Senator Joe McCarthy - the most evil SOB in US History.

Whatever the insanity of foreign Communist regimes throughout the bloody 20 century, the point is that America was right in it's mid 20th century effort to uncover the communist infiltration into American society. HUAC only had the authority to subpoena witness and the Truman administration had no power to "blacklist" communist targets. Hollywood blacklisted it's own when the movie industry thought movie goers might not watch movies written by communists. The concept is open for debate but one thing is sure, the single loudmouth republican senator wasn't responsible for the communist purge. The media (that never saw a democrat they didn't like) protected the democrat party and president Truman from historic criticism when the communist threat dwindled. In retrospect you couldn't imagine that the media would be able to blame the era on a single republican senator but that was the power of the press (combined with Hollywood at the time.
Not only did he destroy peoples lives with his 'reds under the bed' hysteria.

Name one person whose life McCarthy "destroyed" with false accusations. Just one. When I made this challenge in my pro-McCarthy thread a few months ago, no one could cough up the name of a single person whom McCarthy falsely accused and ruined.

He made sure the Nazi Malmady murderers had their sentences reduced.

Another myth. McCarthy was in no position to reduce their sentences. Senators cannot reduce anyone's sentence. If you're talking about McCarthy's role in the Baldwin subcommittee hearings, you're way off track. The Baldwin subcommittee reviewed the Malmady case and issued a unanimous report that supported General Clay's sentence reductions/commutations. The subcommittee had no power to do anything other than make recommendations, and the subcommittee was unanimous in supporting General Clay's decision to reduce/commute some of the sentences of the German soldiers.
Not only did he destroy peoples lives with his 'reds under the bed' hysteria.
He made sure the Nazi Malmady murderers had their sentences reduced.
The Most evil person in US history is Hillary Clinton and Nancy P
Both have obliterated the nation into a sewer pipe

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