Senator Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder' In Benghazi

Senator Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder' In Benghazi

I can't honestly say that Clinton got away with murder but she did get away with lying about the whole thing and getting it swept under the carpet.

Sometimes I just shake my head at the ability of conservatives to talk themselves in to or out of any belief based solely on opposition to or support of someone or some political party.

America gets attacked on 9-11 (on OUR soil), and 3,000 people lose their lives. There's also a paper trail indicating that a warning was issued and Bush was informed of such a warning. And at the time, what happened? Bush sits in a classroom while Americans are dying. And what do conservatives do? They defend Bush. Yeah, sitting in the classroom was no big deal. Bush didn't want to scare the little kiddies. And the warning? Well, how could ANYONE predict that someone would use planes as a weapon? I mean, just because it's been done before in history, and our own gov't uncovered a least one previous plot about someone planning to use a plane as a instrument of terror and murder is no reason to extrapolate that it could actually happen again.

But Benghazi? A run down city overseas in an area of the world where loyalties are questionable and weapons are plentiful? Obviously there was Democrat incompetence, AND a coverup to hide some, as yet, unspecified or unsubstantiated story thousands of miles away from US gov't control in another time zone in another country on another continent.
By Luke Johnson

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has upped his already harsh rhetoric against outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, claiming that she "got away with murder" in the Benghazi, Libya, attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

"I haven't forgotten about Benghazi. Hillary Clinton got away with murder, in my view," Graham said on Fox News Monday evening, speaking to Greta Van Susteren. "She said they had a clear-eyed view of the threats. How could you have a clear-eyed view of the threats in Benghazi when you didn't know about the ambassador's cable coming back from Libya?"

He also threatened to block the nomination of former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) as President Barack Obama's next secretary of defense until outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta testifies about the attack.

Video & More: Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder' In Benghazi

I'm fairly confident he was referring to her testimony about the incident. In that manner he was correct for two reasons.

1. The GOP are apparently to stupid to ask the right questions.

2. When they did ask a good question they let her dodge without a thourough follow up line of questions.

Hillary did get away with murder in that aspect but I wouldn't expect a fucking hack like you to understand context.
Graham is a sick person. Does South Carolina approve of such sick rhetoric?

Nobody on the left gave a fat flying fuck when the left accused Romney of murder
in a campaign ad for Obama....

So spare me your anger.


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For a sitting U.S. Senator to accuse the Secretary of State of MURDER without any proof - is really SICK. Plus, Graham is an attorney and is/was a JAG officer. He should know better.

Earlier, wasn't Graham also accusing Susan Rice of MURDER?

Why isn't Graham accusing President Obama of MURDER?
Senator Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder' In Benghazi

I can't honestly say that Clinton got away with murder but she did get away with lying about the whole thing and getting it swept under the carpet.

Sometimes I just shake my head at the ability of conservatives to talk themselves in to or out of any belief based solely on opposition to or support of someone or some political party.

America gets attacked on 9-11 (on OUR soil), and 3,000 people lose their lives. There's also a paper trail indicating that a warning was issued and Bush was informed of such a warning. And at the time, what happened? Bush sits in a classroom while Americans are dying. And what do conservatives do? They defend Bush. Yeah, sitting in the classroom was no big deal. Bush didn't want to scare the little kiddies. And the warning? Well, how could ANYONE predict that someone would use planes as a weapon? I mean, just because it's been done before in history, and our own gov't uncovered a least one previous plot about someone planning to use a plane as a instrument of terror and murder is no reason to extrapolate that it could actually happen again.

But Benghazi? A run down city overseas in an area of the world where loyalties are questionable and weapons are plentiful? Obviously there was Democrat incompetence, AND a coverup to hide some, as yet, unspecified or unsubstantiated story thousands of miles away from US gov't control in another time zone in another country on another continent.

Ok....let's say Bush KNEW that terrorists were going to attack us using planes. Do you really think he also knew when and where it would happen and not try to stop it?

This is the same thing with Benghazi. You people keep blaming Bush for 9/11, as if he would have known how to stop it. But you won't blame Clinton for not doing anything about Benghazi, when she could have stopped it. Clinton was also warned for months about a possible attack.....what did she do to stop it? She knew when, and where, and sat on her ass. Bush didn't know when or where....but he's to blame.
Senator Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder' In Benghazi

I can't honestly say that Clinton got away with murder but she did get away with lying about the whole thing and getting it swept under the carpet.

