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Senator Lindsey Graham wants FBI to explain use of force in Stone arrest

Tempest in a teapot and there goes graham again.There was a great potential that stone would destroy evidence, and serving arrest warrants has been shown to be a very dangerous business. One doesn't call up a drug dealer and tell him that he will be arrested the following day so that he has time to flush everything illegal down the toilet.

Why do people insist that right-wingers be treated like royalty, anyway? They are just like everyone else.
A well to do 72 year old political advisor is not a drug dealer. And it doesn't take 29 FBI agents, with their specially equipped fleet of SUVs and helicopter, to prevent an old man just rousted out of bed, from destroying evidence or putting up a fight (which is an absurd thought) or any other
unlikely scenario you can dream up.

Good God...Stone knew he was going to jail. If he had any evidence that needed to be destroyed, as you theorize, it wouldn't be just sitting around for no good reason. It would have been long gone starting when he was originally indicted.
Don't be such an idiot which is what someone has to be to defend Herr Mueller's ridiculous wasteful unnecessary show of force. He, Mueller, is clearly off his rocker.
But the evidence is not; Mueller’s team seizes “voluminous and complex” evidence in Roger Stone probe

Lol this moron is clueless; he thinks Mueller is saying something besides' We still don't have squat, so we're going to pretend we have lots of shit, when we don't!!!'

What a gimp; he'll keep repeating this one, since it's obvious 'voluminous and complex' only means Mueller going to milk it for a long time now, then come up with nothing, as usual; got to drag it all out until 2020, you know, or BWK will fall on the floor and threaten to hold his breath, like the other Snowflakes.

"Come up with nothing"? Is that the same thing as 38 indictments, various guilty and immunity pleas? Which would be forty something people connected to Trump and wrong doing. Is that the same thing? "Come up with nothing"?
Tempest in a teapot and there goes graham again.There was a great potential that stone would destroy evidence, and serving arrest warrants has been shown to be a very dangerous business. One doesn't call up a drug dealer and tell him that he will be arrested the following day so that he has time to flush everything illegal down the toilet.

Why do people insist that right-wingers be treated like royalty, anyway? They are just like everyone else.
A well to do 72 year old political advisor is not a drug dealer. And it doesn't take 29 FBI agents, with their specially equipped fleet of SUVs and helicopter, to prevent an old man just rousted out of bed, from destroying evidence or putting up a fight (which is an absurd thought) or any other
unlikely scenario you can dream up.

Good God...Stone knew he was going to jail. If he had any evidence that needed to be destroyed, as you theorize, it wouldn't be just sitting around for no good reason. It would have been long gone starting when he was originally indicted.
Don't be such an idiot which is what someone has to be to defend Herr Mueller's ridiculous wasteful unnecessary show of force. He, Mueller, is clearly off his rocker.
But the evidence is not; Mueller’s team seizes “voluminous and complex” evidence in Roger Stone probe

Lol this moron is clueless; he thinks Mueller is saying something besides' We still don't have squat, so we're going to pretend we have lots of shit, when we don't!!!'

What a gimp; he'll keep repeating this one, since it's obvious 'voluminous and complex' only means Mueller going to milk it for a long time now, then come up with nothing, as usual; got to drag it all out until 2020, you know, or BWK will fall on the floor and threaten to hold his breath, like the other Snowflakes.

"Come up with nothing"? Is that the same thing as 38 indictments, various guilty and immunity pleas? Which would be forty something people connected to Trump and wrong doing. Is that the same thing? "Come up with nothing"?

