Senator Inhofe: Obama Threatens National Security


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) is the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee....

President Barack Obama's administration is forcing a military base in Oklahoma to shelter illegal immigrant children whom officials in Texas cannot handle, and Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, thinks that will only encourage more illegal immigrants to flood into the country and create national security concerns.

After the Obama administration informed the Fort Sill military base in Lawton, OK, to expect about 600 illegal immigrant children to be sent to its facilities this weekend, Inhofe noted that the Obama administration is making military bases care for illegal immigrants while Obama is "drastically reducing defense spending funds at a historically rapid rate."

"Our nation has an immigration problem and a national security crisis, but I don't believe the answer is for our military facilities to be transformed into a center that houses, feeds, and cares for illegal immigrants," Inhofe said in a statement. "This only encourages parents to send their children unaccompanied over the border and, with the average-aged child being between 13 and 17, it exposes our military facilities to unknown security concerns."

Sen. Inhofe: Forcing Military Bases to Shelter Illegal Immigrants Threatens National Security
With all of the Republicans' big corporate/government PATRIOT Act, NSA, DHS, FBI, CIA, ATF, AUMF bullshit, why do Republicans still insist that we have a national security crisis?

Are all of those big government agencies now entirely inept that a black man has been elected? Will those big government agencies once more be a shining beacon of peace, prosperity and freedom once a Republican is elected again?

Why don't Republicans want to repeal the big government PATRIOT Act?
With all of the Republicans' big corporate/government PATRIOT Act, NSA, DHS, FBI, CIA, ATF, AUMF bullshit, why do Republicans still insist that we have a national security crisis?

Are all of those big government agencies now entirely inept that a black man has been elected? Will those big government agencies once more be a shining beacon of peace, prosperity and freedom once a Republican is elected again?

Why don't Republicans want to repeal the big government PATRIOT Act?

I agree Republicans are big Government and that their big Government policies failed... But Obama ran as being the anti Bush yet he expanded most if not all the programs you listed. The secondary question would be when did Democrat voters become Neocons?
With all of the Republicans' big corporate/government PATRIOT Act, NSA, DHS, FBI, CIA, ATF, AUMF bullshit, why do Republicans still insist that we have a national security crisis?

Are all of those big government agencies now entirely inept that a black man has been elected? Will those big government agencies once more be a shining beacon of peace, prosperity and freedom once a Republican is elected again?

Why don't Republicans want to repeal the big government PATRIOT Act?

why didn't Obama repeal it the first day he was in office.....? instead he doubled down...:fu:
With all of the Republicans' big corporate/government PATRIOT Act, NSA, DHS, FBI, CIA, ATF, AUMF bullshit, why do Republicans still insist that we have a national security crisis?

Are all of those big government agencies now entirely inept that a black man has been elected? Will those big government agencies once more be a shining beacon of peace, prosperity and freedom once a Republican is elected again?

Why don't Republicans want to repeal the big government PATRIOT Act?

I agree Republicans are big Government and that their big Government policies failed... But Obama ran as being the anti Bush yet he expanded most if not all the programs you listed. The secondary question would be when did Democrat voters become Neocons?
You want to blame the voters for what Obama has done? Does anyone honestly believe, in the face of ALL of the similarities between Bush and Obama, that Obama is a "liberal progressive"? What does that make Bush?

Obama was elected to change Bush's failed policies but Obama is yet another corporate shill. He didn't change anything. bin Laden's dead. Hooray, right? As if one death was going to make fuck all difference in this bullshit endless war?

We the People are supposed to have a government of, for and by the People, but according to our government now, corporations are People and money is speech, so those corporations with the most money have the loudest voices. This is full Fascism- the merger of state and corporate power.
With all of the Republicans' big corporate/government PATRIOT Act, NSA, DHS, FBI, CIA, ATF, AUMF bullshit, why do Republicans still insist that we have a national security crisis?

Are all of those big government agencies now entirely inept that a black man has been elected? Will those big government agencies once more be a shining beacon of peace, prosperity and freedom once a Republican is elected again?

Why don't Republicans want to repeal the big government PATRIOT Act?

I agree Republicans are big Government and that their big Government policies failed... But Obama ran as being the anti Bush yet he expanded most if not all the programs you listed. The secondary question would be when did Democrat voters become Neocons?
You want to blame the voters for what Obama has done? Does anyone honestly believe, in the face of ALL of the similarities between Bush and Obama, that Obama is a "liberal progressive"? What does that make Bush?

Obama was elected to change Bush's failed policies but Obama is yet another corporate shill. He didn't change anything. bin Laden's dead. Hooray, right? As if one death was going to make fuck all difference in this bullshit endless war?

We the People are supposed to have a government of, for and by the People, but according to our government now, corporations are People and money is speech, so those corporations with the most money have the loudest voices. This is full Fascism- the merger of state and corporate power.

Bush should have been given honors by the Left for all he did for them....:mad: (why we need to stay away from Rinos)

We don't know yet half of what Obama is sticking to us....and he is doing it with impunity...

Call it Fascim...or Socialism....or has the smell of them definitely is not Americanism...

Obama is creating a two-class America.....the corporate favored rich and the poor....he is killing the middle class....
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