people to get a clue?

The way it is now there is no reason for investors to throw money away. Its a rigged game. IMHO we need the government to keep Wall Street honest, or at least honest for Wall Street.

I'm waiting to hear what ideas you have. After the last two years of high finance by criminals, (remember Bernie Madoff was going to run the SEC as an example) it would be nice to see Wall Street monitored by real regulators.

Of course it's a rigged game. It's also the only game in town.
Of course it's a rigged game. It's also the only game in town.

Not so. Keeping cash may not make you money, but you don't lose it either. The best way to win is not to play. I hope Obama does get Wall Street straightened-out, that might help him in 2012. If the economy is down, and unemployment up, he won't get his 2nd term.
NYSE invoked rule 48 today to prevent another meltdown. Congress & the president are clueless.
NYSE invoked rule 48 today to prevent another meltdown. Congress & the president are clueless.

What's Rule 48?

pre-market opening had significant order imbalances, to many sellers & few buyers all across the market. Prices would have plummeted drastically. Rule 48 allows the NYSE to suspend the requirement to disseminate price indications at the open. It is like price fixing instead of letting the market determine prices. This rule has only been invoked once before & that is on December 12, 2007.
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The Dems even had a couple republicans to vote with them this time.

Who cares?

Bad legislation is bad legislation no matter who votes for it.

I wish you guys would tire of this partisan crap and actually look at whether it helps or not.!?!???

How do you KNOW its going to be bad legislation?

What about Wall-Street is currently good for you and/or the rest of the country?

They brought the country and damn near the entire world to the brink of financial disaster under Herr Bush who ran like a stuck pig from anything near reform.

Have you lost your cotton-pickin' mind son?

Is your hatred for Obama that deep?!?!???

How do you KNOW its going to be bad legislation?

What about Wall-Street is currently good for you and/or the rest of the country?

They brought the country and damn near the entire world to the brink of financial disaster under Herr Bush who ran like a stuck pig from anything near reform.

Have you lost your cotton-pickin' mind son?

Is your hatred for Obama that deep?

This has absolutely nothing to do with Obama. Seriously, get your mind out of your failed paradign.

Your only solution to any problem is more regulation. Well regulation doesn't fix problems it just creates bigger ones. Dishonest people aren't going to follow the law any more than they did before. The workers at the SEC aren't going to be watching any less porn then the were before.

What you're going to do is make it more expensive to do business and provide the bigger companeis with more power by eliminating profitability for any of the smaller ones. You're going to ice over the symptom and not address the problem that caused the symptom to begin with.

The last two days the Stock market has been plunging because of the iminent global economic collapse. And you think making it more difficult to do business is a good idea?

Stop acting like people are victims here. They know the risks involved in the market. And if they don't they've learned them now. Giving more power to the Federal Government isn't going to make things better. Educating people on how the market works and encouraging honesty in everyones individual life is the only way to fix this problem.

Do you honestly trust any politician in office to fix this problem? I don't. Why do you blindly follow people who have proven themselves corrupt again and again. I, for one, am sick and tired of it.
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The Dems even had a couple republicans to vote with them this time.

Who cares?

Bad legislation is bad legislation no matter who votes for it.

I wish you guys would tire of this partisan crap and actually look at whether it helps or not.!?!???

How do you KNOW its going to be bad legislation?

What about Wall-Street is currently good for you and/or the rest of the country?

They brought the country and damn near the entire world to the brink of financial disaster under Herr Bush who ran like a stuck pig from anything near reform.

Have you lost your cotton-pickin' mind son?

Is your hatred for Obama that deep?

Is your worship of Obama so deep that you are not capable of understanding other people's post?

WTF is the matter with you? It's not always about Obama, son. Try not to be an ass all your life.

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