Senator James Inhofe Eyed to head ENVIRONMENT and Public works also ENERGY and Commerce Committees


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Senator James Inhofe Eyed to head ENVIRONMENT and Public works also ENERGY and Commerce Committees.

Rumors from out of Washington are many but this one is making environmentalists heads explode. Senior Republicans have place Mr Inhofe as number one to head two committees. IF he is indeed allowed to head two committees he will have sole discretion to neuter the EPA and its job killing mandates. These committees are directly responsible for EPA oversight and rules controls.

The only ones even reporting this at the moment is FOX news but rest assured when the alarmists catch wind there is going to be serious gnashing and gnawing on the wood work.

No link as of yet as it was just on the morning shows.

:blowup: <<----- liberals/alarmists/marxists
Inhofe? A fucking whore. But go ahead. That will be one more assurance of a Dem landslide in 2016.
No... that would be the Gore Whore.... get it straight....

Inhofe would be great at curtailing the out of control EPA and executive branch... Your distaste for him encourages me to support him all the more as he is on the right path.. Thanks for the vote of confidence!!!
Do you lie in Oklahoma?

Hmm.. I guess my 'V" key is sticky. Let me try that again. Do you lie in Oklahoma? Nope. lie lie lie lie lielielielie. Rats. It must be very, very stuck. I give up.
Climate change might be on the list of concerns for voters in 2016, but it will be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list!! Will be critical to less than 5% of the voters..............look at any poll.

Now.....if by 2016, they are waterskiing on Alaskan lakes in mid-January in bikini's, that could change, but short of that, nobody is going to care.

The connect the dots challenged wont see it that way but everybody else will.
Climate change might be on the list of concerns for voters in 2016, but it will be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list!! Will be critical to less than 5% of the voters..............look at any poll.

Now.....if by 2016, they are waterskiing on Alaskan lakes in mid-January in bikini's, that could change, but short of that, nobody is going to care.

The connect the dots challenged wont see it that way but everybody else will.
the vote for republican was a vote against Obama. They ran on nothing accept ending the Obama dictatorship. So all they have to do is send bill after bill after bill that was sat on by Obama's favorite Reid and let Mr. O veto them all. Everything that is done will be for the will of the majority. MAJORITY!!!
Im so ecstatic that we don't have to see Dingy Harry's face anymore........fucking of the most phoney and dispicable men Ive ever seen in my entire life. If he stepped off a curb and got nailed by a truck, nobody would care.

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