Senator Jim Inhofe Says The Pope Shouldn't Talk About Climate Change

Longtime climate change skeptic Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said Thursday that Pope Francis should refrain from sharing his thoughts on the subject.

According to The Guardian, Inhofe made the comments while speaking at a climate change conference hosted by the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank.

“Everyone is going to ride the pope now. Isn’t that wonderful,” said Inhofe, whochairs the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. “The pope ought to stay with his job, and we’ll stay with ours.”

In January, Pope Francis told reporters he believes climate change is “mostly” caused by human activity.

"I don't know if it is the only cause, but mostly, in great part, it is man who has slapped nature in the face,” the pope said.

The senator, who authored a book called The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future, has long criticized scientists' findings on climate change. In February, Inhofe brought a snowball to the Senate floor to support his argument that climate change is not real.

Inhofe isn’t the only politician to argue the pope should stay quiet on the issue. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who is Catholic, made a similar statement on a radio show earlier this month.

Jim Inhofe Says The Pope Shouldn t Talk About Climate Change

Inhofe just doesn't like the fact that the Pope doesn't agree with his anti-climate change agenda; otherwise, Inhofe would welcome the Pope's opinion.

Uh ya, because while God made the Earth, then made Man to take care of it (Gen 2:15) and the Pope speaks on behalf of God, reminding anyone about why we're here is beyond his scope of authority. Wait what? :)

Counter-proposal: politicians stick to lying and screwing people over and leave religion to theologians.
Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring '97-Percent Consensus' Claims


Global warming alarmists and their allies in the liberal media have been caught doctoring the results of a widely cited paper asserting there is a 97-percent scientific consensus regarding human-caused global warming. After taking a closer look at the paper, investigative journalists report the authors’ claims of a 97-pecent consensus relied on the authors misclassifying the papers of some of the world’s most prominent global warming skeptics. At the same time, the authors deliberately presented a meaningless survey question so they could twist the responses to fit their own preconceived global warming alarmism.

Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring 97-Percent Consensus Claims
People make exaggerated claims all the time, does nothing to the fact of climate change.
Climate change IS the big exaggerated claim, fool.
So are diet pills...
Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring '97-Percent Consensus' Claims


Global warming alarmists and their allies in the liberal media have been caught doctoring the results of a widely cited paper asserting there is a 97-percent scientific consensus regarding human-caused global warming. After taking a closer look at the paper, investigative journalists report the authors’ claims of a 97-pecent consensus relied on the authors misclassifying the papers of some of the world’s most prominent global warming skeptics. At the same time, the authors deliberately presented a meaningless survey question so they could twist the responses to fit their own preconceived global warming alarmism.

Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring 97-Percent Consensus Claims

They have been caught time and time again fudging data, if this BS was factual there would be no need to do that. Liberals are the dumbest people on the planet
Longtime climate change skeptic Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said Thursday that Pope Francis should refrain from sharing his thoughts on the subject.

According to The Guardian, Inhofe made the comments while speaking at a climate change conference hosted by the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank.

“Everyone is going to ride the pope now. Isn’t that wonderful,” said Inhofe, whochairs the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. “The pope ought to stay with his job, and we’ll stay with ours.”

In January, Pope Francis told reporters he believes climate change is “mostly” caused by human activity.

"I don't know if it is the only cause, but mostly, in great part, it is man who has slapped nature in the face,” the pope said.

The senator, who authored a book called The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future, has long criticized scientists' findings on climate change. In February, Inhofe brought a snowball to the Senate floor to support his argument that climate change is not real.

Inhofe isn’t the only politician to argue the pope should stay quiet on the issue. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who is Catholic, made a similar statement on a radio show earlier this month.

Jim Inhofe Says The Pope Shouldn t Talk About Climate Change

Inhofe just doesn't like the fact that the Pope doesn't agree with his anti-climate change agenda; otherwise, Inhofe would welcome the Pope's opinion.

Uh ya, because while God made the Earth, then made Man to take care of it (Gen 2:15) and the Pope speaks on behalf of God, reminding anyone about why we're here is beyond his scope of authority. Wait what? :)

Counter-proposal: politicians stick to lying and screwing people over and leave religion to theologians.

And the Pope was speaking outside of his authority. He looked like a damn fool saying almost all of climate change was caused by human activity.
Longtime climate change skeptic Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said Thursday that Pope Francis should refrain from sharing his thoughts on the subject.

According to The Guardian, Inhofe made the comments while speaking at a climate change conference hosted by the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank.

“Everyone is going to ride the pope now. Isn’t that wonderful,” said Inhofe, whochairs the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. “The pope ought to stay with his job, and we’ll stay with ours.”

In January, Pope Francis told reporters he believes climate change is “mostly” caused by human activity.

"I don't know if it is the only cause, but mostly, in great part, it is man who has slapped nature in the face,” the pope said.