Sometimes I just shake my head at the ability of conservatives to talk themselves in to or out of any belief based solely on opposition to or support of someone or some political party.

America gets attacked on 9-11 (on OUR soil), and 3,000 people lose their lives. There's also a paper trail indicating that a warning was issued and Bush was informed of such a warning. And at the time, what happened? Bush sits in a classroom while Americans are dying. And what do conservatives do? They defend Bush. Yeah, sitting in the classroom was no big deal. Bush didn't want to scare the little kiddies. And the warning? Well, how could ANYONE predict that someone would use planes as a weapon? I mean, just because it's been done before in history, and our own gov't uncovered a least one previous plot about someone planning to use a plane as a instrument of terror and murder is no reason to extrapolate that it could actually happen again.

But Benghazi? A run down city overseas in an area of the world where loyalties are questionable and weapons are plentiful? Obviously there was Democrat incompetence, AND a coverup to hide some, as yet, unspecified or unsubstantiated story thousands of miles away from US gov't control in another time zone in another country on another continent.

Ok....let's say Bush KNEW that terrorists were going to attack us using planes. Do you really think he also knew when and where it would happen and not try to stop it?

This is the same thing with Benghazi. You people keep blaming Bush for 9/11, as if he would have known how to stop it. But you won't blame Clinton for not doing anything about Benghazi, when she could have stopped it. Clinton was also warned for months about a possible attack.....what did she do to stop it? She knew when, and where, and sat on her ass. Bush didn't know when or where....but he's to blame.

You're comparing apples to oranges. Bush had lots of warnings. Google it...

BTW, the FBI is still investigating Benghazi, so I'll wait for their final report before passing judgement.
Sometimes I just shake my head at the ability of conservatives to talk themselves in to or out of any belief based solely on opposition to or support of someone or some political party.

America gets attacked on 9-11 (on OUR soil), and 3,000 people lose their lives. There's also a paper trail indicating that a warning was issued and Bush was informed of such a warning. And at the time, what happened? Bush sits in a classroom while Americans are dying. And what do conservatives do? They defend Bush. Yeah, sitting in the classroom was no big deal. Bush didn't want to scare the little kiddies. And the warning? Well, how could ANYONE predict that someone would use planes as a weapon? I mean, just because it's been done before in history, and our own gov't uncovered a least one previous plot about someone planning to use a plane as a instrument of terror and murder is no reason to extrapolate that it could actually happen again.

But Benghazi? A run down city overseas in an area of the world where loyalties are questionable and weapons are plentiful? Obviously there was Democrat incompetence, AND a coverup to hide some, as yet, unspecified or unsubstantiated story thousands of miles away from US gov't control in another time zone in another country on another continent.

Ok....let's say Bush KNEW that terrorists were going to attack us using planes. Do you really think he also knew when and where it would happen and not try to stop it?

This is the same thing with Benghazi. You people keep blaming Bush for 9/11, as if he would have known how to stop it. But you won't blame Clinton for not doing anything about Benghazi, when she could have stopped it. Clinton was also warned for months about a possible attack.....what did she do to stop it? She knew when, and where, and sat on her ass. Bush didn't know when or where....but he's to blame.

You're comparing apples to oranges. Bush had lots of warnings. Google it...

BTW, the FBI is still investigating Benghazi, so I'll wait for their final report before passing judgement.
Prove Bush had lots of warnings, google just gave lots of money to support obamaturd in this last election, I trust google as much as huffy posty.
Sometimes I just shake my head at the ability of conservatives to talk themselves in to or out of any belief based solely on opposition to or support of someone or some political party.

America gets attacked on 9-11 (on OUR soil), and 3,000 people lose their lives. There's also a paper trail indicating that a warning was issued and Bush was informed of such a warning. And at the time, what happened? Bush sits in a classroom while Americans are dying. And what do conservatives do? They defend Bush. Yeah, sitting in the classroom was no big deal. Bush didn't want to scare the little kiddies. And the warning? Well, how could ANYONE predict that someone would use planes as a weapon? I mean, just because it's been done before in history, and our own gov't uncovered a least one previous plot about someone planning to use a plane as a instrument of terror and murder is no reason to extrapolate that it could actually happen again.

But Benghazi? A run down city overseas in an area of the world where loyalties are questionable and weapons are plentiful? Obviously there was Democrat incompetence, AND a coverup to hide some, as yet, unspecified or unsubstantiated story thousands of miles away from US gov't control in another time zone in another country on another continent.

