Senator McCaskill introduced a bill to protect the military bill during the shutdown & GOP killed it

Oh, it's outrageous alright! WHY DIDN'T THE DEMS TRY THIS STUNT LAST NIGHT WHEN THEY WERE BUSY BLOCKING THE FUNDING BILL? HEY? They're only trying this stunt now because they're taking huge heat for their reckless, needless shutdown.

Sorry, Charlie, you don't get to filibuster to shut down the government and then avoid the consequences of your action by belatedly trying to fund only the military. What about all the other federal employees who will not get paid during the shutdown? Hey? You don't give a hoot about them. You're too busy trying to let illegals stay here without securing the border and without ending chain immigration.

Oh, it's outrageous alright! WHY DIDN'T THE DEMS TRY THIS STUNT LAST NIGHT WHEN THEY WERE BUSY BLOCKING THE FUNDING BILL? HEY? They're only trying this stunt now because they're taking huge heat for their reckless, needless shutdown.

Sorry, Charlie, you don't get to filibuster to shut down the government and then avoid the consequences of your action by belatedly trying to fund only the military. What about all the other federal employees who will not get paid during the shutdown? Hey? You don't give a hoot about them. You're too busy trying to let illegals stay here without securing the border and without ending chain immigration.
Why do you hate the military? Good grief. Take a step back from the blind partisan hate and agree that our soldiers should get paid.

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