The senator, who authored a book called The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future, has long criticized scientists' findings on climate change. In February, Inhofe brought a snowball to the Senate floor to support his argument that climate change is not real.

Inhofe isn’t the only politician to argue the pope should stay quiet on the issue. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who is Catholic, made a similar statement on a radio show earlier this month.

Jim Inhofe Says The Pope Shouldn t Talk About Climate Change

Inhofe just doesn't like the fact that the Pope doesn't agree with his anti-climate change agenda; otherwise, Inhofe would welcome the Pope's opinion.

Uh ya, because while God made the Earth, then made Man to take care of it (Gen 2:15) and the Pope speaks on behalf of God, reminding anyone about why we're here is beyond his scope of authority. Wait what? :)

Counter-proposal: politicians stick to lying and screwing people over and leave religion to theologians.

And the Pope was speaking outside of his authority. He looked like a damn fool saying almost all of climate change was caused by human activity.
God told him to say it...
Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring '97-Percent Consensus' Claims


Global warming alarmists and their allies in the liberal media have been caught doctoring the results of a widely cited paper asserting there is a 97-percent scientific consensus regarding human-caused global warming. After taking a closer look at the paper, investigative journalists report the authors’ claims of a 97-pecent consensus relied on the authors misclassifying the papers of some of the world’s most prominent global warming skeptics. At the same time, the authors deliberately presented a meaningless survey question so they could twist the responses to fit their own preconceived global warming alarmism.

Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring 97-Percent Consensus Claims

They have been caught time and time again fudging data, if this BS was factual there would be no need to do that. Liberals are the dumbest people on the planet

Alarmists have been caught out so many times doctoring so called evidence but because there is big money in carbon taxes you have assholes parroting the bullshit.
Longtime climate change skeptic Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said Thursday that Pope Francis should refrain from sharing his thoughts on the subject.

According to The Guardian, Inhofe made the comments while speaking at a climate change conference hosted by the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank.

“Everyone is going to ride the pope now. Isn’t that wonderful,” said Inhofe, whochairs the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. “The pope ought to stay with his job, and we’ll stay with ours.”

In January, Pope Francis told reporters he believes climate change is “mostly” caused by human activity.

"I don't know if it is the only cause, but mostly, in great part, it is man who has slapped nature in the face,” the pope said.

The senator, who authored a book called The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future, has long criticized scientists' findings on climate change. In February, Inhofe brought a snowball to the Senate floor to support his argument that climate change is not real.

Inhofe isn’t the only politician to argue the pope should stay quiet on the issue. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who is Catholic, made a similar statement on a radio show earlier this month.

Jim Inhofe Says The Pope Shouldn t Talk About Climate Change

Inhofe just doesn't like the fact that the Pope doesn't agree with his anti-climate change agenda; otherwise, Inhofe would welcome the Pope's opinion.

Uh ya, because while God made the Earth, then made Man to take care of it (Gen 2:15) and the Pope speaks on behalf of God, reminding anyone about why we're here is beyond his scope of authority. Wait what? :)

Counter-proposal: politicians stick to lying and screwing people over and leave religion to theologians.

And the Pope was speaking outside of his authority. He looked like a damn fool saying almost all of climate change was caused by human activity.

I'm Catholic and this Pope gives me pause. I miss Pope John Paul
Longtime climate change skeptic Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said Thursday that Pope Francis should refrain from sharing his thoughts on the subject.

According to The Guardian, Inhofe made the comments while speaking at a climate change conference hosted by the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank.

“Everyone is going to ride the pope now. Isn’t that wonderful,” said Inhofe, whochairs the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. “The pope ought to stay with his job, and we’ll stay with ours.”

In January, Pope Francis told reporters he believes climate change is “mostly” caused by human activity.

"I don't know if it is the only cause, but mostly, in great part, it is man who has slapped nature in the face,” the pope said.

The senator, who authored a book called The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future, has long criticized scientists' findings on climate change. In February, Inhofe brought a snowball to the Senate floor to support his argument that climate change is not real.

Inhofe isn’t the only politician to argue the pope should stay quiet on the issue. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who is Catholic, made a similar statement on a radio show earlier this month.

Jim Inhofe Says The Pope Shouldn t Talk About Climate Change

Inhofe just doesn't like the fact that the Pope doesn't agree with his anti-climate change agenda; otherwise, Inhofe would welcome the Pope's opinion.

Uh ya, because while God made the Earth, then made Man to take care of it (Gen 2:15) and the Pope speaks on behalf of God, reminding anyone about why we're here is beyond his scope of authority. Wait what? :)

Counter-proposal: politicians stick to lying and screwing people over and leave religion to theologians.

Perhaps the pope should reserve comment on climate change since it has to do with science, geology, climate.....not man.
Longtime climate change skeptic Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said Thursday that Pope Francis should refrain from sharing his thoughts on the subject.

According to The Guardian, Inhofe made the comments while speaking at a climate change conference hosted by the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank.