Ah, now it thinks all the fake news and extortion attempts are still relevant to anything; I guess it finds boring rubbish is the way to go, and it's right, Posting Last!!! with stupid false facts is always a big yawn. It can't remember topics from yesterday, much less form months ago, typical of those only here to parrot DNC spin. Adios loser gimp. you can go back to simpering and trolling. Last Post wins, you know!!!!
So, the question was, "what evidence did Hillary destroy" with proof of course, and like a good little Trump Sheep coward, you didn't answer. As a matter of fact, you aren't going to answer, because you have no answer, therefore, you're just a liar. And, on top of that, you're an off topic coward.

lol idiot thinks nobody knows; how does one produce evidence that was destroyed? We have Hillary admitting it was destroyed, and we have Comey admitting they helped her destroy it, tard. Your fellow mentally ill gimps take every thread off-topic, idiot.But continue playing Stupid. It becomes you, coward. You or any other Democrat vermin calling anybody 'liars' is just hilarious; you probably are mentally retarded enough to to beleive you and the other vermin have any credibility left at all. lol
Ha retard, if it was destroyed, how do you know it was evidence then? Maybe the emails were discussions about wedding plans right? You don't know, therefore you are a liar and a full blown piece of shit liar.

Tard thinks there were no threads on this. What a loser gimp. Actually thinks it gets to make demands on people, too, despite it's history of fake news shilling, lying, and trolling. lol the loon thinks it's relevant.
Have you read the thread topic there Goober? Didn't see much typed about Hillary.

you havne't, tard, so why are you sniveling? You had nothing to add in the first place. Noe you just crave male attention. go hang out at a toilet someplace.
Still waiting on that "Hillary evidence" that the liars and cowards have yet to produce.

And thanks, I did go out to hang out on a toilet and just so happened I took a big dump on your lying, off topic, argument. Thanks for the concern.
Tempest in a teapot and there goes graham again.There was a great potential that stone would destroy evidence, and serving arrest warrants has been shown to be a very dangerous business. One doesn't call up a drug dealer and tell him that he will be arrested the following day so that he has time to flush everything illegal down the toilet.

Why do people insist that right-wingers be treated like royalty, anyway? They are just like everyone else.
A well to do 72 year old political advisor is not a drug dealer. And it doesn't take 29 FBI agents, with their specially equipped fleet of SUVs and helicopter, to prevent an old man just rousted out of bed, from destroying evidence or putting up a fight (which is an absurd thought) or any other
unlikely scenario you can dream up.

Good God...Stone knew he was going to jail. If he had any evidence that needed to be destroyed, as you theorize, it wouldn't be just sitting around for no good reason. It would have been long gone starting when he was originally indicted.
Don't be such an idiot which is what someone has to be to defend Herr Mueller's ridiculous wasteful unnecessary show of force. He, Mueller, is clearly off his rocker.
But the evidence is not; Mueller’s team seizes “voluminous and complex” evidence in Roger Stone probe

Lol this moron is clueless; he thinks Mueller is saying something besides' We still don't have squat, so we're going to pretend we have lots of shit, when we don't!!!'

What a gimp; he'll keep repeating this one, since it's obvious 'voluminous and complex' only means Mueller going to milk it for a long time now, then come up with nothing, as usual; got to drag it all out until 2020, you know, or BWK will fall on the floor and threaten to hold his breath, like the other Snowflakes.

"Come up with nothing"? Is that the same thing as 38 indictments, various guilty and immunity pleas? Which would be forty something people connected to Trump and wrong doing. Is that the same thing? "Come up with nothing"?

Ah, now it thinks all the fake news and extortion attempts are still relevant to anything; I guess it finds boring rubbish is the way to go, and it's right, Posting Last!!! with stupid false facts is always a big yawn. It can't remember topics from yesterday, much less form months ago, typical of those only here to parrot DNC spin. Adios loser gimp. you can go back to simpering and trolling. Last Post wins, you know!!!!
What, are you planning on lying about that too, while being a pussy and not proving evidence against Hillary? Shame on you Sling Blade. You just keep walking in one lying shit hole after the next. Get with the program. Your lies just keep vomiting on themselves.
Just why does Lord Mueller treat the arrest of a harmless 72 year old political apparatchik like the D-Day invasion?
Well, intimidating congressional witnesses is a serious crime, and he was a threat to destroy evidence. Couldn't puzzle that out for yourself, eh?

