Senate's $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill: funds amnesty and Obamacare


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
SEE: Senate passes $1.1 trillion spending bill, averting partial gov't shutdown

December 14, 2014

”The Senate passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill late Saturday that funds the government through next September, averting a partial government shutdown and sending the measure to President Obama's desk.”

CLICK HERE for a record of those who agreed to fund Obama’s ongoing invasion of our borders, and likewise voted to fund Obamacare.

For those who voted YEA, the question is, what part of their sworn duty to protect the United States “against Invasion” do they not understand?


Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort
"Senate's $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill: funds amnesty and Obamacare"

Wrong about 'amnesty,' as the president's lawful, Constitutional EO in no way authorizes 'amnesty.' That the order 'authorizes amnesty' is a ridiculous lie contrived and propagated by the right.

As for funding the ACA, it's Congress' responsibility to ensure various Federal programs are appropriately funded; to not fund the ACA would be reckless and irresponsible – it's encouraging to see republicans finally take an interest in responsible governance.
"Senate's $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill: funds amnesty and Obamacare"

Wrong about 'amnesty,' as the president's lawful, Constitutional EO in no way authorizes 'amnesty.' That the order 'authorizes amnesty' is a ridiculous lie contrived and propagated by the right.

As for funding the ACA, it's Congress' responsibility to ensure various Federal programs are appropriately funded; to not fund the ACA would be reckless and irresponsible – it's encouraging to see republicans finally take an interest in responsible governance.

Funny how you people changed your tune from when Bush did it to Obama. Almost like you're hyper partisan bots or something.
SEE: Senate passes $1.1 trillion spending bill, averting partial gov't shutdown

December 14, 2014

”The Senate passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill late Saturday that funds the government through next September, averting a partial government shutdown and sending the measure to President Obama's desk.”

CLICK HERE for a record of those who agreed to fund Obama’s ongoing invasion of our borders, and likewise voted to fund Obamacare.

For those who voted YEA, the question is, what part of their sworn duty to protect the United States “against Invasion” do they not understand?


Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort
Most of the bill, is for funding endless wars and spying on Americans.
Good for the GOP. Good for the country.

Its a Dem controlled Senate, they own it ..... Don't try and dump this on Republicans, this is the stuff these Dems got elected saying they would stop. Now on their way out it's about selling out on historic levels.
So the government spends $1.1 trillion....
How much will we take in during the fiscal year?
Enough to cover that?
Homeland security which is now responsible for dealing with border security is only funded until Feb 27 so the Republicans can deal with that when they control both chambers of Congress in few weeks. As for Obamacare the Supreme Court could deal a major blow to that when the case involving the federal exchanges and subsidies comes before it.
Should of cut out the bull shit and placed the money into science, r&d and infrastructure. Would of gotten something for the money instead of a net drain to law breakers.
SEE: Senate passes $1.1 trillion spending bill, averting partial gov't shutdown

December 14, 2014

”The Senate passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill late Saturday that funds the government through next September, averting a partial government shutdown and sending the measure to President Obama's desk.”

CLICK HERE for a record of those who agreed to fund Obama’s ongoing invasion of our borders, and likewise voted to fund Obamacare.

For those who voted YEA, the question is, what part of their sworn duty to protect the United States “against Invasion” do they not understand?


Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort
Most of the bill, is for funding endless wars and spying on Americans.

We're at war with real enemies. Right? Why shouldn't we fight these enemies??? Why shouldn't we spy on them to get the upper hand.

You seem clueless.
So the government spends $1.1 trillion....
How much will we take in during the fiscal year?
Enough to cover that?

China and India spend on infrastructure, science, education and r&d. Their economies grow only stronger. Of course, you're lacking a economic education.
SEE: Senate passes $1.1 trillion spending bill, averting partial gov't shutdown

December 14, 2014

”The Senate passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill late Saturday that funds the government through next September, averting a partial government shutdown and sending the measure to President Obama's desk.”

CLICK HERE for a record of those who agreed to fund Obama’s ongoing invasion of our borders, and likewise voted to fund Obamacare.

For those who voted YEA, the question is, what part of their sworn duty to protect the United States “against Invasion” do they not understand?


Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort
Most of the bill, is for funding endless wars and spying on Americans.
No, a majority of it is PORK, and from both sides, or if would never have gone's so disheartening, only a few Republicans had BALLS!

"Senate's $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill: funds amnesty and Obamacare"

Wrong about 'amnesty,' as the president's lawful, Constitutional EO in no way authorizes 'amnesty.' That the order 'authorizes amnesty' is a ridiculous lie contrived and propagated by the right.

As for funding the ACA, it's Congress' responsibility to ensure various Federal programs are appropriately funded; to not fund the ACA would be reckless and irresponsible – it's encouraging to see republicans finally take an interest in responsible governance.
Don't try and dump this on Republicans, this is the stuff these Dems got elected saying they would stop. Now on their way out it's about selling out on historic levels.

Are you not glad that so many Democrats "saw" the Republican way? Did the Republicans get what you wanted done in this spending bill? If so, shouldn't you be celebrating the conversion of these Democrats who voted your Republicans way? They saw the "light" so to speak.

Ain't almost unlimited spending on politicians grand?

I like the personal contribution limit going from 34k to 340k or something like that. It was just a matter of moving a decimal point over to get it "right".

How many tens of thousands of dollars do you give away for nothing?
So the government spends $1.1 trillion....
How much will we take in during the fiscal year?
Enough to cover that?

China and India spend on infrastructure, science, education and r&d. Their economies grow only stronger. Of course, you're lacking a economic education.

We have a national debt of $18 trillion...
We now have a budget for $1.1 trillion.....

And we don't spend enough?
"Senate's $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill: funds amnesty and Obamacare"

Wrong about 'amnesty,' as the president's lawful, Constitutional EO in no way authorizes 'amnesty.' That the order 'authorizes amnesty' is a ridiculous lie contrived and propagated by the right.

As for funding the ACA, it's Congress' responsibility to ensure various Federal programs are appropriately funded; to not fund the ACA would be reckless and irresponsible – it's encouraging to see republicans finally take an interest in responsible governance.

Amnesty is giving these 5 million invaders green cards and work permits as a reward for invading our country.

Do you not care about the devastating effects which this invasion is having on the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?


Hey Obama, what part of your sworn duty to protect the United States “against Invasion” do you not understand?
Senate's $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill: funds amnesty and Obamacare and buys off Big Business and Big Money.

TP types: everyone craps on you. Do you wonder why, weirdos?
Sometimes you have to picks your fights. Libertarians want to fight everything and end up winning nothing. The Democrats control the Senate until January 6th, so nothing is getting past Reid except what he wants. The republicans are not going to shut down the government. Let Obama do it next year.

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