“Everyone is going to ride the pope now. Isn’t that wonderful,” said Inhofe, whochairs the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. “The pope ought to stay with his job, and we’ll stay with ours.”

In January, Pope Francis told reporters he believes climate change is “mostly” caused by human activity.

"I don't know if it is the only cause, but mostly, in great part, it is man who has slapped nature in the face,” the pope said.

The senator, who authored a book called The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future, has long criticized scientists' findings on climate change. In February, Inhofe brought a snowball to the Senate floor to support his argument that climate change is not real.

Inhofe isn’t the only politician to argue the pope should stay quiet on the issue. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who is Catholic, made a similar statement on a radio show earlier this month.

Jim Inhofe Says The Pope Shouldn t Talk About Climate Change

Inhofe just doesn't like the fact that the Pope doesn't agree with his anti-climate change agenda; otherwise, Inhofe would welcome the Pope's opinion.

Uh ya, because while God made the Earth, then made Man to take care of it (Gen 2:15) and the Pope speaks on behalf of God, reminding anyone about why we're here is beyond his scope of authority. Wait what? :)

Counter-proposal: politicians stick to lying and screwing people over and leave religion to theologians.

And the Pope was speaking outside of his authority. He looked like a damn fool saying almost all of climate change was caused by human activity.
God told him to say it...

If the Pope was truly listening to the Holy Spirit he would have heard..............."psssssssst just tell them you're not a scientist. No comment."
Longtime climate change skeptic Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said Thursday that Pope Francis should refrain from sharing his thoughts on the subject.

According to The Guardian, Inhofe made the comments while speaking at a climate change conference hosted by the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank.

“Everyone is going to ride the pope now. Isn’t that wonderful,” said Inhofe, whochairs the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. “The pope ought to stay with his job, and we’ll stay with ours.”

In January, Pope Francis told reporters he believes climate change is “mostly” caused by human activity.

"I don't know if it is the only cause, but mostly, in great part, it is man who has slapped nature in the face,” the pope said.

The senator, who authored a book called The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future, has long criticized scientists' findings on climate change. In February, Inhofe brought a snowball to the Senate floor to support his argument that climate change is not real.

Inhofe isn’t the only politician to argue the pope should stay quiet on the issue. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who is Catholic, made a similar statement on a radio show earlier this month.

Jim Inhofe Says The Pope Shouldn t Talk About Climate Change

Inhofe just doesn't like the fact that the Pope doesn't agree with his anti-climate change agenda; otherwise, Inhofe would welcome the Pope's opinion.

Uh ya, because while God made the Earth, then made Man to take care of it (Gen 2:15) and the Pope speaks on behalf of God, reminding anyone about why we're here is beyond his scope of authority. Wait what? :)

Counter-proposal: politicians stick to lying and screwing people over and leave religion to theologians.

And the Pope was speaking outside of his authority. He looked like a damn fool saying almost all of climate change was caused by human activity.

Which part of 'I work for God' isn't foolish? :)
Once you've resigned yourself to somebody works for GOd, and speaks on His behalf, the horses have left the barn. Complaining about something that person says is kinda retarded.

"Was with ya on the whole 'you work for God' thing until you said..." :)
People make exaggerated claims all the time, does nothing to the fact of climate change.
Climate change IS the big exaggerated claim, fool.
If you truly think that, I'd like to see how you respond to undeniable evidence and the unanimous acceptance of all international scientific bodies. Oh wait, you're not a scientist, nor are you intelligent.
Here you go blathering shit again. There is hardly universal acceptamce or undeniable evidence. Instead there is clear evidence of conspiracy by scientists to push a particular view that has little empirical support. It is no shock tha the same people pushing for wealth redistribution push for this crap too.
Why arent they lobbying India and China, two of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gasses to restrict their output?
Longtime climate change skeptic Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said Thursday that Pope Francis should refrain from sharing his thoughts on the subject.

According to The Guardian, Inhofe made the comments while speaking at a climate change conference hosted by the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank.

“Everyone is going to ride the pope now. Isn’t that wonderful,” said Inhofe, whochairs the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. “The pope ought to stay with his job, and we’ll stay with ours.”

In January, Pope Francis told reporters he believes climate change is “mostly” caused by human activity.

"I don't know if it is the only cause, but mostly, in great part, it is man who has slapped nature in the face,” the pope said.

The senator, who authored a book called The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future, has long criticized scientists' findings on climate change. In February, Inhofe brought a snowball to the Senate floor to support his argument that climate change is not real.

Inhofe isn’t the only politician to argue the pope should stay quiet on the issue. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who is Catholic, made a similar statement on a radio show earlier this month.

Jim Inhofe Says The Pope Shouldn t Talk About Climate Change

Inhofe just doesn't like the fact that the Pope doesn't agree with his anti-climate change agenda; otherwise, Inhofe would welcome the Pope's opinion.

And here I thought it was the left that had an anti-climate change agenda, you people need to make up your freaking minds.

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