Ok....let's say Bush KNEW that terrorists were going to attack us using planes. Do you really think he also knew when and where it would happen and not try to stop it?

This is the same thing with Benghazi. You people keep blaming Bush for 9/11, as if he would have known how to stop it. But you won't blame Clinton for not doing anything about Benghazi, when she could have stopped it. Clinton was also warned for months about a possible attack.....what did she do to stop it? She knew when, and where, and sat on her ass. Bush didn't know when or where....but he's to blame.

You're comparing apples to oranges. Bush had lots of warnings. Google it...

BTW, the FBI is still investigating Benghazi, so I'll wait for their final report before passing judgement.

I really don't know if he had warnings or not...but if he did, those warnings didn't tell them WHEN or WHERE the attack would happen. Clinton knew exactly when and where with Benghazi. She has no excuse.
Senator Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder' In Benghazi

I can't honestly say that Clinton got away with murder but she did get away with lying about the whole thing and getting it swept under the carpet.

Sometimes I just shake my head at the ability of conservatives to talk themselves in to or out of any belief based solely on opposition to or support of someone or some political party.

America gets attacked on 9-11 (on OUR soil), and 3,000 people lose their lives. There's also a paper trail indicating that a warning was issued and Bush was informed of such a warning. And at the time, what happened? Bush sits in a classroom while Americans are dying. And what do conservatives do? They defend Bush. Yeah, sitting in the classroom was no big deal. Bush didn't want to scare the little kiddies. And the warning? Well, how could ANYONE predict that someone would use planes as a weapon? I mean, just because it's been done before in history, and our own gov't uncovered a least one previous plot about someone planning to use a plane as a instrument of terror and murder is no reason to extrapolate that it could actually happen again.

But Benghazi? A run down city overseas in an area of the world where loyalties are questionable and weapons are plentiful? Obviously there was Democrat incompetence, AND a coverup to hide some, as yet, unspecified or unsubstantiated story thousands of miles away from US gov't control in another time zone in another country on another continent.

Ok....let's say Bush KNEW that terrorists were going to attack us using planes. Do you really think he also knew when and where it would happen and not try to stop it?

This is the same thing with Benghazi. You people keep blaming Bush for 9/11, as if he would have known how to stop it. But you won't blame Clinton for not doing anything about Benghazi, when she could have stopped it. Clinton was also warned for months about a possible attack.....what did she do to stop it? She knew when, and where, and sat on her ass. Bush didn't know when or where....but he's to blame.

I don't (and never have) made the quantum jump in illogic to state that Bush "knew" anything with any degree of certitude. But by all accounts, the man was quite likely the least inquisitive president we've ever had. He didn't ask questions. He didn't ever elicit answers from staff about anything. He would just sit there. This personal portrait of his leadership has been noted time and time again. To put it simply, he didn't DO shit. Take Katrina as an example. Bush never asked any questions about what preparations had been made to meet the aftermath of the storm from FEMA Director Michael Brown. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill noted the same thing in meetings with the president. Bush would just sit there. O'Neill would talk in what was essentially a briefing and wait for Bush to ask questions. None came. Over and over again the same portrait emerges of a man who was not personally engaged in any specifics of governance.
By Luke Johnson

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has upped his already harsh rhetoric against outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, claiming that she "got away with murder" in the Benghazi, Libya, attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

"I haven't forgotten about Benghazi. Hillary Clinton got away with murder, in my view," Graham said on Fox News Monday evening, speaking to Greta Van Susteren. "She said they had a clear-eyed view of the threats. How could you have a clear-eyed view of the threats in Benghazi when you didn't know about the ambassador's cable coming back from Libya?"

He also threatened to block the nomination of former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) as President Barack Obama's next secretary of defense until outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta testifies about the attack.

Video & More: Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder' In Benghazi

Senator Lindsey isn't smart enough to understand what murder is. What a dumb fuck. Someone ought to bitch slap some sense into that idiot.
Graham is a sick person. Does South Carolina approve of such sick rhetoric?

Nobody on the left gave a fat flying fuck when the left accused Romney of murder
in a campaign ad for Obama....

So spare me your anger.

...... or the old lady in a wheel chair being pushed over the cliff. An ad approved by Democrats to try and scare seniors on healthcare. Yet it's the REPUBLICANS who are sick. Yeah...... right. Sorry not buying into that one Lakhota. Try again.

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