Senator Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder' In Benghazi

She is certainly negligent regarding the murder of the ambassador and the three others.

Also her and The Obama consistently lied to the American public stating that it was because of a youtube video when THEY KNEW that wasn't true.
A sitting President, through surrogates.

And no, Romney wasnt a nobody. He was a citizen running for political office.

Are you saying President Obama controlled his Super PACs? I believe that's against the law.

Since when does he care about the law?

He loves to threaten to bypass Congress, guess Obama could care less about the United States Constitution as well

Court rules Obama's appointments unconstitutional
By Aruna Viswanatha and Terry Baynes
Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:38pm EST

By Aruna Viswanatha and Terry Baynes

(Reuters) - A federal appeals court ruled on Friday that President Barack Obama violated the U.S. Constitution when he used recess appointments to fill a labor board, in a sweeping decision that could limit presidential power to push through federal nominees.

The court found that the Senate was not truly in recess, for the purpose of a recess appointment, when Obama in January 2012 installed three nominees to the National Labor Relations Board.

The nominees were facing stiff Republican opposition, and the appointments caused an uproar at the time. Republicans argued that Obama undercut the Senate's power to confirm nominees because although most of its members were out of town, the Senate had not formally adjourned.

In a surprisingly broad ruling, the three-judge panel rejected not only the NLRB appointments but any made while the Senate is in session but on a break. That could limit recess appointments to only a few weeks a year.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit also ruled that recess appointments could only be used for positions that become vacant while the Senate is in recess.

"If the decision stands, it would be a significant reduction of the president's recess power," said John Elwood, a Washington lawyer who was deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel from 2005 through 2009.

"This is a big, big decision for executive power," Elwood said. "It is one of the most important decisions in decades."

But the ruling's most profound impact may be its threat to the now-standard practice of presidents ramming through nominees that otherwise would get bogged down in the Senate, often because of unrelated political fights.

"The D.C. Circuit Court today reaffirmed that the Constitution is not an inconvenience but the law of the land," Mitch McConnell, the top Republican in the Senate, said in a statement.


The suit started as a routine dispute between soda bottling company Noel Canning and the labor board, but developed into a high-profile appeal with the help of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Senate Republicans.

The case was seen as a test of the president's ability to bypass a Senate vote on nominees. The Constitution allows the Senate to block nominees, and both Democratic and Republican presidents have used recess appointments as a way around this for decades.

When Obama made the NLRB appointments, the Senate was not officially in recess. It continued to meet every few days for minutes at a time with few senators present.

The court's decision, issued by a panel of judges who had been appointed by Republicans, hinged on what constitutes a "recess" and whether it includes short breaks while the Senate is still technically in session.

"Considering the text, history, and structure of the Constitution, these appointments were invalid from their inception," the ruling said about the NLRB appointments of Sharon Block, Richard Griffin and Terence Flynn.

It said the president could not have "free rein to appoint his desired nominees at any time he pleases, whether that time be a weekend, lunch, or even when the Senate is in session and he is merely displeased with its inaction. This cannot be the law."
Graham is a sick person. Does South Carolina approve of such sick rhetoric?

C'mon...c'mon....he was....

....Besides, who takes a good-smackin'-around better than....

.....Lindsey Graham??!!!

"The police chief of Milwaukee called out Sen. Lindsey Graham — an opponent of gun safety regulation — for echoing National Rifle Association talking points about the uselessness of expanding background checks for all gun purchases. The organization argues that the government should enforce existing laws instead.

During a heated exchange at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing about Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) proposed assault weapons ban on Wednesday, Edward Flynn pointedly interrupted Graham’s claims that the federal government is failing to deter individuals from misrepresenting themselves in the background check process by failing to prosecute people who were rejected from purchasing a weapon as a result of their false claims.

Flynn argued that rather than embark on a “paper chase,” law enforcement officials are focused on preventing people from purchasing guns illegally, eliciting loud applause from the audience."

poot lindsey is so desperately afraid of being primaried by the winguts that he's gone full tilt bozo
He gets like that.....a LOT!!

[ame=]Webb and Graham - YouTube[/ame]​
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Senator Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder' In Benghazi

I can't honestly say that Clinton got away with murder but she did get away with lying about the whole thing and getting it swept under the carpet.

Sometimes I just shake my head at the ability of conservatives to talk themselves in to or out of any belief based solely on opposition to or support of someone or some political party.

America gets attacked on 9-11 (on OUR soil), and 3,000 people lose their lives. There's also a paper trail indicating that a warning was issued and Bush was informed of such a warning. And at the time, what happened? Bush sits in a classroom while Americans are dying. And what do conservatives do? They defend Bush. Yeah, sitting in the classroom was no big deal. Bush didn't want to scare the little kiddies. And the warning? Well, how could ANYONE predict that someone would use planes as a weapon? I mean, just because it's been done before in history, and our own gov't uncovered a least one previous plot about someone planning to use a plane as a instrument of terror and murder is no reason to extrapolate that it could actually happen again.

But Benghazi? A run down city overseas in an area of the world where loyalties are questionable and weapons are plentiful? Obviously there was Democrat incompetence, AND a coverup to hide some, as yet, unspecified or unsubstantiated story thousands of miles away from US gov't control in another time zone in another country on another continent.

You people keep blaming Bush for 9/11, as if he would have known how to stop it.'s just one more instance where BU$HCO "wrote a check their ass couldn't cover".

