Senator Durbin Calls for Closure of Guantanamo Bay on 20th Anniversary of the Arrival of First Detainees

Socialist Party USA, and Communist Party USA. Sorta like the Green Party, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Socialist Workers Party, Bread and Roses, and the Progressive Party, all of whom had candidates running in 2020.

Wait....don't tell me: You voted for Vermin Supreme, right? The guy with the rubber boot on his head?


It's the Communists that lock people up without ever charging them or giving them a trial, communist.

I have voted for Vermin Supreme in the past. 2012.
It's the Communists that lock people up without ever charging them or giving them a trial, communist.

I have voted for Vermin Supreme in the past. 2012.

Noshit? I'm surprised to see that someone actually voted for him.

Oh well. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
Noshit? I'm surprised to see that someone actually voted for him.

Oh well. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

It made the news. They noted the candidates and their votes (locally) and the newscaster kind of giggles and says "and one vote for a Vermin Supreme". My wife was embarrassed as she knew that was me. LOL
Guantanamo should be transformed into a charity health clinic and be gifted to the Cuban people as a gesture of goodwill
I'd keep it open for all the BLM and antifa rioter terrorists and start sorting them out.

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