If Stone wanted to destroy evidence, he had plenty of opportunity prior to the raid. And, the FBI could have served a search warrant at any time before an arrest, or during an arrest. The use of a SWAT to effect the arrest was political showmanship, well below the dignity of the FBI. Having CNN standing by to film the event pretty well lays out the plot.
Come on loser, start answering questions. "Hillary evidence"? "Fake news"? All these are your claims loser. Get moving. I don't have all day to play with lying, off topic losers like you. There are others on thios board dying for my attention.
Just why does Lord Mueller treat the arrest of a harmless 72 year old political apparatchik like the D-Day invasion?
Well, intimidating congressional witnesses is a serious crime, and he was a threat to destroy evidence. Couldn't puzzle that out for yourself, eh?

If Stone wanted to destroy evidence, he had plenty of opportunity prior to the raid. And, the FBI could have served a search warrant at any time before an arrest, or during an arrest. The use of a SWAT to effect the arrest was political showmanship, well below the dignity of the FBI. Having CNN standing by to film the event pretty well lays out the plot.
Was it? They did a raid on Cohen. And? They found a treasure trove of evidence didn't they? The difference being, Cohen was not a flight risk. Not so sure about Stone?
A well to do 72 year old political advisor is not a drug dealer. And it doesn't take 29 FBI agents, with their specially equipped fleet of SUVs and helicopter, to prevent an old man just rousted out of bed, from destroying evidence or putting up a fight (which is an absurd thought) or any other
unlikely scenario you can dream up.

Good God...Stone knew he was going to jail. If he had any evidence that needed to be destroyed, as you theorize, it wouldn't be just sitting around for no good reason. It would have been long gone starting when he was originally indicted.
Don't be such an idiot which is what someone has to be to defend Herr Mueller's ridiculous wasteful unnecessary show of force. He, Mueller, is clearly off his rocker.
But the evidence is not; Mueller’s team seizes “voluminous and complex” evidence in Roger Stone probe

Lol this moron is clueless; he thinks Mueller is saying something besides' We still don't have squat, so we're going to pretend we have lots of shit, when we don't!!!'

What a gimp; he'll keep repeating this one, since it's obvious 'voluminous and complex' only means Mueller going to milk it for a long time now, then come up with nothing, as usual; got to drag it all out until 2020, you know, or BWK will fall on the floor and threaten to hold his breath, like the other Snowflakes.

"Come up with nothing"? Is that the same thing as 38 indictments, various guilty and immunity pleas? Which would be forty something people connected to Trump and wrong doing. Is that the same thing? "Come up with nothing"?

Ah, now it thinks all the fake news and extortion attempts are still relevant to anything; I guess it finds boring rubbish is the way to go, and it's right, Posting Last!!! with stupid false facts is always a big yawn. It can't remember topics from yesterday, much less form months ago, typical of those only here to parrot DNC spin. Adios loser gimp. you can go back to simpering and trolling. Last Post wins, you know!!!!
What, are you planning on lying about that too, while being a pussy and not proving evidence against Hillary? Shame on you Sling Blade. You just keep walking in one lying shit hole after the next. Get with the program. Your lies just keep vomiting on themselves.

This is from a tard who actually posted a 'link' to Mueller, stating that 'the evidence is voluminous and complex', i.e. 'I still don't have squat, but I figure I can milk this bogus crap for yet another few months!!!' and thinks it's credible, a true idiot, like his bullshit 'demands' need be catered to. Go search for all the other threads, gimp; just because you haven't kept up is no reason for thinking you get to demand everybody else do your homework, gimp.

Evidence? Trump is still President, no impeachment coming, and you're still a mentally ill tard, no matter how much you wish you weren't. lol that's all the evidence you need.
If Stone wanted to destroy evidence, he had plenty of opportunity prior to the raid. And, the FBI could have served a search warrant at any time before an arrest, or during an arrest. The use of a SWAT to effect the arrest was political showmanship, well below the dignity of the FBI. Having CNN standing by to film the event pretty well lays out the plot.
Yes. This says it all really well. There's really nothing I can add, dammit!