U.S. Policy on Taliban Influenced by Oil

"Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs."
Senator Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder' In Benghazi

April 25, 2013

FAUX/GOP Claims Against Clinton = "Total Bullshit"

"A member of the independent panel that reviewed the September attack on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya is calling attempts by Fox News and congressional Republicans to blame Hillary Clinton for the deaths of U.S. personnel "total bullshit."

Right HERE, Teabaggers!!!



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Sometimes I just shake my head at the ability of conservatives to talk themselves in to or out of any belief based solely on opposition to or support of someone or some political party.

America gets attacked on 9-11 (on OUR soil), and 3,000 people lose their lives. There's also a paper trail indicating that a warning was issued and Bush was informed of such a warning. And at the time, what happened? Bush sits in a classroom while Americans are dying. And what do conservatives do? They defend Bush. Yeah, sitting in the classroom was no big deal. Bush didn't want to scare the little kiddies. And the warning? Well, how could ANYONE predict that someone would use planes as a weapon? I mean, just because it's been done before in history, and our own gov't uncovered a least one previous plot about someone planning to use a plane as a instrument of terror and murder is no reason to extrapolate that it could actually happen again.

But Benghazi? A run down city overseas in an area of the world where loyalties are questionable and weapons are plentiful? Obviously there was Democrat incompetence, AND a coverup to hide some, as yet, unspecified or unsubstantiated story thousands of miles away from US gov't control in another time zone in another country on another continent.

Ok....let's say Bush KNEW that terrorists were going to attack us using planes. Do you really think he also knew when and where it would happen and not try to stop it?

This is the same thing with Benghazi. You people keep blaming Bush for 9/11, as if he would have known how to stop it. But you won't blame Clinton for not doing anything about Benghazi, when she could have stopped it. Clinton was also warned for months about a possible attack.....what did she do to stop it? She knew when, and where, and sat on her ass. Bush didn't know when or where....but he's to blame.

I don't (and never have) made the quantum jump in illogic to state that Bush "knew" anything with any degree of certitude. But by all accounts, the man was quite likely the least inquisitive president we've ever had. He didn't ask questions. He didn't ever elicit answers from staff about anything. He would just sit there. This personal portrait of his leadership has been noted time and time again. To put it simply, he didn't DO shit. Take Katrina as an example. Bush never asked any questions about what preparations had been made to meet the aftermath of the storm from FEMA Director Michael Brown. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill noted the same thing in meetings with the president. Bush would just sit there. O'Neill would talk in what was essentially a briefing and wait for Bush to ask questions. None came. Over and over again the same portrait emerges of a man who was not personally engaged in any specifics of governance.

And you think Obama is any different?
Ok....let's say Bush KNEW that terrorists were going to attack us using planes. Do you really think he also knew when and where it would happen and not try to stop it?

This is the same thing with Benghazi. You people keep blaming Bush for 9/11, as if he would have known how to stop it. But you won't blame Clinton for not doing anything about Benghazi, when she could have stopped it. Clinton was also warned for months about a possible attack.....what did she do to stop it? She knew when, and where, and sat on her ass. Bush didn't know when or where....but he's to blame.

I don't (and never have) made the quantum jump in illogic to state that Bush "knew" anything with any degree of certitude. But by all accounts, the man was quite likely the least inquisitive president we've ever had. He didn't ask questions. He didn't ever elicit answers from staff about anything. He would just sit there. This personal portrait of his leadership has been noted time and time again. To put it simply, he didn't DO shit. Take Katrina as an example. Bush never asked any questions about what preparations had been made to meet the aftermath of the storm from FEMA Director Michael Brown. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill noted the same thing in meetings with the president. Bush would just sit there. O'Neill would talk in what was essentially a briefing and wait for Bush to ask questions. None came. Over and over again the same portrait emerges of a man who was not personally engaged in any specifics of governance.

And you think Obama is any different?

Yes I do.

Personality traits emerge in a president's leadership style.

For example, what undid Nixon? His personal insecurities led to his persecution complex and his paranoia. Watergate wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for

And just to be 'bipartisan,' Carter was at least partly undone by his tendency to micromanage. He couldn't truly let go and delegate authority. In fact, I heard a story once that Carter got involved in the scheduling of the WH tennis courts . WTH is up with that?

From what I can tell, Bush made decisions based on gut feelings (and the fact that Cheney was always herding Bush in the direction Cheney wanted him to go). Unfortunately, gut feelings are not a very reliable way to reach accurate conclusions about anything other than your feelings.

If anything, Obama's the polar opposite of Bush in that regard. He's cerebral to the Nth degree. He lacks Clinton's warmth and charm. And he lacks LBJ's tendency to convince and cajole key players into doing things his way which Johnson learned as a legislator. Consequently, too often, Obama doesn't engage people the way Johnson or Clinton would, and that's often necessary if you want to turn people around to your way of thinking.
By Luke Johnson

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has upped his already harsh rhetoric against outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, claiming that she "got away with murder" in the Benghazi, Libya, attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

"I haven't forgotten about Benghazi. Hillary Clinton got away with murder, in my view," Graham said on Fox News Monday evening, speaking to Greta Van Susteren. "She said they had a clear-eyed view of the threats. How could you have a clear-eyed view of the threats in Benghazi when you didn't know about the ambassador's cable coming back from Libya?"

He also threatened to block the nomination of former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) as President Barack Obama's next secretary of defense until outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta testifies about the attack.

Video & More: Lindsey Graham: Hillary Clinton 'Got Away With Murder' In Benghazi

You know who's not getting away with something? LIndsay Graham with his claims of heterosexuality, that's what. That popinjay isn't fooling anybody.

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