Senator Grassley Introduces Mandatory E-Verify Bill


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
E-verify is the best way to curtail illegal immigration....NOT ANOTHER amnesty!!!

E-Verify, a computer process that makes it fast and easy for employers to check the validity of employees' Social Security numbers to ascertain if they are legal, was created by Congress as a voluntary system. It demonstrates its utility by verifying individuals within a few seconds with 99.5 percent accuracy, but only about 2 percent of businesses actually use it.

"E-Verify, a Web-based program, is not discriminatory. It doesn’t ask race, creed or ethnicity. The program just checks workers names and Social Security numbers to verify that they are eligible to work in the United States. E-Verify does not discriminate based on race; but it does distinguish between legal and illegal. There’s nothing improper or unfair about that.

The need for an E-Verify system is more crucial than ever. Of the 23 million Americans who are now unemployed or have given up looking for work, 19 million are Americans without a college degree who are most hurt by unskilled illegal immigrants."
I like this because it will deter illegal immigration. If we do a few things, they will deport themselves.

No anchor babies. Amend the constitution to state that anyone deliberately breaking immigration laws by sneaking in to have a baby, will not have automatic citizenship granted to the child.

No illegal aliens or their families are eligible for any welfare programs.

A valid ID, and a check through E-verify to prove you are a citizen before you can be considered for any job.

I know amnesty will be granted, but there have to be some rules there. If anyone has committed any crimes in the U.S., they are not eligible now or ever for amnesty.

I have been advocating that every employer be required to use E-Verify for years or face a 10K fine per illegal and loss of all Government contracts for 10 years,

The other side of it would be that if the employer used E-Verify and printed out the control number supplied, and the person turned out to be illegal , then they were immune to all penalities.
E-verify is the best way to curtail illegal immigration....NOT ANOTHER amnesty!!!

E-Verify, a computer process that makes it fast and easy for employers to check the validity of employees' Social Security numbers to ascertain if they are legal, was created by Congress as a voluntary system. It demonstrates its utility by verifying individuals within a few seconds with 99.5 percent accuracy, but only about 2 percent of businesses actually use it.

"E-Verify, a Web-based program, is not discriminatory. It doesn’t ask race, creed or ethnicity. The program just checks workers names and Social Security numbers to verify that they are eligible to work in the United States. E-Verify does not discriminate based on race; but it does distinguish between legal and illegal. There’s nothing improper or unfair about that.

The need for an E-Verify system is more crucial than ever. Of the 23 million Americans who are now unemployed or have given up looking for work, 19 million are Americans without a college degree who are most hurt by unskilled illegal immigrants."
If we get rid of "anchor babies", can we deport Jindahl and Malkin?

Are you assuming they are the children of illegal aliens because of their color? That sounds racist to me.

Anchor babies here now will stay because there weren't laws in place about people sneaking in illegally to have children. If we change it, people will quit coming over to have babies.
If we get rid of "anchor babies", can we deport Jindahl and Malkin?

Are you assuming they are the children of illegal aliens because of their color? That sounds racist to me.

Anchor babies here now will stay because there weren't laws in place about people sneaking in illegally to have children. If we change it, people will quit coming over to have babies.

No. I'm stating a fact that both Jindal and Malkin were anchor babies.
Good idea but beware of exceptions. Congress loves to pass laws and then sell "waivers" to hundreds of businesses. That's what happened with obozocare.

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