You can't reach the sorts of minds of people who think this show of overwhelming force was really cool and keen anyway.
It's really depressing knowing the sort of braying jackasses that applaud this sort of totally gratuitous show of force are all around in modern America.
You wind up feeling like the Donald Sutherland character in Invasion of the Body Snatchers when he realizes everyone he meets is one of the Pod People, most likely.
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Lol this moron is clueless; he thinks Mueller is saying something besides' We still don't have squat, so we're going to pretend we have lots of shit, when we don't!!!'

What a gimp; he'll keep repeating this one, since it's obvious 'voluminous and complex' only means Mueller going to milk it for a long time now, then come up with nothing, as usual; got to drag it all out until 2020, you know, or BWK will fall on the floor and threaten to hold his breath, like the other Snowflakes.

"Come up with nothing"? Is that the same thing as 38 indictments, various guilty and immunity pleas? Which would be forty something people connected to Trump and wrong doing. Is that the same thing? "Come up with nothing"?

Ah, now it thinks all the fake news and extortion attempts are still relevant to anything; I guess it finds boring rubbish is the way to go, and it's right, Posting Last!!! with stupid false facts is always a big yawn. It can't remember topics from yesterday, much less form months ago, typical of those only here to parrot DNC spin. Adios loser gimp. you can go back to simpering and trolling. Last Post wins, you know!!!!
What, are you planning on lying about that too, while being a pussy and not proving evidence against Hillary? Shame on you Sling Blade. You just keep walking in one lying shit hole after the next. Get with the program. Your lies just keep vomiting on themselves.

This is from a tard who actually posted a 'link' to Mueller, stating that 'the evidence is voluminous and complex', i.e. 'I still don't have squat, but I figure I can milk this bogus crap for yet another few months!!!' and thinks it's credible, a true idiot, like his bullshit 'demands' need be catered to. Go search for all the other threads, gimp; just because you haven't kept up is no reason for thinking you get to demand everybody else do your homework, gimp.

Evidence? Trump is still President, no impeachment coming, and you're still a mentally ill tard, no matter how much you wish you weren't. lol that's all the evidence you need.

In the meantime, while you distract with your cowardliness, by not answering questions regarding evidence against Hillary, which is off topic by the way, Mueller has bagged 38 people surrounding Trump who were indicted, and or plead guilty, got immunity pleas, and will ultimately get more. All having to do with Trump and Russia. We also know, that Trump himself, is in serious jeopardy of prosecution with SDNY in a court filing about his spear heading his own campaign finance violations with the convicted Cohen. Which also would prove an illegal election. Not to mention the Charitable contribution violations his family and him are involved in. And let's not forget the Emoluments violations by Trump, where he keeps on profiting from his businesses while in office. Oh, and did I Forget all the obstruction charges he is facing and intimidating witnesses?

And you're proud that Trump is still President? Sonny boy, when it comes to the bottom of the food chain you get first prize.
Was it? They did a raid on Cohen. And? They found a treasure trove of evidence didn't they? The difference being, Cohen was not a flight risk. Not so sure about Stone?
You wouldn't know a "flight risk" if it fell out of it's nest. Go eff yourself.
Someone should tell him PBS accepts Koch Bros funding.

They had to or Congress was going to shut them down. ( back around 06-07 I believe or was it 2012-13 ? )

The Congress, per se, didn't want to stop funding for PBS and NPR, only the conservative members of the GOP and their fellow travelers wanted to do so, as a means to censor what is never Fake News.
Was it? They did a raid on Cohen. And? They found a treasure trove of evidence didn't they? The difference being, Cohen was not a flight risk. Not so sure about Stone?
You wouldn't know a "flight risk" if it fell out of it's nest. Go eff yourself.
Thanks! That's obviously code for "I really can't debate that", so fuck you". Got it. We understand.
It's a witch hunt, and Stone is the 6th witch from Trump&Co to feel the pain of law and order. Justice will prevail; unlike the children ripped from the arms of their parents and left in chain link cages for months.
Literally a ridiculous lie. An obvious and blatant lie that bears no relation to the truth whatsoever, but either leftists can't help themselves or they just like raping the truth.
Thanks! That's obviously code for "I really can't debate that", so fuck you". Got it. We understand.
It's not code for anything. It's an obvious assessment of your ridiculous claim. Your a blowhard and knownothing.
"The reasons given thus far for Roger Stone's pre-dawn arrest by armed FBI agents are utterly unconvincing. He was not a flight risk, as evidenced by the low bail and easy conditions of release set by the judge without objection from the government. Stone knew he was going to be indicted and if he wanted to flee, he had plenty of time to do so."
Why Was Stone Arrested Instead of Being Asked to Surrender?

You just claim whatever pops into an empty skull you carry around on your shoulders.
Stone had been deemed NO flight risk and NOT a danger. The FBI used only 19 men in bullet proof vests to get Whitey Bulger, who had committed numerous murders. It took more to get a 60+ year old unarmed man out of his bed? After tipping off CNN? Just pathetic and Mueller and the FBI are rightly being crucified for this. More theatrics to cover the lack of anything substantial.
Thanks! That's obviously code for "I really can't debate that", so fuck you". Got it. We understand.
It's not code for anything. It's an obvious assessment of your ridiculous claim. Your a blowhard and knownothing.
"The reasons given thus far for Roger Stone's pre-dawn arrest by armed FBI agents are utterly unconvincing. He was not a flight risk, as evidenced by the low bail and easy conditions of release set by the judge without objection from the government. Stone knew he was going to be indicted and if he wanted to flee, he had plenty of time to do so."
Why Was Stone Arrested Instead of Being Asked to Surrender?

You just claim whatever pops into an empty skull you carry around on your shoulders.
There's a fundamental difference between you and I. I trust our FBI to do the professional job they were hired to do. You don't. The FBI for you involves over kill and over reach. To date, since this investigation began, they have done a professional job. No one that I know of has proven differently. That said, according to you, I am walking around with an open skull. Perhaps? But based on the information I just gave you, I implore you to prove there exists an empty skull, based on 38 indictments, several immunity pleas, and a half a dozen guilty pleas, all professionally accomplished, that tie that into someone with an "empty skull".
Thanks! That's obviously code for "I really can't debate that", so fuck you". Got it. We understand.
It's not code for anything. It's an obvious assessment of your ridiculous claim. Your a blowhard and knownothing.
"The reasons given thus far for Roger Stone's pre-dawn arrest by armed FBI agents are utterly unconvincing. He was not a flight risk, as evidenced by the low bail and easy conditions of release set by the judge without objection from the government. Stone knew he was going to be indicted and if he wanted to flee, he had plenty of time to do so."
Why Was Stone Arrested Instead of Being Asked to Surrender?

You just claim whatever pops into an empty skull you carry around on your shoulders.
Totally unprofessional. This Democrat /communist nonsense is beneath us as a nation, but apparently not to all of us.

This behaviour is why the FBI is quickly losing respect
There are 2 people who can fire Mueller if he doesn't start flying straight . The president and the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Lindsey Graham.

Lindsey Graham introduced a bill that shoulda/woulda protect Mueller but McConnell block it last year but democrat reintroduced a new similar bill after the midterm election.
Stone had been deemed NO flight risk and NOT a danger. The FBI used only 19 men in bullet proof vests to get Whitey Bulger, who had committed numerous murders. It took more to get a 60+ year old unarmed man out of his bed? After tipping off CNN? Just pathetic and Mueller and the FBI are rightly being crucified for this. More theatrics to cover the lack of anything substantial.
Negative! It's standard procedure; FACT CHECK: Did The FBI Use Unusual Force When It Arrested Roger Stone?

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